SP s20

The topic matter and jokes were genuinely unfunny. Plus if you're going to directly make jokes about suicide it isnt any less offensive if no one actually dies, but that shouldnt matter anyways because its South Park. Also they're building up to something big again.

Other urls found in this thread:


They weren't trying to be less offensive

The jokes weren't about suicide, they were about online abuse and how the easy solution is obviously just deleting your Twitter/Facebook but people don't because of how integral to socialization their online identity has become that it's like ending your life.

yeah it wasnt funny, i dont even get it
.. now you lost me.

This is something that seems to be going over a lot of peoples heads and it really makes me feel terrible. It's not that hard a concept to grasp.

People are dumb and don't understand subtext

so are the girls going to get a pussy pass for what they did, or are they actually going to get called out for there shit after grouping everyone for what one person did. Let alone the person they thought it was, is someone entirely not even apart of the shit

What did they even do? The kids are 10, it's not like breaking up with all of the boys had any real consequences.

wait, is the new season already out?

You know Wendy is going to come to her senses and speak up against group think and generalization. They already set it up.

Yes. We're two episodes in so far.

thanks, going to watch it right now

This. You want a blowjob?

>so are the girls going to get a pussy pass for what they did


I do absolutely think it's hilarious as all fuck the one time it's not Erics shenanigans, and everyone believes he's is skankhunt42.

The worst SP episodes are the ones where everyone takes an unserious thing super seriously and they go with nothing else.

fucking nu-Cred Forums

But that's exactly what they're making fun of. People in real life take the internet way too seriously.

Would have been funnier if Cartman actually got killed and was never mentioned again.


people should spend a good 3 or 4 months on Cred Forums before being able to access hobby/interest board, these straight-from-tumblr faggots annoy me


I don't think they give much of a fuck at this point, or if they ever gave a fuck.

>the one time it's not Erics shenanigans
>everyone believes he's is skankhunt42

Yeah, it's almost like Cartman has set a precedent or something

yup if you can't handle Cred Forums get the fuck out, cause clearly a tv show triggers you.

i ain't defending the fucker for his pass shit. grinding someone's parents into chili, and then serving it to there kid because he humiliated you is absolutely never going to feel sorry for him.

>Oh my, those girls totally commited attrocities by refusing to get dicked by people

Who wants to bet the person I'm replying to is a sex-starved pedophile?

Who are you quoting?

> Less offensive

Suck a dick and kill yourself bitch

I think I'm the only one that liked this episode better than Member Berries. Oh well.
You didn't even laugh at Scott and Mackey?
You've gotta be lying.
I'm sure Stan will at least call Wendy out. She'll be the one to regret it anyway.
Yep. She was hesitant to do it from the beginning.
Never mentioned again? Nah. He's too important.

who else /shedatear/

Stan's face... damn
I just want him to be happy

I'm still trying to figure out what he's saying
I find it more hilarious just using pussy pass is sending people into a rage.

Who were Kenny and Clyde dating?

What's Kyle gonna do when he finds out he punished Cartman for his own dad's actions?

I think you missed a lot of the points they were making.
I'd say you should rewatch it

Kenny? Probably Tammy still.
Clyde? Probably Bebe, since it didn't show her handing off a note.

Don't mind suicide jokes, but rape ones always make me wince. Just watched the one where Garrison rapes Canadian Trump. Something about that was totally fucked.

>Something about that was totally fucked
Yeah, Canadian Trump's ass.

scratches dick

Bebe was never really dating Clyde.

Yeah yeah, shoes, but I can see Clyde forgetting all about that and getting back with her just for the public appearance.

You probably are too young to watch this.

Tammy? Wouldn't it be one of the girls in the 4th grade group?

Probably a pass cause they're hacks.

I dont see this happening either.


All the girls in the school broke up with their bf

How can you feel sad for an incredibly contrived stunt like that with almost no development to back up such a supposed tragedy? It was just supposed to be funny.

I can wait for that inevitable shit storm.

It's not that it wasn't funny. I dd laugh. But seeing "I can't fix you" and Stan's face, idk, it just was a little saddening

>Wendy says it isn't right to blame all the boys
>Is peer pressured into it
>Wendy is normally the voice of reason among the girls, and has been shown in the past to be against group think.

It's going to happen.

