New Let's Voltron podcast out featuring voice director Andrea Romano.
She mostly just talks about working in the voice acting industry and how things work, but she does mention a few interesting things. She implied that season 2 was made concurrently with season 1 in 26 episodes but that Netflix only released the first 13 (11, as 1-3 were one.)
Neat. I love Andrea Romano. She's worked on so many fantastic shows and seems to be an incredible voice director.
Isaiah Lee
Few interesting things about Voltron, I should specify. Her shit about the industry as a whole is also very interesting
Caleb Myers
Gotta love lice
Samuel Hernandez
Mice vs Lice Who would win
Christopher Brooks
Lice obviously
Nicholas Price
It seems she's slowing down and getting close to retirement. She's been taking less and less gigs when she used to be everywhere before.
Jaxson Thomas
Isn't she in her 60s? Only fair. Semi-retirement but still working for shows she wants
Noah Sanchez
>She implied that season 2 was made concurrently with season 1 in 26 episodes So basically annoying klance fans whining will have no affect on season 2? Good news
Henry Ward
They should renew it for another two seasons korra style.
Camden Cox
I think they are contracted for six. I don't know why they made two at once. Maybe cheaper if they knew they were going to make it anyway to do a lot in one go
Austin Long
gotta love the mice
Jaxson Moore
Sheith is cute. Cute!!
Jace Reyes
too cute
Tyler Nelson Here you go. A convenient list of Sheith fans to follow. How nice of them to advertise them and connect sheith fans
Luke Reed
It's basically one regular season order at a time. It's nothing new. It's just that Netflix now splits them in half.
Levi Cox
Everyone in past threads have been assuming that they were currently working on season 2.
Gabriel Perez
The cutest
Austin White
You guys do realize that if any of these ships do happen your just going to end up hating them like korrasami?
Jack Hughes
I hope they all happen then, in that case.
William Walker
How could anyone hate this comfy ship. I guess characters actually liking each other isn't a good enough reason to ship.
Easton Moore
Netflix might call it season 2 because of the release timing, even if it's not considered season 2 in production. It makes a lot of sense to me to split the seasons up so we get a new batch every ~6 months, rather than a larger batch once a year.
I think I'd even prefer it if they released in bundles of 8, so they could be every 4 months. That might be kinda pushing it, though.
Austin Brown
I don't hate korrasami. I wish it was developed more, but it's cute
Parker Hall
On the other hand, it means that if Klance *does* wind up happening(god I hope not, but still), then it was their original vision and not due to fan pressure. Works both ways.
Adam Sullivan
I'd start to like it if Keith was Galra, because then it'd appeal to my xenofaggotry/furfaggotry. As of right now, it doesn't appeal to me aesthetically. People who actively hate it have way too much time on their hands though.
Josiah King
>bundles of 8 Oh that's not a bad idea
Ryder Scott
People are already starting in on the hate for most likely canon pairing, Keith x Allura.
Adam Morris
>sheith backstory confirmed >initial staff comments only alluded to sheith >Shiro/Keith and Lance/hunk split up Nah
Jace Morales
>season 2 already finished when season 1 was released >Season 2 will have Shiro and Keith flashbacks + garrison flashbacks >Josh Keaton saying Shiro was probably a student when they were freshmen >They would know from the get go if Shiro was an instructor
Connor King
As long as it's written well.
Cooper Reyes
Those people are mostly butthurt Klancefags.
Isaac Adams
>ywn get to squeeze Shiro's fat tiddies
Thomas Reyes
I just wish they would just "add" to actually seasons instead of calling each batch a season. They used to do that with the other Dreamworks shows.
Hudson Jenkins
Sheithfags don't like it but for the most part are against people hating and harassing fans of it
Jaxson Flores
I dunno, calling each new batch a season probably makes it clearer to people that there's new episodes(when you're working with a format like Netflix). I'm guessing they have their reasons for doing it the way they do.
Christian Reed
Carter Collins
But I can squeeze my daki.
Mason Rodriguez
Jonathan Diaz
Bottom/little spoon Shiro is best Shiro.
Brody Garcia
Indeed. cropped because I don't wanna be banned
Mason Morgan
>Catboy ears.
John Kelly
it's keith's fetish shiro is just trying to support his wishes
Ian Harris
Consider please: Galra Shiro.
Gavin Bailey
Of course Keith would have the most pleb of fetishes. Does he also like maid outfits?
Jacob Long
Jaxson Reed
Piro is best ship, plebs.
Austin King
Needs more robot.
Jayden Jenkins
Leo Butler
That's one slutty and gay looking Keith.
Matthew Diaz
...Why is that Shiro a nigger?
Jackson Scott
Xavier Gomez
He might be Philippino.
Anthony Sanders
What the fuck am I even looking at?
Angel King
I like slut Keith
Luke Barnes
Keith in a croptop tries to eat extra beefcake Shiro's burger, gets hit.
Aiden Stewart
What's the point of making fanart if you're not gonna try to draw the characters looking even remotely like themselves?
Sebastian Perry
I think I've seen this artist before.
Don't they draw every single character as some kind of tranny or nigger?
Andrew Garcia
Failed hamburger theft
Ethan Powell
>Say he's not Japanese >He has a Japanese name
Dylan Gray
His parents were weeaboos.
Lincoln King
Okay so explain to me why half of this entire fandom is now on a gigantic witch hunt list going around.
Gavin Butler
>ywn have Keith offer to suck you and a friend off behind a dive bar.
Nathan Morales
Thomas Kelly
The sluttiest
Tyler Rodriguez
It's either because of sensitive triggered babies who should reconsider being on the internet if they're so delicate or because klancer antis think if they run off every Shiro ship, their ship will have to become canon.
Christian Garcia
They look Lilo and Stitch characters
Zachary Sanders
Will we have a shorty muscle slut come in and woo Allura
Hudson Moore
William King
Adam Moore
I saw a fuckton of people talking about it on twitter, everyone seems really mad about it. Is this new thing much worse than before or.
Evan Hughes
>Lance talks like a slut but is a virgin >Keith talks like a virgin but is a slut
Benjamin Clark
Afaik that list has been around for a while but now big name sheith artists have found out about it and are turning it into a joke
Blake Wright
Is shipping just poison for a fanbase?
Isaac Bell
Some Klance/Lancefag artists are on the shit list so I've seen them pissed about this too
Jason Ward
We can probably look forward to some cast or crew member saying something about it. Think they might put out a PSA at NYCC?
Caleb Scott
Who even decided what triggering content was in the first place?
These kids are getting in some great training for when they become concerned PTA members.
Hudson Ross
I used to think so but whatever this is is a hundred times worse, maybe they're shippers pissed at rival ships but I just looked at the list and things like shiro x shiro is on it as bad along with shiro x captor and any nsfw content at all of any characters and just people who are okay with ships they don't like even if they don't even ship it. I don't know what this is I don't get it, it's not even about liking something but some crazy social justice campaign against everyone on earth
also every fan artist is a "whitewasher" and a racist and a bunch of other ists why are fan artists all Nazis from Cred Forums
the list is like 300 people long and growing now. since twitter is going nuts maybe the crew will address it like for Steven Universe but I don't see what good it will do they seemed to ignore that
Landon White
It wasn't that bad back when shipping was a shameful thing you did on a newsgroup.
Harry Potter was the turning point. I blame kids starting to infiltrate fandom in bigger numbers compared to back in the day when you had to at least pretend you were an adult.
