New clip with Barry and Eobard.

Matt Letscher is dangerously close to surpassing Matt Letscher. Dude's great.

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>Matt Letscher is dangerously close to surpassing Matt Letscher

fuck time travel is a hell of a drug

I want some of that

On the one hand, no, not really. But on the other hand, Letscherbard has barely begun. It's a shame we won't likely see much of him this season after Flashpoint.


So the Talkback threads are coming back?. It BluePower coming back too?

flash is gay yo

I'm glad they didn't ditch him after one season. He's Barry's archnemesis, his Joker. I think it's inevitable that he'll kill Iris eventually and Barry will kill him.

Hell be on lot

I want Barry to Die and have white Take his place

Letscher's RF is a jobber though. Cavanagh's Reverse Flash played everyone like a fiddle while also being able to kick Barry's ass, the only thing that could stop him was Eddie committing sudoku.

Of course we haven't seen nearly as much of Letscher, so maybe he can change that. But that clip doesn't make him seem threatening in the slightest, it's just more of a "told you so" situation, I'd like it if he at least sounded more smug and whined less about getting out.

Talkbacks will definitely be back. Hopefully so will BluePower.




And that's a shame.

He's supposed to be in that cage for 15 years.

They've gotta stop putting speedsters in a cage, when the audience knows they can phase through solid objects

>that time they put Barry in the holding cells in STAR labs
come on, Jesus, what a fucking plot hole

or like when Barry was on Earth 2 in Zoom's cage
>"Barry phase through"
>"But I can't!"
>"You can, I know you can!"
>"Nope, can't do it, I'm fucked. This is so hopeless! I'm trapped here you guys!
>"But Barry, we BELIEVE IN YOU"
>phases through the cage
>Meanwhile Jay Garrick can't phase through his cage, or his stupid metal mask
>season 2 finale Jay Garrick is showing phasing through an object

>It's a shame we won't likely see much of him this season after Flashpoint.
nah he'll be around more I think. Letscher is going to be in Vancouver shooting on LOT, which means it'll be easier to bring him onto Flash. Production pics of s3e2 have him appearing (probably not for long) and he's rumored to be showing up in ep 5.

Both the S.T.A.R. Labs cells and Zoom's cage had power dampeners, son.

Remember though, Letscher's Eobard is 15 years younger. Wellsobard is older, wiser and more experienced. Time has made him patient. It isn't really fair to compare.

>power dampeners

Funny devices, those power dampeners. They work only when the writing needs them to

As in when they're used.

>>Meanwhile Jay Garrick can't phase through his cage, or his stupid metal mask
The mask was draining his powers.

Barry AND Killer Frost could both still use their powers in there

does it just automatically power down when there's an escape attempt?


So how does he go to the bathroom?

Guys, what if...
>Flashpoint is resolved by Barry letting Eobard go back into the past to kill his mother
How much suffering would that be?

Could be worse, maybe Eobard dies and he's forced to dress up in his costume and kill her himself.

He shits into the speedforce

Based Letscher

I assume the reason we haven't seen Wells is because they have something big planned for him.

Letscher RF is literally just starting out. Barry has been trained by RF at his peak and Zoom, and has a lot more experience fighting other speedsters. Even Cavanagh's RF wasn't really much of a fighter. He was just faster and a better planner.

You've got to wonder what's swirling around in there.

But isn't Thawne like a Speed Force Professor? He should know more about it than Barry.

I think you mean Tom and IMO we still need to see more of Matt but yes he kind of has that Thawne from the comics vibe going on.

That said Matt's winning people over and causing some butthurt in other places because "Not muh" Tom fans want Tom as Eobard again.

Honestly I wonder who Cavanagh is going to play now?

We know Earth-2 Wells is coming back. Whether that's all he plays is up in the air, though.

Killing Barry's mom isn't what causes flashpoint though nigga...damn....


In this show?
I mean, Lady Gaga is his favorite music.

No, he's a professor of Flash Fanboyism. He's a historian.

>Honestly I wonder who Cavanagh is going to play now?

Flashpoint Wells, who is presumably happily unmurdered.

Barry doesn't know that yet.

Reverse Flash does

What causes flashpoint?

saving her caused a 'time ripple' that echoed and changed everything, but only slightly
the show will show it poorly, but the comics show it much better

Okay yeah that's what I thought...why did the saving her time ripple fuck everything but the killing her didn't?



Because Barry has very poor understanding of time travel, where as Thawne is a master of it. If Thawne is a gymnast jumping through hoops, Barry would be an elephant running through a china store. One is elegant and precise, the other just wrecks everything by being clumsy.

Wellsobard has literally carried this show as an antagonist, he will never be able to eclipse him and the best evidence we have of this is the fact Zoom was utterly destroyed and looked like an embarrassment in comparison.

Letscher is going to fail too.

