
It's Fucking Nothing edition

Nothing is happening in today's comic. But I can't get over how much Amber's mouth looks like an ass with a toothbrush stuck in it. I know it's kind of a cheap shot ragging on Big Willy's drawing skills, but seriously, has he never brushed his teeth before? Your mouth doesn't go sideways when you do it!

Anyways, when the comics are Fucking Nothing, do people really want these threads? I could back off if people find them annoying.

It's not a bad idea to keep making the threads, but I wouldn't necessarily make one right away. Maybe wait for somebody else to make one first.

As for the strip: Wow, it really IS fucking nothing. It's also a great example of Willis copying and pasting his linework.

These are the kind of strips where Willis may as well post two or three at once until he gets to something that actually happens.

I come here for these threads, and thank you of course for posting them. Keep doing what you do.

Wh-why do you know what it looks like when a toothbrush is jammed into an anus, OP?

>but "we" don't talk.
>but can we talk now?

Why do people even like talking? There's a reason the phrase "We need to talk" is so dreaded, after all.


>asking this on Cred Forums

Think the quotes are because she wants to talk to Amber and not Amazi-Girl. It seems like her compartmentalizing and superhero stuff is becoming more public knowledge, but they're trying to be polite and pretend it's a secret.

Question: If it is fucking nothing, why do we need an entire general for this?

And don't tell me that you enjoy it "ironically", because "you enjoy watching how bad it is". There's a fine line between watching it jestingly and watching it earnestly.

Things you don't forget: Attempting to surprise your high school boyfriend by sneaking over to his house on a night when his parents weren't home only to discover him in coital bliss with a toothbrush, right in front of his bedroom window.

Anyways, that's how I found out he was into butt stuff. Good times.

Amber's hand looks like he googled for a photo then traced it, but then had to put an ass on the palm because only chubby hands are sexy

Hide the thread and move on, autist

>it's 12:30, time for patreanon!
>jesus, another 'pacing' page
>'should I keep making these?'

yes. this is part of my nightly penance.

A new level of faces that can't really talk, toothbrush-in-mouth faces! Also, yeah, it totally looks like a butt.

Time for Dorothy to find out how fractured Amber's psyche really is. Which is to say, as fractured as Willis decides to write it at any given moment.

>New thread starts with current strip posted
>If it's ripe with potential for critique and memes the thread lasts
>If it's not, thread dies
>Otherwise, conversation turns to general related bullshit

Agreed. I like seeing the strips on here so I don't have to worry about going to the site, and it's fun getting to see these early for free. I like the sense of spite it gives me.

Plus, it keeps us in continuity so we have context for the other Nothing strips.

It's a shame there wasn't much to say about the last one.

Also agreed that the lazy copy-pasta is pathetic and makes no sense.

Does he really think we need these strips? We don't need to see Amber get out of bed or brush her teeth.

You could literally go to a strip where Amber and Dorothy are sitting in one of their rooms, with Dorothy thanking her for talking to her as Amber. It would save so much time.

It makes his "3 month buffer" a lot less impressive. There's a ton of filler, and what isn't filler is likely the product of just winging it more often than not.

Don't call him lazy, though. You wouldn't like him when he's lazy.

>You wouldn't like him when he's lazy.
This explains why I never like Willis.

In his defense, doing a strip a day might be pretty exhausting so you kind of do have to pace yourself. I mean I don't have a problem with the specifics of his art, it's a prefectly adequate cartoon style. I mostly just think he makes shitty design choices, mostly with people's mouths as well as general character concepts. Like Amber and Dorothy look identical, as does Leslie.

Also, Pudding Head. What the fuck was he thinking there?

That last panel would be an adorable bj face.

Was it a regular or electric toothbrush?

well shit, now someone has to make that

I honestly think that, if Willis ditched the comic strip format and started doing proper pages, DoA would improve, like, tenfold.

His insistence on making every 5-7 panels be a mini-comic in itself means that the pacing has to stop every five minutes for filler like this

Shortpacked was like that, I recall.

Dunno if it was any better or worse. Maybe more tolerable, near the beginning.

I've theorized that Willy gets the best results when the plot is made up primarily of fantastical elements, such as the sci-fi nature of "It's Walky". I think he has an irresistible urge to add such elements to any story he's writing, which is out of place in something like DoA but good if it's sci-fi (or fantasy, though I doubt he likes that too much), so it would be better to stick with his guns.

It's Walky also had permissibly engaging character arcs and development; I imagine it was written before he REALLY went off the deep end with PC and SJW trash.

>Shortpacked was like that,
You're right.

Don't forget, DoA is born out of laziness since Willis can churn it out with relative ease.