When did she say in the episode it wasnt right to blame them all and was pressured into it? Back in the playground she seemed right on board with "punishing" them. It's just when it came time to deliver she had doubts. It's not hard to believe either she meant it all.

Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu lmao

I'm not from tumblr, reddit, or anything else, but I gotta say I don't think that should be mandatory.
For me, Cred Forums is way too fast and high-traffic. There's no time for me to get in and participate in a thread before it's gone.
that's why I pretty much came straight to my other boards.

I was hoping Craig and Tweek would make an appearance at the end, just walking along, looking at all the crying boys like "What the fuck just happened?

>Tweek and Craig walking among the devastation holding hands as everyone's crying and screaming
>Craig says in his usual deadpan "Wow, what a bunch of fags"

>s-s-s-s-suicide isn't funny
>p-p-p-p-please take me seriously when i threaten to kill myself
kys yourself, my dude

If we dont get some Tweek and Craig or boysu ravu in the next episode i swear to god there will be riots.

Maybe not necessarily related to it but there's going to be riots and i'll just say that was the reason.

>I dont see this happening either.
They're telegraphing it super hard.

Not especially.

So are they setting up Gerald to be the new Randy?

Yeah that place sucks and the high traffic is just one of the problems.


It was in the scene when they were discussing breaking up with their boyfriends
Pay attention

I did, and she didnt say that. Be less passive aggressive.

>tfw I could relate to Mackey the most this episode

I hate being held emotionally hostage by some asshole who keeps saying he's gonna kill himself, then trying to blame me if I help. In hindsight, I wonder if I should've just let him die.

To be honest, this was wonderful character development for him too. I used to see him just as some one note side character. There's been too few episodes of Macky development, he's usually been played for laughs.

God damn Tweek Craig shippers have become obnoxious as fuck.

Fucking disgusting shit ship

Get out Skankcunt

>waaah South Park is offensive!

You need to leave.

>The entire scene where Gerald was shitposting
That was the greatest

You a counselor too or something? Or did you just have shitty friends in high school?

>I volunteer to kick you in the vagina!
>Where do I sign up!
Gerald 2016

>be less passive aggressive
Alright cunt clean the cun out of your ears because that scene had her express reluctance about the whole plan.

That's not what the post was about, please read better and be less mad.

i dont want an entire tv show season focusing on the gist of a Tyler the Creator tweet

Wendy is gonna end up fighting against the rest of the girls, they implied it last episode and it would make sense considering Fractured But Whole

What does the game have to do with it? It's not like she has a big role in it.

That's a lot to presume from a single line.

Did you not watch the trailer from E3?

Well I guess we won't know until next Wednesday

Yeah, she had a costume and like 5 seconds of screen time with no dialogue. It didnt really seem like it stemmed from a relevant plot point or anything. Even the longer footage where we saw the fight between Tweek and Craig didnt mention her.

She's on Stan and Kenny's team in the game

>that's not what the post is about
It is now.

>please read better
Please write better.

Okay, but that still doesnt say how any of that is relevant to the episode. Even if it had something to do with their plan it still so far doesnt have anything to do with the plot set up in the show and what the game's is. I mean if it does happen that's impressive but i dont see it yet. It's an internet outrage season which doesnt really have anything to do with Marvel and DC cape flicks.

Nope. Feel free to wallow in your own impotence.

It's just speculation dude.
Season 17 had a SoT tie in, so I can only assume this season with have a FbW one.
If she goes against the girls it would explain why she's playing with the boys in the game and not her friends.

My dick is just fine, thank you.

Well we dont what her friends will be doing. But yeah, i think that might come up at the very end in the same way. Maybe just a lead in like playing with the stick after all the action is done. If they actually do more that'd be impressive.

>Matt and Trey love the ep and like the ship now.

Cry more, faggot

Gerald is gonna get his teeth broken by Sweds isn't he?

>YFW The season builds up to a punchline being "BUY THE FRACTURED BUT WHOLE IN STORES NOW"

But yes.

>In stores now
What a hilarious joke to end the season on.


>No dolphin Gerald

While rewatching the series i noticed the whole Muhammad two parter they did is kind of like a giant nostalgia trip too. If anything they laid it on way way heavier than they're doing here with the member berries.

you aspie missed the point

To make a joke about suicide it has to actually be offensive or else it comes off as out or place and wrong because the joke itself is funny out of shock value.