Lucas Martin
also the "whitewashers" looked like they all just eyedropped the characters so having the characters have the same shade skin as the show is racist? and rule 63 is offensive? is this just the suicide thing from steven universe again but with hundreds of artists instead of one
Luke Morales
Voltron is Dreamworks' last hope. I'm sure if there was a legal way to do it, they'd be issuing takedown notices on anything that could remotely fuck up its fandom.
Brandon Scott
I was thinking the same thing.
Henry Williams
If only one of those hundreds of artists was a lawyer with a specialism in libel.
This is the single stupidest and most awful thing I've seen from any fandom.
Christian Baker
Jose Turner
Jose Jones
Safe spaces were a mistake.
Isaac Hall
Luis Wright
I hope these crybabies trigger themselves into an early grave.
Dominic James
wow Shiro, Keith is just checking you for lumps, no need to get upset
Jeremiah Campbell
Jason Fisher
Matthew Torres
Luckily it's turning the entire anti-sheith movement into a joke. Probably the best thing that could've happened to sheith fans
Samuel Watson
Jaxon Williams
Lincoln Jenkins
John Gray
He would be the expert.
Jaxon Powell
Got mine signed today
Elijah Baker
Keith's secret network of daddies, eh.
Matthew Mitchell
It's a galra thing.
Awesome, how was the signing?
Jaxson Reyes
It was cool. Got free pins and the third issue. Both guys were awesome and nice. The fans we're kinda weird, smelly people.
Aaron Williams
>weird and smelly fans I can buy that
Colton Howard
Matthew Stewart
Off model as fuck.
Charles Long
Lance confirmed for Trump voter.
Blake Sanchez
That reminds me: Did we ever storytimed the third comic?
Daniel King
Nope, just 1 and 2.
Kayden Baker
Y'know I'm starting to feel glad that I never really see any drama from this fandom, outside of you guys talking about how tumblr is losing their shit.
Isaac Ward
I'm confused, what's happening?
Jeremiah Turner
Voltron fandom every place but tumblr is cool but on tumblr Voltron is right down there with Steven Universe stupidity with a fighting chance to be even worse.
Henry Mitchell
Just someone on tumblr made another list of people to shun but this time it's hundreds of people and growing so the entire fandom is on their naughty list. Twitter mostly seems to be laughing at it though since it's gotten so ridiculous it can't be taken seriously anymore. If everyone is a pedophile, no one is a pedophile.
Colton Butler
There's a smug teenager hanging out in their bedroom in the midwest right now expecting to be elevated to BNF status by the time they wake up tomorrow thanks to the handy list they spent months getting just right.
Jeremiah Perry
Carter Bell
I like how the Voltron fandom only list has some stuff about Gravity Falls characters on it for no reason at all.
I won't post any more about drama here but it is extremely funny. Almost makes me wonder if the list is a troll. Probably not.
Kevin Walker
And thank you shippers for ruining it
Jeremiah Hill
John Cook
From what I saw on the mod's personal Tumblr, they were "shaking and crying" over having the wrath of the majority of the fandom brought down on them. Unfortunately, it looks like a few dumbasses are patting her on the back.
Easton Rivera
Jesus, how the hell does somebody like that function in the real world?
Jonathan Gonzalez
I thought the skirt was little Marvin the martian legs from the thumbnail.
Brayden Foster
Colton Hill
Camden Williams
Henry Lewis
And you just know they have no idea what they did wrong. Nothing will be learned from this.
Jayden Watson
This is an embarrassing question, but are these storytimes archived somewhere? I've been away for a long time, and it looks like desustorage is no more.
Tyler Harris
Jason Collins
You just know they'd lose their shit if someone put them on a list made up of uptight fandom crybabies too.
Cooper Perez
They bit off more than they could chew this time around and I'm glad about that. Kinda hard to suicide bait 300 people at the same time. And even particularly dense teenagers might think "hmm, that sure is a lot of people, maybe I should look into this and not take this anonymous anti's word for it."
Chase Price
Holy fuck link pls?
Alexander James
I didn't even realize the third one had come out. If 1 and 2 are anything to go on, it won't be anything special, but I still hope some kind user storytimes it eventually.
Jayden Carter
Why do I never feel sorry for these guys when they stalk and harass people and then start shaking/crying when the fandom gets upset with them? It's like you randomly go up to a little kid and start punching him in the face to take his lunch money and then cry and cry when he finally socks you back or when people around you just say, "Hey now, you stop that."
Daniel Brooks
My favorite comeback is "I'M A MINOR. STOP HARASSING ME!"
Leo Ramirez
I think it had an early release at the signing. It's not on digital release yet
Colton Sanchez
Yeah I was there. I tried to stay away from these people. It hurt my soul seeing this
Dude, I don't even know. Dolphins should have at least 10x more rape, right?
Bentley Morgan
Wyatt Flores
I hope we get to see Galra children in the future.
William Reyes
Me too. They'd best be cute as hell.
Jaxon Rodriguez
Korrasami has the problem of being an obvious late-minute decision. If Sheith happens then there's enough in-universe setup for it to not feel like it was pulled out of their asses.
Alexander Mitchell
desustorage is now desuarchive.
Wide release next week.
Nathan Allen
Voltron Twitter is pretty fucking cancerous, probably more so than Tumblr because it's easier to hide there.
Joshua Russell
This. But t b h twitter is just an extension of Tumblr in regards to fandom nowadays
Aiden Wright
I assume this is Bill Cipher related. Are they making fun of Gravity Falls drama or enacting it? Hard to tell anymore.
Daniel Nelson
Actually you're just in time for round 2.
Parker Thompson
>ywn date Shiro and kiss him passionately when he proposes then fuck him so full on the wedding night
Jason Mitchell
Pretty sure they're making fun of people who see triangle shipping as a very serious problem/issue worthy of countless PSAs and warnings. Not sure what it has to do with Voltron but apparently the list of VLD people to be afraid of included people who shipped Bill for some reason with nothing additional from Voltron fandom. Twitter couldn't figure out what the fuck that was doing on there and found it hilarious especially if they were hearing about the scary dangerous triangle shippers for the first time.
Elijah Anderson
Shiro with his fringe pinned back does things to me that I can't explain or stop.
Justin Flores
The difference between them and us is, every last person in that picture is being social and enjoying themselves
Chase Hernandez
Could he even wear white to the wedding?
Luke Miller
this thread is gay
Alexander Collins
It's down now. For some reason a Hance fan got put on the list even though they don't draw Shiro at all.
Benjamin Moore
Dylan Richardson
I figured it would be the breast fetishists first.
Jayden Harris
Of course he could, Shiro is a wonderful bride that you would never be ashamed to have! He'd just be wearing a slutty red thong, bra and matching plug underneath through the whole affair. To suit his true nature.
Jose Jenkins
buhleted huh
OH WAIT if you ask they'll send it to you privately hmm.
Hance is bad too? of course. I hear some Klance shippers got on it just for having "suggestive" or "fetish" Klance drawings and that some people were just on there with "nsfw" as what they'd done wrong (drawing it? reblogging it?) or "does not ship shiro with anyone but think it is okay to."
I think what got everyone laughing this time was just how many people were on it with more being added each day and the wide net cast, at some point you just write "be sure to blacklist everybody on tumblr for being a racist abusive homophobic misogynist child molester" and you call it a day, what happens to salem when you hang everyone and there's no one left to do the hanging
Levi Hernandez
How pure could he still be after the whole Galra affair, though?
