Snyder did say on twitter that Bruce recoils at the thought of considering the likes of Dick and Tim ,Jason his own kids, no kidding.
Snyder did say on twitter that Bruce recoils at the thought of considering the likes of Dick and Tim...
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I hate that man. I wouldn't be surprised if Snyder would just kill them all if he had the power. Dick, Tim, BabsDamian , all dead so he can push his personal creations.
That's Scott, not Zack.
So all of this only means: industrial quantity of DRAMA!!!. Bruce doubts (again) with the idea of having a partner (son), because he only wants to see them as a soldiers for not suffer. And if we put Duke the in ecuation...
no tanks..
Oh, God. Cycles repeat again.
this is Cred Forums, not Cred Forums
Snyder being so obsessed with Duke is the main reason I'm glad he's off the book.
wait, they're different people?
It's a bit like Devin and Dick, sometimes weird coincidences happen, and it can be confusing as hell.
Whats wrong with this? I do think Bruce struggles between father figure and drill sergeant. Especially after Jason died.
Because he's a faggot who thinks his oc donuts can replace characters that are and will always be more important to batman
Both of these are largely true at the same time.
Snyder is pretty good but he didn't understand the batfamily.
When is the last time a writer didn't push his OC Donut Steels?
Couple of decades at least, and people always complain, look at how people thought about Damian for his first three years or so.
Boy the depths that these butthurt fanboys will go to attack creators
>Boy the depths that these butthurt fanboys will go to attack creators
Scott pls.
People keep saying this, but Duke has done almost nothing since he was incorporated into the main batbooks.
I don't really follow him on twitter or anything so unless he's been stroking Duke's dick on there or something I just don't see why people keep saying stuff like this.
I think now is the time for DC to kill Dukes character because outside of Tumblr I've come across very few active Duke fans. At worst there are a lot of people who outright hate the character and at best people seem indifferent.
>he's been stroking Duke's dick on there
He already did that. Nothing new.
is literally any new character a OC donut steel? that's fucking retarded
>a character's lifespan in-universe should be determined by popularity
that's literally gwenpool tier retardation except not played for laughs
One of the biggest reasons I'm happy that Snyder isn't writing the main bat book anymore.
I'm asking if he has because nothing Duke has done in the book(s) so far has made me think he's obsessing over him or pushing him as hard as everyone else is implying.
I'm seriously confused.
>and people always complain, look at how people thought about Damian for his first three years or so.
But that's understandable, in Damian's case he was an annoying unlikeable shit until people other than his creator started using him regularly.
>I think now is the time for DC to kill Damian character because outside of Tumblr I've come across very few active Damian fans. At worst there are a lot of people who outright hate the character and at best people seem indifferent.
See that shit? This would be your common Cred Forums post back during 2008 or 2009.
Interview with SNYDER !! In this interview he said Duke can become the next Batman and is the true heir of the bat
Scott pls.Stop trying to make Duke happen, Duke won't happen.
Oh, it's you, Damifag.
I want you to know that're making me hate Damian little by little, despite previously being a fan of the character.
Well that explains a lot. He really has some issues concerning family in his writings. Even his Alfred is majorly off.
Jesus Christ, it's like Snyder doesn't understand how excessive pushing can make an audience hate a character.
If most people didn't loathe Duke Thomas before, they most certainly do now.
I mean is that all though?
Like, I don't really care what a writer says he hopes or thinks could happen in an interview I care about what happens in the book. So far Duke has done nothing to make me think this guy is pushing him as hard as Cred Forums wants me to believe, and I've definitely seen other new characters pushed harder than this.
But is this one interview the only thing people are basing their complaints on?
I'm confused as hell.
Scott sucks.
>15 / guys Hate Snyder.
>[Update] [Auto] No new posts
Cry Me A River
If Snyder is trying to push Duke,he's not doing a good job.
He only wrote the character in BATMAN during "Year Zero" and "Endgame" very briefly and in ALL-STAR BATMAN as Batman's trainee and new hero. The other appearances were all done by other people.
So yeah, i agree with you, for someone who's "pushing his OC", Snyder has been doing almost nothing with it.
