Are there any characters whose disguise or hero persona is an outright different gender?
Are there any characters whose disguise or hero persona is an outright different gender?
Ever read Dail H?
Cybersix? Female hero disguised as a male teacher.
Is this a fetish thing?
What's your pic from
Don't forget that Touka has had many disguises.
>the legendary hero
>a rotting corpse
>a skeleton
>a skeleton wearing a badly drawn mask
>a skeleton wearing a better drawn mask
>a demon with a bandana
The absolute madman. What will he think of next.
Bugs Bunny
The Knight from Seven Soldiers, I think?
Madame Fatal.
More common with villians
He doesn't do vigilante stuff, though. And they aren't even different personas. Everyone but a handful of idiots and his mom know it's just him as a girl.
this, Cybersix is great for that
Mighty man from Savage Dragon.
Yusha ga Shinda.
Read it. It's pretty hilarious.
Not necessarily
I suppose it's one way to get around Clark Kent's Glasses, if you can carry it off.
Yusha ga Shinda, funny stuff. Worth a read if you like selfish scumbag protags forced by fate into a heroic position.
What if they totally didn't mean it?
>guy gets powers
>gets photo taken and printed in local paper
Is this the trap general?
I'm a trap
Sure, but why are you posting a shemale?
Did Poison not get the snip?