What the hell is this?

Where is the cool boisterous outrageous Luke Cage we all know and love? Why was he turned into quiet stern piece of cardboard.

Did Marvel feel Cage's 616 personality would scare white people?

Other urls found in this thread:


In a misguided attempt to appear sensitive to social issues, Marvel decided to erase Luke Cages personality in order to make him a blank slate representative of "black community values", which is an artificial notion that they only understand in a very shallow, condescending way.

Probably because the idea of boisterous, outrageous black person has become synonymous with protesting dindus who cause riots, loot stores, attack innocent people, and call for the deaths of police officers whenever a criminal gets shot for resisting arrest.

I can imagine Marvel wanting to distance themselves from that.

Yeah, except basing your entire conception of a character on how a perspective fraction of the audience might perceive the character on an exterior level based entirely on ignorance and generalizations is absurd. Do you understand how stupid this point is you're trying to make is, especially asserting it as the primary reason to rewrite the characters personality?

Classic Power Man actually has a very distinct personality that this little description you're quoting doesn't really match up with. He's actually a very isolated and contemplative man who struggles with crisis's of his identity and exists on the fringes of society

>MCU Luke Cage will never be this cool.

But Disney made Zootopia and call Trayvon Martin a hero. Why the cold feet now?

Good because fuck Bendis Cage and anyone who supports it.

You don't know shit about Cage and your only exposure to him is probably Bendis. Kill yourself.

We're in a politically charged time and climate, where the Internet will take every single aspect of a fictional character or series and make it into some issue. The show's creators have already made some noise around BLM, so it was even more charged going in. Making a character that wouldn't be incredibly controversial and spark and immediate backlash seems next to impossible. I'm not happy with the change, but I can see why Marvel would want to play it safe.

>Play it safe

That's the only thing Marvel knows.

Getting kind of tired of it. They didn't have the balls to make the ancient one asian and now this? tsk tsk....

Trips /thread

I have never read anything with Luke Cage. I am now interested in finding out. I don't care about the old "faithful to the roots" routine which "true fans" splurt out every time a character makes it to television or movies.

Look at the Internet. Look at Tumblr. It's getting to the point where saying the sky is blue or 2 + 2 = 4 will cause a hashtag movement. Can you blame them?

Bendis saved Luke from irrelevancy and you know it. Even the biggest Bendis hateboners can acknowledge this.
I'll give them Ancient One because that was actually a legit thing. China is one of their biggest consumers so they wanted to avoid pissing them off because of the whole Tibet thing.

The writer actually explains the whole thing on this show


This. Bendis's Cage is Samuel L. Jackson mixed with stuff middle aged white men think black guys say

Someone should find an obscure reason why hashtags are an evil symbol of oppression and start the #nohashtags movement...

It would actually be extremely easy to avoid all of these issues just by properly adapting classic Power Man. We're literally just pretending that there is some issue with the character when there actually isn't. You're literally letting these people define the narrative of this character for no reason, letting the potential that they might get upset fundamentally alter the core of who the character is supposed to be.

No he's just a reactionary character designed to placate an audience that doesn't even like him.

So...Marvel are incredibly racist and reinforces stereotypes?

>Bendis saved Luke from irrelevancy and you know it. Even the biggest Bendis hateboners can acknowledge this.

You can do that with a character when you put them in every book you write. Doesn't mean you write them well.


Doesn't matter as much as you think it does. You don't have to immediately bow to such things and tell them that their misconceptions are actually correct and alter your artistic expression accordingly.

No he didn't. He just used Luke Cage in his stories because he likes Luke Cage.

If he wasn't appearing in Bendis books he'd be appearing in the same books as Iron Fist, who has had an equally successful revival as Luke without the help of Bendis and his blatant Spider-Woman ripoff.

Yeah. The voices of all the black people on twitter hype for Luke throwing people through walls would drown out all the white people on tumblr crying about racial insensitivity.

I don't, but a company as safe, bland, and creatively bankrupt as Disney? They'd be stupid not to.

He doesn't actually like Luke Cage at all user.

Iron Fist didn't need to be modernized in the same capacity of Cage. Immortal Weapon did for Danny what New Avengers did for Cage and neither of them were exactly thriving before those runs.
In fact the same thing that made Cage popular in the 70s was the what made him less popular in the dawn of the 80s, and there was an attempt to modernize him for each subsequent decade until Bendis' stuck.

