What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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15 year old spiderman for one thing
Fuck you Spidey was the best part.
As for wrong, well, the fact that the movie is basically a mash up of two unrelated stories, one of which is completely dropped by the last quarter of the film is probably one of them.
The fact that a ton of characters are acting like hypocrites at best is another.
>war where no one of significance dies.
The villain's plan gets stupider each time you watch it
It lacks the maturity and thought provoking aspects of BvS.
Oh look, it's the Death = Consequence fallacy
It is Marvel
>cutting out Captain America vs Black Widow fight scene
Fuck that, I'm still mad.
okay so why did they reverse age him 15 years
Fuck are you on about? Spider-man always starts out while in highschool
not in the civil war timeline
boring soundtrack
Black Panther felt unnecessary
the Star Wars quip
Agent 13 should of had more screen time
Rhodey walking at the end, wheelchair bound Warhammer would be cooler
could of referenced some other characters during the Accords meeting
But we've had two movie series where he started in highschool already.
the end credits music was 10/10 for me
Best cape movie of the year so far.
Only deadpool came close.
Apocalypse was a joke, and BvS and SS were even worse.
The timeline in which Spidey didn't exist until this movie?
Or are you complaining that it doesn't match Spidey's role in the Civil War comic, in which case where's my fucking Thor clone?
>should of
>could of
Opinion immediately discarded
>Apocalypse was a joke, and BvS and SS were even worse.
you have shit taste desu.
Because of two things. The MCU is quite influenced by the Ultimate comics, and MCU spidey was a high-schooler. Since Stark was a mentor-figure to Peter during Civil War it makes sense to kill two flies with one stone and make him young like Ultimate Peter so that it makes more sense for Stark to take him under his wing, making him suits, protecting his family. This also makes Peter switching sides fit with typical adolescent rebellion and striking out on your own.
No real reason to fight each other
Wanda being upset over house arrest because she accidentally throw a bomb at a bunch of people. If a police officer went to throw a grenade away from a bunch of civilians and ended up killing a dozen others, you know he would get slammed with manslaughter and be put away, but apparently being grounded is just too much.
Hawkeye and the rest being surprised that they actually did get put away for prison. They had a big moment before they even got to the airport where they all acknowledge they were doing illegal things and would get put in jail if they were caught. There's no reason they shouldn't believe that they're up shit creek now that they're fighting government agents and such.
Cap choosing not to sign the accords after they actually get a chance to sit down, talk it out, and agree on it. Everyone agreed that the idea of Civil War over the accords is stupid and that if they actually go down to actually talking about it, they'd work it out. You can read a whole What If...? about it. Apparently, Wanda being grounded for manslaughter is too much for even Cap to ignore, but then again it's a well known fact that the Russo Bros have one big problem of waifuing Wanda.
Just axe the whole accords business. Should have just been focused on Cap and Bucky going rogue instead of pulling in the forced link to the shitty source material BS.
Yeah man, they totally should've devoted more screentime to a shitty romance. It's not like the romance subplot fucked AoU and the Thor movies over.
They should either cut it out or done it right.
True, but when did the MCU even do romance right? Cap and Peggy and that's about it, every other time it's either terribly written or takes up screentime for more important shit.
The MCU has a villain problem, but they have an even bigger romance problem.
Awful taste
Your average police officer hasn't grown up in a lab, kept locked up to be poked and prodded. Of course someone with that background would have more problems with house arrest than your average person.
You can't prove me wrong.
>opinions are facts
Damnit user, you got a chuckle and a (you) out of me.
>the truth is funny
Oh you're serious? Thats funnier, let me laugh harder thx
The airport fight. Each one on one (or two on two) kind of work but they doesn't really feel connected, like there are part of a bigger conflict. And it was fun but not impressive. (Yes, I didn't find giant Ant-man impressived.)
Captain America and agent 13 subplot evolves too fast given what we know of them.
The only moment when you feel there is danger is during the fight between Ironman, Captain America and Bucky (which is kind of a prowess in itself given that we know none of them will die) but it's like 10 minutes in the whole movie with maybe the introduction which works well.
Shit storyline and badly executed plot device.
She didn't grow up in a lab. They were already adults when Hydra approached them.
