Not all heroes wear capes

Not all heroes wear capes

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Cred Forums is full of college town upper class hipster liberals who read comics and watch cartoons to escape reality...your not going to find many sympathetic ears here.

Funny enough there's a fuck ton of nerds in the military. Few months at 29 Palms I knew other Marines who were anime nerds, some were into Magic and DnD,so forth.

>free education
>financial aid
>health care for them and their children
>money off most places
All of this from the tax payers. Fuck respect, you've got my money the government stole from me. That shit is enough.

>being a patriotic oil running aron boy for the rich elite
desu i feel bad for the ones that come back and are torn up from their shit experiences.

>implying they dont deserve it instead of a payment increase for corrupt polliticians or a new NSA program to watch you masturbate

i have no fucking choice in the matter, just don't ask for respect when you are benefiting more from my stolen money than me.

Thank you for your service


We need taxs for a good infrastructure. Granted i feel rich people should be taxed more instead of the middle class, and we shouldnt spend said money on things like spy programs on our own citizens and hiding beautiful aliens from the masses, but its still neccesary.


>basing your life and career on the philosophy that "if I go somewhere I don't live and break enough things and kill enough people there, the world will be a better place"

I just dont like how alot of them are rednecks. I dont care about them if there still decent people. I still hate the government, but what can you do.

When will this meme of all soldiers being heroes end?

Yes, they do go into battle and yes many fought and died but that doesnt make them heroes.

Heroes are he soldiers who risk their lives to help over. Heroes are people who go into the heat of battle without bullets to save their friend. Heroes are not high school drop outs who wanted the easy way out.

Most of the soldiers I've met have never seen combat. Most of them just complain how bored they were in their military base.

Now, I'm not saying I dont support our soldiers, but we gotta stop pretending like they're all angels.

Pic unrelated.

Military guys LOVE comics in my experience.

>We need taxs for a good infrastructure.
We absolutely do not need the amount of cash the government spends to have good infrastructure. And no, rich people should not pay more. Income taxes shouldn't exist.

>rich people shouldnt pay more
I laugh at your ignorance. Even if your right on the previous statements, those rich fucks need to be bleed dry.

Taxes are the price you pay to live in a good country.

Soldiers are not heroic at least they are defending their country. Rebels killing American soldiers in Iraq are way more heroic that good goy soldiers.

America has been the bad guyssince ww2


the ideal of a soldier is that they willingly put themeselsves in harms way to defend their country, obviously a lot of people dobt live up to this ideal, and monetary incentives are important since nobody wants to get shot at for free, and while most wont see combat, it is still a real possibility in case of emergency

they would be heroes in the same way we consider firefighters or emts to be heroes, there is a money aspect, and they are still fallible humans, but the ideal against which they are measured too is a rather noble one

What is a superhero?

A costumed weirdo who solves their problems with violence.

That's it. There's no grand scale nobility. There's no inherently mythic mojo. They are not icons of goodness by nature. They are characters created for entertainment, generally in the format of relatively simplistic morality plays.

They're like good guy professional wrestlers, only contained to their own 2D cartoon universe instead of a series of weekly live shows.

Behold, as I predict every single post made in this thread!

>USA = the real terrorists. t. Mohamed al-Baghdadi
>lol these losers are doing literally nothing with their lives except running around and getting shot, I am clearly superior to them becuase I chose to wisely invest my time in getting angry about comics and cartoons on a mongolian fingerpainting forum
>Fuck the Marine Corps. t. Armyfag
>Fuck the Marine Corps. t. Former Marine
>Xaxaxa America army = worst army ))) t. am not Pyccки ))))

There is no need to read anything in this thread besides this post.

I thought a super hero is someone who uses some kind of ability to stop crime and save lives

Rich people will always be better at hiding their money than the government will be at trying to get it.

So Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a superhero?

The guy from Person of Interest is a superhero?

Dr. Quinn medicine woman is a superhero!?


>Wah wah y u haet armee tho muh 2nd amendment

You forgot one, champ.

you could say that, a case could be made for it

but the public perception of a hero wears a costume and is seen as a providing a "civil service" of some kind, although it is not strictly neccessary

But everybody hates the Army, even the Army.

>muh 2nd amendment
What does that have to do with anything

the army is like a lawyer

everyone hates them until they are needed

>Fuck the Marine Corps. t. Former Marine
but yeah, fuck the Marine Corps.

>Taxes are the price you pay to live in a good country.
No, they're the price you pay so your legislators can get rich. The federal government could probably run fine with 1% of their current budget.

>everyone hates them until they are needed
And they haven't truly been needed in about 200 years.

that would be highly subjective, many people would have had different sentiments at different times

>What is a superhero?
We need a board just for superheroes, instead of lumping the whole subject in with comic books. There's clearly enough interest.


Goku doers both of those things. Is he a superhero? Is his son?

The last time a war was fought as a result of a direct threat (as in, those niggas are coming) was in 1812.

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

I know look at him he's pretty tough

He's a hero