I'm a Marvelcuck so I dont dabble alot into DC comics. The two things Wonder Woman is famous for is blocking bullets with her armbands and using her Lasso of Truth to subdue enemies. So why the fuck did they give her a generic sword and shield instead of playing up those qualities? Is this a case of brand synergy with the movies? I also thought Diana Prince was supposed to be all peaceful and motherly too so again why the weapons?
Explain to me why Wonder Woman has a sword and shield nowadays?
Sell sell sell
Cause she's a woman from a warrior nation so she gets to have actual weapons.
Oh yeah I also forgot to mention she has superpowers so AGAIN, why the sword and shield? It's stupid.
The bands and her lasso were her weapons.
>why the sword and shield?
So she can cut stuff and not get hit in the face. Also bands and ropes aren't weapons.
As an Amazon, she's reconnecting to her Greek roots.
I really liked the line from Azzerello's run where she tells Hephestius that the lasso is a weapon in her hands.
She can have a whole arsenal of weapons on top of her bands and lasso
By that logic then putting actual weapons in her hands is far more weapony.
>Also bands and ropes aren't weapons.
Saying those are not weapons is like saying Cap's shield isn't a weapon.
So she can block-stab-stab-slash-decapitate now. No, seriously, why give her a deadly weapon?
What? No it's nothing like saying that. Just cause they're iconic and crap doesn't make them efficient fighting tools.
Its for cutting apart robots mostly.
Because she fights deadly gods and monsters and needs to kill them sometimes.
The bracers can basically protect her from everything her enemies throw at her.
The lasso can grow infinitely long and has never been broken in battle.
What triggers me is how small and crappy looking her shield is. Greek shields were huge and decorative. Her skimpy not-hoplite outfit is irritating too. Like an actual hoplite outfit would still show off a ton of skin and would look better.
>The bracers can basically protect her from everything her enemies throw at her.
So a shield made out of the same stuff would be far better at it.
>The lasso can grow infinitely long and has never been broken in battle.
Of course the lasso is great. Good for when she needs to interrogate/hogtie an opponent. Which is often.
Since you are a Marvel fan, think why the Asgardians use swords, axes, shields, etc, even if they have god-like powers?
Would be perhaps that they are part of ancient warrior-based societies and cultures? Same case is Diana with the Amazons.
I liked how in Azzarello's run is actually pointed out to her that her taste in weapon is archaic but she just prefers it that way.
>The lasso can grow infinitely long and has never been broken in battle.
Both Superman and Bizarro have both snapped the rope, in continuity.
Marvel "heroes" commit far more murder.
The fuck is that skirt.
Wait i have never seen Cred Forums defend the lasso getting shafted so much recently before.
What changed.
>Since you are a Marvel fan, think why the Asgardians use swords, axes, shields, etc, even if they have god-like powers?
Exhibit 1.
Plus, most of the Asgardian weapons are themselves enchanted - and even the ones that aren't are far heavier and more durable than mortal weapons. Before Thor had hammer, it took half a dozen human men to lift his axe.
Most Asgardians hang around the cosmic MU and never come to Earth so of course they would use weapons because their "powers" mean nothing out there. Thor himself draws all his power from Mjolnir.
Doesn't Wonder Woman normally venture out into the regular world?
It is disgusting that Sif JiM got cancelled and we're stuck with a schizophrenic Captain Marvel as our badass woman lead.
I pray for Gamora to rescue us.
I haven't read any good answer
I remember she has this whole armor get up complete with helmet. I guess she needs to bring out some arsenal when she fights more powerful beings.
Is a DC fanboy actually decrying murder?
does Hephestius have guns and lasers in his armory?
The mcu has doomed Gamora to be black widow light, she has become increasingly more boring since.
The DCEU happend
What if sword AND whip?
An unarmed, unarmored Asgardian is still a mid-tier superhuman.
Scans? I really need to see this
Again it doesn't mean anything in the cosmic MU. Drax and Gamora could wreck most of Earth but out in space it's a different story.