Suicide is shock humor still?

The joke isn't suicide themselves but how people treat social media as literal lives and act as if leaving social media is like killing themselves

>Boys destroy an innocent person's stuff worth maybe over a thousand dollars. We haven't seen them apologize.
>Girls break up with their boyfriends because they're being harassed and their boyfriends don't seem to care and even look and laugh at the harassment.

Sure, it's the definitely the girls who are in the wrong here.

> yfw the member berries were going bad
> yfw the wine being drunk is bad member berry wine

> yfw kyle finds out it was the juice all along

>To make a joke about suicide it has to actually be offensive
No, it doesn't. Comedy doesn't have rules.

They did it because the girls were making rallys audibly threatening an entire group if they did not stop one suspected person


What the fuck even is this post? Did the show trigger you?

Except they're not joking about suicide. They're joking about how seriously people take their online personas to the point that it has warped society to the point that it can be thought of as social suicide. It's not aiming to be offensive, it's aiming at how dumb it all is

I hate those stupid ass cliffhangers in every episode now.

>people defend Gerald's trolling
>but the girls fucking with people is the worst thing ever

I thought it was funny. I didn't laugh until I realized they were just talking about twitter.

>south park is now a slice of life show where there's no "point" to an individual episode and instead you're just watching the ongoing lives of the characters

>making the same post twice because no one responded to you the first time

>This guy is still here being here.

It won't be but, like Season 19, it's going to tie tons of symptomic themes into a singular causal theme.
The Member Berries did alot about how group-inclusion has been reduced continually to the most trivial and lowest common denominator ( liking and remembering the same media and fads and memes)

>high school
That shit continues on into late 20s these days, user.
I can't tell you how many times, by sheer exhaustion, I was in Mackey's position and caught myself saying "Just do it" under my breath after consoling some drama or other.
I wouldnt get so tired from it if they didn't somehow schedule their breakdowns or attention-deficits over my personal hours for my hobbies

Kenny is still on the show?

So Stan is either gonna go goth or drink himself to death.
Wendy better give him an old fashioned when all of this is over.


Oh god more shipperscum, guess these threads can only be good during the episode premiers.

Maybe I just didn't catch those episodes but holy shit, his chest hair, it's like mine

Same pattern and everything?


I was not confusing

>The jokes weren't about suicide,
It was about twitter suicide :^)

Pretty damn close, yes.

I don't see how my post is shipperscum

Op right here.
I still can't believe that peolple get offended by a series that's been around for 20 years.

Then there's no helping you

I'm not the one with sand in my vagina for no reason.

Haha what a team of faggots

Of course you arent.

The point is making something so trivial inot something big seeious to where its rediculous. Scott wanting quitting twitter is treated like suicide, whole point of comedy is to blow trivial things out of the water as to make those whom make mountains out of mole hills look and feel silly. That's why they used such means, and it's hilarious

i like how they're making the episodes connect but i think i liked the episodic format better
the previous season did it well, mostly episodic with some nods to previous episodes
this seems like every episode will just be a sequel to one another and all of hem will jab at current events instead of silly adventures like before
still good though

>directly make jokes about suicide it isnt any less offensive if no one actually dies
omg shut up that was never intended
the joke was that people make a big deal about leaving the social networks
for them quitting them is as bad as commit suicid

I think they'll be in the next one. But i dont mind getting some time with Craig again. It's nice that they're together but it would be pretty upsetting if Matt and Trey forgot that just because they're together that doesnt mean they cease being individuals with their own character. With any luck Tweek will get a similar chance.

I'm pretty sure the message is that people are pretending social media IS life.
Confusing the illusion for the truth.
And the emotion of suicide is still played out with people being so stupid that they project their problems into a virtual world.

"You die in the game, you die in reality." Through the lens of Idiocracy.

Why does South Park of all shows have people doing anime-looking fanart for it? I'd think it would put off that kind of person.

It has a sizable asian fanbase, it's like you didnt even watch TweekxCraig.

lots of cartoons get eastern style fanart
it's even better when the person who drew it is also eastern

What's that one to the left of Spongebob?

Why would you think that?

Anime is a lot "cleaner" and doesn't lend itself well to South Park's poop-filled antics.

i wish i knew

>dat scene where the girls break up with the boys
oh god

>SP only for stupid and gross people
>anime is for girls

Comedy is about subverting your expectations.

