Beta Ray Bill has come to your house to beta ray chill. How do you entertain him?

Beta Ray Bill has come to your house to beta ray chill. How do you entertain him?

I will ask him if he wants to watch BvS or MoS

We watch Sex and the City.
Erections for everyone!

Offer beta ray pills?

smoke weed and Netflix

Fire up the beta ray grill

The same way I entertain all my guest

I put on a season of GoT and watch it to completion

Gotta make sure he eats his beta ray fill

warm up some Hot Pockets and offer him a Sprite

Then he'll wash it down with some Beta Ray swill

He's lactose intolerant, so make sure he takes his Beta Ray pill.

Play Melee so he can show off his Beta Ray tech skill .

give him an entire bowl of eggs. Don't let him leave till he eats all of them.

Make him some soup seasoned with Beta Ray Dill

Hmm you might lose if you engage in a battle of beta ray will

Not today.I have a cold, I wouldn't want him to be beta ray ill

With philosophical conversation about atheism.

While writing a song with a beta ray qill

Show him furry porn involving a horse's dick and a human girl.

I actually don't know if Bill would be a Falcon or Ganon main.

Bojack Horseman and chill

Watch the movie Clue and order takeout. Not any Indian, though - I've had curry twice this week.
He'd main King Dedede... duh.

If I could Beta Ray Chill with Beta Ray Bill, that would be Beta Ray Trill! Imagine the Beta Ray Thrill!


There'd be no Beta Ray Chillin', I'm gonna be Beta Ray Thrillin'.

Entertain him with beta Ray thrills

Make him listen to some Kanye West.