Carter Murphy
kek there are multiple lists going around and voltron director Chris Palmer is on one and other people from the voltron crew, so funny
Henry Brooks
That's hilarious.
Henry Rivera
Some people got on it for not drawing Hunk fat enough or coloring Lance dark enough. Another got crapped on because the list keeper thought they responded too aggressively to their SJW bait.
Ryder Rivera
Is Bex Taylor-Klaus on any of them too?
Jeremiah Lewis
Why do they even bother watching and staying in the fandom when they find the creators themselves so "problematic"? ?
Benjamin Phillips
I can't wait for that to be canon so everyone can cry and make up dumb excuses.
James Sullivan
It gives them something to feel superior about.
Henry Thompson
It's so fucking stupid it is funny. There's a few hundred people, maybe a few thousand who eat up all of this without question no matter how ludricrous it gets, no matter a total lack of evidence or how wild the claim. Then, even on a site as immature as tumblr, there are hundreds of thousands of people who think they're all idiots. Mostly it's entertaining but it sucks that they have gotten a lot of artists and writers to stop making things at all or to stop making anything they disagree (or well, to try to kill themselves) with and to apologize when they didn't even do anything. That's obnoxious.
Easton Butler
What I don't understand why these people just don't use tumblr savior and blacklist the shit they don't want to see. It's a lot less trouble than starting all this witch hunt bullshit.
Jayden Howard
>look at thumbnail >Oh shit, wounded cyborg Shiro? That could actually be pretty co- >more gay shit I don't know why I bother opening these threads anymore.
Elijah Perry
I'm a fujo and all, but the excess of Shiro homoposting is very tiresome. Didn't the Shiroposters cause some kind of drama in the Cred Forums gay thread?
And before anyone says anything, I don't have a favorite character in Voltron yet, though I think Heith is best pair.
Jack Gutierrez
So is it possible to have a Voltron thread about the actual show and not shipping? Just wondering
Zachary King
This is all I want, even if it is the same conversation, it's better than the shipshit.
Ethan Nelson
Thank you. Sorry for any trouble.
Ryder Jones
The OP was actually podcast news lol
Adam Campbell
It genuinely makes me sad. I really like this show and am looking forward to next season but it sucks that every single thread is just ship ship ship.
Brandon Reyes
You may not be able to keep the shippers from posting, but you can bring up conversations of your own. Anything in particular you want to talk about?
Henry Flores
Come up with a topic.
Liam Scott
>What I don't understand why these people just don't use tumblr savior and blacklist the shit they don't want to see. They don't get to play the victimization card and elevate themselves above others that way.
Joshua Mitchell
Well it's a topic that has been discussed before, but let's go with Alfor, and what he did in the past, and if he was a paladin or not.
Also makes me wonder, if Coran was sort of an advisor, wouldn't he know a lot more about the past than Allura? He just plays as the goofy dumbass old man role, when he's knows a lot more than he lets on.
Caleb Cook
Will they show up again?
Juan Torres
How bout Voltron, you know the actual robot. One of the things I love about this new version is that the power of Voltron seems limited only by the potential of the paladin. Like when Keith formed that massive cannon out of nowhere. What else is Voltron really capable of?
Josiah White
Do you think the sword Keith unleashed was the same as Blazing Sword, or will we see that later?
Matthew Adams
Did Keith form a cannon? I only remember Hunk using his Paladin weapon (apologies, for got the name of them) to create a cannon on Balmera to fight that robeast...
Regardless, yeah. I have a feeling some interesting combos can be made by using their collective resources.
Jayden Moore
I'd put my money on "yes".
Hudson Jackson
I hope its not The blazing sword is iconic as fuck. The current sword is just a sword so I'm really hoping that we'll get the actual blazing sword at some point.
Jack King
I'd be very disappointed if it did turn out to be the blazing sword. It's just too plain, and it doesn't seem to pierce all too well.
Since Zarkon had the black bayard and had all kinds of weapons, do you think they'll eventually get that Ivy whip sword?
Jace Flores
Yep, that's why I hate this artist. They don't look fucking anything like the characters they're supposed to be.
Ethan Cook
Interesting thing was that the paladin weapons seemed to share this power, Zarkon was able to manifest a lot of weapons that the don't match the current paladin weaponry.
I wouldn't be surprised if Voltron has a LOT more abilities and ends up having some kind of super galaxy destroying weapon that is the reason Zarkon wants it so badly.
Calling it that the blazing sword ends up being one of the most powerful abilities and they use it only in the season finale or something.
Nathan Edwards
I think Zarkon showed what a fully realize paladin is capable of. Ideally I would like to think that each paladin is capable of the same level of control over their bayards once they reach their full potential
Hudson Bennett
I bet blazing sworld will involve all the paladins to input their bayards at the same time.
Whoa think of the possible weapon combos! Two bayard combo, three bayard, four!
Elijah Sanchez
My bet is it's formed with the Black Bayyard(however you spell it) and just like the black lion combines the powers of the others to form Voltron, the black paladin weapon will combine all of their weapons to form the blazing sword.
Zachary Walker
My bet is that the whip sword will be Pidge's weapon, because it is similar to Pidge's weapon's grappling feature and yet makes sense on a giant robot scale. From what I remember, the Paladin's bayards respond to their subconscious and personalities to make their weapons. It stands to reason that it is possible they could gain control over the bayards and change their weapons to suit the situation. Like Glitch from Reboot.
Kevin Morales
Jeremiah Gray
Is the preview for the second half of season one out yet?
>>So basically annoying klance fans whining will have no affect on season 2?
>tfw the tumblrinas who want Pidge to be a polymemegendered tranny won't have an effect on season 2 either
There was a series of images that outlined why "antis" do this kind of stuff. I don't have it on hand, but the jist of it is that bad stuff in fiction "normalizes" the bad thing, making people think it's ok to do in real life. So writing about raep or drawing rape, leads to more rapes IRL. If you draw a dark skinned character slightly lighter than normal, the Ku Klux Klan will become the leading political party and lynch everyone, if you draw some guy smooching a loli it'll lead to America turn into a pedo paradise.
Conversely, since these people have such a strong belief in the power of media upon society, they push very hard for "representation", believing it'll lead to widespread tolerance of those they want to represent (ethnic minorities, gender minorities, etc.)
So it's not just enough to protect themselves from offending material, they have to actively stop it from being made or publicly available in order to protect others.
Lance will be last to form a weapon during their fight for the black bayard.
Blake Clark
Where can I watch the s02 trailer?
Joshua Anderson
Literally meme magic
Samuel James
Didn't one of the writers say something about how his bayard will have more to evolve into? Sniper Lance confirmed?
Landon Nguyen
It'd be cool to see Voltron with a giant planet busting sniper rifle.
Jaxson Brooks
So if Shiro gets his bayard back, what do you think it's regular state will be? I think it may be another sword.
Aiden Allen
Leo Brown
A dildo.
Ryan Harris
What if he doesn't need one? I mean if I were Haggar I'd give him a tech arm that can turn into a makeshift dildo for sure.
Tyler Clark
Ahaha, deleted! Anyone saved that list? I'm curious to see what these people consider "toxic".
Angel Bell
>another thread of Sheithfag delusions
Klance is going to happen. Accept it now or die in torment when your creepy ship gets sunk. You have, at most, one more season to clutch your crazy to your hearts before you get BTFO by destiny.
David Gray
ok buddy
Leo Gomez
So now that fujos have successfully stopped any chance at one of their ships becoming canon, are we going to talk about how Haggar's apparently got a huge backstory coming up?