Yeah, think back to the black actress from Ghostbusters who kept getting harassed so she left Twitter and made a big deal about it. Dozens of sites posted SHE LEFT TWITTER DUE TO BULLLYING!! articles like someone who stops visiting a website is really fucking headline news.

the hell are those two in the bottom left?

Something offensive thats funny needs some level of shock value or confusion to be considered funny and not at the very least uncomfortable.

You must be at least 18 years old to browse this website.

Commit suicide OP.

Pretty sure the joke was clyde sent it to himself
Also the letter says (and it is unsigned):
I break up!

Gerald throws (ultimately harmless) insults online. The girls incite a situation where the boys break all of cartmans stuff (that his family is too poor to replace) and then still punish all the boys afterwards.

She left twitter for less than 24 hours as well.

>>Boys destroy an innocent person's stuff worth maybe over a thousand dollars. We haven't seen them apologize.
Literally only did this because the girls were threatening them if they didn't.
>>Girls break up with their boyfriends because they're being harassed and their boyfriends don't seem to care and even look and laugh at the harassment.
Yeah the boys care so little that they break all of Cartman's stuff when they don't even know if it's him.

A continuing story is not a cliffhanger user.

I related to Kyle's dad so much. His love of shitposting and watching people go insane is shared.

Kenny was most likely dating Tammy, whilst Clyde was dating Lisa Berger

>Lisa Berger
Oh yeah, the most popular cheerleader.

If you can blame the girls for inciting that, you can blame gerald for inciting their actions

So everyone except Cartman is an asshole. I never thought I'd see the day.

Shes so damn hot as well.

Anime is full of poop.

It's not the same thing at all. Gerald insults them anonymously which while hurting their feelings doesn't actually hurt them unless they let it. The girls directly threatened to harm the boys and demanded they attack Cartman.

Isn't gerald guilty by your logic, because he was the one inciting the girls?

>while hurting their feelings doesn't actually hurt them unless they let it.

So the same thing as breaking someone's ipad and breaking up with them.

>directly threatened to harm the boys
By saying they no longer want to be with them? That doesn't have to hurt them unless they let it, they should just stop caring about it and taking it so seriously

>demanded they attack Cartman.
Didn't happen, the boys chose to do that as response. They should have just chose for it not to bother them

>same thing as breaking someone's iPad
Tell that to the judge.

>Tell that to the judge.
Haven't there been court cases from online abuse?

the fuck does tumblr do here?

>By saying they no longer want to be with them? That doesn't have to hurt them unless they let it, they should just stop caring about it and taking it so seriously
No, that's what they did. The girls were threatening the boys throughout the entire first two episodes. Did you somehow miss all the scenes with the boys afraid that the girls were going to retaliate against all of them even though they didn't do anything?

>Didn't happen, the boys chose to do that as response. They should have just chose for it not to bother them
You really should go rewatch these episodes. The girls said that if the boys didn't take care of it then that meant they were a part of it.

>the boys afraid
You mean they acted cause they were scared when nothing had actually happened? Hurting their feelings doesn't actually hurt them unless they let it

>The girls said that if the boys didn't take care of it then that meant they were a part of it.
Where in that do they say "we demand you attack cartman"? They we under no physical threat, they should have just stopped caring about all of it and nothing that happened would have hurt them

Wow you got triggered by south park man. That's like the definition of being a normie loser.

>You mean they acted cause they were scared when nothing had actually happened?
That's what a threat is, user.

>Where in that do they say "we demand you attack cartman"? They we under no physical threat, they should have just stopped caring about all of it and nothing that happened would have hurt them
They told the boys that if they don't stop skankhunt than they are part of it and deserve to be punished. Everyone thought Cartman was skankhunt, aka stop Cartman or else.

They're obnoxious about their sexuality like all gays

She's not hot, she's fat and ugly!


>That's what a threat is
But under your logic it is meaningless, hurting their feelings doesn't actually hurt them. if they stopped caring about it all then they wouldn't have been hurt at all.

>They told the boys that if they don't stop skankhunt than they are part of it and deserve to be punished
So they did not say "we demand you attack cartman"? They didn't even demand a physical action and did not threaten physical violence on the boys

Someone's jelly

I've had this happen with THREE people. In fact it's literally happening right now.