Of course your average cop also wasn't a known terrorist who willingly sided first with Hydra, then with a homicidal AI, and intentionally unleashed the Hulk on a population center.
Honestly Scarlet Witch annoyed me the most in that movie. They keep treating her as the baby avenger and dismissing people's reaction to her as irrational and based on her being different, when in fact the people have a VERY good reason to fear and mistrust her based entirely on her own actions and misdeeds. I'm not asking for her to be necessarily locked up, but I would have liked them to fucking acknowledge that she's not an innocent little kid.
nigger even in CW SW is not an adult.
Why is Iron Man such a jobber now that two low level street levelers can give him the ends now?
This never would have happened to Iron Man during either his first or second movie.
Adapting Civil War instead of releasing a proper Cap 3.
Didn't look cool at all, had a lame sense of humour, Accords bullshit doesn't even matter, Cap's a jerk, Tony's a jerk, villain was boring. Black Panther was kinda cool.
>two low level street levelers
A guy that can stop a helicopter from taking off using only his bare hands is low street level?
Also Iron Man has written in excuse for inconsistent power levels. Different armors have different stats.
As stupid as the Civil War was in the comics, I think if they used the actual comic storyline the conflict would be easier to swallow. Because quite frankly, having UN oversight on your actions is not the same as registration, being forced to reveal your identity, and essentially being the mutant arm of the US military.
Not enough Zemo.
What would Cap 3 even have been about?
>Accords didn't matter.
Anyone that says this doesn't get that the movie operates on multiple levels and the accords were symbolic of Tony and Steve's respective character arcs across their movies.
Tony starts off as the free agent that wants to do whatever he wants and after getting his ass handed to him multiple times, his arc is about trying to fix things and constantly making them worse; instead of taking responsibility for the consequences of his actions, he's pro accords because they mean he gets to pass the buck; consequences aren't his own anymore, he's just following orders.
Whereas Steve is the opposite; he starts out being the dutiful soldier that just wants to follow orders, but after Avengers and Winter Soldier he's learned that authority isn't always going to be there to make the right call. So his character arc is to grow out of the soldier mindset to become an independent free thinker. Thus he's anti accords because he's gone from being a follower to a true ubermensch.
There's more then one level of conflict in the movie. There's the personal (I want to save/capture Bucky) the ideological (we need to give up responsibility/take it) and the physical (airport fights)
>based on a comic book by Mark Millar
>I have no concept of tension so people must die for me to feel like anything worthwhile has happened.
I agree with you user. People just want to be contrarian for its own sake.
The airport scene was out of place from the rest of the movie
Civil war had a lot more super heroes, civil war had spider man already an avenger. It's been state the MCU is its own universe.
Zemo was actually one of the few villains they didn't make into a generic take ovah the world/he's just crazy. In the end he was right, the Avengers were fucking pricks. Cross could have been another one until:
Even before that Cross was a boring evil manchild, so he didn't really have much potential anyway.
Get out Whedon!
Also the reveal of Tony's parents' killer felt like a
>you're letting them kill Martha!
I found this movie more enjoyable and more thematically consistent than Winter Soldier.
That's great and all but they still should have been stomped by Iron Man.
Wanda saved hundreds of people nevertheless, and was instrumental to saving the world. She has the right to be upset at being dehumanized and locked up without trial.
Same for the Avengers. There's a difference between going to prison and being locked up on a black site without due process, which was intentionally built on international waters so Ross can freely violate their human rights without repercussions.
And of course Captain America wouldn't sign the Accords after he found out about Wanda. He already mistrusted the government and only entertained the notion of signing it because Stark assured him they could work around it. Hearing this only to find out the government had already gone back on its word (whoever doesn't sign gets to retire in peace) would obviously set him off.
>ManletMan only good line was 'he killed my mommy.'
>twinkie spideyman was forced written to be made to look good.
>twinkie spideymen cracked a stupid star wars quip
>people should have died (even if only comic book deaths).
>really regrettable and tediously boring music
>every thing that was tacked on felt very tacked on (Sharon kiss, for example, but also Ross being in charge, especially of the prison).
It was literally BvS with quips.
>Villains barely have a presence, including one built up an entire movie
>More hero vs hero shit
>Fights that have no weight because everyone is a good guy and we know everyone's going to be pals again later
>Obnoxious "humor" on Whedon's level
>Random spurts of commercials for other characters in a movie supposedly about Captain America
yeah that doesn't happen.
i could kill those honest trailer bastards some times.
