Could any character defeat Coconut Fred?
NIGHTMARE MODE: Fight takes place on his island.
Could any character defeat Coconut Fred?
NIGHTMARE MODE: Fight takes place on his island.
The Mask might
Uncle grandpa.
Never watched this.
Is Coconut Fred rely on reality warping cartoon physics or something
That island appears to have a beach.
He probably doesn't even know what pain is and will just say it tickles.
Seriously, the fucker is pretty much a full-on god or maybe even satanic-figure who can control all of reality to his whims and not show any other emotion except joy.
Fred isn't a guy, it's a coconut.
If a whale can count, why can't Fred?
Is posting slow for anyone else?
Probably it's probably Cred Forums's fault.
Thanks. Glad it's not just me.
Yes. Its Cred Forums.
What's Cred Forums up to now?
Million billion debate threads with hundreds of people.
>implying physical strength matters when dealing with a god
Oh I see it now.
Why do we STILL have that board again?
Just how powerful is he?
Its a quarantine zone.
>Hulk and Loki.webm
You know that episode of the twilight zone where the kid has special powers and anyone who upsets him gets fucked up?
This entire show is that.
He literally created the island and its inhabitants. He can create anything by the power of imagination
I had clue. Didn't his VA call him a shameless spongebob ripoff?
Yes. Its one of the two roles in his entire career he regrets. The other is Bubsy.
But it leaks into other boards constantly; having them all gathered in one place and so close to us is more dangerous.
I love that guy and appreciate his honesty.
I also watch Rebel Taxi.
Think of it as an overflowing trash can.
Now, some of the trash falls off and we sometimes have to pick it up and toss it back in the can.
If Cred Forums was gone, the can would be tipped over and the garbage would flow all over the place.
Coconuts are people too
What are they chimping out about today?
You do know theres a presidential debate on right now, right?
yuropoor detected
>boco is a cuck
who would've thought?
Get out, Pan Pizza.
Beg pardon?
That was indeed the original theory but as I'm sure we've seen thats not the case at all and instead it acts as a negative influence on the site and also creates the type of "Cred Forums culture" thats popular on various other sites. Cred Forums isnt containing anything and it's not leaking either, it's just teaching people to act like they're on Cred Forums except on other boards which is bad.
>He can create anything by the power of imagination.
Except make a better cartoon-Uh oh.....
Any Toon can take him since he always starts shit. Not much else can though, since he's a reality warper.
Could he even understand pain?
only toonforce users can fight him
maybe if whoever is fighting him manages to destroy the island fred loses instantly
Or we coult take the trash out, kick it over the fence and let it be other's problem, Krautcannal's Cred Forums has already become a safe space for the most deranged poltards, eighinginiytchan fuckingwordfilters still exists too.
Clinton vsTrump debate
Yeah, throw it over the fence, let Arby's worry about it.
The unfortunate truth is that it's the most popular board on the site. But I don't really get the sense that it's so much keeping Cred Forums afloat, because
1. How many companies are actually going to see Cred Forums as an attractive target to advertise to, and
2. Can it actually be said that the traffic Cred Forums brings to the site is more than what it drives away with cross-board shitposting?
Probably not, but I don't think he's above humiliation, which is a Toon's specialty.
He would just pacify the shit out of him
>If Cred Forums was gone, the can would be tipped over and the garbage would flow all over the place.
Like when moot buttfucked them and they swore they would destroy the website and raid /mlp/?
>How many companies are actually going to see Cred Forums as an attractive target to advertise to
You don't need to be payed to shill, a few dedicated shitposters with too much free time can do a lot of damage
>Can it actually be said that the traffic Cred Forums brings to the site is more than what it drives away with cross-board shitposting?
Pretty much, shitstorms bring a lot of unnecessary attention
>man lol Cred Forums sure is shitty.
>I'm gonna just like leave a Cred Forums tab open and check it out every often just to see how shitty it is.