Redesign Thread

Redesign Thread

Admire the cool ones, laugh at the bad ones.

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Aside from the hair, I kind of love this. Bare legs in battle are stupid.




why are all spider-man redesigns shit

cause his costume is literally perfect as-is

Kamen Rider Supaida



Why is it that every concept is better than what we got in the movie? Same with Ultron.

Hotsuma Spider-Man in the OP is the only good one

Change the eyes to white and this would be great.

That looks an awful lot like Cassandra Pentaghast.

Money, probably.

Well, not ALL of Ultron's concepts are better. Remember, it can always be worse.

Because they all focus on adding unnecessary design elements to what is basically just spandex with a cool pattern.

Spider-Qwen works so well because of the simple elegance of the hoodie, but none of these redesigns understand the first part.

No these are still better. If they wanted an expressive ultron they should have actually had an expressive ultron

I thought he had toilet paper stuck to his foot.

well user, how DO we make a good design

Absolutely horrible.
That chastity belt

I like this one a lot because it actually seems something that a teenager would make

Fuck it does.


Hey, I'm no design expert. It's just that overcomplication rarely does any good.

This has some cool stuff, the eyes are a new take, never seen that, and the upside down spider is good.

Space Ghost?

I love this one, especially the blasters which look like they're fresh outta Aperture Science Labs

You don't understand what they were going for.

Something could be done about the eyes, but otherwise this is cool as hell. Like ASM2 + Spider man 2099 in a way.

I fucking hate that excuse for shitty costumes. Fuck you. Peter is a genius, he probably knows how to sew. Not everything has to come from Tony Stark or SHIELD.

Isn't it canon that Peter sucks at sewing?

He's a genius but that doesn't mean he can excrete a perfect skintight costume out his ass.

He made his own Spider-Man outfit in the original Amazing Fantasy story. That's just a cliche that Raimi had for the shitty wrestling outfit and used by Bendis to explain why Pete would have outfits that barely fit or lose his mask so he'd have to make something up until MJ started sewing his costume.

Step aside nerds, the GOAT redesign is here

He finds it annoying but he sewed the suit on his own.

If you can make webshooters and spider tracers, you can make a costume.


>If you can make webshooters and spider tracers, you can make a costume.
That's the part I disagree with.
Just because you're a scientific genius, it doesn't mean you're omnicompetent.
Peter is great at a lot of things, but it doesn't mean he's a master tailor too.

Every teen redesign does the same shot. Hoodies and goggles with tennis shoes and skinny jeans. It's not unique and it looks like shit. Clark and Conner pulled it off by not being some weird mix of tactical and casual.


Give him purple gloves and its perfect


No ot doesn't make you competent at everything, but a genius of that level would have no problem sewing.

"Hey Aunt May if I had to sew something for home/shop class how would I do that"

>Grab shit from school's drama dept or thrift store
>Cut pieces out and sew together

A million different ways he could go about it. Especially because he's a nerd who read comics as a kid, if anyone would make a suit like that it would be Peter. Patchwork costumes are a shitty fan idea for a lot of teen characters.

that first one is so sensual

This should be the official design

A good balance is; He buys a red mask and sunglasses for wrestling, but still uses his normal clothes.

Then when he goes out to catch the killer, builds prototype web-shooters out of watches, and a prototype costume, probably something like the ASM1 costume.

Starts taking pics of random shit for the Bugle, saves the money, orders metal, teflon, spandex, paint, etc.

Spidey does something a bit bigger like the cars on the bridge scene from ASM1 or taking down one of Kingpin's drug deals, JJJ wants photos of him.

Peter finishes up the first costume with the dark blue parts and small eyes, classic web-shooters, and spider-signal belt, first pic he gets as Spider-Man is the cover to Amazing Fantasy 15

Wouldn't you realistically just have your gf make you one?

