What will the season finale be?

What will the season finale be?

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a orgy, kekekekeke

Lucy is pregnant with lincolns baby

Funny Business
>Lincoln becomes Luan's clown assistant but starts hogging the spotlight.

Snow Bored
>The Loud kids set out to show Lisa what is "fun" about a snow day.

If I'm right, those are the only two episodes that won't have aired, after the next new week of episodes which are apparently starting on October 15th.
If they shoot for Funny Business being in November and Snow Bored being in December, they can end the season on a winter episode with winter.
Going by production order, though, it seems Homespun was supposed to be the finale.

>implying it will end this season
Fuck you

Lincoln mass murdering the Loud Family in revenge for them voting for Trump which caused Ronnie Ann to be deported



would view again

I love this meme
>TFW your against trump but still find this funny

they become homeless and have to all share a small apartment.


Ronnie Anne and Bobby are legal immigrants, delete this

Good but I could edit the image better

Here's the original image I found on Deviantart

I'm pretty certain Savino said the finale, if LH doesn't get cancelled abruptly, would be Lori moving out for college.

What? Are y'all talking about the "season" finale or the "series" finale?

That black kid from Bella and the Bulldogs shows up and cucks everyone to death.

The season finale.

I've heard this show has pretty good ratings, right? So it's not likely for it to get cancelled or anything? How fragile is it? I don't want it to go.

It was all a Ms. Loud dream after she was told she was barren

Technically, the season finale already aired because Nickelodeon is run by dipshits.

The Season finale for this season is Homespun

It has been confirmed for a 2nd Season.

No need to panic yet


Surely you must be joking.



>imblying biased polls
Trump will win you cuck

It already has a season 2 confirmed, with one episode title being known, if I recall.



God, I can't wait 'til November.

Like a long ass time ago.


Yeah, I just found it.

>Season two will dive deeper into the chaos of the Loud family and explore the personalities of Lincoln’s 10 sisters more deeply.

Really excited for it. This is the first show in a while that's appealed to me this well. Glad to see it's running along smoothly.

Never mind the fact that there are 3 debates left, all kinds of potential happenings to shake up the environment (see: Jo Cox), etc. There is way too much momentum behind this election for it to have any other outcome.

It's the first show to beat Spongebob in flat out ratings in a while. Now that was just their initial boom, but that pretty much guarantees at least 3 seasons. If you're unlucky, it'll live to be fairly odd parents level of depressing.


>After Lincoln has his first growth spurt, Clyde convinces him that he's going through puberty. When he goes to his older sisters for assistance, he discovers that it's starting to take its toll.

Which is the autistic one again? She's my favorite

Leni? Her stupidity yields pretty cute and funny results, I don't blame you.


Fine, but don't call me Shirley

I would say they are talking about Lisa but Lisa it's Gallus gallus domesticus not just Gallus gallus unless you are talking about a non-specific type of gallus gallus ovum god.

(See the joke is I gave an autistic answer.)

That's not how momentum works.

You mean Leni?

Then how does it work? By not electing someone who's fucking a white male?

I can see you're projecting. Anyways, momentum has its biggest effect in presidential races during the early/primary season, after that it's a series of bumps.

Clinton has gotten some pretty good bumps in the polls, but she was already ahead to begin with, so that should give you an impression of Trump's chances.

>momentum has its biggest effect in presidential races during the early/primary season
Which is why Sanders got the nomination right?

Woah really made me think


>Although I do have an episode in mind if I ever know that the series is coming to an end for The Loud House, that it is an episode where Lori turns 18 and moves off to college. It is supposed to make you cry when you watch it. She and Lincoln have kind of had the most interaction in the series so far, the most head butting. She’s the most opinionated so far, so to have her go off to college is the perfect opportunity to explore what that means for a kid when a girl that he’s looked up to over the years and probably taught him everything he knows, what does that mean when she leaves the house and how we explore that. I don’t want to give it away, but hopefully it’s an ending that will make you cry.

Was Luna holding a beer at the end of the episode where they have a sleepover? Everyone else had apple juice.

I want an Eddy Puss web series.