Jace Lee
Did they take it down because it got featured on Cred Forums?
If so, that's awesome.
Camden Torres
So I'm trying to remember the whole timeline of Shiro's captivity with the Galrans.
We see him get captured by that Fish Galra guy, in the 1st episode Shiro recognizes Sendak's ship as being the ship he was taken to afterwards, and then in the 3rd episode he remembers his time in the arena.
Sendak's ship doesn't look big enough to contain such a massive arena, so he must've been transported from Fish Galra guy's ship to Sendak's ship to the arena. Do we have any more info on his captivity?
Luis Perez
Why does Josh Keaton want Shiro to suffer so much?
Juan Thomas
I can't believe she's voice directed every post B:TAS Batman cartoon.
Cameron Harris
>however, the page still exists, so if you’re sensitive to problematic content and are looking to block as many people as possible in order to keep your dash as safe as possible, feel free to contact us privately and we’ll send you the link
You can just PM them if you want it so bad.
Now if only some triggered tumblrina would make a page of problematic PidgeXLance shippers so I can follow them and hopefully find some good fanfics, fanarts, and lewds.
Brayden Roberts
>You can just PM them if you want it so bad.
I have a feeling I could be in this list myself, so I doubt they'll answer me.
Evan Roberts
Power Glove for Sekiha Love Love Tenkyoken
Cooper Baker
Pic of Sendak's ship for reference.
Noah Rivera
cause we dont get hiatuses between episodes, its between seasons, there's nothing else to do
Owen Howard
stupid question can a guy be considered a fujo? I thought it wwas a girls only thing I mean, if youre a guy and like gay pairings youre just a faggot, no?
Carson Mitchell
Only if you're self inserting
Carter Wood
Fudanshi is the word you're looking for
Julian Wilson
fanart-rainbox is the only one I know of. Guys can't be fujoshi because joshi means girl but you can be a fudanshi.
Jose Stewart
I'd bet all the change in my sofa that Alfor was formerly the yellow paladin.
Anthony Stewart
I think he was probably the Allura role. Why wouldn't Allura mention that he was a paladin? Omitting Zarkon makes sense, but Alfor less so
William Ward
>Voltron panel at NYCC
Are we gonna get some season 2 news finally? Also, since they're apparently doing 26 episodes at once and splitting them up into two seasons, do you think we should expect six month hiatuses?
Liam Young
Yeah they're going to show season 2 episode(s) and announce merch
Luke Howard
>Omitting Zarkon makes sense, I think it would've been pragmatic to let the team know they were going up against a former paladin. >Alfor less so I'm guessing that his involvement would have opened the door to questions about other former paladins and that those questions couldn't be answered just yet for story purposes. I wouldn't be surprised if it all comes out during the next season now that we've had the Zarkon reveal.
Daniel Watson
Also, what he's wearing looks a lot like paladin armor. The outfit Allura wears when doing her command stuff doesn't have any padding or plates to it.
Carter Foster
>I think it would've been pragmatic to let the team know they were going up against a former paladin.
Or it could make them lose faith in the system. It's easier to portray the former paladins as grand heros and zarkon as blindly evil over viewing either side as having gray morality
Blake Diaz
I'm kinda hoping the next season will introduce a little bit more gray morality like that. Like planets that, while still subjugated by Zarkon, have also been improved with all the Galra tech they didn't have access to before.
Sebastian Hernandez
Also perhaps someone recognizes Shiro as the Champion? There's bound to have been some sort of publicity of that. What if they run into a world that knew of Shiro's escapades in that bloodbath and instantly distrust Voltron due to that.
Noah Jones
Levi Lopez
Just popping in the thread to ask a question.
I fucking love The Wonderful 101, will this be on that level?
No spoilers plz
Leo Hall
Thanks pal.
Anthony Rivera
Do you think the old paladin costumes were somewhat different? I wonder how the castle ship had them if the paladins were supposedly either all killed or lost. Unless it just printed out new ones.
Ian Cook
It hasn't yet. Keyword being "yet". You should watch tho.
But danger is coming. Looming large.
John Walker
Not even close. Voltron's not bad by any means but doesn't have even a fraction of its fuckyeahness.
Jordan Garcia
Wait for Season 2 honestly, it got cut off midway in its upload to netflix. There's a fight near the end that gave me full on Platinum vibes.
Noah Fisher
Yeah, castle or whatever probably just made new uniforms for everyone. I can't imagine Zarkon bothering to turn his in after defecting.
Sebastian Hughes
What if his armor is his old Paladin one but corrupted due to quintessence. Otherwise, >stole the bayard >stole the armor >Stole the slippers
Truly, a horrible dastard.
Jonathan Nguyen
Maybe he spilled mustard down the front and decided to keep it since he wasn't going to get his deposit back.
Lincoln Gray
cause from an acting stand point, it's kind of fun to play suffering.
Austin Cooper
I want just one canon scene of Zarkon relaxing in his ill gotten slippers.
Charles Morales
Oliver Harris
Sendak a cute. CUTE!
Oliver Morgan
i hope we learn something about that purple guard that helped voltron out
Parker Gomez
not the same in the slightest
Adrian Carter
>see that canon Shiro booty pic >capical CC instantly makes me think THICC
I'm broken
Gavin Peterson
That he is.
Whatever else season 2 brings to the table, I hope we get to see more Sendak. Even if it's just in flashbacks.
Jaxson Edwards
Not as great of a booty pic, but still.
Jack Perry
dat ass is THYCC
Jason Wood
I'm gonna be pissed if he doesn't come back in some way. It'll just feel like a massive waste of a character with a lot of potential to me.
Hopefully they won't just bring him back as a Robest to immediately job to Voltron too. He deserves more than that, he's too interesting a villain to throw away so soon.
Ayden Moore
IF his ears get bigger when he becomes a Robeast, will it be worth it?
John Morris
No, but it will ease the pain, a little.
Lucas Jackson
Still doesn't beat 3D Keith for canon booty.
Landon Jones
I'm choosing to believe the Galra Empire is basically a never ending episode of the Office.
Caleb Roberts
I don't know if you're the user that wants to lewd Sendak, but if you are how do you feel about those bottom Sendak pics where Zarkon's fucking him and he loves it. wew lad
Three dimensions, three times the thicc
Robert Nelson
I am in fact that user. And I was the one who found and posted those over on /y/. Fantastic artist, I hope she continues to draw more of him in the future. I am, in general, all for any lewd Sendak, especially if it's consensual. That non-con shit got old fast.
Alexander Fisher
Jonathan Young
Oh excellent and thank you for posting them, just wanted to make sure they didn't go under someone's radar. Happy catbat is best catbat.
If there are Sendak lewds, I will usually find them, eventually. My thirst is strong. Sometimes, I even request them when artists are nice enough to ask for requests.
Julian Martin
Overall it's kind of like comparing apples to oranges, as 101 is allowed to get away with some off the wall nonsense because it fits the tone and, well, it's a game. However, if Legendary Defender's climax is half of 101's, then it will be a 10/10 show for me.
Owen Thompson
This is a reference to something. What?
Austin Phillips
The Warriors, bro.
Oliver Mitchell
The Warriors, that rockstar game on the PS2. :^)
Cooper Morris
Ki Hyun Ryu just posted this. Looks pretty cool.
Anthony Russell
I would be up for a limited comic series with their backstory or just space adventures.
William Sanders
I hope they come back. AyyGretchen Weiners has a really cute design.