Are these more you style, user? The """X-Men""" with Spidey and his suit is totally spandex!!!
Peter needs to BE spiderman before that occurs, user. And that requires there at least be one or two shitty suits before you get to the good suit that you can truly connect with your identity.


too much cock can do that, user. The lesson is to never be OP, and you won't end up like JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAN

Eat dick

>Sexy Ultron

Because they're practical

>Cyclops is an actual Cyclops

no seriously fuck this person who made this.

It would be cool if there was a version of a Shocker that was the same age as Peter and he went to the same school as him and he had the design.


What bothers me about this one is you have 2 completely different design aesthetics going on at the same time. There's the almost industrial brown and yellow with straight lines and angles, and then the sleek and modern gloves.



>black Professor X
>Cyclops is actually a Cyclops
What the hell is this?

While I like a lot of these dickbat designs, we'll probably never get one like these in the comics since whenever Nightwing takes over as Batman for a stint he's actually pretending to be Batman, not his own spin on Batman






I see your Slade-Samurai and raise you with Bat-Samurai.

I like the coral trident



Peter is weirdly missing an anti-peter. Someone who is just him, except not good.

still needs some face covering.

The artist did a couple of other redesigns too.




Bring it

I love the top middle one, with the 60s hoop earrings. I really shouldn't though.

always liked when Cap is played out a bit bulkier

So it's a Samurai-off then. Prepare yourself for Seppuku.

While I enjoy army-themed Cap designs, the top and the pant designs are so radically different that it looks like Cap stole some poor soldier's trousers.

This redesign is really just more shit on his belt, but I still enjoy it because it looks like Batman has a lightsaber.











Best game



>Batman has had so many suits and official designs that the majority of non-radical redesigns look like nothing has been changed.

who's this supposed to be? 8-Girl? Does Eight Man know about this?

>Batman designs a suit after watching Darker than Black

red hoodie.
i like it

That looks more like Faora in WW-esque Kryptonian armor than Diana. Must be the short 'do.

Aw shit that one is pretty tight.

Where would this fall under, then?

Yes it's me again.

that is way over-designed for Stormies

this one has some pretty neat elements, but I'm really iffy on how the coat-wings open up

>but I'm really iffy on how the coat-wings open up
It kind of looks like the artist tried to show him running with his hands hanging behind him or so it hides whatever he's preparing to use on the poor guy who happens to be on the receiving end.

I guess, but it isn't really made explicit in the design.

Personally I think it makes him look like he's pulling his jacket open, like a bat-flasher.

Yeah, I agree on that. It feels like the artist really wanted to showcase the suit in movement as well as the coat open but didn't want to make two different drawings. Hell, the open coat even looks like it started out as Bats gliding down.
Or maybe he's landing and I'm too buzzed to notice.

That actually looks really good

Eight Man is actually 8-Girls cousin


Alright. I'll say it. Muh dick




It's a cool look, but oddly, if Bat's ever ditched his cape for a coat, I'd kind of want him to be more detective-y.

More stories playing CSI meets Criminal Minds.

>More stories playing CSI meets Criminal Minds.

Good mystery stories are hard to write, that's why the people who are talented at them go into detective novels and we're stuck with super-computers and plot armor instead.



if only

i feel like vic would give himself pants



smallville made a stupid ass Symbol of El, so blame the past user.

Cass using a Bubblegum Crisis exoarmor!


Kinda looks like the wooden Galactus of that Exiles story

I really enjoy Galactus designs that get real weird with the concept.

*insert guitar riff here*

I mean, Galactus as we know is the representation we give him.
You can almost go free style.

Or at least it was like that in one if his intros in the old F4 comics.

On a side note I really enjoyed the take on the character design wise in Ultimate pre 616 Galactus arrival.



Reminds me of Tracer from League of Legends

Isn't she supposed to be a vampire now


Note that this was drawn way before the DCEU suit was officially revealed.

I'd watch the fuck out of that.
It'd be baller as fuck.


You wouldn't happen to have a Spidey one would you?
I'd like to see one.






Damn that's a nice design

although I prefer the more mythical/scary Batman over practical Batman.


