The MC of the last cartoon you watched is now replaced by the Gang from Its Always Sunny. How do they fare?

The MC of the last cartoon you watched is now replaced by the Gang from Its Always Sunny. How do they fare?

Well I was listening to a song from a Scooby-Doo movie with the video so I guess that counts. Otherwise it would be South Park, but I'm going with Scooby-Doo since the idea of the gang trying to solve a mystery tickles my fancy.


It would be fucking amazing.

>It's Always Sunny In Space
No worse than the regular guys I'm sure.

holy shit that would be fucking awesome

>Invader Zim

Not much would change, except Gaz now would be the butt of the jokes and Professor Tobbogan would use his skills to abuse and blackmail people.

> Wild Card

>Justice League

Yes plox



Charlie = Fry
Dee = Leela
Frank = Bender

Not sure who Dennis and Mac be?

>it's always sunny in Beach City


Last "cartoon" I watched was Sailor Moon so...that'd be pretty interesting

Which character would be whom?

Dennis would be the Professor and Mac would be Hermes

>Justice Gang Unlimited

earth is pretty fucked

"The Gang Sells Propane and Propane Accesories"

I'd be satisfied with just seeing the theme song

>Wonder Over Yonder
>Show becomes the exact opposite of itself.

>it's always sunny in the mystery machine
>frank is scooby
>charlie is shaggy
>dee is a failed daphne
>mac is the "fred" but dennis is the real leader
>dennis is the velma in that he solves every mystery

why is this not an episode yet

Mac would be Zoidberg.

Bojack Horseman. So more death, even less self reflection.

>THAT show
Charlie who does a good job jeeping to himself and taking care of animals at least until someone needs him for something else.

Frank hosts an orgy and everyone who attends gets crabs and food poisoning.

Dennis goes mad with power and tries to fight the other alicorns for title of supreme horse god. He obviously loses.

You forgot the part where Mac uses magic to back up his claim that evolution doesn't exist