Men are still good. We fight, we kill, we betray one another, but we can rebuild. We can do better. We will. We have to

Men are still good. We fight, we kill, we betray one another, but we can rebuild. We can do better. We will. We have to.

>sink smashing intensifies

Based Batfleck

This is Bruce Wayne

Yeah sure whatever Bruce. Go put on your pjs and ignore Alfred some more




how good though

Comic book movies have always been struggling with the question how much comic-esque they should be, this led to some amazing scene but also to a lot cringeworthy stuff.

If he puts on his pj's , he might fall asleep and tap into his latent future vision powers that he's had in the comics since day 1

Not to be confused with superman's past vision powers which allow him to talk to dead people atop mountains

To be fair Silver Age Superman probably did have that power.

he's still an ass. now cast batgirl in Batfleck movie and have batsex with him.

I can-t believe this board is so ignorant that profetic visions are considered a problem.

Its a extremely basic and traditional plot device since fucking Gilgamesh.

The fact people like you get mad at it or think you need an specific superpower to have visions is sad, you need to read more books without capes or speak bubbles

Nobody is upset about bad story telling user. Batman having future vision was just a poor way to foreshadow Darkseid. Luther's little chat at the end with the bell was a better mechanism. It's the fact that batman is suppose to be a human that makes it all fucked up when he can suddenly tap into supernatural powers.

>It's the fact that batman is suppose to be a human that makes it all fucked up when he can suddenly tap into supernatural powers.

READ MORE BOOKS, and less comics.

> Cred Forums comics and cartoons

Maybe you belong in /lit/ but its ok to feel butthurt user. It's a learning experience to be wrong. It was a poor story telling mechanism considering WW would have been a better option to display the "mystical" but they did such a bad job of shoehorning in all the hero's that weren't batman or superman that they had to regulate 3 of them to vine videos.

Theres nothing mystical about a both visions. But you wouldnt know. The worst part, is that one isnt even a dream but future memories.

>There's nothing mystical about visions

Wow, can I have whatever drugs you're taking?

>we kill
So what makes you different from the Joker?

The only reason Batman had those visions is because The Flash fucked up the timeline. Again.

"Break the sound barrier and it makes a sonic boom..." and all that jazz.

Its called basic middle school literature

Batman's kills are casualties in a war against crime.

Joker's kills are senseless murders.

Nice head cannon user. I can see why you don't find anything wrong with bad story telling when you just head cannon away the bad stuff away


You are just an idiot that can put 2 and 2 togheter, or in this case, Flash going back in time and a vision of the future, its almost as if a mesaage from the future goes hand and hand with a messager from the future... And both are part of the SAME SEQUENCE

I've said this before, but Batman serving the role as a sort of oracle makes perfect sense.

Oracles in Greek myth were go-betweens between humanity and the Gods, so who better to do that than the one normal, unpowered human on Justice League. Batman already straddles the line between dual roles ans realities (his shared secret identities, operaring between day and night).

>serving the role of the Oracle
>not mystical

Toppest of keks.

But an alien who has done nothing but good in this world deserves to die.


He has the power to wipe out the entire human race, and if we believe there's even a one percent chance that he is our enemy we have to take it as an absolute certainty... and we have to destroy him.


>people reaching all the way back to classical drama to justify bats having a prophetic vision
>even though they understood that a story's web of events should make each other mutually likely e.g aspects of the world should be coherently and consistently set up

>>people reaching all the way back to classical drama to justify bats having a prophetic vision

We are talking of something that has been part of fiction, myths, and literature since Gilgamesh.
The only reason anyone could find it weird it's being an ignorant jackass that only watches capeshit movies and only reads capeshit comics.

>We fight, we kill, we betray one another, but we can rebuild. We can do better. We will. We have to