Looks like a Dragon Age character.


>Spider-MILF MJ.
The costume is fantastic.

>exposed fingertips and toes
Fuck you.


Looks perfect for a fighting game.

>She is not a Robin

What a waste

Wasn't there a couple of variants on this "American Spider" design?



If he ditched that clumsy utility belt for a sleeker one around his waist this would be one of the best redesigns on this thread. The eyes and the spider wrapping around his body are amazing touches.

Oh my God.

It's really good.




finished thing does


Never any Iron Man redesigns.

I mean I understand why. But it's still fristrating.

I really hate every Red Hood design with a hood


...Has anybody ever made a comparison to little red riding hood?


Usually that's Osborn, older but the monster Peter could have become. Spectacular and Ultimates also made Eddie the anti peter, which is interesting.


It makes more sense than sticking powers going through rubber soled shoes

Fuck you.


Seriously, the fuck is up with Storm's head.

Diaz doesn't want to fuck her so she gets to be the weird chick

Why doesn't he want to fuck her? Is he racist?

He only wants to fuck Kitty Pryde, which is why she's the leader in his little redesign.

Are we sure Diaz and Bendis aren't related?

He's one of those dudes who talks big about inclusivity and diversity but would never actually date a black girl, you know what I'm talking about?

But mostly it's because she doesn't look anything like Ashley Burch.

I love how the scale of how deformed they are and how much they resemble his waifu is perfectly inverse.

Ass-faced Beast is best Beast.

I don't get it.

He's not wrong you know.

>pssh nothin personal kid


Fucking spider-naruto

Fuck it.

That design is bad and I'm tired of seeing it. It's not just that it's bad, it's that it naturally compares itself to one of the greatest costumes of all time.


He's iron fist, not a fucking z-list ninja from a g.i. joe run

Or is that Shocker? Fuck that's even sadder

I bet Kate Leth and Kelly "women should all be breastless, shapeless creatures with nice shoes" Thompson would love this.
Just because the art is technically competent doesn't make it good.

Shut up, retard.

That's pretty fucking cool. I've had a thing for those kinds of masks since I played Bloodborne.

This isn't even really a redesign

Isn't that what Venom used to be?

You mean Phil Urich, Eddie Brock, Doc Ock or Harry?

OMFG time to watch the opening credits again I fucking LOVED that show!!!


Not even the faint suggestion of breast.

I expect his name is probably Larry lee


Oh man, I love this one. It's cute as hell.
No wonder it's so good.

What an ugly pile of shit

I'm glad this is going to tank like a motherfucker

I drew Clive Owen's face on Hawkeye then made it green as I traced

Captain Beltbuckle!
>Early 2000s guitar rip.

When sex-starved teens get triggered that women are portrayed realistically.

... Loki, toad, Beast, Diaz's waifu?

He has no dick does he?

That Sue Storm reminds me of when she dressed in a skimpy leotard with a 4 boob window. It was honestly more silly than sexy.

>anybody that isn't a waifu is lazily drawn/lazily rendered in comparison to the waifu

They're not "sticking powers". They are a form of attraction, as he's said on panel many times, and in at least one of the cartoons. Clothes are a modest but readily overcome impediment.

what color is his lightning

When you have literally nothing to say to defend your shit except "please stop saying it, also I don't like you"

The truth hurts, pal.

It's not my shit at all, you just type like a retard and I assumed you are one, so I told you to shut up.

Now shut up, retard.

I'm 30, like you probably are.
I remember when Wonder Woman stood for peace and love and wasn't on a slow slide to being Justice League's Wolverine with a c-cup.


>oh wait im a retard thats clearly Shocker and looks nothing like Iron Fist.

>oh wait im a retard thats inspired by the famous and influential Kamen Rider franchise and has nothing to do with Naruto.

There's nothing more retarded than telling people to shut up on 4-chan.

Quit being such a retard, you whiny, overly defensive shitstain.

