
Well, this happened.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you care?

Yet another victim of the tumblrinas.

>reddit's very own
>actually fucking surprised that he does this shit

Isn't it worthy of discussion when an author feels pressured to withdraw a joke about himself?

That explanation definitely squares more with this author's other comics.

i got what the artist was trying to say without the paragraph but that group response is pathetic.

If it was me, I'd keep it up. They couldn't do anything but complain anyway.

What a faggot.

Who fucking cares

God Cred Forums is shit nowadays

>legitimately apologizing to anyone who uses the term "ableist"

i already got tired of this talentless hack because of 99 percent of his comics just being "haha life is hard!!! right guys?" and "what if feelings were people??" but now he's dead to me

The circles are right, though.

Why are people such pussies these days

>Haha I'm so Depressed: The Comic

No wonder Reddit loves him. And no wonder he did this shit.

>mfw I just now get it

>quietly telling
Nice way to describe what was likely death threats.

aaaand there went any respect I had for him.

Why do these people use Tumblr?

Knoeing one small thing will start of chain reaction of special snowflakes getting mad and sending death threats.

The SU Fiasco should've been the final nail in the coffin.

can we find these people and show them the real meaning of a victim?

The triangles?

Because artists shouldn't feel obligated to censor themselves due to online outrage brigades.

At least he was direct and didn't circle around the issue.

But what about cases where the artist legitimately agrees with the criticism?

But does he? He clearly didn't intend it to be a message about handicap people, apologizing that someone misconstrued it as such is stupid.

It's really handy for art blogs, both of the erotic and non-erotic variety.

What about cases where the artist is just paying lip service to the professionally offended just so they'll get off his back?

Tumblr has doxxed people and gotten them fired from their jobs because they drew content someone disliked enough before though

They're evil

Tumblr's gotten peoples' pets fucking put down.

This. I know when people say 'Tumblr' they are generally referring to *that* specific part of Tumblr, but when people talk about it sweepingly they really don't know what they're talking about. It's like saying "blogspot is terrible" or "WordPress is terrible."

the reblog feature and the sheer popularity of the site means it's one of the easier ways for an artist to get visibility.

Who are "they" exactly?
You realize Tumblr is made up of many people and isn't an amorphous hive mind, don't you?

Sorry this literal nobody can't handle a couple of people not liking his comic.


who else were victims?

In this case, the artist is just a coward and is cow-towing to criticism. Like a battered housewife who "agrees" that she's useless when her slaphappy husband says it.

It's only "handy" because so many people use it. There's a built-in fanbase. The interface is literally shit. You can't even save proper filenames.

When and how?

You mean the fox?

It was put down because the owner was stupid and knowingly broke the law.


I think keeping a fox as a pet is fucking stupid, but this story enrages me.

Probably referring to the pet fox situation. Unless a new situation popped up.

The fox didn't do anything wrong though. Was killing it necessary?

I like it for the easy accessibility to fan content. As long as you follow the right people and/or use blacklisting plugins like Tumblr Savior you'll be good to go

Well isn't that just



we should be emailing him to keep it up

See, this is actually funny. A big reason owlturd gets such a bad rap from Cred Forums, besides being popular with normies, is his "special snowflake, life is so hard for me" attitude.

So a comic where he admits his special snowflake-ness is bullshit earns a small, sensible chuckle from me, yet it's met with scorn and rejection from the crowd that his normal comics appeal to

so technically the mentally-challenged(special) SHOULD'NT be using their conditions as an excuse then?

Eh, the comic wasn't terribly clear. Shouting at artists to pull down their work is obviously pretty bad, but here the it sounds like the guy agrees with the criticism.

He's done it before. Several times. He's a special snowflake bitchboy.

Any more examples of artists apologizing and submitting to Tumblrinas

I'm on tumblr, so yes, I know that. However, I also know that tumblr has shithuge hordes of teenagers who have a habit of reblogging shit and joining in on mobs without questioning if they're being lied to AT ALL if the message being passed around seems like it's fighting for a good cause. They may be well-meaning, but they join in anyway.

There's so much shit, so many blatant lies, so much harmful misinformation and full-on bullying being passed around as "important omg" or such. So fucking much, it's depressing. A huge part of tumblrites just do not understand fact-checking. At all.

It's a problem.

Tumblr also got an actual business into deep shit as a result of SU episode "Keystone motel" through leaving shitty yelp reviews as a joke ha ha

Nothing like Cred Forums, of course.

Tumblr is worse than Cred Forums these days.

desu the saving grace for Cred Forums is how much more, compared to tumblr, the site has helped authorities out. the incident from years ago with Cred Forums getting to local cops about some moron bragging about murder first comes to mind

The fact that other unsavoury sites exist does not make tumblr any less bad though. Nice goalpost-shifting though.

Also, I consider tumblr way fucking worse. Cred Forums at least is honest about being shitty and obnoxious, but tumblr has this hypocritical mindfuckery gaslighting attitude about it all where they pretend all the shit they pull is actually for the good of whichever oppressed minority is the flavour of the day uwu. Also, Cred Forums at least has on occasion actually done some good stuff as well, like hunting down animal abusers, but all tumblr does is "signal boost" stuff, which as said very often is actually just spreading misinformation or bullying.

>he says on Cred Forums
>as if the INTERNET HATE MACHINE hasn't done this shit
>"but they deserve it when we do it"

christ. Back in my day we didn't make excuses for being a reprehensible piece of shit. We just raided habbo and laughed about it.

I cannot fucking stand sactimony from anyone.

