Muh dick.

These girls are everything. They need their own show or comic. They were too elaborate for only one episode.

shame you pedos don't give any love to Grimwood

She isn't a beautiful ghost though.

Never any love for BEST GIRL

>Not wanting the fuck Godzilla's son

Report this thread and move on. One is enough.
If you guys are going to go this nuts, we're not going to deliver anything.


You bumping it sure didn't help.

its actually your fault considering the fact that you never stopped having these threads
they are basically a general at this point

Why don't you just ignore this thread and move on? And if it bothers you so much, just go to the catalog and right-click on the thread's thumbnail and hide it.

you are pretty desperate to keep this thread a float

what is this?

October spooky Cred Forums thread.

It's not October yet.

Couldn't even wait one day?



Still September here.

Do we have a Cred Forums soundtrack for Halloween yet? What would you lot suggest for it?

I meant the image, where is it from?

The seminal hit Scooby Doo's Ghoul School?

Do you live in a cave, user?

I live outside of Cred Forums, sorry
I came from /vp/

Yeah, there was one back in 2013 I think? Can't be bothered to upload it but here's the tracklist if you're interested

What's this from?

I see

Listen, it's the weekend. Torrent that shit and educate yourself.

Is it time for another Ed ?

chalkzone, I think.


Is October now.

Maybe in your FAGGOT-ASS time zone but not here yet