Meanwhile, in the Cred Forums of 1999

>meanwhile, in the Cred Forums of 1999...

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'member when South Park was actually funny?

The hell are you talking about? Didn't you see the movie? It was fuckin' great.

You see this new show on Nick? Spongerob or something?

Looks pretty stupid. Bet it won't last a year.

Shut the fuck up Boco

Yes sir...

1999 was almost 18 years ago.

man I love Beast Wars
I sure hope the follow-up is just as good

I like you...

That X-Men film is going to be awful. Comic book movies just dont work anymore, as Batman & Robin last year demonstrated.

I am 5 years old and regularly read nickelodeon magazine, I hope it never ends


Literally Simpsons in space... cuz that worked so well with the Jetsons AKA Flintstones in space.

Even if so, The Simpsons is starting to get terrible so I'll give this a shot.

Just hope it's not as big of a disappointment as Fanily Guy was.

Y2K bug's gonna fuck your computers up. Enjoy your expensive papaerweights

What the FUCK is this shit? Who drew this crap, a 5 year old?

I guess cartoons really are dead...

>believing in Y2K
did you buy a bomb shelter, too?

You guys play the new Superman game yet?

I hope they never raise the prices of Freddo bars.

100 bullets is shit. Just a old guy give guns to random peoples. Is this what a whole series gonna be about? What a crap

i heard a rumor that there's going to be a tv channel airing hanna barbera cartoons 24/7

Sure X-Men is going to be a bomb, but CBMs will be fine. They're going to survive as rated R action flicks like Blade from last year.

SpongeBob premiered in May of 99. What other shows did Nick have at the time that were popular enough to be viewed as "channel leaders"?

i almost thought this wasn't real, i was so high the night

This show is rad as fuck, I think its from the same people who did Godzilla and Extreme Ghostbusters.

The names are kinda lame tho, "Rusty" sounds silly and "Big Guy" will hardy catch on.


God damn, the Simpsons is amazing.

I seriously hope that show *never* ends.

Rugrats most likely.

Suck's that they'll make a spawn 2 but never sam and twitch


>Morrison's Justice League





>give a fucking imprint to Alan Moore
> starving with shitty extreme garbage

is marvelcucks ever recover?

this comic just gave me a funny feel in my peepee, is this normal?

This channel started broadcasting two years ago and it's the shit except for Sonic Underground. I even heard that they're getting South Park later. There's also some rumors going around about something called "The Detour", wonder what that's about.

Cred Forums wasn't around in 1999 you idiot

neither was you

Real talk. Why is this the best new cartoon of the year? I can't wait to see what they'll do with it in the future.

I was around, actually. I was seven years old at the time.

Also, "neither was you" is grammatically incorrect. I believe you mean "neither were you".

eat shit grandpa

I hope there is never a Tintin movie. Follywood just wouldn't get it.

Don't you mean "Eat shit, grandpa."?

Anyone else think that baggy suits look nice?

So is anyone talking about this James Cameron directed Spider-Man movie?Sources say he's getting Leo to play him.

I cannot wait for Star Wars!

Cartoon Cartoon Fridays is the greatest block ever.

Guys, it's not 1999. It's 2006. Look at the fucking calendar. Is this supposed to be some sort of joke?

You guys ever hear of a writer named Bendis? He's done some Image stuff, I liked A.K.A. Goldfish and just finished Torso.

I hope every cartoon has a The Matrix reference from now on. That was such a memetically rich film.

These hacks stole everything from Invisibles

Goo goo gah gah

I kind of like what that Ash guy Quesada is doing with the Marvel Knights imprint. I wasn't a big fan of his Valiant stuff but it's cool he let Kevin Smith come in and do a Daredevil run. Just finished that and it's pretty good, BTW. Smith has a lot of talent has been on fire since Clerks. I saw Dogma over the summer and it was good, I even liked Mallrats. I bet that guy is destined for an Oscar.

I kind of wish Marvel would start an imprint like Marvel Knights with some of their A-listers like Spider-Man or the X-men. You know, let new creators do a fresh take on them, but after the shitshow that was Heroes Reborn I doubt we'll ever see anything like that.

Maybe they could start with has-beens like the Avengers, Iron Man, or Captain America. No one has really given a shit about them for years.