It feels like this Duke hate came out of nowhere
I get hating characters, I get disliking new characters, but people get ridiculous with Duke over the silliest things.
Like some people were seriously complaining that he shared a panel with Gotham Girl.
I'd kill Duke in an instant. I hate his personality.
Worst Batman character ever written. They try to make him look cool but fails miserably.
Same here, to be honest. Between the fucking awful DC animated movies lately being both way worse in quality and all featuring Damian plus this one faggot plus a complete lack of good stories featuring Damian at the moment, it's getting hard to keep liking him.
The whole pushing Duke thing comes from interviews, not the comics.
Some people on Cred Forums are getting mad over what Snyder talks about, not what Snyder is actually doing in the books.
Cred Forums is filled with bakas.
>They try to make him look cool
>It feels like this Duke hate came out of nowhere
I think it's mostly a small group of Damian fans who are blaming him for Damian apparently being less involved with Bruce and Bat books, than they think he was prebirth. Most people seem indifferent or at worst "oh great a new Bat side character, just what was needed".
Scott sucks.
What the fuck do they expect him to say?
"Yo this new character is shit don't read about him"
By definition, yes
I don't agree, I think it's mostly people have been so burnt out on Snyder after his painstakingly long run on the title that all of his flaws get magnified and everyone's quick to lash out at anything stupid he does. And introducing yet another Batfamily tech character that has yet to be given a personality definitely qualifies.
But the thing with Damian happened before Duke Thomas was ever created.
The bat-editors decided to make the BATMAN and DETECTIVE COMICS books totally Bat-centric. You hardly see Dick, Jason, Tim or Barbara in it. It's just Bruce, Alfred and Gordon. That was an editorial decision. The Bat-Clan only show up in these books during big cross-overs.
>see this thread in the catalog
>try to wipe a speck off my screen
>it's just the comma next to Jason
Damianfag isn't that great at English, they make up for it with spirit though!
>Damian apparently being less involved with Bruce
Okay so I stopped reading batbooks long before rebirth and only got back into them with the Damian solo. It's my understanding that he was less involved with Bruce for quite a while before rebirth. If I'm wrong correct me because I really don't know.
>yet to be given a personality definitely qualifies
He had a personality in we are robin
He hasn't really done much in the main books to say "he doesn't have personality" at least I think so.
>Slott pls
>It's my understanding that he was less involved with Bruce for quite a while before rebirth. If I'm wrong correct me because I really don't know.
Batman interacted with him in BATMAN way back during "Batman and Son" and "RIP", BATMAN AND ROBIN first series during Bruce return (very briefly), BATMAN INC first series (also for a bit).
So yeah.
why do people keep responding to damifag
it's always obvious it's him, he can barely string a sentence together
Same beer more or less.
Stop it all man, you'r humilating yourself. He gave you the right arguments. You gave no arguments. Face it you'r wrong.
Oh, come on. I don't like Snyder's take on Bruce and the Batfamily, but you can't seriously believe that this tweet is meant to say he looks down on them, or that they're not "good enough" to be his sons. If anything, it probably means that Bruce wonders if he's good enough to be their father figure, or that he wants to respect their parents, or something.
Personally, I don't want him to see them as his sons because I want him to fuck them.
Nah nah I know all that stuff I was talking about after Damian came back to life.
You mean after his death? That would be after the reboot. Either way like i said the bat-editors wanted to make everything separate. So instead of Damian showing up in BATMAN he'd show up only in BATMAN AND ROBIN second series.
He's just a writer. He's not even the current Batman writer. His opinion holds the same weight as yours.
Bruce was amnesic for most of that time, and Damian's own book was pretty self contained, he only appeared in B&R Eternal in like the last 5 issues from what I remember. I don't think him and Bruce have really had a significant moment since his resurrection so no.
I don't like Duke at all, Cred Forums. Is it because I'm a racist, because I like Damian or because he's boring as fuck?
I'm haven't been the biggest fan of Duke either.
Personally, i want damian duke and harper roe to go on a road trip than drive off a cliff.
+1, completely agree
Tim bls you are dead,
I just want the shit insufferable characters to go. Tims a non entity.
>because he's boring as fuck
your Mom?