>>Villains barely have a presence, including one built up an entire movie
The movie wasn't about villians at its core and Zemo is better than most moustache twirling capeshit villians.
>>More hero vs hero shit
This doesn't even make sense. Please list how much hero vs hero shit there is in the MCU.
>>Fights that have no weight because everyone is a good guy and we know everyone's going to be pals again later
Really? Because the last fight effectively disbanded the current Avengers team.
>>Obnoxious "humor" on Whedon's level
No, You probably have no sense of humor.
>>Random spurts of commercials for other characters in a movie supposedly about Captain America
What? You seem extremely short on examples of anything.
Not sure if you're a troll or a butthurt DKEK.
>why did nobody die
>villian admits his plan wasn't to kill the avengers, but to have them fight each other
This is the first Marvel movie where the villain won.
I've prepared an exhaustive list
>waifuing Wanda.
''Wanda, everybody likes you!'' terrible dialogue!
The line was "nobody hates you", which carries an entirely different meaning.
the letter in the end negated all of that. He lost.
>the letter negated all of that
Tony will still be pissed in the Avengers movie.
>She has the right to be upset at being dehumanized and locked up without trial.
So this is how appealing to the lowest common denominator looks like, huh?
Dude, you just can't do any of the shit that Wanda did, helping Ultron for example, and expect her to not be in house arrest at the very least
They should have made Spider-Man someone in his early twenties
>Because the last fight effectively disbanded the current Avengers team.
are you 5 years old? everybody knows that they are getting together again at some point.
So all Civil War did was ''made the Avengers mad at each other!!!''
Who cares? they never were friends! we never saw them act like fucking friends!
>Apparently, Wanda being grounded for manslaughter is too much for even Cap to ignore, but then again it's a well known fact that the Russo Bros have one big problem of waifuing Wanda.
Because it happened right after Tony said the terms of the Accords would allow for exceptions and communication and understanding. He's trying to convince Cap that not everything will be cut and dry and then he reveals that he put Wanda under house arrest.
It represents that Tony, nor the Accords, could be trusted. Or at least underscores that for Cap.
Wasn't much of a Civil War, more of a spat in an airport followed by a bitch fight.
For me the big letdown was the action scenes. Spider-man had great scenes and Giant Man was super cool, but I was expecting a big or multiple super hero brawls in a film about Civil War but instead we got one that wasn't even that much of a spectacle.
I thought the movie was fine, I liked the twist, BP was great, etc. But I don't think it was "fucking fantastic" like all the reviews claimed.
You don't have many friends, do you?
>negated all of that
Really? So when did Steve pick up the shield and become Cap again?
Because I'm pretty sure Cap's letter was "I'm sorry, I should have told you. I still can't agree with the Accords, so I won't side with you, but if you need me, I'll be there."
Everyone who says the letter fixed everything forgets the fact that Cap still had to go and break the other Avengers out of prison.
>This doesn't even make sense. Please list how much hero vs hero shit there is in the MCU.
Iron Man vs Thor (with a side of Cap) in Avengers, Thor vs Hulk also in that same film, Iron Man vs Hulk in the sequel, and Ant-Man vs. Falcon in ANTS' film.
This is why I never respect any of you
>Peterfags want an older Spider-Man so they can self insert better
Can't make this shit up, family
She's clearly a lot younger than anyone else on the team, but that is a full grown woman.
They made Avengers 2, Part 2 instead of Captain America 3
It copied BvS
I'm halfway through apocalypse
It's alright
Holy shit, how much is Disney paying you? I seriously don't understand how you can say any of those things and not realize how insane it sounds.
>Focus is on the heroes only
It's ALWAYS on the heroes only in these fucking movies. The villain used to be just as important. The villain is the entire struggle, the representation of the goals and never ending battles engaged by the hero. The villain used to mean a lot because they are just as important, the other side of the coin. We need to care as much about the threat as we do the hero. The villain is the whole fucking point the heroes are heroes, yet the MCU keeps ignoring that.