Austin Richardson
>ywn ever see blushing Sendak >ywn run your hands over those tiny ass legs
why live
Jose Carter
>ywn be in a relationship with Sendak where you can actually tease his skinny legs and he won't punch you in the face >ywn hear him moan as you fuck >ywn fall asleep snuggled up against his furry chest, while he purrs loudly
Nathaniel Martin
>Sendak skips leg day Boner killed
Michael Ross
>Haggar's apparently got a huge backstory coming up You have no idea how hard that announcement made me mang.
Josiah Lewis
Teasing Sendak about skipping leg day just gives me more of a boner.
Tyler Bell
Shiro confirmed for having better thighs than Sendak.
Landon Ortiz
Maybe he didn't skip leg day, maybe that's just as muscular as his species' legs get.
Julian Taylor
>WWN see Shiro strangle a Galra to death with his thighs Whyyyyyyy
Jacob Turner
GOD I WANT TO BRUISE THEM SO BAD > ynw have a muscly boyfriend to dom ;_;
Logan Perry
Prorok looked pretty thick.
>ywn be strangled to death with Shiro's thighs.
Jackson Peterson
well the punishment was life sentence and not immeadiate execution, so there's a chance they'll screw over our beloved crew in the future
might have to wait awhile though
Thomas Mitchell
>Prorok looked pretty thick.
Yeah but he's pretty thicc in general. By large, the Galra seem to be pretty broad in the shoulders/chest/neck, but that could also be the armor they wear. Or it could be the art style, animation inconsistencies, or a million other things. Take your pick.
Jason Adams
Jace Richardson
Could he secretly be Lotor?
Joseph Martin
Kinda doubt it. The galra we've seen don't have those giant yaoi clobber claws he does.
Jonathan Miller
Looks like Meteor.
Justin Moore
>ywn rest your head on Prorok's soft belly while watching Netflix
Ryder Parker
I'd rather rest my head on Sendak's tiddies, but Prorok's belly sounds nice too.
>not being able to grip n twist a nice handful of his soft hair as you breed his boypussy from behind and slap his ass with your free hand Just not the same desu
Jacob Morales
>todorokifags Truly worse than Hitler.
Wyatt Lewis
Keith looks more Asian than post Galra rape Sheero. Pure Shiro looked pretty Asian but not anymore.
Hunter Ross
It made me realize, he is ugly without his mullet.
Jackson Robinson
I want Keith to bear my children.
Colton Wright
Shit meant for Ah well.
Elijah Johnson
Wyatt Evans
Michael Jackson
Best taste. That way you can feel him purring.
Benjamin Kelly
I wonder if Sendak is dead.
Gabriel Ross
I bet the tiddy fur is nice and soft too. I bet it'll tickle your nose. Please don't say such cruel things, user.
Kayden Harris
Sendak is pretty cool and fluffy but I have a hard time seeing him being able to survive after being shot into space trapped in that pod.
Eh, it's a cartoon. Crazier asspulls have happened. I'm thinking he'll be back, because it'd feel like a waste otherwise to kill him off so soon.
Julian Allen
If Lotor shows up how strong are the chances of him having a harem?
Camden Clark
His face is CUTE
Justin Reed
In this political climate, only if it's a progressive harem.
Evan Wood
Lotor!Keith and his gay bara harem?
Julian Miller
Ah, what you said is very true user. It would also be really anti-climatic for him to have died like that. Let's hope he does come back to beat up the heroes again.
Joshua Watson
But would he want to bear your children?
Owen Murphy
I'm actually remaining optimistic about something in a show I like for a change. He just doesn't feel done for me, as a character. Maybe some passing ship will pick up his cryopod, who knows?
Daniel Bennett
Only if we get best end
Benjamin Parker
It's hotter if he doesn't
Brandon Gonzalez
Why do I really enjoy the idea of these characters suffering more?
Camden Garcia
Post cute Galra keith
Angel Gonzalez
this is something I experience with quite a few series I enjoy, idk why
Lucas Fisher
Dylan Price
That Lance isn't covertly altean by any chance?
Caleb Cook
The galra should be able to track him too. He has that druid arm, and Haggar was shown to be able to sense or track or whatever that first robeast they sent after the paladins.
Jason Rogers
Jackson Brown
I bet baby Galrans feel like chinchillas and make kitten squeaks.
Aaron Cook
Some of the adults probably still feel like chinchillas too.
Samuel Richardson
cute baby ayy prince
Tyler Fisher
Would chinchilla soft galra adults be made fun of the same way kids in high school who still look like preteens are made fun of?
Connor Diaz
Geez, it's been a while. Anyone want to request a fic?
Ian Russell
Yes. Someone tried to bully Sendak once for having baby soft fur, but after the beating he gave them, they never bullied him again.
Lincoln Reyes
Pidge and Allura get addicted to rough sex with Galra.
Kevin Bell
Pidge falls in love with her brother's friend. Unable to confess, she is gifted with by a deus ex machina with Shiro’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, she immediately calls him and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on her as well.
But, the next day, when she recounts the previous day’s confessions to Shiro, he only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, she finds out that the Shiro he called is not the same Shiro she fell in love with. In fact, he doesn’t exist in this universe at all. He is the Shiro’s alternate universe counterpart (Golion's Shiro), who has fallen in love with Pidge’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.
Chase Price
Let's get the Galra Trash Party started with some Svendak
Mason Russell
I immediately regret offering to write anything.
How about something more cute and slice-of-life?
Jacob Hall
how about writing around this
Isaiah Edwards
Cameron Flores
Hunk and Shiro work on an herb garden in the Castle to relieve stress.
Tyler Baker
Nathaniel Nguyen
Jackson Rodriguez
Not Keit-ai, but 12 or 13 years old Pidge having a crush on Shiro and trying to get his attention. Matt knows and tries to help her.
Owen Bell
A day in the life of bored Galra grunts. Playing foosball, hanging out, gossiping about their superiors, etc.
Brandon Martin
Hunter Wilson
Nice. At least the crew seems pretty cool compared to the shit fandom.
Easton Moore
They are. I hope that will trigger the antis and make them leave
Lincoln Turner
I don't know, if they put Chris Palmer on a list of problematic blogs because of that "Shiro loves you, baby" post, I don't think anything will speak through to them. You would think if they consider people who work on the show to be "pedophilia" supporters, they would stop watching it, but no.
Liam Cox
I don't usually fall for "the Princess" character in shows, but I REALLY wanna see more of her
Christian Torres
At this point, you just have to wonder what the endgame they're aiming for is.
Xavier Martin
Tyler Peterson
What kind of Svendak did you have in mind user?
Jeremiah Gray
Ryder Adams
This pic is just furthering my suspicions that these two are related somehow.
Camden Ward
Nah, I doubt Pidge's voice actor would ship them if they were revealed to be related.
Robert Torres
This is just a picture of two men in typical fighting stance!! Nothing about this is shippy or brotherly.
Jeremiah Fisher
You understand that relatives sometimes bear a physical resemblance right? If you don't see it fine.
Ayden Cook
Keith and Shiro have less similarities in design than Lance and Allura.
Aiden Brown
S2 needs manly tears, more bros being bros, and even more princesses being bros.
Goddamn S1 was a fun ride.
Parker Turner
If you say so buddy.
Matthew Evans
>season 2 hasn't even happened yet and people are already being nostalgic for the "magic" that was in season 1.
