Do you like it when supers are drawn in a stylized or super cartoony way? Or do you prefer the more anatomically correct art?
Do you like it when supers are drawn in a stylized or super cartoony way...
im more drawn to a stylized look, when things are too realistic they can become uncanny valley like
Depends on the tone, pretty sure most people would agree. Though even that would still feel subjective about which should be which.
Depends on the tone they're going for.
Anatomically correct. But even then, you can still make anatomically correct art look cartoony by applying smooth lines and soft colors, which usually looks nice.
Honestly though, I just hate the standard comic book art style that tries to be gritty and features exaggerated musculature. It just looks ugly to me.
Also, what the fuck is going on with Diana's shoulder?
Stylized and cartoony is the definitive choice for traditional capes, see Kirby, Timm and Cooke.
>Batman symbol
stylized all the way
so new frontier like?
that was the best
yeah new frontier has one of my favorite choices in stylization in capes comics
I like stylised.
But not OP stylised. That just looks shit.
I think it can work, depending on the tone of the story.
I prefer stylized, but this OP pic is ugly as fuck.
Depends on the style.
Cartoony styles compared to what you'd consider "anatomically correct" are relatively rare in Big2 capeshit, and actually well done cartoony styles even moreso.
In my opinion.
I love this. I like when superman has more of a dad mode strong physique, instead of a bodybuilder with crazy definition.
Yes, actually. But of course, Darwyn Cooke was one of like two cape artists who have that kind of style, and he's dead now. Because life is a bitch that way.
At least we still have Jeff Moy for now.
Gracious, that is a very huggable Clark.
It also helps sell the idea that nobody realizes it's him, because people are gonna notice when you're bursting with muscle. Nobody really notices when you're just a normally built dude.
>I like when superman has more of a dad mode strong physique
Any more examples of this?
Don't mind since it's ridiculous that cape artists try to realistic in the first place. Outrages costumes only compliment outrageous proportions.
where are the moles
Batman kinda looks like a vagina here
Thanks for your opinion, mr. Sigmund Freud!
The more self contained it is the better stylised art works.
Huh. Now I can see why people don't notice Clark, slouching really does make him look different.
I always like the aproach of "Anatomical but exaggerated", in different aspects based on tone. The way their bodies move or how they're lined or coloured can add a lot to even a more realistic figure.
However I can't help but say that the more exaggerated and stylized they are makes them very interesting, from a movement/sillouette kind of way.
As long as the style's good it's fine. Most cape stuff is drawn with the most basic, boring "trying to be realistic" style.
You can see whenever a good artist draws him. Most don't care or think about it.
I get what you mean, but that's not really a smart thing to say. You are comparing two drawings that are intended to look different. If these were photographs of the same person, you'd have a much stronger reason to say what you did.
>You are comparing two drawings that are intended to look different
That's... the whole point. What are you even trying to say?
>If these were photographs of the same person, you'd have a much stronger reason to say what you did.
The fuck are you talking about? These are drawings. Who cares about photographs.