We've had Iron Man vs. Thor, Thor vs. Hulk, Iron Man vs. Hulk, Antman vs. Falcon, Cap vs. Bucky, and now this fucking movie. I want MODOK, I want the Serpent Society, I want a legit Crossbones and Zemo, I want More Red Skull, I want Baron Blood, fucking remind me why the heroes actually exist.
>Legitimate criticism
Pic related, retard.
The one on the right has oatmeal in it.
Suck it Marvel.
>Look how cool i am for not liking either company! I hope you guys think i'm cool
Cap didn't fuck Bucky.
Are you retarded? The one on the right is a turd, the one on the left is gold.
I don't like MCU or DCEU because neither respect the source material and churn out run-of-the mill movies only concerned with a current trend as opposed to story telling and respecting the source material. But sure, ignore that part too.
Respecting the source material would end up with comprehensible films with awful costumes not designed for live-action and fractured storytelling due to how comics are paced vs movies.
They are fundamentally different formats.
>because neither respect the source material
Except they do. Marvel has done a good job of cherry picking what doesn't seem to corny and could pull entire audiences in. Keep in mind, that you're not the only person that's suppose to like these films and as a whole, they've done a good job with fan service.
I just don't like how whiny his voice sounds.
>Dude, you just can't do any of the shit that Wanda did, helping Ultron for example, and expect her to not be in house arrest at the very least
My feeling about continuity in the MCU is that if they don't mention it in the movie it doesn't exactly count.
They mentioned Tony's role in creating Ultron (briefly) and the destructive battles the Avengers had been in but they basically didn't mention anything about Wanda's role in AoU. They didn't even mention she's Sokovian, just that she's not American.
My guess is they simply didn't want to deal with the baggage from Whedon's movie so they treated Wanda as almost a new character who is being blamed for something that isn't her fault.
To be fair to them, I don't know what Whedon thought she and Quicksilver were even doing to the Hulk. Did they set him loose intentionally? It's so confusing we don't even know. I don't blame the new writers for not wanting to deal with the bad parts of someone else's story.
So she's literally dindu nuffin the character. Just great, just preachy user.
I would be annoyed except after seeing her shat on in the comics for 10 years it's nice to see writers going out of their way not to make things her fault.
>continuation of a shit movie based on a shit comic
Not much they could do really
She didn't.
She just killed a bunch of niggers.
I did find it weird that almost every person killed or seriously injured in this movie is black.
I saw one blog try to make an issue of this but 2016 is the year that kind of criticism kind of hit its saturation point, so it never got much play.
the middle part of the film was kinda shit
and Zemo wasn't very interesting and his plan was fairly stupid
7/10 flick though
Wanda's story is a struggle against incredibly powerful forces arrayed against her: Bendis. Remender. Marvel's ban on promoting any character Fox has the rights to use. And yet somehow she's still hanging in there.
You cannot keep a good bad girl down.
Don't worry user, it was just a coincidence.
It was also a shame all those poor niggers who died from Hulk's rampage in South Africa.
And that someone smashed Black Panther into a plane.
>what is Deadpool
The main conflict is nonsense
The movie realizes the main conflict is nonsense halfway through so it changes everything up to bring in the bug men and the tonally jarring airport fight.
Then by the 3rd act the main conflict is thrown out the window entirely. The movie just gives up.
Spider-Man was really good and I enjoyed seeing him but he was superfluous. Tony brought him in order to web up Team Cap but I think that's a flimsy excuse.
Also there was too much focus on Tony and his past for it being a Captain America movie.
It won't matter when thanos comes
Also This guy brings up a good point that once Tony learns the truth of Zemo and Bucky he completely disregards the Accords and goes off on his own. Like he realizes that the Accords aren't doing shit and he's doing exactly what Cap does so you'd THINK he should stop endorsing them.
That just makes it all the worse for me. Civil War exists in this weird limbo where it both draws its purpose entirely from previous movies and refuses to acknowledge them completely for fear of the conclusions it might be forced to make.
I mean I can understand the conundrum the filmmakers faced and why they did that, but it doesn't make it better. You can't both show me clips from Avengers 1 and 2 and WS to prove your point and ask me to disregard them when it doesn't suit you.
Stark always disagreed with the Accords, he just believes the best course of action is signing up and trying to find a way to work around them from within.
> Waifuing Wanda
> Problem
After Marvel's comic division shitting on her for years, it's kind of refreshing tbqh.