Luke Cage's traditional personality is indicative of blaxploitation films of the 70s and 80s, which would be construed as stereotypical and racist today.

and honestly I actually liked this version of Luke.

That actually isn't true at all, this is just you projecting these stereotypes upon him, then asserting that your misconception is a truth. Classic Power Man is in no way racist or stereotypical

Coulter is a genuinely awful actor and the netflix character basically seems like OC


I can never relate to any Super Hero in comics or TV sadly. I'm so fucked.

I liked this Luke Cage

Classic Powerman written for its time was not. Today it would most certainly come off as racist. I do not agree that it actually is racist, but it would seem that way to many. Plus it is too goofy for a dark and gritty version that the netflix shows seem to be going for.

It isn't racist at all, and wouldn't come across as racist when written by a person who understands this and actually likes the character. Power Man is no more goofy than any other superhero, and this show really isn't as dark or gritty as you think it is.

You're basing everything that you think about this character on what other people might think about the character. You have no genuine self driven interest in this character at all. You're just walking on egg shells because you're afraid of being confronted about race.

I don't think Mike Colter can do boisterous, anyway. I've seen his other work, he only ever does "calm and collected" or "Punished Black Man".

This was Netflix's prerequisite 13 hour origin story, this was a Luke Cage who didn't want to be seen. Next season will be the Luke Cage who will, he'll wear a giant CAGE belt buckle and a bright yellow shirt while dealing with Black Talon and a resurrected Cotton Mouth.

Remember it took Daredevil one and a half seasons to actually get him a red suit, and not just keep getting framed in red light

For a person saying that I am projecting, you sure are doing a lot of that to me. I could care less what other people think, I am just giving my opinion on why Marvel did Luke Cage this way.

give me a mega link so i can bitch about this too because i don't want to pay the streaming jew

I honestly hope you never see it PHG, I get enough of your 'not muh' posting as is.

>Marvel puts out a show about oppressed minorities
>Denies representation to occupied Tibet.

Man, I hate money.

I could not care less for MCU garbage so the question is, am I petty enough to go and watch 13 hours of something that I am not going to like to complain about it. I don't think my time is that invaluable. However the thirteen hours thing would have me watch it like the autists on here who gotta overdue everything, Luke Cage is probably something I could watch over the course of several months by pacing myself

Things aren't looking too good for you little chocolate buddy

Because him yelling "Sweet Christmas" every five minutes wouldn't work in the dark and gritty Netflix atmosphere.


Characters have to evolve with the times. I mean you could argue that batfleck wasnt the campy adam west batman that some consider the real batman and thus wasnt true to its roots.

we humble now

The Dark Knight Returns is an example of a character evolving with the times, because Batman in the story is literally the same character as 60's Batman thrown into a dystopian 80's near future. With Luke Cage, they aren't actually building off of the foundation of classic Power Man, they're just bulldozing everything and making a new, less interesting character. It's actually regression of the character.

You guys disappoint me. You're turning a series about a black character into a debate about race.
Why the hell is no one talking about the giant pimple or whatever the hell that was on the back of Luke's head?
It ruins the character. Luke Cage does not get blemishes on his skin.

>krk rokit monitor
Glover confirmed for pleb

But Power Man wouldn't side with the Black Lives Matter movement. I always see him as one of those black people who criticize the black community for failing to improve themselves and being dependent on Liberals and government to help them out.

BLM and that position isn't mutually exclusive

Here's what I'd like in Season 2
>start Heroes for Hire stop teasing it and just do it
>see Matt's tailor and get at least a shirt or two that can handle a barrage of bullets
>do whatever you can to get rid of the Judas bullets and for the love of goodness don't have the weapons hit the street and have thugs using them against Luke
>more superpowered villains and not just superstrength
>Don't bring in anything related to Jessica Jones especially the character herself
>drop hints of Iron Fist and even have him show up but don't turn it into a buddy show this season. Save that for the third one

You forget
>Have Misty get shot in the arm by a Judas 1.0 bullet so it can blow her arm off and she gets a Hammertech cyborg arm.