I really don't think men like the Wachowski brothers would ever stoop to such a thing. They're gonna fucking revolutionize the movie industry with their genius.

While you faggots are jerking off here you're missing out on a gold mine. The Internet is the future and dot com stock fucking prints money. You literally can't lose. Have you seen the stock prices the last few years? Prices can only go up, so put all your money in Internet companies today before you miss the boat.

Oh, and a little tip: check out this energy company out of Houston called Enron. It's not as sexy as the dot com stuff, but they are on the fucking cutting edge. Just this year they're getting into shit like weather derivatives and broadband. They're had rock-solid reliable growth for years, and is being run by this fucking genius named Jef Skilling.

How come threads from years past can never stick to one topic?

It's 1999, most of us are very young.

Guys, is Pokemon Cred Forums? You think it'll ever catch on?

I mean, they'll have to focus on continuity and characterization if they want to stay on the air. They really have to focus on "catching them all" and "becoming a master" as the driving force of the show.

So DC bought Wildstorm huh
Do you think DC will push the Wildstorm characters into the DCverse like they did with the Charlton ones?
I think it would be too crowded.

>Pikablu making a debut in The Pokémon Movie
>That fruity fairy looking thing means we'll probably have a new type introduced in next year's game

So they're turning Pikachu into an Eevee copypasta with multiple evolutions. Wow. I think after 151 Pokémon, this series is all out of ideas. They should probably call it quits after the new game.

How come you're such a faggot? Get back to Slashdot or go cry about it on Xanga.

So I just completed my Disney VHS collection, but I'm torn on whether or not to include some of the newer 3D ones. I liked Toy Story well enough, but the sequel is kind of lame and the visuals don't have that classic Disney polish.

So there there this Pokemon knockoff called Digimon premiering on Fox Kids. It'll never survive the year but hot damn look at those feet!
Oh yeah my ma fucked up my Saturn but I'll getting a Dreamcast this year!

I bet Alan Moore fucking shit himself with rage. I just hope he finishes Promethea and Top 10, which is fucking hilarious. I'm also interested in seeing where he goes with The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, though I suspect that shit will get tiresome fast.

They better keep putting out The Authority and Planetary, though. That shit is a breath of fresh air in the shithole that is today's comics world.

It's weird to think of Jim Lee being at DC, too, but I guess that means we might see him draw Batman or Superman some day.

Maybe moe will get one of them cellular phones?

what the hell is this bootleg simpsons?

So what does everyone think of the upcoming Harley Quinn comic?, I mean giving an C-B Lister like her a comic is pretty ballsy on DC. Do you think she will catch on? I hope she does, she was pretty funny in Batman series

Can't believe they picked this Lanky Faggot to be Wolverine, betcha they recast him by the second movie.

Eh, it peaked with Season 8. Season 9 had some problems, and 10 that just ended was kind of weak. I know 11 just started but it's not looking so hot.

He's Australian, too. They couldn't get someone from North America to play the most well-known Canadian superhero?

I actually feel really bad for Canadians. It's like if they got British actors to play Superman or Spider-Man, we'd throw a fit.

1981 was 18 years ago, i think

Anyone here when that Nick Cage Superman movie is supposed to be out? I thought it was coming last year but I haven't heard anything. Maybe Nick Cage will play another super hero movie, possibly Marvel, that'd be cool

She's just a fad character, homes. People will forget her in a couple of years.

Yes we were, but scattered as various Usenet discussion boards.

Really, look at the archives for a board like alt.simpsons. Its pretty much an ancestor of Cred Forums.

That's it. Timm and co. jumped the shark with this one.


Stop stalking the VAs for Animaniacs you freaks.

>Nice intelligent *NOT* post you did. Oh, you're an AOLer. Nevermind :)

Holy shit. Replace AOLer with Reddit or Tumblr and you have Cred Forums

>Will hardly catch on.

And it never did, and now I'm sad.

CatDog for one.

Autism cannot be destroyed,

It only morphs.

Back in the day our horrible bandwidths made it hard for us to browse multiple threads at once. As a result, we eventually got used to only having a single thread open and everyone would shout random things into the void. It wasn't until roughly 2005 where we had the processor power to open up a second thread.