Ugh. I hate people who bend over for people who are offended by artistic expression.

And I hate the people who get offended by art in the first place even more!

Both these parties need to grow
a) A spine
b) A pair
c) Some skin
[d) All of the above]

Has Cred Forums done that shit? Memes aside have they gotten people's pets killed and all that shit?


>It was put down because the owner was stupid and knowingly broke the law.
How the did they break the law? Some faggot on Reddit made an fake anonymous tip that the fox bit someone, resulting in the fox being put down. It was nothing the owners did.

I always ask these people which institutions and laws specifically are racist. They never have an answer so they hem and haw about how bad slavery was then they slink away
Because the reality is that they are full of shit and know it

This. It's fucking lines.

If someone doesn't like it they can take the years it takes to learn to draw and make their own not funny comics.

where's the joke, dobbo?

The unironic use of the phrase "institutionalized racism"

Fucking followed this guys for his older works but all he fucking post is his emotional bullshit, fucking tired of seeing it week after week. It was okay the first few times but not its rubbing off of me bad.

usually they give me the ol' "most judges will give a white kid less of a sentence than a black man" spiel. none of them stop to consider that shit works on a case by case basis or that there's specific punishments based on what you're convicted for.

So wait does the New Yorker just draw a random cartoon then someone else makes a caption?
I liked it better when I thought someone purposefully made a comic that was an incoherent mess

theres a screen cap that was floating around of a Cred Forums thread that convinced some girl to stick a needle in her rabbits eye to cure it (and after it wouldn't stop screaming put it down) but beyond that i've never seen people on Cred Forums actively try to get someones pet euthanized before.

>emotional bullshit
Yeah, it was funny for a while, but seeing the same shit over and over with how life was fucking him over all the damn time was annoying. Yeah, we all have bad points in our life but most people deal with it and move on. Seriously, nearly every post was about how negative emotions are at the forefront of every life situation and that bad feelings were around every corner.

It got old, fast.


Most of Cred Forums loves animals, always got animal protector vibes from Cred Forums and 420chan.

You just don't fuck with animals you know.

>except of course for the undeniable fact that every single morning my mother would make me a big ol bowl of saurkraut

>still trying to use the "you can't critize x because it's not the only one doing awful shit" defense

Fuck off. No-one was trying to say that Cred Forums is a 100% innocent little puppy, the discussion was about tumblr and yet again the fact that somewhere in the world other shit sites exist too doesn't make tumblr any less awful.

And yes, sorry but by this point tumblr is worse than Cred Forums, way worse. This is different from saying that Cred Forums has never done any bad shit. They're both shit, but tumblr imo is shittiER due to being so fucking hypocritical and holier-than-thou about its malicious hate.

>believing everyone's life is important regardless of race means you're a horrible racist monster
Let that sink in. This is exactly what MLK died for and he would be considered an Uncle Tom piece of shit today.

yeah i get that vibe for most pets on here. most people on here are introverted as fuck and for most, their only friend is often their cat or dog. it gets really personal for some people when you fuck with a bond like that.

People dwell to much on the semantics of metaphors.


Literally who cares about this? Why?

i am not afraid of Cred Forums
if i piss off Cred Forums, all you guys will do is call me a cuck and make loss memes of my (non-existent) webcomic
tumblr will RUIN your life if you piss them off

You're on a board that cares deeply about children's media, what did you expect

Here's a classic.

When this went up a tumblrina made a big long angry sarcastic comment basically about this character being drawn too attractive/ not properly fat looking. The next day Jacques didn't post a comic. The day after that:

>So: Basically what happened yesterday is i drank an entire bottle of whiskey, stabbed myself in the hand (not my drawing hand), had some kind of delirious breakdown in the hospital, got stitched up and sent back home.

>Today I go to see the hand surgeon about my hand and a therapist about my emotions.

>I guess something like this was bound to happen eventually. The monsters finally caught up. But at least I am ok. I feel very, very bad about all of this and would really like to apologize. I'm sorry.

>There will be some guest comics for a few days. Thank you again for your patience.

>wearing a shirt that says nothing but "XKCD"

Cred Forums once tricked a bunch of people into making and breathing mustard gas.

>The new Yorker
>comic about """""Institutionalized racism""""
On a side note, the polarization of this country is getting close to breaking point, isnt it?

Actually, it's more equivalent to saying "Geocities is terrible".

You shut your fucking mouth Geocities was absolutely SPLENDID

He's not a victim of anything but his own victim complex.

>He clearly didn't intend it to be a message about handicap people
Doesn't mean the subtext isn't there for a certain portion of the audience.

Read the comic again. Read the paragraph again. Look at the response again. This is some kind of meta art with what happened in the comic playing out in real life. My God. If he did this on purpose then this is some seriously next-level trolling. At least that's what I like to think happened. But, y'know, I'm probably wrong. I'll just leave. Don't worry, I'll call myself a faggot on the way out.

Gah, I love Owlturd because it's so honest. Part of what makes it good is that it doesn't give a shit. I hope the writer is aware enough to realize that Tumblr is crazy, and to just keep up the good content as it is.

Why do people even put their personal information online.
I mean I have a tumblr, but I don't have even so much as a bio. Plus it's linked to an alt email I use for unimportant shit.

Oh, piss off, "all lives matter" fags know exactly what they're doing. If you actually believe that all lives matter then you wouldn't have a problem with people saying black lives matter and wouldn't try to deflect people from addressing serious racial issues.

Big bowl of sauerkraut? Every single morning?

literally what i do with every account i voice my opinions on. i never leave any info for people to follow.