How do you feel about Harley Quinn being in everything all of a sudden
More appearances than Batman for the last couple of months
How do you feel about Harley Quinn being in everything all of a sudden
DC is cashing in on a character who is actually popular and not forced
I just find it weird how they are calling her a hero now after doing some awful shit. Hell, she still kills random people just cause in her current book. Even in Injustice, she did help the Joker nuke Metropolis
I don't get why she just gets a free pass because "I'm so quirky and have a troubled past!"
She's become DC's top female hero quite easily
No one is really even questioning her being heroic anymore
I can point to 3 villains who have become heroes in the last 2 years
Harley Quinn is a blip
Compared to
Lex Luthor
Captain Cold
It's great to see more lesbian representation
Doest she always goes between good or evil?, like she's a neutral character
wtf is this? Harley has her own 'Quinn family' now?
More like henchwoman or sidekicks
Because no one actually reads her comics. NEETS just but her comics for the covers and muh waifu and girls just buy her comics for nerd cred. She's literally the biggest comic meme ever.
I don't really care about her or her sales but Cred Forums getting bootyblasted about things they don't like selling is always fun
user, i ...
Agreed. I'd be glad that she's getting more recognition if it wasn't for the fact that most depictions either miss the point or almost change her completely. Still it means that with added exposure we might get some decent stuff again so it's a waiting game for me personally.
>just the last 2 years
Its weird because she's barely the neurotic Jewish girl hiding behind a bubbly childlike demeanor. This new Harley feels too in control of herself, where as the original was driven by a core of insecurity.
Harley Quinn is basically a better wonder woman
for dc
>Captain Cold
No he fucking didn't
He got a job as lexs head of security he sure is not a good guy now.
>it means that with added exposure we might get some decent stuff again so it's a waiting game for me personally.
I agree.
Im pretty sure the main universe is the only place where she is fully seperated from the joker anyway (and places where he is dead)
Even her upcoming aperance in scooby do teamup is about her puddin.
Since when does that mean he helps the justice league though?
Looking at that it makes it seem like i am saying that job makes him bad it does not.
Its the other villan shit that does
have you been reading injustice user?
Its the best she's ever been written
I haven't touched it for a very long time because I couldn't get over the horrible art but what I did read I liked. If that's the case I may try again.
There going to have to integrate quiver into canon eventualy.
Lets hope it's sooner than later.
to be near lex because of being his head of security
also he had a crush on wonder woman
It'd be funny if Harley had as a custom move a boxing glove arrow
>defend herself as well as her principals
I don't know how I feel about the Chinese one not being Harley Qin.
It's the same shit that happened with Deadpool. And it was even before the movie, all it took was Daniel Way's memelicous panels going viral on 9gag.