Black lightning


That Spider-Man was inspired by Japanese Sentai shows, not Naruto, you fucking dweeb.

Also thats clearly Shocker, are you retarded?

>Getting mad people tell you to shut your stupid mouth when you say something stupid.

>There's nothing more retarded than telling people to shut up on 4-chan.
Seems like you've been here for a very long time and you'd surely know such a thing.

>overly defensive
I just told you to shut up because you were being retarded and then explained why I told you to shut up for being a retard.
If anyone's being overly defensive, it's you.

Now shut up, retard.


Some weird ass art from DeviantART, based off the infamous "Micro" artstyle.

Hank Pym's the atom btw, like what's up with that?

Why is Wonder Woman black.
Wheres Superman.

Congrats that's the reference

What the fuck are these things, anyway? There's one of every single fucking cape character. Is there just one guy making them?

Supes is based off his "Earth 2" Nigger replacement, Val-zod or whatever.

IDK about wonderman, maybe it's WE WUZ AMAZONS AND SHEIT kinda thing.

Go away Diaz, and take your physical deformity fetish with you

I mean i like a tanned bronze Wonder Woman just as much as the next guy but like, she's an Amazon, she's Greek, a good nice bronze tan is as far as it should go.

physical deformities is a good idea for the X-Men, but thats just shitty.

That's better.

I mean, it's still one layer deeper on the weeb onion, but it's a better layer.
Design is still ugly and busy compared to classic.

Kamen Rider and Sentai arent a weab thing you fucking idiot, they're live action superhero inspired TV shows, Power Rangers is derived from Super Sentai.

I feel like skintight leather pants wouldn't be much better. Her armor should be reminiscent of ancient Greek armor, which didn't include pants.
My nigga

That's actually really good. Nice color balance, has more defined structure than the classic spandex suit without looking like a suit of armor.

You have to have experience to be good at sewing, it's not enough to be smart. And we're talking about lycra (or something similar) here which is one of the most difficult materials to work with in the first place since it's slippery and prone to tearing.

>lol I'm a serious man on the Chan's and I told you to shut up now do as I say also I know you are but what am i?

You cheeky samefagging little tard.

I sure was right in calling you a retard.

Shut up, retard.

> I sure do agree with myself!
No. I came to a thread with a stated purpose to laugh at ugly redesigns, and a retard with self-important delusions of adequacy ain't gonna stop me.

Shit, if you weren't so invested in playing Big Man, I'd already have left

It's Nubia

Shut up, retard.

Shut up, retard

Shut up, retard

Shut up, retard

Shut up, retard

Shut up, Boco

Shut up, retard

Shut up, retard

Fuck you I spit out my drink.

>elegance of the hoodie
Come on now.

>has the helmet because he can't be exposed to normal temperature air
>exposed limbs and trunk

Shut up, retard

Would fit cool with Damian-Batman

It's not his design, he was just a fan of it.


Kris Anka drew it too.

That's actually pretty neat

It reminds me of the Beyond suit. It's a cool suit if Dick were the mentor and that was the one he had before retiring

It's hard to get a decent looking flash costume.

I know the joke the army never has clothes in the right sizes, but those pants seem too big and out of place

This is the most appealing supergirl costume I've seen


It'd be a perfect "early years Supergirl" costume.


You can tell its Anka because he's taken all efforts to erase any femininity to it.








Shitty spiderman, decent Ben Reilly


This is his actual 90s costume. Look it up.


That was my guess.

Bottom right works pretty well.


Fashion-tips from Lion-O, Odinson?


/spidey redesigns



The coat is pretty ugly but I like the rest of it, the colours are appealing and the ears are a somewhat creative take on the bat-theme. And partial gloves are the shit.


The colors don't thrill me, plus how does she see?

Looking hell of Eighth Wonder there, Kara.





These are all good. Maybe Kara could be DC's Janet Van Dyne.


Wow. Okay. That's actually decent.


30-30 is best horseborg.

