Redpill me on India

Specifically, the caste system. I've always assumed that it's just a thing they had in the past, but I was told today that they still have it and it's a big deal - that marriage into a lower caste is heavily frowned upon, and you have to have a good caste to apply for certain jobs. This can't true, right? This sounds utterly fucking barbaric.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Specifically, the caste system
It's eugenics
>and you have to have a good caste to apply for certain jobs
Not true, but certain percentage of jobs are reserved for lower cast people SCST(niggers among pajeets), same for university seats. If you belong to normal cast(there are no higher ones by law) then you'd need 90-95% where an SCST nigger can get in with 75-80% score.

Here even some lower cast scum who lives in three floor houses are complete nigger, so cast system is pretty much keeping the traditional values in people.

Leave to Poos to fetishize this.

Another forum of mine got spammed by some bot regarding "hot inter-caste marriage XXX"

Fucking hilarious.

Don't you fellas still have untouchables that nobody wants to go near?

Mostly because of their lifestyle, but in rural areas it's still practiced widely.

But like I said I've never once seen decent person from any of those groups.

I thought racism was a good thing on Cred Forums.
1.2 billion people
lot of bigots as are your countries better?

>how are your countries better?
Well for starters we don't shit in the streets.

When it comes to racism, I mean...not shitting on the streets.

They have 1.2 Billion of those

Don't you?

> Caste system

Slowly fading away.
Majority don't care about it in metro cities.
Should be gone from rural areas in next 25-30 years.

op is a pajeet pretending not not to be a poo in the loo.

Here you go.

oops forgot link:

>untouchables that nobody wants to go near?
the entire population of their country

would you like to be near a guy who poos in the street?

>normal caste
Shitting in the street isn't normal, Pajeet.

jews are trying to remove the caste system and impose
>everyone is equal, goy

>redpill me on the caste system
if a jew, christian or muslim is very lucky, they will be reborn as a śūdra
>but GOY i'll meet Jesus in heaven!
yeah, no

- they hate females and rape lolies
- 600mil of 'em shit in public
- the place is a literal septic sewerage plant sans operating treatment machinery
- the lie through their teeth and welsh debts and obligations
- they single-handedly ruined cricket bu turning it into T-ball and corrupting it
- their space programs are comical, in the context of where money should be going... albeit oddly successful
- like afro-nigs, they've gone backwards since colonisation and learnt little

>still better than the chinks

>backward since colonization
well memed my friend

fell for the nirbhaya meme, we did too.

there's a little bit of darkskin-lightskin stigma where i live. I.E dark skin means you are a laborer and therefore are dirty. Lightskin means you are pure

Caste system is nonexistent in large cities. Some of them have nice areas, but there's literally shit areas around, and villages are disgusting and backwards.

Absolute shithole

>This sounds utterly fucking barbaric
not at all
the barbarism is rather a society without hierarchies


I imagine a large amount of rapes in india aren't reported, since you guys tend to arrest the women who were raped instead of the rapists

the one about poo in loo girls?

Yeah...that doesn't prove that we have the highest rapes in the world either.
>Arrest women who were raped
wtf? this happens in islamic countries...literally one gangrape in delhi drove the entire nation mad, which is how we somehow earned the "rape country" tag.

>falling for the feminist rape culture meme

You disappoint me Cred Forums. Rape isn't really a problem outside europe. Over 90% of brazillian rape occurs inside male prisons.


>this happens in islamic countries

you do have a lot of muslims


>literally africa tier

they are the minority 14.2%, live in ghettos...our laws and society are not islam-friendly...our government is right-wing.


Why is Cred Forums against caste-system?
I thought you believed in racism and good genetics and shit.

Quick question what sounds like a good band name I've got
I'm really digging Samsara and Blow so far Moksha sounds kinda cool too. Pls help Cred Forums. 1 (you)=1 pajeet pooing in loo pls make a (you) donation thank you!

Cred Forums is not a bad board..believe me. I wonder why they are so hated. I have fun there.

You mean worse-than-africa tier?

Most of africa has less rapes than sweden.

I only go to guitar general on Cred Forums I used to frequently lurk it but it's pretty shit. Most normies I know IRL go on it.

>Sweden redder than North Africa

>utterly fucking barbaric.
that's india

I just came back from Bangelore/ Electronics City yesterday, which many people (Indians) consider to be one of the most advanced Cities in India. A couple gated communities with slums grown around them is far from what (western) people here would consider 'nice'. Even the very upscale luxery hotels there don't reach normal western standards for a hotel. I think that's because most Indians still son't have these standards yet. Most rich people there are probably the first generation and grew up (relatively) poor . For an Indian, a gated community there can look nice if all they see is the slums around them, but if they saw how people live in the West they would see how much more room for improvement there is.

>considered advanced
Electronic city is among the shitiest places in Bangalore. Everyone knows that.

I agree, but you have to start somewhere. For example my city area has only gated communities. Slowly the poorfags were priced out and now the area is all nice and comfy. Cleanliness has to be strictly enforced though, because indians have it in their nature to spread filth.

Also if you really want to see a proper indian city, visit Chandigarh.

Last time Cred Forums came to Cred Forums they started a thread about why Africa lacks talent in music, making Cred Forums-tier arguments on a music board when they haven't heard a single African song in their life. It was hilarious.

agreed bro.

well, at least those normies don't have normie taste in music.

Indians being moral less and disgustingly perverted is more of a problem then rape, not all of those pigs can act out on their wills, but it's definately there.

Let the west educate us about sexual
At least we don't lose our virginity at 13.
When a brown man expresses his sexuality he is called a pervert...when a white man does the same, he's a badass.
Why do the west have higher rape per capita, then?

