This one's surprisingly good.
Once you learn the three-letter codes for panels, you can do anything you want.
opposed to planned out humour?
Laughed harder than I should've.
It's a chapter from a SoL of cyan shirt guy that takes place in the future.
First panel is setting up him playing the green sirt guy simulator
Second panel is an in-view of the simulator, where he finds out that neither he or green shirt guy would get into heaven
With this newfound knowledge, he decides that he doesn't need to stay pure. And is thus pregnant 8 months later.
some of these look intentional
>scene missing
What's the code for that one?
I actually made this a while ago and don't remember.
I've done it. I have the most worthless comic ever.
>Almost everyone
>"Apple faithful" would have been the boner image for the last two
I don't remember this movie
Well, that fits together nicely.
What did he mean by this?
Mortal Kombat XI will introduce a controversal new "Orality" finishing move
This is how you become a fetishist for role reversal bdsm
Wait, so, is the green one a dude or a chick?
In my strip? A woman
In canon?
Whatever is funny
The morale of the story is don't whine about your life.
This is too perfect to be random.
This one works well I think
I laugh more then I should have
Friendship in a nutshell.
Will post more if people want
>white lantern Kyle Rayner vs Lilah
i am sad this will never be an actual dialogue from some show
sawp the last two panels and its perfect
Sounds like a Mileena fatalify
Over 18 quintillion procedurally generated comics!
>it's a depressing comic week episode
the binding of Isaac edition