Oh boy, my father just booked my birthday party ontop of the world trade center! I have to wait for two years, but you know how long weights lists are! I

>long weights lists are
man I sure hope your fat ass doesn't cause it to collapse.

>having a birthday at a fucking stock exchange
literally why would you do this

What's with the animation in this show? It's like the animators injected coffee on their veins

Ugh i don't get how it got green lit. It looks so GROSS.

>the wait list just cut off
fuckin dang!! now how am I supposed to celebrate my 11th birthday?

>This is the fifth time we've had this flamewar
>We are getting exceedingly efficient at it


unrealted when will Rocket get a series

This will never last beyond 6 issues. People want to read about superheroes, not ganbangers


I wish I had cable television.

The Simpsons has been terrible since season 7. Futurama will be the final nail in its coffin.

I hear the World Wide Web is going to make cable obsolete within two or three years.

Guys should we really be worried by y2k or not

I mean we should be good but what are the chances the internet will catch fire

>shut the hell up, bunghole!

This should be a scientific theorem. The Law of Conservation of Autism.

Steel can't be that bad if Marvel is copying it.
Also are the foil cover #1 still worthless?

>people still pay for cable today

why are Americans so fucking dumb?

Jean Grey and Bucky are as dead as Uncle Ben or Thomas Wayne.

So what are you guys going to do during the Apocalypse? im going to set up an Sex dungeon see if i can start my own Harem of kidnapped women. its going to be great.

Hey, have you guys been watching Fox Kids lately? They got this new show that's pretty fuckin' rad. It's called "Cybersix".

>As popular as the Lynx

It's 1999 and I'm an awkward 17 year old loser. I hope when I grow up things will get better.

Things didn't get better ;_;

/&ISAIDHEY/ Arthur General Talk shit get hit edition.

Tonight season 4 premier D.W.'s Library Card / Arthur's Big Hit

>D.W. learns about the responsibilities of having a library card

> Arthur gets mad and punches D.W. on her arm for tossing his model airplane

R.I.P D.W.

also Remember do not reply to D.W. Posters
And Sue Ellen is best girl

Is it bad that I would actually go to this general
Late-stage capitalism, dude

>Sue Ellen

Nigga, Fern is best girl.

which era are we lookin at in 1999? azz finishing his run?

Wow cartoons are so great now between all the variety on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney, Kids WB, and Fox Kids.

I can't see this ever going wrong, especially within 7 years.

Yeah that Edd, Ed n Eric shit or somethin like that?It ain't gonna last half a season.That Danny Antonucci guy though, once he's done with this garbage he's gonna go places.

>being too poor to afford the venue
it's going to be a blast! Although the old jewish man, friend of my dad, has already said he won't be attending...Strange to know you'll be busy in two years but whatever.

Can we bring it back?

Who's the best Powerpuff Girl and why is it Bubbles?

we already ded

Listen to me Cred Forums i come from the near future where doc terror and his cyborg companion hacker unleash their forces to conquer earth and only one force from Cred Forums can stop this evil a handful of brave men in specially created exoframes they can be transported anywhere to fuse with incredible assault memes beamed down from the space station skybolt becoming meme and machine power extreme

Princess>Power Puff shits


Her voice actor is a no talent whore and im sure after this will never land any important role ever again

Can we talk about pic related?
Will Ash and Misty get married?

I'm pretty sure the movie is supposed to be a finale. It's a fad. It can't sustain itself for much longer.

Prim blam! Prim bloome blim blam! Gibad! Badoo, badoo!

It's called Spongebob and it's funny. I hope they keep it on the air forever.

What, have they recast Wolverine?
I thought this guy was suppose to be playing him.

hand drawn animation is gonna last FOREVER

>Earth X
>Generation X
We recovered pretty easily.

Seriously guys what the hell are you doing on Cred Forums?? This shit is gonna shut down and like kill you or something if you stick around. MAKE LIKE A TREE AND SCRAM.

>Duh doyee it's just a conspiracy theory and you're STUPID
Uh, *NOT*!


Speaking of big guys, how do you think they handled Bane in Batman and Robin? I think they should have had him talk more, maybe with some kind of English accent.

For some reason I wanted hime to have a showdown with either the FBI or ATF at a boat

What show is that?


also i want to hotglue Jessie

>will hardy catch on

For (You)