>what if Zelda was a girl?











pants plz

I would be so happy if you Drake came back wearing something like this instead of his shit ass RR costume

That's an idiotic rationalisation.

>He's a genius, therefore he can make high-quality products of any crafting discipline with trivial amounts of practice and time investment.

Looks like keyblade master armor

>still on about Ashley Burch
The similar appearance was determined to be just convergent evolution. Did we really run out of other reasons to call him a shit? He deserves it, sure, but the truth hits so much harder.

You've already put more effort into Rocket Robin Hood fanart than anyone actually responsible for RRH.

>Kamen Rider and Sentai arent a weab thing
Man, this much denial is just sad.

They're called Micro Heroes and there's a huge base of makers and fans, like with custom action figures.

Oh I like it. I'm a big fan of yellow bat.

We're all soldiers now

Why do people keep wanting to make Steph a Robin? She had two other costumes and names already, and I never see them do this with Babs or Cass.




I don't think it's because of Steph specifically, they just want a girl Robin and she's the only one in the regular comics.







>no Logan












So good. Perfect in fact


That's an interesting Harley Quinn logo.

You didn't specify it had to be costumes


Too much blue for my taste. And I hate separating the gloves from the shoulders.


These are neat.

heres a realistic spider-man design i can live with

It was a pitch for a Batgirl cartoon



Is that ClayFace or Two-Face?

I really like the idea of Ivy completely covered in foliage like this, if just for the prospect of "blooming" out into her more familiar fare. Is a nice take too; anything to shake up the (admittedly sexy) monotony of the little green leotard.

Not really a costume thing, but Catwoman trying to be a corruptive influence on Batgirl is just too fucking hot.

I wasn't aware Batman was a registered IHRA driver.

Just Clayface, I think, the tragedy/comedy masks are a theatrical thing.

yess, I love when someone remembers his background in acting.

Ultimate cap kinda did this sort of redesign and it turned into my favorite cap outfit ever


How can one man be so free?


Ditching the cape for a trench coat just turns batman into midnighter


Thor should never wear a mask



Everything about that


Robin without red does not look or feel right

Damien would dress that way
Fucking daddy's boy

I've often felt covering her too much in leaves kinda goes at odds with her sexy enchantress character. I see her covered in plants and it makes me think, if she's that in tune with nature, she should be covered in soil and dirt too, like she's been rolling around in the underbrush, which would make her look like some sort of crazy filthy hobo wildwoman, rather than something more akin to a controlling dominatrix. Like, the logical conclusion of her ethos is that she'd end up pretty unsexy.

I like the idea of her wearing a labcoat. Like, a sexy nature-themed little green dress under a(n open) labcoat would be a good look.

I mean her main tactic is usually either sciencing plants or manipulating people to do her bidding, it's not like she needs to be dressed for action like a leotard suggests.

Considering how "getting women in STEM" is such a big deal lately, you'd think there'd be a strong argument for that. Make science sexy.

Of course it feels a little regressive, since it's making her look more like how she often does in origin stories.

>more akin to a controlling dominatrix
Eh... dominatrix probably wasn't the right word. Substitute with seductress.








Love it.

I actually liked her new 52 design

I have strong feeling about the R not being off over the heart.

It's based on this, not Kamen Rider

That looks like shit.

Is that maps?



I kinda like it, because he stole the gloves, didn't he?

I honestly think Spidey redesigns wouldn't be universally shit if they weren't all designed by foot fetishists.

>tfw never get Ivy flirting with Batman again since she's Harley's rugmuncher now

Why is the spider up side down and not on his chest?






I don't know how to feel about this, On one hand, it's maps. On the otherhand the chances of her becoming batgirl on top of development via damian hearing about her being robin are great.

I would love this idea if it weren't for the apparent cons of her as a character being in the robin suit outweighing the pros.

It was just a drawing he did, it's not something that's actually happening

(point to shlong)

Wasn't it always just a control thing for her, though? She'll still crawl all over a guy if it means making him a zombie.

