Will the REAL Captain Marvel pls stand up?

DC comics got rid of the edgy Nu52 Superman and brought back the REAL Superman. They are even fixing Wonder Woman.

So what about Billy? Why can't we have the REAL Captain Marvel back??? (And No, I REFUSE to call him Shazam. I am starting a revolution). Geoff Johns's Captain Marvel was boring and edgy. He literally ruined the character. No one liked him. So why not bring back the Real Billy and get rid of this Fake Hedgehog? It's what everyone wants already! What's taking them so long?

Why are phoneposters universally cancer?



> Real Superman


Wait you still think Superbro was edgy? Faggot


Even Brevoot admits that Billy is the one true Captain Marvel.

>He literally ruined the character. No one liked him.

The False-Consensus Effect in action.

You looking for Captain Marvel? Here she is, my man.

Cool, when did he say that?

Hey there.

You're late.
>not posting superior Dodson

>Wait you still think Superbro was edgy?
I know he was. He punched cops, blew up a world, took pleasure in tormenting people, and was just a big edgy bully.

He was so terrible that he's being retconned as Superboy Prime (it was in the leaks). Yes, Nu52 Superman was so terrible that he had to be retconned as Superboy Prime.

Real Superman who has no friends and outside of Lois barely even is recognizable as Superman. We did it, bros!

Classic Superman also fucked up the US army

>Not enjoying New52 Billy as much as Pre-FP Billy

I swear you faggots really don't read comics

But this thread is an obvious bait thread anyway

on his formspring, when people were bitching about the name change.

he admits it was done for business/pettiness reasons, and Billy will always be Captain Marvel

Wow you sure didn't read that much of Superbro? It read like a " NOT MUH" bullshit.

That was nice of him to be honestly then really.


It's true though. Geoff Johns ruined Billy Batson so bad that it made everyone hate him.

>Still using this image for this bullshit

I'll keep saying it. Aaron Diaz used that panel as an example of why Johns of all people doesn't "get" comics so either you're literally Aaron Diaz or you keep making this obvious troll threads for some dumb reason

>Billy was understandably a bit moodier than usual for one issue before he went back to classic Billy in everything after

Maybe Geoff Johns shouldn't have made Billy Batson and edgy cynical tryhard then hmmmm? Maybe he should have made Billy, y'know, FUN!!!! Crazy Idea, I know.

Someone actually made that into a copypasta?
I mean it's okay shitposting bait. Not good bit okay.

It's almost like he became that halfway through the story as part of his character arc

In a story where Billy saved Christmas with the power of family and friendship, people still call it edgy.

Except he didn't change tho. He was still an edgy tryhard after. He wanted to ruin his step-sister's belief in Santa, he hurt Superman (granted it was the fake Superman but still), and even the Wizard in Darkseid War still admitted he was a jerk.


I want children to leave.

The only thing I'm really mad at Johns about is the fact that he keeps holding back everyone else from making an ongoing. At this rate he'll never have one again.
Fuck Johns.

don't worry, op

Gail Simone is suppose to be given the Shazam book and she'll take over Billy Batson.

Hopefully she can pull a Rucka and just retcon All of Geoff Johns shitty mess and bring everything back to normal.

>And No, I REFUSE to call him Shazam. I am starting a revolution
He's been called that on and off since 1973.

Gail Simone taking over Billy now that Geoff Johns has moved to Hollywood to help Zack Snyder ruin the DCEU. Expect her book next year or so.

>Zack Snyder ruin the DCEU
Stale meme.

Geoff will ruin it, but Snyder made it great.

>Snyder made it great
Nice meme.

Not a meme and never will be.

Your entire existence is a stale meme.

Just made this

Now we can end these retarded threads with one image to refute it the next hundred times they crop up

Save it and add on to it

no u


>Mezco Captain Marvel was delayed until next year
Fucking hell.

It will never end until we the fans (the Real Captain Marvel Fans) get the Real Captain Marvel back.

Just wait for Multiversity Too, faggot.

wtf is this, did Miller write it?

Gail simone is way more of an edgy faggot then Johns to the point where it's not even Contest.

>An edgy teenager developed a sense of right and wrong and used his abilities to save a woman from being assaulted

Yeah what a piece of shit kid

Just like he was an asshole for defending a kid on crutches from a group of bullies even though he had no stake in it whatsoever

Some awful looking hood that they acknowledged was shitty looking and stopped drawing really makes it edgy

Might as well give up over holding on to Captain Marvel, WB/DC is never going back to using the name (at least in any marketable sense) anymore than you'll ever see Supes' red underoos again. That time has come and gone.

Will they go back to more of a boyscout billy? Maybe.

You'd be better off championing for a new, third name. Captain Thunder, perhaps

>Captain Thunder
That's a shitty name though, I know they've used it before but it sounds like something straight out of one of Disney or Nickelodeon's shitty children's sitcoms.

Oh God no, that bitch is fucking washed up.

I'd rather see someone like Steve Orlando or Jeff Parker get Captain Marvel.

It's true. She wanted to make Plastic-Man into a body horror book.

which to me sounds like a cool elseworld in the right Writer

Morrison for Billy

I'd kill for Morrison and Quitely to do a Spider-Man comic

I want to fug mary marvel!

>it's an user edits out the part where the guy ha a gun pointed at the woman and that he was afraid after hitting the guy too hard (he was okay though) episode