Who are the best British super heroes?

Who are the best British super heroes?

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The British are complete shit

SuperTed though that was more Welsh.



Pure capekino


>perfidious Albion

Say that to my fucking face m8

Big Ben, the man with no time for crime.

>not the improved version


>Pip pip cheerio what what where's the loo kidney pie poppycock bloody yanks god lift the queen vote for brexit what what

Every British hero ever.

Pirate Punisher.

The Unbarragable Man.

The self-inserts of the most famous superhero writers.

Does Gunnerkrigg Court and Harry Potter count?


How quintessential!

Zenith. Late 80s British pop star as a superhero. Written by Grant Morrison. It's every single Moz story ever (extra dimensional threat, multiversal shenanigans, silver age concepts reinvented, etc).


Go to bed John Oliver

Ah, finally. A quintessentially British hero.

Welsh is British

Finally a hero the common briton can connect with


I've never seen her anywhere beyond Flashpoint but I'll never forget that page where she punches an Amazon in half.

10/10 waifu

Cry more, bitch continentals and/or colonials.

>made the welsh his bitch
>Hammers the Scots™
>Removes Bagel

More than a hero, a super hero.

That's what you asked for, right OP?