Why do black normies lose their minds over black super heroes...

Why do black normies lose their minds over black super heroes? both of these hashtags in pic related were top trending at one point and they are just filled with people pumped for these franchises when they have never heard of either of these characters until now (especially the case for Black Panther) I as a white guy know way more about these characters and have known about them longer than them and im not losing my shit, what gives?

You didn't decide to make your race/culture/birthplace your entire identity like some other faggots

Black culture is arrogant, ignorant, and self-serving. You just need to come to terms with this

>Arune Singh

They dont. Those are just paid shills. There are companies whose whole purpose is to get them trending.

That's an amazing response, and entirely correct.

...because this is the first time that they've really had black superheroes in mainstream movies and television shows, especially in starring roles? I mean, it isn't hard to figure out. I don't even know why you're asking this question as it's patently obvious.

I wouldn't want to be on Twitter or Tumblr when Black Panther and Black Widow inevitably become a thing. I saw a post on tumblr saying the only Avengers they hope to see in BP are Falcon and War Machine, which is, um, unlikely.

This. It was honestly kind of cool to see some of my friends be so pumped for it.


>Why do black normies
why do white normies lose their mind over white superheroes?
I'm not well versed on social media stuff like twitter or tumblr because I don't really use them
but I guarantee there are tons more white people who care about all the white superheroes than there are black people who care about black heroes

I mean, I'm sure you've come across some form of fanblog that just recycles fanart and fanfiction or some crap like that

social media wasn't out then now was it

Not at all, people get hyped sure, but not to this degree by people who arent well versed in the character


blade had 3 movies

>but not to this degree by people who arent well versed in the character
Literally 80% of Marvel Movie fans aren't well versed in the characters
There have been people who have been publicly ridicules and harassed over Marvel Movies, Joss Whedon briefly quit social media because of his involvement with Marvel Movies

Spawn came out in 1997 and featured a character who wore a mask throughout most of the movie, and when he wasn't wearing the mask, he was so physically disfigured that you couldn't even tell that he was black in the first place. Al Simmons, pre-Spawn, was around for less than a half an hour, after that point, he either looked like a burn victim or had a mask on his face.

Meanwhile, Luke Cage never wears a mask and Black Panther hardly ever wears a mask, is from an African country and is played by an African actor.

Blade 1 - 1998
Blade 2 - 2002
Blade 3 - 2004

Not to mention that they were on diminishing returns after the first one, and that none of them were ever really that good. And you toss in the fact that there was no social media for fans to crow on back then.


>harley quinn

Gonna toss in Blankman, too? Or are you going to scrape the bottom of the barrel for awhile longer before you get to Blankman?

Because if they were doing something worthwhile they wouldn't be fronting on Facebook

Ill give you deadpool

>and that none of them were ever really that good.

Meteor Man

Anyone remember Meteor Man?

>mfw "if Batman and Robins are mean to Duke, that means they're all racist jerks"
What, people cant' be mean anymore, we pull skin card?

Black people enjoy TV and movies starring black people over other races when it's an option for them, moreso than other non-white ethnic minorities in America.

Being a watchable action movie ≠ being a good movie.

The Rock may be a very fun, eminently watchable action film, but in no way shape or form is it 'good.'

Because black people like to celebrate black shit

there is nothing wrong with that

>the only Avengers they hope to see in BP are Falcon and War Machine
Iron Man should show up. RDJ should be prominent in the trailers, and there should be a scene where Iron Man drops in just in time to turn a battle into a simple sweep-and-clear. But no in-helmet shots during the fight, and when he pops the mask after the fight's over it should be Rhodey in the red and gold. Just imagine the screams in the theater.

After all, Rhodey was Iron Man before he was War Machine. Tony retired and gave Rhodey the Iron Man armor, and Rhodey used a voice synthesizer so people wouldn't notice the switch.

RDJ has threatened to retire several times, and one of the reasons Don Cheadle replaced Terrence Howard was because he has more star-pull and they were originally going to use Rhodey instead of Stark in Avengers (check Black Widow's report of "Iron Man: Recommended, Tony Stark not recommended" in those old after-credit scenes). And if they're going to pass the baton from Downey to Cheadle, what better place to do it for maximum hype than in the Black Panther movie?

Also Rhodey is now in more or less the same boat Stark was in during IM1: hurting badly and needing the suit to be able to function properly (it can walk around by itself, so it can walk around with a paralytic) while Stark has already used up his best stories except for Demon In A Bottle.

but Blade 1 and 2 are good action movies, not watchable action movies.
To put the Rock in the same tier as them is a joke. The Rock has shitty acting, a shitty premise, a shitty script and the action isnt even good.
Blade 1 has some bad CGI and Blade 2 is a bit corny but they're both head and shoulders above a film like The Rock. They bring some legitimate horror to the action genre, have some good fight coreography and action pieces (the Motorcycle in the high rise, the blood rave) shirk the shitty romance subplots of most action films, and a charasmatic lead in Snipes
the only way you can only put the first 2 Blades as "watchable" is if you hate Wesley Snipes

because they're getting more exposure in movies and TV shows along with starring roles. it's always something good to see as far as most black people are concerned because of the chance that it could happen more frequently.

this isn't really that confusing of a thing

Why would you celebrate excrement?


Also...Steel, Leonard Part 6, Handyman, Pootie Tang, ...
Okay, I admit those didn't have nearly box office power of Marvel Studios (except for Will Smith as Hancock), but that just means this is the biggest black superhero movie, not the first.

That said, though, I'll also throw in that Black Panther was the first black superhero ever. He wasn't the first african-american superhero, nor the first black super to not have "black" in his name: those both go to Falcon. So the characters do have a really big cultural significance in terms of diversifying superhero comics.
Oh, wait...
I should have said the first from a major publisher. There was a small publisher by the name of All Negro Comics had an earlier superhero but it didn't have much of a cultural impact. Still worth a footnote at least for being both the first black super and for being the first black comics publishers..


makes sense, we went nuts when they started making those anime adaptions with whities

Desperate for any sense of progress in culture and media because they see very little in real life. That's what surprises me, how little they seem to care for progress in real life, in their communities, in every day life.
But whatever, real life doesn't matter, why should it, when you can have, positive roles and presentation in media!

Just shows you how much people enjoy representation in media.

Man, I'm pumped for Luke Cage and I'm not even black. He's pretty cool.

Why can't we stop freaking out about race for two seconds and just enjoy a cool guy with super strength? Am I not allowed to be hyped for something I find fun?

>representation in media
Isn't this insulting to Luke Cage, he's not "representation" he's a lead character, fuck when did judging people based on their race and constantly thinking about it become the cool thing for historically oppressed groups to do?


Pootie Tang



Blade 1

Blade 2

Blade: Trinity

Falcon has been in 4 movies

Nick Fury has been in almost all the Marvel movies
So you are just wrong you idiot.