>not full of rape
>implying a white women could ever walk the streets of india without getting immediately raped
I'd rather walk the streets of Inglewood than ever be on streets of poo and rape.

why this then?

Majority of our rapes happen in prison. I highly doubt that India is that low and I'm willing to bet most of your rapes go undocumented since there's dozens of stories of people travelling there and literally being conned into violent gang rapes.

A lot of things happen in a country with a large population.
Yes, many rapes are unreported in our country...however that still does not confirm that india is the rapiest country in the world. The protests and constant talks linked to rapes in our country by our own people have spread the idea of India being a "rapist country".

Yes, we still have them.

Also note that islamic countries like pakistan where rapes are more likely to go unreported have more rapes than us.

Caste system. The Indians are more racist than whites lmao.

Wait...what side are you on? I thought racism was a good thing on Cred Forums...racism is alright as long as whites do it? Caste system in India is literally a meme...Lower castes have upto 50% reservations when it comes to jobs and education.

And yes...I am against caste distinction and western racism as well. Racism is essentially judging a person purely by his race rather than as an individual, i.e Tyrone is black...most blacks are dumb, thus he's dumb too. You'd rather give a dumb white man a job rather than a smart black guy, which is wrong no matter what your "redpill" suggests.

I was waiting for someone to point the rape finger at Pakistan....

The higher castes if they don't already have a ton of money get fucked over as far as i have heard.

As it is like a more dramatic form of affirmative action that we see in the west against white men where the other castes are allocated a large % of positions throughout society.

>certain good caste to apply for a job
who tells you this kind of shit? We literally have quota reservations for the "underprivileged" castes.

Both are different cultures, pajeets pretend to be respectful towards women when they can barely keep themselves from raping while in west it's simply a part of culture.
The problem is hypocrisy
Not to mention the whites are far too ahead then typical indian when it comes to racism/sexism, there is no comparison, that's a developed nation and this is a undeveloped shithole, different standards apply.
Also are you calling leaving disgusting comments about women online and them being considered primarily as a mean for sex as "brown man expressing his sexuality"?

>white man does the same, he's a badass.
who said that?

Technically it's outlawed but you are free unless you get caught.
Affirmative action serves purpose of politicians.
Shit now you see in Europe and USA has been happening here for a long time.

Keep the Hindu movement in Asia, where you're a minority (Malaysia spring to mind)

And of course racism is good only for the whites... what do you need it for, you're fucking 1/5th of the world already.

If Europe collapse under mudslimes, you'll see hindus slaughtered not witnessed since a millennia ago. Don't think planes will still carry your kind back, nor that India is safe.

tldr: start be more active in UK and US especially, they gave you a chance, defend it.

India sounds somewhat better what the "west" portrays it

>Barely keep themselves from raping
you guys are clearly dodging statistics...just admit it.
Yes, white people are far more promiscuous than Indians...we don't have a "sex culture" at least.
White men leave disgusting comments in better English while you'll expect an indian to say something like "you are my sax...i will fuck"...this is automatically considered more disgusting.
Reminds me a lot about how if Chad (see r9k) hornily approaches a woman, he'll be considered as charming and badass...not the same for an ugly guy even if he's polite.
If that is your real flag, then let me tell you that a major problem why our country is underdeveloped is that guys like you take no pride in being Indian...don't forget that before the Brits cucked us we were an economically powerful and significant nation. We never got over this post-colonial hangover. Love your nation and fight for its improvement instead.

>good genetics

Choose one, streetshitter

I don't support caste system actually. Caste apartheid has been mostly eradicated except for a few bigots in villages. However political parties use caste as a tool to mobilize voters which is a serious problem.

Yeah...that's why the higher caste Indians are the richest race in the USA.

Since when does money determine good genetics? Because nigger jews and Chinks are rich too

You hate jews and chinks because they are wealthier, smarter and more successful than you? Is good genetics determined only by your whiteness?

>You hate jews and chinks because they are wealthier, smarter and more successful than you?
>Is good genetics determined only by your whiteness?

Okay...just wanted to know.

Indian born Us citizen here. Lived in the subcontinent for a number of years. And frequently go back during vacations. Here's an honest answer to your question:

Yes, the caste system still does exist. In colleges and in the work force there's reserved spots for people who originate from lower castes'. Its Indias version of affirmative action

Now currently, caste is defined by your last name. The majority of the population falls into the 3rd level caste hence the large number of people with the last names: Patel, Kumar, Singh, etc.

Marriages between different castes are still a taboo in most family's

Untouchables still exist although they are not officially recognized by the gov

Socially they are recognized though

Dowry still exists (where the brides family gives the grooms family money for marriage) even though it's illegal.

Now about the caste system itself, 4 maim classes with hundreds of sub divisions:

1. Brahmin- the preists, churce heads, etc. Large number of people who have a Brahmin last name are preists today in temples

2. Kshatriyas; warriors, kings, etc. A large number of people with the family name under this caste are actually people who are in the military, air force, etc

3. Vaishyas: traders, businessmen, bankers. This is where the Patel's and Kumars fall into. Look into USA demographics, and what Do you see Patel's as? That's right: gas station owners, 7/11 owners, liqour store owners, subway owners, bank managers, etc.

4. shudras: basically villagers in today's time who work in farms, work as cleaners, etc

Any other questions?

Bahaha sanctimonious aussie cucks btfo!

>When a brown man expresses his sexuality he is called a pervert.

Wow all these shart in marts circlejerking

lol this thread..
>people bashing india
>butthurt indians trying to defend
aren't you forgetting that there is nothing to defend? like all the rape and street shitting memes are actually true around the rural areas.. you are lucky if you live in the big cities.. india is a shit tier country at the moment. prove me wrong
protip: you can't

>dark skin means you are a laborer and therefore are dirty. Lightskin means you are pure
You got the right idea