Because not having an earthly clue what to do with her, DC usually doubles down on the least interesting aspect of WW, which is a hack&slash proud warrior chick.
Well you should have bought the book.
They started giving her other enchanted weapons because of the whole "she comes from a warrior society", so when they want to show that things got "rough" they'll show her with heavy armor or using pointy weapons.
>Most Asgardians hang around the cosmic MU
Ummm no not really. They mostly fight other high fantasy creatures and shit and when they're not doing that they're hanging out on Earth.
>of course they would use weapons because their "powers" mean nothing out there
Also bullshit. Generally speaking people in space aren't stronger than superheroes on Earth. Silver Surfers and shit like that are outliers and, again, they barely ever deal with that shit.
>Drax and Gamora could wreck most of Earth
Drax and Gamora are not impressive at all. What the fuck are you talking about?
Are you trying to make that sound bad? Cause it doesn't
WHY DO YOU KEEP POSTING THIS THREAD? What is the agenda here?
It's NOT a genetic sword and shileld. They are magical; that sword can literally split stuff in atomic level.
Sounds very useful.
But they only started to properly abandon the lasso very recently.
She uses her lasso there too
that's pretty cool
Old Wondie was an actual feminist
Writers gave her freudian-appropriate weapons like rope and bracelet
Modern day Wondie is an SJW
Writers gave her phallic sword weapon
What was your question, again?
Since when do they hang out on Earth? After Odin put Asgard back where it used to be, the Asgardians just stay there now. Only main characters like Thor and Loki go to Earth. The Asgardians deal with Dark Elves, Fire Demons, Frost Giants, etc which are all stronger than a regular human. Due to power level scaling these things including Asgardians would only be considered superhuman level if they came to Earth.
>"I was introduced to Guardians through the movie"
>>"I was introduced to Guardians through the movie"
Nigga what? No Drax and Gamora simply aren't that strong. Drax could deal with MAYBE The Thing at best but an absurd amount of earth bound people shit all over the both of them. The only reason Drax could even kill Thanos that ONE time was cause he was enchanted or some shit.
Swords are integral part of every human civilization, since the metals have been used for the first time. Sword was the major weapon for more than 3000 years. And they will always be appealing. Almost all the mythical heroes, have wielded famous swords, magical or otherwiswe. Perseus's sword, Arthur's Excalibur, Siegfried's Balmung, Beowulf's Hrunting. With Diana coming from an ancient civilization isolated by the rest of the world, it makes far more sense wielding a sword, (even if in Amazon's case would be more appropriate bows and arrows), than a lasso for a weapon.
Think of it like this:
Those aren't regular weapons. They're magic. Just as strong as her
imagine Superman throwing a Kryptonian sword straight through a planet. Shit's so cash
Because this is an action medium, and they've finally picked a solid direction to take Wonder Woman after years and years of going back and forth
>Azz's run was a solid direction
>DC immediately backpedaled so hard they won the Inversez Tour de France
>Azz was solid.
It wasnt. Diana was a nor factor with few to no personality traits and no supporting cast that was good or wasnt a god.
As opposed to now? Where she has no supporting cast and no direction outside of THE LIEEEEEEEES
>Diana was a nor factor with few to no personality traits
So just like normal Wonder Woman? Diana has only two personality traits: Mary Sue who loves everyone and everything or psychotic bitch who wants to fuck Superman and rule everything else.
Looks like cobie smulders here hnnngg
You expect them to push femdom/dominatrix WW?
>no supporting cast that was good
Bull. Shit. The supporting cast MADE that run. with them and the mythos that was set up Wondy was in a great place if someone wanted to go a more character-centric route for her if they wanted. But I guess we always need a reminder that we live in the worst timeline.
DC is run by people who really really like the worst parts of George Perez's run and Xena. Thus she gets sword and board and a battle skirt and she only busts out her lasso when the writer is feeling fun and exciting.