It's really not as nothing as it appears. Amber is fucking crazy and violent and has (poorly written and inconsistent) identity disorder on top of that to deal with. This could potentially lead into her freaking out about accessing her AG memories, remembering interactions with Sal and freaking out because of them and maybe even revealing that she put Blaine in the hospital to Dorothy, who would definitely snitch on her.

I have a feeling the resulting strips will be unsatisfying, but there's not really anything wrong with the idea of Dorothy asking to speak about AG stuff to Amber.

As much as I hate to say it, yes, Shortpacked! is better than DoA.

It's often stupid and nonsensical in its own way, but at the very least, it's usually consistent. It has its stupid drama points, like the whole Danny/Ethan fiasco, and the ending manages to be both lazy as fuck and spiteful as fuck, but I'll take wacky with a few bad drama scenes over 'normal' with many bad drama scenes and many bad wacky scenes

I also like that the less rigid format actually allowed stuff to breathe.

>t. I know it's kind of a cheap shot ragging on Big Willy's drawing skills, but seriously, has he never brushed his teeth before? Your mouth doesn't go sideways when you do it!
It's supposed to be her cheek.

Regular. It was orange, the cheap kind you get at the dentist's office. I'll never forget it. He had the handle in his ass and the brush head sticking out.

I also had a roommate in high school (I went to boarding school) who used her Hello Kitty electric toothbrush to both masturbate and clean her teeth. That wasn't the strangest thing about her, but it does stick out in my mind.

If you're going to use something unusual for that purpose, I wouldn't use one that also would be going in my mouth. I mean, I know they're different ends, but still.

Personally, I think women's razors are specifically designed for masturbation. Look at those handles and all that stuff that's supposed to make it easier to grip. Guess what? Having all those little features has never made it easier to shave. And some of those razor handles are downright creative.

Can't think of any other household objects at the moment, but still.

I've always thought that about ladies razors too. Hairbrush handles also have a lot of extra molding.

It really would help to stray from this format. It's so constricting and doesn't even look that great when strips are lined up.

Haven't tried that yet. There hasn't been one that's caught my eye, but now I'm going to look for it just to see what you mean.

not him, but why would your cheek get bigger when you brush your teeth? It's not like you inflate your cheeks with air.

glad to see that Leslie going to the Political Rally so that Roz can destroy her sister's career (?) went nowhere

I guess Willis just forgot about it or will bring it up in a month

Did we even see Roz outside of her sitting near Robin while she rehearsed?

I think she was in one other strip.

she met up with Leslie and had some plan to out the Trump Stand in as gay and ruin her career because...Roz just wanted to I guess

then Roz showed up in that panel like you said

then that's it, dropped

You know what this means? Three straight people (Amber, Sal, and Ryan) hijacked a story that was intended for a lesbian and her love interest. Good job, Willis.

Hey, those lesbians weren't shortstacks and old. The sacrifice had to be made and Willis made it for us!

So how long until Willis stabs his hand from the stress?

Willis realized, or his wife pointed out to him, that a story about a straight girl bringing together two lesbians for the express purpose of forcibly outing one of them as to ruin the career of one of them is the kind of story that'd cement Roz as a villain and make Robin incredibly sympathetic and downright dynamic as a character.

did he actually say that?

Of course not, he probably just dropped the plotline so he could keep stringing it out. It's been a background thing for years at this point. Even if he was made aware of the negative implications he's the type of person who'd simply never resolve it.

>doing a strip a day might be pretty exhausting
It's honestly not.

he could go down to a more manageable 3 times a week schedule. This would allow more time for him to work on the details of his art AND still have time to build a buffer.

He won't do that though because he needs dem views every midnight and he can shit these out like no ones business (from his mouth, not mine)

he's honestly not that good an artist, if you look at his outlines you can tell he has terrible line weight and his hand shakes like a mother fucker. He's lazy AND just slightly better than a guy with no formal training. Face it, he's a slightly more talented Dobson at this point.

Actually, I think it's worse than that.

If we assume that Willis has had plans to bring back Ryan at the political rally, then we can also assume that Sal and Amber were always going to have to team up and chase him down. We can also further assume an action fight scene between Amber, Sal, and the Bros as a means to allow Ryan to get away. However, there would have to come a point in which Samber and Al notice that Ryan is gone and have to figure out where he went.

I submit to this panel the theory that Leslie's entire purpose for showing up at the political rally was to tell Amber and Sal that Ryan had escaped through the auditorium. Everything else about Leslie being there was an afterthought that was never intended to be expanded upon. Willis simply needed a known character to appear so that they could point at a set of doors and say a few words. She was never meant to have her storyline developed during the rally.

wait, I get why in Willis logic Amber had no police retort because she had a mask on

but what about Sal? She wasn't trying to hide her identity. Shouldn't the police be knocking on her door?

You have to give a fuck to have stress.