He just thought it was the lesser of two evils.
Also remember Cap's hesitation with Rumlow is what put Wanda in the situation she found herself.
Wanda getting shat on for what he felt was his mistake, and him being her mentor, weighs on him alot.
> When Stark mentions the kid who died helping the poor in Sokovia, she's quite clearly moved.
> The Accords are handed to her first.
Though it's odd Zemo never says anything about her, given their shared nationality.
>Should have just been focused on Cap and Bucky going rogue
I'd be down for that.
>an arc is a character repeating the same mistakes over 4 movies and still not growing
At least it only took Batman 1.5 hours to realize he was wrong.
He probably hates her.
Gay as fug.
It's an Avengers movie instead of a Cap stand alone.
>Helps both Ultron and the Avengers, which Zemo blames for Sokovia's destruction
He 100% hates her.
He's the one who cares most about her though.
It was a very good Avengers movie, but I didn't want that. I wanted a solo Captain America movie that would end his trilogy.
Why can't they stop shoving Iron Man in everything?
Nigga, we talking about Zemo here, remember?
Oh sorry my first reply was this one.
>What went wrong?
Nothing. It was a good movie.
Partly to to stick it to BvS, partly to make up for AoU.
Have you guys not read Civil War?
It was too loosely based on the comics.
Which is good because the comic is shit
That's the thing, I didn't want Civil War in Captain America 3. I wanted a proper solo Captain America movie.
Careful with that edge friendo
How is that edgy in anyway? The comic was kinda garbage.
Why would you ever read comics for?
Are you seriously going to tell me the Civil War comic was good?
What I find grinds my gears is the same people who were happy for Panther and Spidey to be there don't want Cap or the Avengers in the Spidey and Panther solos.
Wanda and Cap are probably why he hates enhanced people.
Makes some very good points:
You misspelled right
How would it make sense for him to already be a well established hero? Or would you prefer it to be a 30 year old who got bit by a spider rather than a teenager?
That entire article is based on the author trusting the good judgement and ethics of UN, which anyone who knows anything about it knows is absurd. Heck, in the movie they're instantly shown not to be trusted when they immediately send out special forces to execute Bucky without a trial.
I agree in that SS and Apocalypse were shit, but BvS was better than this atleast in terms of cinematography and characters.
>Zemo somehow parked a van full of bombs in front of a UN building. During an important gathering with world leaders.
>Vision didn't didn't destroy the plane, instead shot down that tower. Giving Cap and Buck an unnecessary chance at escape
>Iron Man somehow thought it best to have Vision shoot at Falcon from ground level, from far away. When either him or War Machine could have held him off
>Iron Man and Cap arrive at that bunker at roughly the same time even with Cap's enormous lead on him
>Cap somehow broke into that underwater prison, seemingly by himself
nothing, it was better than the comic and one of the best MCU movies
>Rogers finds the Winter Soldier and instead of letting the gov take him, creates a civil war and rips the Avengers apart.
>Iron Man finds the UN bomber and instead of arresting him, starts a fight with other heroes because of muh parents.
>Black Panther, instead of doing some stupid shit because his father was killed during the bombing, arrest said bomber and lets the government do their job.
>"The movie doesn't chose sides, there is no obvious winner"
No. It was better in terms of cinematography, I agree with you there.
>Zemo somehow parked a van full of bombs in front of a UN building. During an important gathering with world leaders.
He's a spy. They have their ways.
>Vision didn't didn't destroy the plane, instead shot down that tower. Giving Cap and Buck an unnecessary chance at escape
Black Widow was in that hangar.
>Iron Man somehow thought it best to have Vision shoot at Falcon from ground level, from far away. When either him or War Machine could have held him off
War Machine made that call. And both were focused on catching up to the Quinjet, which, in case you forgot, is one of the few things that can outspeed them.
>Iron Man and Cap arrive at that bunker at roughly the same time even with Cap's enormous lead on him
I'll concede to that.
>Cap somehow broke into that underwater prison, seemingly by himself
Cap is operator as fuck.
And Black Panther represented the UN.
Black Panther might be able to trust the UN - he's got a voting seat. He's an absolute monarch.
Cap had every reason not to trust them, after they sent a HIT SQUAD after Bucky based on grainy video.