Why not? She's supposed to be a warrior.
>Is this a case of brand synergy with the movies?
New 52 was clearly to put some things in comics that they were thinking of having a movie of
And a sword and sheild are just two more thing that toys can be made of
Her supporting cast is being built. We have Etta,Steve and Barbara. Im glad folks are remembering shes more than kratos.
The supporting cast should be an added bonus not completely push out the main star. And they basically disappeared outside Hera and Zola. And look where the finches went with your story.
'I only loved Zeke because my womb waa bare' .
I hated the whole Zeke shit and honestly would have perfered if he grew up on his own.
The most obvious and indubious answer! Great post!
Good old SA
>The supporting cast should be an added bonus not completely push out the main star.
Not as long as its a good read and it was.
>And look where the finches went with your story
Fuck no. The Finches are the ones that fucked everything in the first place.
This is the dumbest fucking comment I have read in several months. Incredible.
I want a good read about the MC not the supporting cast. And i found Diana lacking in terms of things she did herself.
And user said 'you could habe built from where Azz set up' and i pointed out the direct storyline following. Dont get upset if it wasnt what you wanted. Azz set they up perfect for that bullshit. Zeke was a mistake.
>psychotic bitch who wants to fuck Superman and rule everything else.
Gotta chase that SJW dolla...
Toy sales for when the her movie appearances finally happened.
With nu52 it became painfully obvious that they used the reboot to shove some movie shit in there before movie shit actually happened. Basically the opposite of marvel, who adds movie shit after it already happened.
>and more
That's all the shit they could sell for Wondy should they get their shit together
>why Wonder Woman has a sword and shield nowadays?
Lack of imagination.
And they hate the original WW.
>I want a good read about the MC not the supporting cast
Too bad I guess. I get that you wanted more out of Wondy I do but the story itself is still good. There aren't any shortages of issues of Wonder Woman to read that are all about her if that's the bare minimum of what you want out of a Wonder Woman story.
>Dont get upset if it wasnt what you wanted.
I can't get upset about bad writing? Its somehow the good writer's fault that the guy that came after him was shit? All I said was Azzrello gave Wondy a solid direction. Unfortunately not all potential is realized.
Underrated post
End yourself
Kiss dick
Why doesn't Superman have a sword?
He already has, user
So she can kill all those people Batman won't.
I think the reason is that from a purely aesthetic viewpoint, the lasso always kind of looked dumb.
because the bondage superwoman thing was sexist and it's 2016. as my feminist gf pointed out cuffs and rope is straight up bdsm
>Thor draws all his power from Mjlonir
Aaronbabbies pls.
This is some next level delusion, or maybe (definitely) you've read even less Thor than I have.
If your girlfriend was an actual feminists and not a SJW religious fundie pretending to be a feminist, she'd understand that BDSM is liberating.
Because it works well with her cape. Now the Trinity now all have capes.
>Like an actual hoplite outfit would still show off a ton of skin and would look better.
This. A girl wearing pic related would still look pretty hot.
For all the people complaining about BLACKED and even Grant Morrison using black men as examples of 'primal masculinity' or some shit like that, Steve was very much the passive partner.
Dude you're talking to a troll.
>As my feminist girlfriend points out...
I have enough faith in humanity that i am going to assume he's being sarcastic.
Ultimately it's because they don't know what to do with her and because she's killed people she's fought in the past occasionally because she fights dangerous people and she's not entirely defined by neurotic squeamishness they've decided to make "the superhero who sometimes kills people but is good" her whole character so she gets a sword now (I blame Batman and how central he is for DC for this - is this unfair? probably)
People will complain because they presume things fit their biases.
Stormfags complained about BLACKED, SJWs complained that a strong black man was vaguely subservient to a white woman, both totally missed the point as they usually do.
Well, among other things, yes. I mean for all the talk about "rar rar amazons greek war race", she was never supposed to be a warrior, she was supposed to promote feminist peace and healing. And yes, bondage.