Jason Collins
>saying you enjoyed something you watched this year is a bad thing
Austin Davis
>bara pilot boys consentually touching twinky pilot boys yes yes fine that's all well and good but who is allura going to snu-snu?
Levi Garcia
I thought his mullet made him generic but it actually makes him look less so.
Bentley Long
Ryan Watson
Adam Allen
For real, I don't see anything shippy about Lee's Sheith drawing at all but these people are obsessive about it. This person has the right idea.
Kayden Morgan
user, please. Allura is beautiful and strong on her own, and doesn't need or want a man to satisfy her. That's why she fucks the mice.
Cameron Parker
Wait isn't Voltron the fandom that kicked off the whole "fiction is reality" meme that's spiralling all over non-Voltron parts of Tumblr?
Oliver Butler
And of course the only shipping artwork they reblog is Klance! What a surprise. There was one Hunk/Shay picture, maybe, at best.
Robert Morris
What if Shay's 300 years old?
Christian Moore
Besides yellow, the other armor colors look good on Shiro as well.
Jose Cox
What would be the point of making that a twist
Juan Gomez
Kill Sheith, apparently. I don't actually mind, but I find it improbable. I've seen plenty of depictions of Keith being Shiro's adopted brother. It's a comfy kind of cute.
Dominic Clark
Why would they want to kill sheith? That'd be a dumb twist to write around and force into the story just because one of the staff members doesn't ship it
Parker Wilson
If "fiction is reality", then isn't ALL fiction and fanart literal oppression? Forcing a "being" to your whims, without their consent?
Ugh. This is all so fucking stupid it hurts.
Owen Edwards
What the absolute fuck
Adam Long
>implying incest kills shipping Have you ever even heard of Supernatural?
Andrew Morgan
Not the first time I've heard of this happening, but I don't remember it happening this early in the show's lifespan.
Hudson Peterson
I don't get why fandom pays attention to that list or other tumblr wank. Anybody with some rationality will recognize the bullshit for what it is, while idiots will cling to it and spread the word. Talking about it is only giving the sjws word of mouth marketing.
Jordan Hall
Because they are actually harassing a lot of the people who are on other social media ITT?
Charles Collins
If it stopped there it'd be fine but they and their friends are going out of their way to harass the people on that list.
Kevin Cox
This. It's hard to ignore getting sent fucked up shit
Lincoln Thomas
How much beef can you handle, how much is too much?
Wyatt Allen
>too much beef NEVER
Jace Sanders
>just because one of the staff members doesn't ship it Who? I haven't seen any of the staff members say that, they've all been positive about it.
Juan Collins
Yeah. I meant that hypothetically. You're right though, that makes the concept of them being brothers to kill the ship all the more ridiculous
If enough people report you, the mods will delete your tumblr without even looking at it.
So tumblrinas who want to get rid of someone who ships they ships they don't like (known as "antis" on there) will make a post saying that you're a an abusive pedo to kicks puppies all day, and organize a witch hunt so fellow antis can dogpile on you and get your tumblr deleted, which means all the artwork and other stuff you drew will go down the toilet unless you feel like remaking a blog and reposting all your stuff one by one.
And that's just for online stuff, if the witch hunt gets particularly crazy, they can dox you to try to get you fired from your job.
Asher Phillips
Asher Hill
What kind of merch do you think we're getting at NYCC?
>inb4 lion slippers
Brandon Peterson
So what happens when you call the cops?
Ethan Morris
Stickers, shitty Funko vinyls, maybe some lion plushies.
Liam Fisher
>funko pops Sad because it's true. They already have one of the robot
Logan Robinson
>tfw working on a Keith cosplay >tfw no dorito bf to cosplay Shiro with me
Kayden Ward
Me too. I'm in a group but my friend is organizing it so idk who the Lance and Shiro are. Apparently they're dating though so I'll truly be a cucked Keith
Henry Sanchez
>cucked by Lance That's fate worse than death.
Matthew Davis
Imagine Lance getting cucked by Shiro though
Ethan Baker
This guy.
Liam Cook
That's old and predictable.
Andrew Diaz
Connor Bailey
>people don't ship incest
I actually saw more Ryouko/Satsuki for Kill la Kill after the twist, not less.
Carson Robinson
Don't worry fuccboi-kun, I'm sure you'll find your Space Guts one day!
Dominic Myers
I'm kind of sad there isn't porn of them with the helmets still on.
Samuel Anderson
They've been saying that since before Voltron. Before Voltron antis went after Gravity Falls fans who shipped the triangle with the kids.
Bentley Harris
And before that, they hounded Steven Universe fans who made any kind of porn of the show because a kid might see it and become tramatized.
Jeremiah Perez
It's really sad, because at the end of the day it's basically just a bunch of teens making it almost criminal that an adult dares to enjoy fandom.
Grayson Nguyen
No they've been around to some extent for decades. Some of this group was involved in the bullying someone to suicide thing in Steven Universe fandom, it's not always about shipping sometimes just how everything is offensive and oppressive, and books in school all need trigger warnings or should be banned, and sex is evil. They might have actually exploded this time around in Gravity Falls against Pinecest and with the triangle stuff but even though they managed to bully some big artists out of the fandom Gravity Falls fandom as a whole never really took them seriously maybe because they were against every single ship in that fandom. Steven Universe and Voltron are just the fandoms where they get taken seriously and given a say for some reason. Or some people do, after this latest round they seem to be becoming a huge joke outside of the group that does this. And even Steven Universe fans started to think they should knock this shit off after the suicide attempt and then when they bullied a gay storyboarder off of twitter for being homophobic or something.
Jackson Price
>Andrea Romano. Isn't she the person responsible for all those garbage DC Animated movies? Or at least the shit voice quality of them
Ethan Murphy
Not to mention any teens who end up getting caught in this shit just because they ship something different as well.
Aiden Ortiz
They're missing a trick by not doing Hulk Hands but with Sendak's cyborg arm.
Samuel Roberts
Is there a popular theory about what happened with Shiro when he was interrogating Sendak? If it was a hallucination or the castle actually projecting Sendak's voice or something? Because I'm rewatching the show and noticed something. Pic related, took me over 1000 hours in paint, etc.
Directly after the shot of Sendak “waking up”, there’s some sort of light in Sendak’s mechanical eye, which makes it look like it’s been activated.
During the entire sequence, Sendak’s biological eye is closed and his voice has an echo and slight distortion. Except during his last sentence. As soon as the camera pans over to reveal that Sendak’s eye is open, the sound effects disappear completely. At this point Sendak’s speech sounds exactly like his regular speech in other episodes, like he's actually talking.
Whenever the castle projects a voice, like with Alfor's projection and Coran in the air lock, there’s always an echo or distortion in the voice. It only disappears during Sendak’s last sentence, when his eye is revealed to be open. I'm guessing the castle was projecting it at first. Then Sendak woke up during the interrogation, saw Shiro's mindfuck and decided to run with it, so he'd get ejected and can get picked up by other Galrans.
Unless it's all just an animation error, but then it's weird they added sound effects during Sendak's speech and made a special effort to remove it partway through his last sentence. On the other hand, if Sendak is actually supposed to be talking, his mouth isn't shown to be moving in that shot.
Kevin Gray
>If enough people report you, the mods will delete your tumblr without even looking at it. I'm surprised the pro-shippers haven't started doing the same, especially with pedo accusations being thrown around.
Owen Brown
Why is Keith such a shameless whore?
Adrian Lewis
He's just looking for love in all the wrong places.
