In which I hope Giffen explains things
Blue Beetle #1 Storytime
God's work, user.
Now this was the quality I was expecting out of Kolins. I'm glad he picked up after last month
this book has some marvel tier quipping. i know characters are known for it but it eally hinders the straightforward reading.
>Teri Magnus
Should I know that name?
Giffen loves his hardy-hars.
>A comely superheroine from back in MY BEETLE DAYS
First issue felt really disjointed and rushed but this is picking up. Still seems like a not great introduction to the characters though
Justice League 3000. She became newest Flash there.
Oooooh shit, she's one of the Wonder Twins? Wonder where Terry is
I'm remembering evil Super Buddies now.
>Hang ten, dudes!
Wait it is kord he has been on the radio with.
No fucking wonder i could not work out who was saying what last issue i thought one of them was the scarab itself.
This book just keeps droping you right in the deep end.
Also i thought this issue was meant to be a trek across the desert.
That's what the first issue was meant to be but Giffen or Johns must have changed their minds at some point. I think it may be bumped up to second arc as a flashback arc.
I don't think the scarab has spoken to Jaime at all yet. It may be what his visions are leading to
>huh... me neither
>Fifth panel
Brenda is cute. Cute!
Blue Beetle #0 with Ted, real Question, Nightshade, Captain Atom and Peacemaker when?
>Ted wants Jaime to call him by his first name
MY HEART, YES! That's the one thing I wanted from this series!
Blue Beetle and the Watch-Men ongoing when?
I wouldn't mind Giffen-style Watchmen.
>Huh, there really IS an upside to everything
I've got a higher tolerance for this stuff than most, so the nonstop quips don't really phase me, but I get the feeling this book will become unreadable if they aren't toned down in future issues.
>No fucking wonder i could not work out who was saying what last issue i thought one of them was the scarab itself.
Seriously dude? How bad is your reading comprehension?
Any relation to Will?
>When Nightowl gets Dr Manhattan to remove all sugar from the world to pull a prank on Rorschach.
Meant for
Let's see how Giffen will develop this series.
I'd be surprised to not see Question trying to be cool non-stop.
>tfw Lobdell wrote fun Charlton during Convergence
Should I feel bad for not caring AT ALL about this Blue Beetle?
Why does the scarab turn him into a moeblob?
It's still a bit confusing, though better than the Rebirth issue, but damn, the dialogue is on point.
The dialogue is fucking horrendous -- everyone seems to be trying to one-up everyone else in the conversation but none of them seem to have the wit to do it.
>aint no moss on this one!
>bust him a good one!
>REALLY? you're gonna GO THERE?!
Nobody seems to like each other or even stand each other. I will not be getting issue 2.
Usualy pretty good but not knowing these characters well i had no idea if the scarab had direct control of its host including voice or not.
>The dialogue is on point
>The dialogue is fucking horrendous
lol, great minds think alike
Or simple, heh.
But I'll pretend it's great minds.
This book is just unendingly snarky. Don't like it.
Reading this and New Avengers one after another is quipfest nirvana...i like it.
And she and Batgirl were brought to present day in the last issue.
Based Giffen.
>"From back in my Beetle days"
>Ted Kord was the first Blue Beetle
>"You're the only Blue Beetle I know of"
Calling it right now, Jaime and Ted are going to the future and resolving the hanging Eclipso plot from JL3000 in this series
>Ted Kord was the first Blue Beetle
>implying he was Superman-tier known
>implying Garret was in New 52
neat trick
>blonde Brenda
It feels so wrong.
Sorry to say that Kord and Reyes just don't gel together. Their constant banter isn't endearing or funny, it's just irritating. I don't know if Giffen is trying to give them a relationship like Blue and Gold, but it just isn't working.
Fucking this. In the old Giffen run, Jaime, Paco, and Brenda may have ragged on each other a lot, but you could tell they were all close friends.
Here, it's like they can barely tolerate having the other two around and you can almost taste the open disdain Jaime has for Ted. Every second line out of everyone's mouth is a low blow or an insult of some kind. and it makes it really hard to care about the characters.
I completely forgot about that.
Batmangirl was in the Rebirth issue as a friend of Milagro's.
Can you post that page?
I'm half convinced that this Ted is pre-nu52 Ted that took over from nu52 Ted.
Thats not what he is doing at all.
>geek play
He seems younger though, like Johns' Ted.
It moves at a faster clip than Bendis-speak, but it still feels really Bendis-y.
Did I miss something?
Is Blue Beetle magic again or something? Not to mention the whole thing feels disjointed as fuck
This. I love all the beetles, but nothing about this book feels right or cohesive
My guess is that the Posse knew that their guy flies into a rage until he's been beaten down and/or tired out whenever something pisses him off enough, and so they convinced Ted to send Jaime in to do so.
Ultimately, somebody is up to something, it may or may not be connected to La Dama. Speaking of which, I'm kind of mad that we didn't get to see more of her. I want to know where on the scale of morality she is already.
That's the angle. I don't know how it works since we've seen the Reach like constantly.
>Is Blue Beetle magic again or something?
Came up in the Rebirth special. Probably should've harped on it more in the actual run itself, but there you go.
"Huh... me neither."
Okay, that actually got a chuckle out of me.
Yeah. I don't mind the bantz, but this book is just throwing so much so quickly. There doesn't feel like there's even a single panel to breathe. And the characters all sound like they hate each other. I don't mind Ted/Jaime taking time to form a dynamic, but maybe less the Brenda/Paco tension to balance it out. The friendship and family support was such a huge deal of what made the first Jaime BB run so endearing.
Also the Scarab needs to be a character again.
I'll stick with it since Jaime is one of my favorite comic characters, but I'm not in love yet. It's still early though, so hopefully after a few issues it hits its stride.
Magic xenotech would be for the best. The Reach were nice, and it'd be a shame to lose them. Maybe it was some sort of fucked up version left on earth or the mages on earth did weird shit to it. It does lose a bit of the "the Scarab was completely normal but Jaime managed to convince it to change" angle, but there you go.
Not sure I like where this is going at all.
>mah Batman
>mah Superman
>nobody bats an eye at this bullshit
I just wanted a good Blue Beetle on-going
Man, it really shows how much room John Rogers and Dematties give Giffen time to breath. Compare to his stuff with them there's no stops
Bump for a read tomorrow