Why do you hate it, Cred Forums? It was flawed and definitely should have been 9 or 10 episodes long instead of 13 but it wasn't the abomination you are making it out to be.
Why do you hate it, Cred Forums...
After how great S1 of Daredevil was, hopes were high. An OK show wasn't going to cut it.
>Why do you hate it, Cred Forums?
Because girls have cooties.
Daredevil Season One>Jessica Jones Season One>Daredevil Season Two
See? It gets worse.
Luke cage is really gonna have to knock it out of the park or else people will get fatigued.
Is it unpopular opinion time?
JJ S1 was better than Daredevil S2. Daredevil S1 shits on both of the though and is the only truly great Marvel Netflix thing so far.
I think it's great. I think it's better than Daredevil. Better than Daredevil season one and season two.
I should say that I happen to think season one of Daredevil and Jessica Jones are both great. Season two of Daredevil is the only one I think happens to be meh plotwise, but that's mainly because it felt like they shoved two storylines together instead of forming a cohesive Punisher or Elektra season.
Either way, all three of those seasons are far and away better than any cape show on regular TV, IMO
Normies wont.
Kristen Ritter was bae, fucking it's patsy/hellcat and nuke were actually retarded. Oh and whoever her sidekick guy was sucked too.
Luke wasn't bad
No one's gonna get fatigued. Maybe the contrarians, though.
When they did the line
>>"Could you give me a safety word incase you're in trouble?"
>>"I'll say something I'll never say, like, I love you"
I just face palmed. She became Shadow the Hedgehog tier. Way to make Trish feel like shit!
Jessica Jones was a good show that suffered from stupid writing in the third act. Simpsons fall from grace should have been held off till season two/Defenders so that it didn't seem so rushed and could actually have an impact on Jessica and Hellcat instead we get Jessica being "Right" about the White guy. meanwhile she was so cock crazy with Luke it didn't even occur to her that he could be controlled. Making her look like an idiot.
>Why do you hate it, Cred Forums?
Most people don't. It's just the very vocal minority of Cred Forums users that mods let ruin everything.
The first four episodes of DD season 2 were better than both, though. Any Frank scene after was also stellar.
Read Alias. The show is complete garbage in comparison. It captured none of what the comic was all about.
> She has a funny drinking problem and yells
> She was raped to
> Also she's a incompetent retard
No. Jessica Jones is none of those things. The show was just bad writing on top of being a poor adaptation.
Basically Frank made a great show even fucking better.
Basically DD1 had a slow first act that picked up for the final 2/3ths Jessica Jones had a great 1st and 2nd but dragged ass at the end.
DD2 has a fantastic 1st and 3rd act with the middle killing it.
So far they all had flaws but they recovered but Jessica's came at the end so it killed most of what it did good.
>was bae
This. Netflix would have better shows if they shortened their series to 8 eps. 13 is far to many.
Quality > Quantity
Most first seasons usually starts with 8 episodes. They often end on a high note too.
regardless of the fact that this thread will be full of shit opinions it was just boring and badly written
how dare you ask a question on Cred Forums OP you stuopid faggot
Pacing. Purple Man was something they should have built up to slowly over the season - dropping hints but not revealing him until like the last third of the season.
Instead he's revealed in the first episode and we spend the rest of the season stretching a 3-4 episode arc into 13 episodes.
>unpopular opinion
fatigued of what?
What makes strong guy running around punching shit based on a comic any different than strong guy punching shit pulled out of somebodys head?
The advantage of JJ/Luke is that even if you just think Marvel is an adjective, it stands on its own as a regular sci-fi/action show.
DDfags were bitter that critics gave JJ higher scores
Is Daredevil S2 shit? Please save me time and tell me. I was going to watch it for frank.
I liked Jessica Jones, but I think it had some big issues. Like all the neighbor shit and how many times Purple Man gets captured only to escape. I think if they cut the fat and made it three episodes shorter it would have been 10/10 perfection instead of the 8.7/10 that it is.
>unpopular opinion
This is the most consistent opinion I've seen on Cred Forums regarding the Netflix series.
I don't hate it but I do think it was twice as long as it needed to be. There just wasn't enough material and it's why I won't watch it a second time through
Too salacious, and very inconsistent power level for Jessica. One minute she is lifting a car, the next, she's getting curbstomped by random dudes.
>Is Daredevil S2 shit?
It has much worse pacing problems than JJ does in the last 2/3s. A lot of the season was dedicated to setting stuff up for Defenders, and there's general character arbitrary stupidity abound, especially regarding Elektra. I would say it's still damn worth it, because for all the crap it may have it still has some stellar scenes and acting.
Pros: Absolutely fantastic Kingpin scenes. Frank is the best motherfucker in the show, his actor did the best job of them all. Seeing Matt be cocky in and out of the suit is fun, as is seeing him go full hero.
Cons: pacing, subplots seem laboured and then aborted, character stupidity, sometimes questionable effects, Elektra.
The first act is great and there are good scenes throughout but the storytelling takes a nose dive in the second half of the season.
The first half of season 2 is better than S1 and JJ. You can actually pinpoint the moment the season goes to shit
Hello Matthew [/spoiler
>Is Daredevil S2 shit?
It feels like two unrelated half-seasons stitched together, with one being pretty good and not about Daredevil, and the second sorta about him but kinda lame. Also, Kingpin acts less like a giant man baby and a little more like his comic version, but not by much.
Purple Man wasn't purple.
I'm not watching it.
I liked both JJ and DD. I'm probably bias though, i'm just glad characters are getting attention.
I never said it was perfect, I think it's flawed. But JJ was different from the other Netflix marvel stuff so I tried to recommend it when I could
It'a decent show but better than Daredevil? Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Were they actively trying to make Jessica the most unlikable character on the show? Fuck, even Kilgrave's backstory was more sympathetic.
Jessica Jones
>Profoundly flawed Protagonist
>Exceptionally evil Antagonist
>Variety of characters across the board
>Intrigue was decently written.
>Luke Cage wasn't handled as well as I'd like.
> The Blonde Girl is insufferable (Both of them)
>So many simultaneous events provide too many convenient narrative escapes for the writers. That's probably why it felt so dragged on toward the end.
Every single character was a dull cliche rather than feel like a human being, especially Jessica herself.
The villain was an unthreatening cartoonishly evil pile of garbage. Just absolutely abysmal in every way.
The psychological thriller aspects are pretty much non-existent.
Writing offered no subtlety whatsoever.
The pacing was terrible.
The action scenes sucked (inb4 "b-b-but you just want ninja flips" as if that's the only way to have good action scenes and "i-it's not an action show".
Much as I hate Bendis, I'd go and agree with
>Most people don't.
Most people dind't gave a shit, that's why you have to wait like 3 years in order to get season 2.
If it were a succesful show, like any other Netflix show, season 2 would have been airing this year.
The only reason that is getting a second season is because it would hurt the Denfender and Marvel brand if they have a show that only last a season
I loved it, I love battle of will stories of two people hunting each other down
>Profoundly flawed Protagonist
This was the only thing keeping me interested in the show.
She's a good character it just didn't feel like she had much to work with. I would have killed for more shit fits between her and the lawyer, I loved their back and fourths the most.
I don't hate it.
Started off strong and ended okay, but it meandered too much in the second half and suffered for it.