Isaiah Morales
Really hard to like this show without being a goddamn faggot.
Caleb Moore
Stop trying to resist. Embrace the homo within.
Straight guys have admitted to be turned on by Shiro. There is no shame here.
Adrian Smith
I've seen a couple of theories, but nothing has really taken off as the popular fandom theory, from what I can tell. Some people have speculated that somehow, with Haggar's experiments, Sendak and Shiro are mind linked. Or perhaps he was conscious on some level during that scene. Others think it was the castle fucking with Shiro, and that it was in his own mind ultimately. That everything said was his projections of himself, he's just hearing it in the voice of his enemy.
It's interesting that the machine doesn't begin copying Sendak's mind until Shiro hits the glass and tells him he's a broken soldier, to which Shiro responds "So you can hear me".
That scene makes me think Sendak will bne back in the future. He doesn't feel done with as a character yet for me. It's obvious he and Shiro have some connection on some level (and no, that's not shipping goggles saying that), whether it's through a mind link, or if Sendak is just symbolically meant to be his arch-nemesis or something.
Jaxson Jackson
I can't wait for the reveal that Keith is a shameless heterosexual.
Hudson Ross
>That everything said was his projections of himself, he's just hearing it in the voice of his enemy.
I could buy that. Everything said could just be Sendak or the castle, but it all also sounds like Shiro projecting his insecurities. "You've been broken and reformed", "We're both part of the Galra empire", "You'll never beat Zarkon" and shit.
Luis Kelly
I honestly think that's the most likely answer and the theory I've believed in the longest, but I'm open for various interpretations. Some other people have observed some neat things.
Thomas Hall
You can find a little hetero stuff if you look hard enough.
Adrian Lopez
Shay could also be the human equivalent of like 12.
Kevin Ross
Such a great ship. Best taste
Zachary Rogers
I want to see some evil Voltron counterpart. THAT AREN'T ANY OF THESE: > Voltron Robeast that jobbed from 3d > Dragon Voltron out of nowhere 3d > Samurai Voltron and Pulley system Voltron from that awful Voltron comic where "everything is a lie, it's all a conspiracy, and Haggar transforms into Aurora and gives Lotor peptalk and a bj"
Jordan Flores
Are you saying you don't want Lotor to get a peptalk and a bj?
Evan Diaz
No, unless I'm the one who gets to do it.
Logan Hughes
I can't get into Shatt because Matt isn't remotely cute. He looks like a nerd who should be punched in the face. Pidge looks very similar but is 100x cuter
Jackson Thompson
Aside from the horrid name, I like it because of that dichotomy. Cute nerdlet gets the herculean hunk hero to destroy his bussy.
Ryan Brown
I can't get into it because we know nearly nothing about Matt as a character.
Jaxson Ross
What languages are these?
Easton Rivera
The tears will be delicious.
Lucas Fisher
I like this show but none of these ships are for me for once.
Daniel Ortiz
Hello, have you heard of our lord and savior, Zendak?
Lincoln Gomez
No please tell me more. Is he a cute?
Angel Anderson
It is a ship comprising of two aliens. Well, one of them is the cutest! The other is the strongest in the Galaxy.
Levi Robinson
The cutest.
Leo Rivera
qt chinchilla man
Andrew Howard
This is good. I need to re watch the episodes these villains came off as kind of one dimensional fist shaking villains. They deserve another chance.
Thomas Lee
Hudson Long
>those cheek bones Sign me the fuck up for the empire
Henry Perry
Sendakposting is the best posting.
Evan Hill
Hells yeah. I love the artist, and their obsession over Shiro titties, but hadn't seen any Sendak art by 'em yet.
Christopher Jackson
Camden Wright
Is this what they do in their time off? Before they fought Voltron did they conquer planets or something? With an Armada that big did they ever encounter a force they couldn't handle?
Isaiah Reyes
Hi paladins. Long time, no see.
Mason Nelson
Yeah they went around conquering planets, mining for Quintessence, taking slaves/prisoners. And probably not, though I'm sure they got in some pretty nasty battles a few times over the years. Maybe that's how Sendak lost his arm and eye.
Eli Clark
We know they would have watched space gladiator matches in their time off. Maybe they did everything a little bit Roman Empire style.
Ryan Smith
What is wrong with these antis?
Jose Lee
which Galra Keith is best looking Galra Keith?
Samuel Bailey
Middle is best. I want Lotor = Keith more than anything.
William Anderson
>Those face lines
Matthew Baker
Lotor finally gets with Allura after all these years but it's when he's Keith.
Ayden Howard
Kek, the irony.
Brayden Evans
We'll just have to wait and see, user. Also it doesn't have to be "a twist". Though the fandom may view it as such because a lot of people seem to think they already know what that relationship is.
>Kill Sheith, apparently. I don't think the writers care about that, user. No matter how much the fandom would like to think otherwise.
Adam Butler
Why do the antis have so much actual child porn of real life young children? So distributing and sharing child porn of real life little kids being raped is great but pictures of cartoons characters who are often adults are not? What the hell?
Isaac Perez
>I don't think the writers care about that, user. No matter how much the fandom would like to think otherwise.
I don't understand why Cred Forums thinks that pair is any more canon than the other gay pairs. And frankly like you said, I don't think the creators give a shit.
Jeremiah James
antis are Coo Coo
Jack Walker
Sending gore, whatever. Sending RL CP? You crossed the line. IP tracking is popular on Tumblr, I'm gonna ask around if anyone has this fucker's address.
Elijah Perez
which fucker?
Evan Bailey
No one knows who sent it
Charles Jenkins
Fiction is Reality
Adam Powell
How would Shiro react if you called him Daddy?
Nathan Young
If you had told me 15 years ago that things like this would happen over fan fiction/art, not just one singular incident but an ongoing thing, I would have called you crazy. Almost seems that this weird subculture that metastasized on tumblr is bordering on cult-like.
Gavin Sanders
Probably confused, since I'm a bit older than him. Then he'd let me down easy.
Jack Ortiz
Mason King
How could you even send a picture on tumblr? I thought you can't send pictures or links via notes.
Jack Carter
Bout the same, he'd probably be uncomfortable or really confused and only go with it if you want to.
More important question, how do you respond to Shiro calling you daddy?
Wyatt Richardson
Great, now I gotta go clean up little tiny bits of penis everywhere.
Benjamin Garcia
Robert Bailey
if the person has their submissions on you can send them anything but i think only tumblr users can use it. so i dont understand how they dont know who is sending it
Levi Jackson
If you submit when not logged on it is anonymous
Charles Thompson
Hulk hands are easier and safer for use
So lion slippers are the best ones to make
Jayden Johnson
with time and faith, even miracles like that can come to be
there are niches for all
Brandon Kelly
I love how much of /vld/ ships sheith, laugh at the antis, and have unanimously condemned the cp sending yet are still blamed
Luis Hernandez
Someone out there said that Antis treat fictional people like they were real and real people like they were fictional.
William Walker
Have you seen the KPOP fandom?
Nathaniel Parker
No, but the fact that there seems to be a dedicated thread about it on /trash/ is a warning sign. Redpill me on them.
Xavier Johnson
>Before Voltron antis went after Gravity Falls fans who shipped the triangle with the kids.
I know art like pic related was super traumatic and I will have nightmares for decades to come.
Joshua Sanders
Is America ready for a gay male lead on an action cartoon? Probably not. Though it does sound like they weren't expecting the show to be nearly as popular.