Isn't this based off a different picture that actually shows off the costume in detail?


Kek, I'm not saying it's something that's happening, I was having a thought on the idea.

Google got my back. I always really liked this one.





This really looks like a Spider-Gwen palette swap, albeit without the crocs.

I've never been a fan of hoods on superheroes who are always running out in broad daylight or trying to be seen. On some it's okay, like a sneaky or anti-heroic type or the intentionally mysterious ones like the Spectre. With Spidey it really depends on how his character's being handled, but a hood feels flat wrong on someone like Shazam.

I've always thought it was dumb even on Gwen. It looks nice but it would certainly get blown back whenever she runs or swings on her webs.

No, Shocker built his gloves in most continuities

Anymore Catnip?


> Tony, i...

I really like Joker with a domino mask






I really like Selina's mustache

where's the dick?

I want this so fuckin' bad.

In my head a glorious series would be called Batman: World's Greatest Detective, and be proper masked detective stories akin to Sandman Mystery Theater.

I get what they're going for but that shade of orange doesn't quite work.


That'd be ok for Kaine honestly.
Reminds me a little of Casey Jones though, can't put my finger on why.

The spider on his chest looks cool. Everything else sucks.

It does look cobbled together from paintball equipment. Though I'm getting more of a Red Hood vibe.

I kinda miss the ears but besides that i like it




Would Freakazoid have Cred Forums power now?

Along with every other cesspool on the web. God help us all if such a creature ever came to be.

Best ff outfits ever

>those batarangs as brass knuckles

impractical, but damn nigga I'm hard

How the fuck is he even standing on those feet


I think it works fine with Spider-Man since it shows that he can take pull the hood down for a bit more friendly a design.

I imagine if that were the suit we were all used to, angry Pete would just pull the hood up and go all predatorial.

Why does it look like he's about to slam his crotch into my face?

This artist has a shit shoulders to hips ratio.

never knew how much i wanted a bearded Hal

>That scarf
Yeah, that's what you want on a guy who is usually pulling hairpin evades when fighting his enemies
A long easy to grab scarf.


Some devotes time out of their day to make this gif

And I just want to tell them it is the most amazing thing I've seen all day.


I recognize Toad, Beast and Magneto. Whose Ashley Birch and blond crazy man?

Scarlet Witch and Havok?

Cyclops being an actual cyclops is completely missing the point.

>an Alternate universe where Nightwing goes back to being Robin for whatever reason

That's my main problem with that picture. Otherwise, It's fine.

Because he is

hence the name user
Avengers Xrd as in GG Xrd style of design

It's unique I'll give it that.

It can look like a Gwen palette swap but this redesign was made waaaay before Spider-Gwen

Remember that black superman... that happened. Well this is a redesign for the fella to be a bit... better looing.

His suit has the logo of Zod cause well... He is a zod. That and it is better then just slapping the symbol of El onto anything and saying that counts.

fuck autocorrect


>symbol of El
Fuck you.
Fuck you forever.

Ma Kent made that symbol and thats the fucking last we'll discuss that shit.

What's exactly so wrong about making it a Kryptonian coat of arms?

That's Tim Drake. Notice the staff and not the tonfas?

The only thing I don't like about this is the inverted cross on her throat. The Huntress wouldn't wear that.

Because its fucking stupid.

Its a giant S with a god damn serif and a ball accentuation on the tail.

It doesn't have to be, you can stylize it. It's a shield. I'm fine with Ma making the suit and the shield being a Kryptonian thing, it's a nice compromise.

Inverted Crosses aren't satanic.

Its from a series of medieval avengers art from like 2013


Spider-man becomes Captain America when?

Would you?

That's soooooooo dope

Less pouches perhaps?

How do people come up with classic costume designs? I tried to make one for my own character it just comes out terrible everytime. Either I feel like I am ripping something off, or I am making garbage. I can't even get a symbol down.


Never be afraid to steal a good idea. That idea was likely ripped from somewhere else, so don't feel too bad.