Let them die then. That'll teach them.

Yup nobody can handle forced memes, trap threads, get threads and chicks with dicks, cuck threads and pasta so stale even the mound has grown an iq equal to the average Cred Forums user. Yup Cred Forums is a dark and horrible place to go.

Cred Forums is 90% porn and then some lame shitposting thread that gets 100 responses. if that is what you want you may as well just stay on Cred Forums

the fuck did you just say about Cred Forums
i'll fukkin wreck you son
Shitposting is art

>But under your logic it is meaningless, hurting their feelings doesn't actually hurt them. if they stopped caring about it all then they wouldn't have been hurt at all.
How do you not understand the difference? One is "UR DAUGHTER HAS A MUSTACHE LOLOL" and the other is "Stop Cartman or we'll retaliate against all of you"

He also threatened people though, including to kick one in the cunt which is a way more direct threat.

Plus you haven't explained why they can't just stop caring about both, the girls did not threaten to physically harm them so under your logic any emotion harm should just be shrugged off .

>genuinely unfunny episode.
Well duh, it's post Season I don't know 15 or so. At least 50% of the episodes are genuinely unfunny.

>I'm triggered about suicide jokes
Why are you watching South Park?

>oh, but they're building up to some kind of contrived continuity hat-tip (that exists in name only because the only time episodes are not drawn from the weekly headlines are when they are extended commercials for South Park video games)
So this is the kind of new viewer South Park is getting now. Yeah, sounds about right.

yeah honestly dedicated porn threads should be forced off Cred Forums and into their relevant boards such as /trash/ and /s/, it would make it a hell of a lot more interesting and genuinely random

>He also threatened people though, including to kick one in the cunt which is a way more direct threat.
Okay now you're just arguing to argue, there is no way that could be considered a legitimate threat.

you fuckers can't even see a bait thread when it's staring you in the face

what do you mean by that?

All people have to fucking do is block Gerald's IP or his username or just make their accounts "friends only". The fact that he's STILL able to go after the same people over and over again is more of the fault of the person getting "harassed" than Gerald's. It's so easy to block out one troll it's a wonder skankhunt42 hasn't even been banned from Facebook yet in-universe.

Are all shitposters Jews?

> He lets attention whores control his life
Tell them to put out or shut up.

Next episode is called 2003 (and is episode 20.03), thoughts?

This whole PC story reminds me of this.

>we're being written by men in movies wahh
>mpaa waah
I really worry about women running the planet in the future, because as it stands right now, even saying "hey" will be completely fucking stretched out of proportion to ARE YOU CALLING ME A HORSE. IS THAT MEN CODE FOR SAYING IM A WHORE.

How can we hate the Jew who's going to troll the fuck out of Europe? I hope this leads to him inspiring the Brexit.

she's fucking using christianity as her basis of saying women need to be more equally represented in media (all because she read a youtube comment) to get the religious points

as a christian i'm disappointed people twist this shit up to make it look like christians believe this woman's pretentious spouting, and she hardly even says women need to be equal, she keeps implying tables need to be turned so guys know how it feels to be the minority

i don't care what religion you are, but a progressive woman's speech shouldn't make your beliefs look like unrelated shit

are there more articles about women getting fussy over the new ghostbusters movie not getting praised? i thought most feminists who talk like this are in their 20s on [website] or something, not able to make well noticed articles for shit reasons

also why hasn't south park done anything on the movie yet?

Women are funny, user. Get over it.

I don't understand why they keep saying Stan and Wendy are together, when they never are. There's no chemistry, interaction, episodes with them together.
Stan and Wendy were never shown properly, they just were there for like a few scenes in season 1 and then nothing else happened. It's sudden, just like everyone having gfs.

Also fuck them for making Wendy a feminist straightman.
Wendy used to be a little annoying bitch who wasn't scared of double crossing and fucking over everyone for her own personal gains. She was never like Kyle and Stan which kept delivering the moral at the end of every episode.

I miss my South Park.

I laughed. Thumbs up. I love quote reference jokes.