Adam Mitchell
Landon Morris
Well, it's not like they have an ironclad OTP for the children in that porn, just saying.
Hunter Cruz
Guys, we don't even have to worry about the shipping drama because season 2 will introduce waifus for all the paladins and a qt boy for Pidge, and Allura and Coran will fall in love, and everything will be pure and heterosexual just as God intended.
Isaac Taylor
She's stopped working on them years ago.
Easton Harris
Pidges qt boy will look super feminine so we get the ultimate trap couple.
David Campbell
Urgh.. Isnt this the show with the space tranny? Why do you guys even watch it?
Andrew Morris
Man, these thread have truly gone to shit. Not even because you're just farting about "tumblr" every other post, but now you're earnestly replying to Misha? Sad days.
Julian Cruz
Smug chinchilla man.
Landon Rivera
These kids have absolutely zero self awareness. It's actually kinda scary how dedicated they are to attacking otherwise innocent people, and how deluded they into believing it's all for some noble cause. Social Justice is a fucking poison.
Joshua Martinez
He's gotta be packing a lot to be that cocky.
Ayden Morales
There've actually been a few decent ones in the past month, though this one is particularly bad. I might obsessively check to see if there's a Voltron thread up (there usually isn't), but I'm glad we only have like one or two a week during this hiatus.
Charles Taylor
What is the rarest pair involving the main characters?(Coran doesn't count, that's cheating)
I'm gonna guess like maybe Hunk/Shiro or Hunk/Allura? Not sure.
I'd say the weirdest pair that I've seen gain some traction is Coran/Alfor. Weird just because we know so little about them and have never seen them interact.
Jaxon Jones
I've seen a fair amount of Hunk/Shiro actually. None with Allura though, I wonder why that is
Owen Morris
It's mostly bad this time around because of the naughty list getting posted. It'll probably be better when the fandom's quiet.
Henry Sanchez
Luke Peterson
But I've been taking a hiatus from these threads this past month because of how awful they've been. Are you telling me these threads went to shit, got better after I left, and then turned to shit as soon as I came back? I guess I just need to stay out of these threads.
Colton Davis
Nah, it just got really bad because the antis went ballistic and that's come up. We're getting closer to S2 time, NYCC will be positive. Things will get better they just got shite this week.
Aaron King
Even Allura/Shay is more common than Allura/Hunk. Really makes you think.
Elijah Watson
>blaming Cred Forums
Nathaniel Collins
Just heard about the CP shit. What the actual fuck is wrong with tumblr?
John Rogers
Andrea Romano should be a Cred Forums legend desu
Hudson King
I wouldn't say they reliably got better, just that we had one or two exceptions to the mostly-shitty rule.
Robert Russell
I'd say Hunk/Allura.
Haven't seen a lot of Hunk/Shiro yet, but even not looking I've come across it. Should do a search, though - I like this pairing.
Zachary Morgan
>I'd say the weirdest pair that I've seen gain some traction is Coran/Alfor. Weird just because we know so little about them and have never seen them interact.
It's because they have the potential to have a lot of history. Why put your random advisor into cryo sleep to watch your daughter?
Gabriel Wilson
I know I've seen more than a few people who like them as a pair, but I'm not sure if those people *ship* it or just like the dynamic.
(The only axis on which I really like Keith is the idea of him and Pidge bonding over being, well, kinda bad with people. I don't ship em though.)
Nicholas Rodriguez
Yeah, there's definitely potential there, it's just currently so heavily based on speculation. But then, I guess most of the ships kind of are? The show is not particularly romance-heavy.
Luke Jenkins
The way this shitty fandom universally decided Sendak has a huge cock is one of the few good things to come out of it.
Landon Hughes
I'll fucking laugh if the gay pair is Alfor/Coran, and those dumbasses start screaming "THAT DOESN'T COUNT! QUEERBAITING! NOT MUH HEADCANON! HOW COULD YOU LET A POC NOT HAVE THE GAY PAIRING!?" etc etc
Oliver Jenkins
They could be cute together.
Zachary Rodriguez
No, these threads have been pure ass for a while now.
Bentley Sullivan
Oliver Morgan
I feel that Keith and Pidge have the potential to be really cute friends together. Sort of like a kindred spirit.
Carson Martin
Yeah, I really hope season 2 expands on the less-explored relationships, Pidge+Keith included. There's a lot of potential.
Juan Robinson
Jack Diaz
But user, Alfor is a POC.
Jaxson Robinson
I could really see Pidge and/or Hunk being the one(s) to bring Keith out of his shell. They just seem to have the right temperament for it.
Nicholas Martin
Same here. Maybe that's why I like Heith the best because Hunk is such a swell guy and Keith seems to get along with him very nicely, even makes him laugh.
David Nelson
Saw the first 1 hour episode.
Does this show have anything going for it other than shipping?
Carter Collins
Rounding out a dying thread with a crossover.
Kayden Mitchell
They're shapeshifters, literally white passing.
Jose Brown
John Campbell
Robots and shipping.
First episode is agreed to be the weakest. It's only been the first half of the first season so far, though.
Connor Gutierrez
No. It's the show with a Mulan girl
Carter Cruz
You're completely disregarding Alfor's lived experience as a black Altean.
David Fisher
Aight, I'll keep watching.
What's the best ship?
Jayden Wilson
He knew. He was just trolling.
Anthony Ortiz
Depends on what you're looking for. Do you like longtime friend comfiness? Rivals? Womanizing guys who fall for tomboys? Princess/knight?
Brandon Walker
I like villains/heroes.
Jonathan Reed
It's a reboot of an cheezy 80's anime. If you're looking for deep topics or groundbreaking material, you're probably going to be disappointed. If you're content following a somewhat silly show about pilots in robot lions fighting aliens in space, then you might get some enjoyment out of it.
Jeremiah Collins
Svendak is the ship for you.
William Ramirez
Then you have good taste.
Nathaniel Bell
>It's a reboot of an cheezy 80's anime.
Eli Moore
I like my comfy ship. Plance is also good, though
Thomas Adams
Seconding this.
Well, he does have a bulge in certain screenshots.
Lucas Edwards
But user das PEDOPHILIA
Dominic Wood
>in heat No fuck no alpha omega shit
Kevin Anderson
Ehhh... he's an alien, so I'm willing to give it a little bit more of a pass if people headcanon it that way. I personally don't think they have heat cycles though.
Matthew Harris
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by WAN. But I'll elaborate that it's a western translation of an anime. And I use "cheezy" in the most loving way possible. I grew up with Voltron, even had the green and black lions.
Easton Rodriguez
Even if it was, do you think Keith would care?
James Brooks
Sendak would say he was in heat to troll Shiro.
Luis Perry
where are their arms
Zachary White
Have you watched the show.
Wyatt Martinez
I'm on episode 2...
Isaac Gonzalez
>Hunk gets with Shay >Keith gets with Allura >Lance gets with Pidge >Coran wins the Shirob owl
How mad would the fujoshits be?
Adrian Lopez
Please don't bully disabled veterans of war. Probably. That same artist also draws Sendak with like four dicks. And I don't think he has weird genitals like that either, but I'm not gonna shit on someone elses interpretation. Especially not when they draw hot porn of characters I actually give a shit about.
Allura's voice acting is a little... too much sometimes.
John Bennett
Oh, they'd rage and shake their fists at the heavens and accuse everyone of sabotaging their ships...only just long enough until they found something else to latch onto.
Alexander Nelson
>That same artist also draws Sendak with like four dicks