ITT: The fit Cred Forums girls from non-capeshit
ITT: The fit Cred Forums girls from non-capeshit
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That pretty much sums it up.
Not even the tip
Go to /aco/ you fucking neckbeards Hiro made it just for this shit
'scuse U
I can't tell Korra from Pharah.
The difference is very simple.
Pharah is a good character.
As a former female tarzan, I admit she could have been drawn more ripped (Navis from Wake).
You should go back to Cred Forums and stay there.
Are you new? Cred Forums has been calling capeshit capeshit since Watchmen.
none of them are real characters
Pharah has a face tattoo, four braids with gold adornment on the ends, and brown eyes
Is that Pharah?
Pharah is extremely tall.
For you
>Pharah is a good character.
Not as good as Mei.
>Our world is worth fighting for!
I have absolutely no idea what her charater is.
Her character is JUSTICE
Needs more hips and less watermark
wow this thread went downhill quick
whatever I got nothing to do until the debates start, I'll post a couple korras and whatever other relevant pics I can find
lok had some good brown and fit if nothing else
Meh, not as good a colouring and drawing as the OP but I'll take it
green fit is good too
I dont know what these are called but I love these bras with the elastic on the bottom.
>Cred Forums in charge of reading comprehension
What is this from? Why is she naked and why is the other girl agonizing after seing that ass?
Grey Foxes too.
They probably just don't care. Besides the number of fit comic girls outside of capeshit is limited and/or obscure.
Agent 355 is one of the best waifus in comic books and you can't deny it. It's a rock fact.
oh fucking shit, you're right, that's my bad. in that case I'm pretty much out of content.
nah he's right, I'm just a dummy who forgot what the thread was for.
would a woman really wear that kind of bra while adventuring?
Reading comprehension
>she got me sexually aroused but I was such a moralfag so I denounced her for the ethnic princess.
This is bad?user...
Helga x Kida X You.
>denounced her for the ethnic princess
You sure you didn't denounce her for Sweet? Because you sound like a total fag.
Kida was pretty fit herself. In fact there are a lot of disney characters who are kinda fit. Not korra fit, but decently toned.
That there is Gogo Bomango.
Forgot to tell:
She is Faude from Tolriq, a french comic
Rarely. Meanwhile it's very common over on Cred Forums and a good hint that we have a forum sliding Cred Forums fuck stopping by.
freaks squeele valkyrie
Anyone got her Magical Girl form?
I really have no idea what is this all about.
For fapping purposes, I shall imagine she shredded those jeans with her thigh muscles.
I would like to use this opportunity to mention that I'm organizing a multi-artist anthology of buff women and /ss/ and /ll/ .
Robert Crumb had a fetish for this kind of thing.
Pharah has an eye tatt and hair ornaments.
Otherwise yes, they are indistinguishable.
Oh my god, I LOVE his cross-hatching.
>no nipple
Does this count as fit?
Doing god's work, user.
if me wanting to fit my dick inside of that counts, sure
AUs count
She looks so awkward when smiling.
What episode was this? I know it's Angry Beavers but I can't even vaguely recall which episode.
"Line Duncing"
I wish the games offered me this boner.
>video game
In your fit girls thread, you moron.
Does this count as fit or thick?
>inb4 chin
Why did you have to mention it user? Now I can't stop looking at it.
The Beifongs are pure aesthetic
Even the boys
>Lin will never have a aesthetic daughter
This plot is shit
Lin's the pinnacle user. She broke the mold.
both, really that's the case with much of Bulumble-Bee's art
>awesome concept for a thread
>the pics are all shit
As Multi?
>That watermark
Won't someone PLEASE think of the children.
Yorick had a shot but someone else took it first
I believe it's just supposed to be covered by the dripping paint as a psuedo-censor. The image/comic is posted on deviantart, with all the moderator oddness that occurs there, so the artist likely wanted to avoid being more blatant with her losing the shirt.
Wasn't this supposed to get a webcomic?
>Chromatic aberration on a fucking sketchy comic
Holy shit someone kill whoever started this stupid fad.
But toph has functioning arms why the fuck would she use her feet for anything that isn't seeing?
I miss the great Uniter before she randomly became hitler.
Current plan as of the artist's blog is "September or Bust", so... *shrugs*
That was about a month ago, tho. He's done one or two non-related updates since, but nothing solid on the comic itself.
not enough good fanart for Eva
Thanks, I've been away from Cred Forums so I'd lost track of that.
That's Korra lmao
We all do
that filename tho
make it "him" somehow it'll be better
Why does that board even exist if everyone just ignores it.
no link
no other artists mentioned
no nothing to entice me
Because it's essentially /trash/ without furries.
Fuck you.
We're still in development, but keep an eye on Plus4chan or
Hiro made it because dumb faggots who don't know shit asked him to. You could post spoilered stuff on Cred Forums already, but now mods ban you for it. While /aco/ is just a porn dump board for western /d/ that doesn't allow loli and "furry" (such as Lola Bunny in a swimsuit) either.
Everyone would be better off if that board was never made and the faggots who pushed it went blind so they could never browse Cred Forums again.
I actually tried to make a "lewd scenes from published comics" thread, in /aco/. No fanart, just sex scenes and nudity that was officially published and printed.
There were only two other IPs in the thread that actually posted content, other than myself: someone who posted the fishrape pages from Alan Moore's Neonomicon, and someone who posted a page from Preacher.
In fact, here is something that someone posted, verbatim, from that thread:
>y'know, when /aco/ was first being discussed I thought it was gonna be a place where you could post comics with gore and sex and shit like crossed and the fish rape thing. Had no idea it was just gonna be a western porn board
you're clearly using it wrong because I find plenty of stuff I'm into on /aco/ all the time
You're into old as fuck pics who everyone has seen a hundred times and absolute lack of intelligent discussion? Because we used to have OC and fund discussions about lewd stuff on Cred Forums before the mods decided to castrate it.
What the fuck is there to discuss about porn? I seriously don't get that.
Fred Perry is a national treasure.
>You could post spoilered stuff on Cred Forums already
You really couldn't. Please don't act like spoilering porn on blue boards has ever been acceptable
How's it going fellow oldfag
good to know people like you and i have been here forever and know what its always been like :^)
/fit/ Helga is my fucking fetish
i don't go outside the only chan that matters
he's right though maybe way back when but even before /aco/ waa a thing they'd delete spoiler ed shit and even saw discussions of porn and shit.
No one gave a shit. People discussed shows and if the show had hot characters, especially if it was new, drawfags delivered porn and everyone was happy. If enough whiny pussy-ass faggots reported it, a mod would come along and delete it, no one got banned. Then everyone would just post links to it and that was that. Great times. Now what is even the fucking point of this board being 18+ if it's full of sensitive faggots who feel faint at the sight of porn and moralfags who scrub their hard drive with a magnet if they accidentally click on a loli pic? And for what, so underageb& can comfortably browse Cred Forums in school and normies at work?
I'd totally read a comic that's pretty much a roaming beat-em-up about a chick saving her man.
Which is pretty much what SoR 2 is if you play solo Blaze.