I mean I get what you're saying, but explain?
How could Barry have saved her without fucking it up? And how did eobard fucking stabbing her to death not rip everything to shit?

I understand the concept but it still makes no sense to me

He couldn't save her and it will show when she goes back to being dead.

Too many things hinge off of her death.

Fuck I don't know, it's Speed Force, bitch.

When you change things that directly effect your personal life and history, it tends to fuck time up enormously due to the paradox effect and ripples. So, for example Thawne can never kill Flash before Flash gets his powers and is famous because Thawne's entire fucked up Reverse Flash powers and identity issues relies on him becoming a fanatic Flash fanboy. But he can kill Barry's mom because Barry can still become Flash, it in fact now drives him to become Flash which makes it entirely peachy keen. But Barry changing his own history by going back and preventing the murder of his mom will cause ripples that screws up time due to the inherent Time Paradox of his own dead mom timeline version trying to change its origination point.

>season 2 finale Jay Garrick is showing phasing through an object
He didn't phase through it, he sawed through it using vibrations

Of course he does. But of course he'd say what would get under Barry's skin more.

>And how did eobard fucking stabbing her to death not rip everything to shit?
Flash still become flash.

He sounds like the dude who voiced him in the Flashpoint animated movie

Okay eobard forcing a paradox makes sense
"He can't do it bc he can't" is the explanation we've been given and it makes no sense. It's bullshit, especially when the original intention was that Barry was going to fix everything and set it back anyhow.

I really hate that every present incarnation of flash uses the revised flashpoint origin. Barry being a hero because he was a good guy, instead of MUH DEAD FAMILY MEMBER
was a nice change of pace. Not, litterally every major cape is driven by a death.

>Barry being a hero because he was a good guy, instead of MUH DEAD FAMILY MEMBER

I like it because it makes Thawne be such a giant dick. Makes their rivalry so much more personal.

Don't be mistaken I love that part of it
But for me, it only works if Barry remembers the original timeline(which is no longer the case, and never was in the TV show) or if Barry can somehow fix it

And killing Barry's wife then mentally fucking his to be bride on the alter are both pretty personal

In context of the show, think of that 'even't as a linchpin, so that he is in right place at the right time.

Eobard loses his ability to get back to his time after barry loses his ability to access the speedforce, so it isn't so much her death but what that death causes. So consider that the starting point.

In other time lines he may have gained access to the speed force but for all intents and purposes, the prime timeline is set as he gaining his abilities through eobards manipulation. As far as we know so far he always gained it that way and it was always going to happen that way and every small change to that changes details of the timeline. Meaning you can think of flashpoint at least with quantum mechanics involved as moving far enough away from prime starting point of where we (show observers) see timeline and it causes a cascade of changes across the timeline.

Writing time travel on most shows is hard and is very hard to do well. See Lost, Heroes, you name it, no show usually does it well and Flash isn't going to be any different.

After a certain point, you'll get the "speed force I dont I have to explain shit" reasons but ultimately even if it feels round hole square peg, if the story needs it to go there, then that's what they will do. which is why Heroes became so convoluted because they broke their own universes rules and fundamentally changed things about popular characters to service that episode's script.

No, that's wrong. I can tell you only watched the cartoon and didn't read the comic.

When is the new episode airing


Zoom failed because he was badly written. Just a generic serial killer with no real motive aside from being power hungry.

Matt may not be Tom, but he's still playing Eobard and he was pretty great in the one episode he's been in so far. I love Wellsobard but the "not muh Tom" fans need to be willing to give Matt a chance

I do and while I can't speak for others so far, I haven't gotten anything that places him above so far, just below.

OH SHIT really?

>Just a generic serial killer with no real motive
That's praising him too highly. What you're describing is at least somewhat plausible as a character. Zoom is a cartoonishly evil psychopath to the point where taking him seriously as a threat is absolutely impossible.

>what are you up to?

He's lying. It isn't tonight; it's this evening.

im excited bros, i didnt like last season very much but the talkback threads always make me giddy. the season 2 arrow talkback threads were something else man. i hope this season of flash and hell even arrow can get to that level of hype. but you know. probably not.

>Zoom is a cartoonishly evil psychopath

I liked Zoom. Don't get why so many people praise Captain Cold for being a campy Silver Age villain and lambaste Zoom for the same reason.

Hyped for Black Flash.

>yfw the Barry x Kara scene

they were the best part of that episode then they get saved by fireman hose. such a waste.

It has more to do with expectations, Zoom had a nice entrance and then they proceeded to massively blow it.

I can't do this.

my sides

Hello my Nubian brothers and sistas. My name is Luke Cage and I have a giant 13 inch glistening mandingo penis ready for the taking. We waz kangs and shit, (puts dollar in swear jar) and we must work together to fight the man and reclaim whats ours. I put my hoodie on, As-salamu alaykum.

Luke Cage's penis is at least 20 inches.
And he isn't a muzzie.