You're taking a comedy cartoon show a bit too seriously.

that website is beyond retarded, i'm christian too and i have to say, them having an article about it being wrong to call god "father" and you should be calling him "mother" is just fucking embarrassing. this shit needs to end

Pretty much this, although I think I'm safe to assume that Matt and Trey don't condone cyber bullying or think that it's not a big deal, it's just that the media blows out a lot of the cases out of proportion. Nasty comments can hurt (as seen by the women's reactions when they browse the internet in the great montage scene) but in the internet it's so easy to spew them everywhere, and most likely it's all just a random coincidence that it might target you, so people shouldn't really take them to heart at all.

Systematic cyber bullying on the other hand is pretty rough, a "natural" digital extension to bullying and harassment in schools, and has lead to a lot of suicide cases since escaping cyber bullying is impossible (you can look away but it's there for everyone to see), and it's pervasive. This season doesn't really seem to focus on this aspect but rather on the whole "trolling" phenomenon where trolling has devolved into name-calling, ad hominems and insults.

Also, I liked the part where they were sharing their favorite moments about the girl who quit Twitter on Twitter, and how they were all gonna miss her posts about things in her life etc. like she was dead. A funny little bit on the whole social media has replaced human interaction aspect.

Why the FUCK would Ryuko vote for Trump? Sanders is closest to her political beliefs.

>wendy can't take being apart from stan anymore
>she apologizes to him and tries to make up
>he's with kyle now

I get it why there are so many fucking female commercials now, not just ones that target a female issue like a good ol' vagina itch, but just them being prominent in commercials like buying cars and all those other living life things.

I've even noticed an abundance of shopping and house cleaning commercials putting the guys in that role.

I don't have an issue with it but it's kinda shitty knowing why they're doing it.

I don't get this member berry stuff. Someone explain it to me.

I understand it's nostalgia baiting which is always a thing but since I'm not american I'm not sure if it's directly referencing something

It's just a joke about the people who long for the good days in the past.

Kyle seems too preoccupied crying over his boyfriend Cartman at the moment.


satan I love it when you dig into people like that

I know the bottom left most is Lenore, don't know why it's there she never got a cartoon (was a goth comic out around the same time as JTHM)

No, Sudame, we can't date again.

What did she mean by this?

I'd pay to see that.

She can't fix his cynicism.

Forever is the most bolded word.

I want to believe this will be long lasting but I can't get invested in cartoons doing that anymore since it hardly ever actually happens.

Kyle and Wendy were the SJWs before being a SJW was the "in" thing, so they'll obviously be the ones to rebel and say everyone's full of shit.

You don't have to throw in that shit, everyone knows Kyle has built up speech he needs to let out, and Wendy is going to be the one in the right like usual at some point.

This season is painfully unfunny so far.

While I haven't had any moments where I burst out laughing, I'm finding this season really amusing so far. I don't get why some people are so adverse to a serialized storyline rather than the usual one-shot episodes.

Cred Forums is shit, though.

>"Just a loser miserable basement dweller that lives with his mom" insult cliche

>Shows succesful and happily married Gerald having a good time

Best part.

its in moments like these when i said to myself, thank god that i was never into social chat and dont take my twitters and facebook seriously! (as in, almost never use them!)

It feels like they're trying to write the show and jokes like they're supposed to be serious and taken seriously but not to be taken seriously at the same time, like it's just a huge bait.
Also, how many times have Stan and Wendy broken up? Does this relationship even matter?
>It's a girls episode
Maybe it's because they've been making episodes for so many years, but it really is kinda weird to see them actually talking about Twitter and stuff. I guess the same could be said about their Youtube celebrities episode. It's almost like a Simpsons progression in a way. I guess the fact that so much has changed in the past 20 years helps.

>how many times have Stan and Wendy broken up? Does this relationship even matter?

Many irl couples are like that actually.

It's kinda funny though how now Butters is the only boy in school with a girlfriend.

A very dumb tweet.

And that despite all he seems to be obsessed with it. Still pathetic.

>Gerald throws (ultimately harmless) insults online
>(ultimately harmless)
But the whole drama in the entire episode was because of that. You posted a literally absurd, patently wrong claim.

I thought the last episode was hilarious and I usually err on the side of caution with suicide jokes
Gerald's scenes were all gold

>People in real life take the internet way too seriously.

People take internet seriously because they are using his/her real names in the fucking internet

I watched this back in late 90s when it was a shock cartoon and I watch it now that it's more a satiric social commentary. It has matured well. I like they're not going for the obvious easy gags and try to build proper story arcs instead.