>But Power Man wouldn't side with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Depends on the context. He definitely wouldn't side with the police in the Castille incident up here in Minnesota.

I thought I was the only one disturbed by it

The point of the Netflix shows isn't to show the characters as you know and love them. It's to show how they get to that point.

I still don't get how having a false arm is of any value as a super power. At best you get inhuman grip but it's still connected to a human so it's only as strong a what it's connected to

The Judas bullets made zero sense to me. It is just a bullet that drills into something. How does that equate to penetrating unbreakable skin. Is that Shitari metal stuff MCU's version of Adamantium?

>You're turning a series about a black character into a debate about race.
That's what happens on polchan.

>It is just a bullet that drills into something. How does that equate to penetrating unbreakable skin.

Well obviously his skin isn't unbreakable, it's just impervious to the pleb shit that gets thrown at him (regular bullets, fists, chair legs etc).

The metal has to be unbreakable itself. A metal drill would do shit against him if the metal can't normally penetrate his skin. Those bullets have to be super durable like Luke, and the gun has to have a shit ton of power to shoot the bullet hard enough as well.

4 episoes in, and both Luke and Cottenmouth actors are pretty bad. Misty and Pop is great thou.

Its cool.

She can store stuff in it. Maybe a taser.

Pleb detected.

>The metal has to be unbreakable itself. A metal drill would do shit against him if the metal can't normally penetrate his skin. Those bullets have to be super durable like Luke, and the gun has to have a shit ton of power to shoot the bullet hard enough as well.

I think what you don't understand is that his skin isn't unbreakable. It's just very very hard to break.
So the metal doesn't have to be unbreakable, it has to be hard enough to break his skin.
Get it?

The Judas bullets are a plot device.
Luke's skin was nigh-impenetrable but he was vulnerable.
So he got dipped into the acid bath a second time.
The result? Judas bullets can't do shit to him now.
We'll find this out in the 2nd season, when he fears getting shot and discovers that he's safe.

A bit early for a powerup but seeing as he's pissed of the Dr and doesn't have access to his notes a powerup he doesn't know he has will have to do

White people dont get it. What if there was a loud annoying redneck character from a few decades ago but instead of leaving him to be a caricature they made him into an actual character?

Hey, it's still his origin story, let him the time to become that as he kick more asses.

Except Power Man was never a stereotype, and he's only become generic and poorly defined as a character in modern versions. Power Man was never even a loud man user.

user, they had 13 fucking hours. That's longer than the entire length of each individual superhero trilogy ever made.

>Power Man was never even a loud man
I've a good chunk, starting with his origin, and you're wrong. He had plenty of times he got mad about some bullshit. Example here from a Christmas issue. Not a caricature true, but not as cool and collected as Colter often plays him.

He looked a lot darker than cardboard if you ask me..

Yes, he often gets angry but he still isn't a loud man. He's actually a man of few words who spends a lot of his time in isolation.


>spends a lot of his time in isolation.
That's true, but more about the nature of his job.
>a man of few words
Never got that sense.

>a man of few words
The only time this was ever true was when he was in prison and that's just because he hated everyone there.
People would come up to him and try to talk him into joining their gang and he would kick their teeth in.

Next time try actually watching the series.

Almost every line out of his fucking mouth is a one liner.

Luke isn't a joiner. He's not a man that would ever follow another man's lead. It's why he started Heroes for Hire, so he could be his own boss

Because every non-human character is white unless s/he's a crude racist caricature

Check Desu, there's storytimes of all his stuff.

>Did Marvel feel Cage's 616 personality would scare white people?

No marvel understands that there is a culture of outrage among a very vocal part of the black rights movement and therefore they will avoid rocking the boat and avoid the bad press that goes with it. That is also the reason why you get three movies staring a white guy named Chris before you get a Black panther movie.

>see Matt's tailor and get at least a shirt or two that can handle a barrage of bullets
Wanna know how I know you've never read Luke Cage comics before Bendis? You want a Luke Cage without clothing damage.

>user, they had 13 fucking hours.
All of it happening in just a few days.

Remember that the Netflix format only give us a brief glimpse of the hero, a small packet of days on which all of hell got lose.

you can actually perceive some of his attitude we see in the comic, but like I said, it's his origin story and we only saw a few days of it. Let him got a year, or just a few month to become the comic Like Cage.