>Black Panther, instead of doing some stupid shit because his father was killed during the bombing, arrest said bomber and lets the government do their job.
Isn't that basically what he did
Being honest, i think Zemo got help from someone, not necessarily HYDRA. I don't believe he did all of this himself, even with his soldier skills.
>>Rogers finds the Winter Soldier and instead of letting the gov take him, creates a civil war and rips the Avengers apart.
He was fully willing to let the government take him and give him due process, what he wasn't okay with was a fucking shoot-on-sight on his friend who was fucking brainwashed. Soon as they're captured, Cap is compliant. Then Bucky gets controlled and Cap has to save him. Cap thinks he'll be better for helping Bucky after that, which considering he ended that convo on bad terms with the Accords and Tony, is natural. Then he learns about the fucking supersoldiersquad, and that takes priority especially when Bucky is the most capable of his team to assist.
Tony's attack on Bucky at the end, while unjustified, makes complete sense within the movie's context and was the main breaking point.
Christ, I wanted to hate CW too, but it was remarkably competent at everything it set forth except Spidey. Every moment he was onscreen was masturbatory and his mere inclusion completely destroys Stark's arguments.
>his mere inclusion completely destroys Stark's arguments.
That was apparently the point.
No one brought up this, so i will: Bucky was not character, he was a a macguffin, a tool, a simple object. The line he gave to Tony about how he remembered all of the people he murdered was the only one where he showed some emotion.
>Bucky was not character, he was a a macguffin, a tool, a simple object
Congrats, you now understand how the Accords are a bad thing.
I feel his character peppered through nicely in his few short scenes.
I find it funny that we was literally fridged at the end.
He's like a useless love interest that's only there to be saved or be the cause of anguish for the main character. I'm curious if Marvel actually has a plan for him or if he'll just die in Infinity War.
He'll become the new Captain America.
Evans said he's willing to still play Cap if Marvel wants, so Bucky will remain the sidekick for some time.
He'll die in "Infinity War". Screencap this.
They will kill someone prominent, and it has to either be Cap or Iron Man. And Marvel just won't throw away the chance to keep moneymaker Robert Downey Jr. at arms' lenght.
No death = no tention
You know no one will die and that everything will be fine in the end, most of the actors have a contract that lasts years so they wouldn't kill them now.
As for the "surprising" stuff they showed pretty much everything there was to see in the trailers but people will see it regardless cause of Disney and superheros.
You don't know that, though. Everyone went in believing Captain America and War Machine would die. Maybe that's what made some folks sour on no one dying.
>They have their ways
Not an answer
>Black Widow was in that Hangar
How did he know?
>Both were focused on catching up to the Quinjet
Ok. But that doesn't change the fact that ONE of them could have turned around and dealt with Falcon.
>Cap is operator as fuck
Not an answer either. It's an underwater prison. They have to communicate to whoever is coming in before they even resurface.
>I don't know what Whedon thought she and Quicksilver were even doing to the Hulk. Did they set him loose intentionally?
I thought it was pretty clear that she intentionally set Bruce loose in South Africa. She says to Quicksilver "I want the big one" while looking at Bruce and the next thing we see of the Hulk is him with that red tinge to his eyes chimping out on some South African city. Wanda mind-whammied him pretty good.
Myself, I was a little mad that her part in the Sokovian situation is never acknowledged.
When the alternative to throw up a bomb and killing a dozen people is letting it go and killing just as many, if not more, AND killing Captain America. That's a no brainer
But you're retarded
>I find it funny that we was literally fridged at the end.
I've been thinking that while Tumblr LOVES (and I do mean LOVES) the Bucky and Steve relationship, if Bucky were genderswapped and literally everything else about his story was the same, the Cap movies would be tarred and feathered as sexist.
>No death = no tention
I don't get why this is levied against Civil War exclusively when every action movie is guilty of this.
I know John McClane is going to live through the credits of Die Hard. Does that mean the movie has no stakes?
Yes, die hard has no stakes. Especially as the series goes on because he's already survived that many similar situations. Comic books have no stakes because even when characters die, they just get brought back through shenanigans. What pisses people off is that comic books pretend to have stakes. But it doesn't matter. Whether it's a mugger or Galactus, the level of danger is never different. No one ever dies