I especially like they're taking the piss out of what essentially is their own audience this season.

Ehhh it obviously a stress reliever for him

Lenore got some shorts, I think. Or I dreamed that shit up.

Have you ever heard of an anime called shin chan?


This is one of my favorite episodes in a long while.

shin chan was made for adult swim you dingus. they bought an old 90s anime and re-dubed it to make it raunchy. like what they did with sealab but asian.

an insult is harmless when nobody pay attention.

it became harmful to the girls because they are being hysterical bitches, any other person would go 'meh'

in fact it is interesting how gerald is treating the denmark thing, the right thing that danish woman should have done is not to release the statement, the moment she did that, she just reacted to the trolling and therefore, gerald will continue.

tldr, gerald's trolling IS ultimately harmless, all you need to do is say 'ok...'

and seriously, a massive cartman vengeance is way overdue, hope they are planning something big with what just happened to him.

To the people saying the girls are overreacting- some of their moms had dicks photoshopped in their mouths, put online, and people around town are seeing it and the kids are talking about it at school, that's fucked up.

I don't think they should be attacking the boys directly like they were wanting to do and started to, but I get why they're mad.

anyone got the scene with happy gerald?

true that, but when you are mad, you dont threaten a whole group for the sins of one person, EVER.

if anything, the girls should have been the ones to break cartman's stuff instead of making ther statements out in the open to scare the boys.

this is a problem between the girls and skankhunt (being cartman or not), no one else should have been involved, therefore, yeah, the girls are hysterical bitches.

nice argument, have a (you)





If you don't use twitter/whatsapp/facebook etc. your social life is for all intents and purposes dead.

Cred Forums is where dead people go.

Underrated posts.

>when you are mad, you dont threaten a whole group for the sins of one person, EVER
Welcome to internet social justice. They always do this shit.

1. The jokes were very funny
2. The jokes were about how way to serious some people take social media, not about suicide.
3. No one died, you stupid sjw cunt

This thread is distinctly lacking in cute Creek imagery.

i like how well they're doing this
also checked

There does seem to be a weird fascination with Trump in Japan

>Go to check out Cred Forums to see whether my home boards are just sending about Cred Forumsmblr.
>It's fucking real.

Seriously why aren't they a couple by this point. The tension is palatable

But this video was made by an american person.

I know it was, just wanted a reason to post it

while everyone else is crying over their girlfriends.

we just use them for a south park discussion, who cares about the OPs opinion

You cant just make a suicide joke and not have the person at least attempt to end their own life because joking about suicide was distastful to begin with. Again, nobody is offended it just wasnt funny. I rolled my eyes at some parts.

its just that you don't understand
like it or not, social media is part daily lives now and leaving it is like suicide

>what is a subjective opinion for $500 Alex

idiot holy shit

I know most Anons don't care, but did anyone else feel like this was one of the most brutal endings to a SP episode ever? Yes, the events themselves don't carry a lot of emotional weight, but I feel like the way it was presented hits you in the face like a brick.

>if you're going to directly make jokes about suicide it isnt any less offensive if no one actually dies,
I don't give a shit what offends you tumblr.
Nigger kike.

>Getting this easily offended
>not finding clown rape funny

a clown that get raped or ...?

Gerald is literally doing nothing wrong.

People getting easily triggered need to learn to not feed trolls.

>shin chan was made for adult swim you dingus
Crayon Shin-Chan's been independent of Adult Swim for decades. And it's always been filthy, even back in the early 90s.

The entire point of this is that it's wrong to punish the whole group for the actions of one.

This seems to be the most likely lesson of the season, if there is one.

Gerald is being an asshole, but everyone else is reacting in the worst possible way. It's all become a case of blaming everyone, regardless of who is actually at fault.

That'd be sweet.


Except many of the boys were looking at the pictures and laughing at it. They weren't the ones posting the images but they were condoning them.

That doesnt really refute that user's point. And i dont think many were laughing, just like 3.

I would fail to see how basically everyone in South Park, including the adults, would assume that the troll must be in their school.
Are they forgetting that the internet is a global place?

In any case, I am sincerely hoping for a Sixth Sense parody from the Kenny's family's point of view, complete with a "I see dead people" line.