Just because you spent more real world-time on a hero doesn't mean he change faster if the amount of fictional time doesn't change.


ok, finished the 13 episodes this afternoon, the show is ok but I couldn't help fastforwarding some of the last episodes, I miss some hevy weight villain too, those are some really lame ones to even notice them.

>Luke isn't a joiner.
Motherfucker's been in more teams than Spider-Man. Even of you don't count post-Bendis, he was still a member of the Fantastic Four, the Defenders, and Marvel Knights!

Power Man isn't a one liner guy either.

He was hired by the FF as a Hero for Hire, and the Defenders is explicitly a team of loners who don't normally associate with other heroes that doesn't have a leader or structure in that way.

It's 13 hours user. They could have told a sweeping drama of the mans entire life if they wanted to. There is literally no reason at all in any conceivable way that the story needed to take place over the course of a few days.

First post best post
Trips of truth

It's hard to improve yourself when you've been shot dead by a cop, user.

No character is a 'joiner' until their appearances in team books boost sales. Look at Wolverine.

>Because him yelling "Sweet Christmas" every five minutes wouldn't work in the dark and gritty Netflix atmosphere.

I've only seen the first episode but I think it would work just fine. Show feels like Black Dynamite that tries to take itself seriously.

>You're turning a series about a black character into a debate about race.

Wake up and smell the coffee sunshine, this is the world we live in. And before you start pointing fingers, both the left and the right are incapable of shutting the fuck up about race. If it's not the right screaming about white genocide it's the left screaming about cultural appropriation and privilege. Fucking get comfortable lad, this is how it is.

I feel like people saying this shit haven't seen the show. He has his loud moments and tough moments and funny moments.

That suit and the bullets raise so many questions about where the mcu world is right now and i know they'll never be adressed. A form fitting super suit that some gang leader can get his hands on? Bullets that can kill iron man in one shot that cops have? Its never gonna be brought up in the movies i bet

Well, yeah.

I mean, it is fucking ALIEN technology, who knows what it's capable of.

check your privilege you racist

back to Cred Forums

The result? Judas bullets can't do shit to him now.
Wrong. The 2nd acid bath temporarily softened his skin so that the bullet fragments could be removed. He's still vulnerable to the rounds.

The power suit was ridiculous. If Hammer is just throwing this shit to the nearest Harlem thug then why is does anyone give a shit about Luke having the same abilities.

At first I thought there was a drawback like a large powersource; hence the backpack and the suitcase, but it was about as big as Tony's arc reactor.

She has a repulsor in one version.

Where have you been, user? Cage turned into mellow Dad a long time ago.

>implying Cred Forumsacks and trolls aren't the only ones making a big deal

He says Sweet Christmas all the time on the show though.

He's careful, subdued in his life.
He's not Power Man yet, he's yet to become the loud, exciting and over the top character we know.
It'll come, give it time.

>He's not Power Man yet, he's yet to become the loud, exciting and over the top character we know.
>It'll come, give it time.
No it won't. I can promise you right now, that this is his personality after coming to terms with all the bullshit in his life. Quiet subdued black guy in his role from here on out.

13 hours user. He's had 13 hours of story here. He's had more on screen time than Iron Man

Have you never read the old Power Man comics? It's typical 1970's blacksploitation. He's a charicature, albeit (for me) a lovable one.
I can see why they'd update him, like said.

Mike Coltor sucks dick, he'll never become the "loud, exciting and over the top character" because he's a shit actor with no charisma or range.

It probably IS a cheap arse Hammer copy of the arc reactor - only it runs dry after a few hours.

Shush, let me have my illusions.

He isn't a stereotype or a caricature in those comics though, he's a pretty distinct individual. This "update" of his character is actually only a reduction of his character.

Bionic Commando

user, I'm legit autistic and I think you're acting like a sperglord.

You probably think that because you're autistic user.

Simone Missick, playing Misty Knight, is getting a bit busty. And more of the saggy-droopy busty of older women, not bombshell-busty of 20-something porn stars.

Shes like the black Hayley Atwell. Big tits are fun but they really start to age poorly.


Hammer is the first person id expect to develop a bullet that can kill iron man. Either way, im expecting the punisher to be the one to take the judas bullets out of the equation.