Yeah I understand that most things are taken from something else, but they still add a twist on it, you know? I can't even do that which is what makes it frustrating. I am not looking to make headway and revolutionize anything, but it'd be nice to create a logo that doesn't scream copyright infringement.


Take elements you know are good. Keep it simple. Keep it recognizable.

Yeah I tried to follow that Picasso idea of abstracting an idea down to its basic, most elemental parts, pic related.

Unfortunately still just have a bunch of paper in the recycle bin, but it does help a bunch in narrowing down the concept and giving me a workable range. Plus it helps avoid the unnecessary add-ons.

>now spread those wings
>now think about your dad

Please tell me there's more. Guilty Gear Cap is fucking fantastic. I wanna see the rest of the Guilty Gear-style Avengers.

Show us user

None of those guys are Peter except not good.

Doc Ock is older and clearly not Peter at all aside from being smart. Harry, Eddie, and Ulrich don't act like Peter.

Teen Shocker could be a quippy teenager except he turned to crime.

Huh. I really dig that Mysterio design.

why are his feet smaller than his fists?

Thing is, if you're just making a symbol as is without having a clear base to go from you're setting yourself up for failure. The reason the most popular classic heroes work as well as they do is that their personality goes in tandem with their costume. Batman is a dark and brooding guy, so his costume has darker colours and his symbol is a bat. Superman is heroic and patriotic, so his colours are bright and (other than the yellow) correspond to the american flag.

The hero and personality need to be there before you go for the design. Think about what sort of feel you want to go for, and then see wha you can associate with it.

I really like this selina. The cape is a nice touch.








Jesus. Do you want me to tell you about the rabbits again?


Well I could show you possible logos, but they are all in the big recycle bin outside and it is pouring pretty hard right now. Pretty much I am trying to work with a spider theme and try to be original. I like spiders a lot, even had a pet tarantula for years, and I wanted the character to be based around that, but as you can imagine, all the logos felt like Spider-Man ripoffs or just looked dumb. I tried to mix it in with specific elements of the character, but I couldn't anything going.

You are absolutely right because just trying to make a spider logo is terrible. Everything just looks like Spider-Man. So I really tried to think about the character as a person and what they can do in order to get something down. In order to add that twist. Sometimes I feel like I make progress in the right direction, but then I hit a wall and keep starting over. I also read some articles about symbol and logo making too, to see what they go through, but alas I'm still trudging away.


I still don't understand the scouter. Or really the Herc is a washed up loser, considering the last five years of his comics being the best.



Grootlactus is a fearful being, almost god like in power. A single word could cripple even the most Cred Forums of men


This is god awful. Just give Storm a fucking skirt.

why are there just random glowing lights slapped on.

This actually pissed me off, then I went "Meh"

>Different color suits


Try from a different angle, such as making it part of the uniform itself rather than a badge. For example Juri's outfits in Street Fighter have her emblem as sort of a buckle for her tank or patterned into jumpsuit.

Also use your characters power and fighting style for inspiration. Is he a stalker type? Make the symbol more menacing.

Knew these looked familiar. For a minute I thought they were done by Joaquim Dos Santos, but apparently they were done by Ki Hyun Ryu, a director/artist on Legend of Korra, for a Nightwing cartoon that was scrapped in favor of Young Justice.
They're relatively simple but I like them. One thing that was always great about LOK was the character design.

Well, ok, here I'd ask you: why spiders? Is it important to be that exact element, or can something else carry the same idea? Just break it down to the basic elements, and see what you can muster. Logo design is tedious at times (trust me I know) but when you hit that point where it clicks in your head, you'll be fine.

Oh snap. Cap lookin fresh as fuck.


green and blue are a bit too similar, but still pretty solid

just get rid of that shit in her hair


you're stupid.



Is he wearing invisible high heels?


those names are cancerous

idk Dr. Octofreeze is pretty GOAT.

"Scavenger" is the only good one in my opinion