The adults in South Park are usually way more retarded and over reactionary than the kids.

Oh right, I keep forgetting.

I'ts apparently a web series called Mari Kari

Are you fucking kidding me? This is even better than pc principals arc was. I can't wait to see what happens to gerald when they find out hes doing it.

I'm enjoying this season so much.

>Wendy used to be a little annoying bitch who wasn't scared of double crossing and fucking over everyone for her own personal gains
The only time I remember this was one of the early season episodes where she gets a substitute teacher launched into the sun because Stan was attracted to her.

member 2003?

Did you not watch the episode? Kenny was crying because he hurt Cartman for no reason, he's looking at a picture of the class.

That'd be pretty funny, and a little confusing. Like he was in on it.

How are you mixing up Kenny and Kyle?

Tired, my bad.

Holy shit, I know Cred Forums was infested with tumblr for many years now, but I see things are even worse than I thought.
Kill yourself, you whiny little shit.

>Plus if you're going to directly make jokes about suicide it isnt any less offensive if no one actually dies


>There's no chemistry, interaction, episodes with them together.


No seriously seeing Garrison rape that canadian Trump made me laugh like crazy

Don't fuck with Wendy Testaburger.

Not that guy but that's how i feel too.

Dude they're fucking 10 years old and that's a comedic cartoon, it's not a telenovela focused on relationships between the characters

That doesnt discount it, merely changes the subject. This has been discussed to death in the last few threads anyway.

>This has been discussed to death in the last few threads anyway

I can only imagine what autists making this kind of complaints have to say

Yeah, or the autists who are bothered so much by complaints. Whole bunch of autists boy howdy.

People still browse Cred Forums?

I'm not as bothered as I am amused user. You seem bothered tho

THe internet is global but the troll is specifically targetting people from this small down the rest of the world doesn't care about.

They also think trolls are underaged retards which is often the case. Not absurd at all to assume he's from the only school in town

Sure you arent

I'm not. Are you ?

>Also, how many times have Stan and Wendy broken up?
Exactly twice.

'Member when OP wasn't a fag?

Well I just said something about supposedly unrelated people while you visibly take it personally making passive aggressive posts with stock smug reaction images, so no I'm not. You are though, it's pretty predictable how you'll respond

Stanely's Cup and Chef Goes Nanners were worse.

>You are though, it's pretty predictable how you'll respond

How did I do ?

I'm digging the parallels this episode.

Very good

Thanks user. That was not easy, I'll tell you

I love the leader of the girls is dating the leader of the boys cliche.

Don't worry forget about all that nonsense, let's just have a nice pleasant thread, I'm sure everyone would enjoy that

Do you think Butters is still with his Canadian girlfriend?

In the show she doesn't seem like the leader, in spite of them being around her. Other girls seem to be the ones making the decisions and she wasn't head of their club council.

I can do that

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't she:
-Class president
-Current head of the Sparkles club thing
-Volleyball captain
-Cheerleader squad captain
Am I missing anything else?

WAIT AS SECOND...kenny is still alive? since when if hes there why isnt he a main character.

A person threatening suicide isn't actually going to kill themselves. They absolutely need help, but the suicide threat is a form of attention seeking.

The truly suicidal aren't going to tell anyone.

Scott Malkinson frequently threatening to quit twitter was pretty much a suicide joke.

I dont think she's not head of the sparkle club, that's Bebe.

Unless she got removed for corruption but it wasnt clarified.

God i nearly started crying when wendy gave stand the brake up letter.

"ill kill myself."
>so? do it. at this point youve been going on about it for so long that anyone with any willpower would have done it by now. fuck off and stop trying to manipulate me asshat.

that easy dude

She took over after the List, you see her as head of the club and Bebe in the assistant's chair in Stick of Truth.

So kyle is totally tusundere for cartman, right?

Aah, i guess if that's canon, it seemed more even in the episode, but that seems like a more informal thing.

It's not even the first time it happened, dude.

I have a prediction that Kyle's gonna use his dad's computer to go on the school message boards because his isn't working and find skankhunt42 either logged in or in the auto-fill box. Then he'll confront his dad, tell an authority figure, come back to the evidence to find his dad wiped the history and goes free. Then it becomes about waiting for Gerald to slip so he can be exposed.

>Implying Gerald doesn't do all his trolling over tor.