Here is a final redpill to you all, the one thing that absolutely matters more than everything else...

Here is a final redpill to you all, the one thing that absolutely matters more than everything else, and what separates worthy people from subhumans and degenerates:
Cant fit the text in 1 post so more below:

Other urls found in this thread:

(part 1/2)
Technology is the reason why white race dominated the globe in the past, it is what dictates your quality of life, it is what gives militaries their might, it is why China and India arent dominating economies, it is the solution to every problem..
Might makes right, only definable characteristic of criminals is getting caught, only reason something is a law or an authority is because of its force, break the law and police does force on you till you comply, and technology provides the most force.
Tech people are the primary producers in society, everyone else depending on them.
Politicians do not make decisions based on their mystic 'people skills' aura and power of friendship, it's the missiles and weapons that give them power.
Economists are majority poor or unemployed, their highschool math opinions are irrelevant, it's the tech companies that have the highest market power without even giving a shit what market power is.
Artists, philosophers, and "intellectuals" are completely irrelevant even in their own fields, our culture is dictated more with twatter and google and that kind of bullshit, works of all the "intellectuals" being not even employable, let alone relevant.
Your race also is filled with all kinds of leeches and retards, your race does not give you any fundamental inherit value, all races are full of worthless people, just picture a blue eyed and blond haired empty headed coal burning leftist bimbo at a shopping mall.

(part 2/2)
The universe rewards tech and science people the most. They can do the most things, solve the most problems, are most successful.. Only they poses analytical skills, only they are the literate ones, everyone else being non-essential, dependable, secondary, slowly getting Darwin'd out of economy.
Technologically literate people should establish a militaristic technocracy of their own and get rid of all the illiterate ones in order to explore the universe, because the universe favors them more over all others.

We should have an eugenics program where everyone who cant find a job or is technologically illiterate is euthanized.

tl;dr OP is a stemfag assburger

Or how about we start realising that any brain is already very, very capable and we work on total equilibrium.

Good luck trying to explain that to Cred Forums

The question isn't what do we want with technology. It's what does technology want with us?

Eternal (((Anglo))) at it again.

What differentiates humans from subhumans is not technology, but the ability to be civilized and build lasting civilizations. Technology is simply a by-product of a solid society.

You write and sound like a College freshman. Go kys.

We already know this.

You are not forced to take liberal arts classes and other jew shit theu push in school when all you want to learn is blocked by kikes and their mind shake machine and nigger music and lack of sex if you dont snoke the herbal jew

no u

Technology is just applied science. It does not want anything with us itself.. but what we can empirically, measurably, and objectively test and confirm is, the universe is rewarding those who want to learn and explore the most.

Eugenics has many merits but the method of execution will fail if it includes euthanasia. It will prey on fear and feelings which will drive the masses away.

Instead, simply making the carriers undesired traits infertile and allowing them to still be full classed contributing members of society will ease the burden of Eugenics on society.

And here's the true redpill many of you will refuse to swallow; the only way we'll reach a tier one society is through cultural homogeny. There are two ways to accomplish this; selective breeding and genocide. The latter has been tested and proven to be innefective. It's now time to employ the former, which means (and this is the part you useless idiots will use to dismiss this) the death of not only the white race, but all races in their entirety.

If we cannot accomplish this as a species we are destined to die along with our planet. Fortunately, we have several million years to accomplish this.

And yet, ad yet techs and science people are put where they cause little-to-no harm to the reigning power structures. They deploy their toys at the behest of their political and economic masters. Tools to be used and discarded. Oh, such a reward, indeed...

You are Now* the mispell jew phone got me again since they only make phones small for sissy faggots

Technology follows an evolutionary path. It'll ether become sentient via our mergance with it or through AI.

Do you know in shadows that you have a deceiving god and he will give you all in the end?
Maybe you should listen to the Beware of Gods program. To save mankind from itself.
Lest a God cheat you and your future. This is a program without free will that you operate, it will enter AI mode if you kill yourselves.

But what if Technology , Culture and Civilization is the Creative Expression of the Racial soul , Ergo Race is what separates worthy people from subhumans and degenerates .

Also: Why is /pol racist? Is it a meme or are you guys serious?

a german would ask this.

Tech people basically monopolize all industries imaginable, they run the economy, and it seems more and more that politicians are just puppets and mouth peaces for these special interest groups, who are basically tech giants (energy companies, consumer electronics, etc).

Byzantine empire, the longest one that comes to mind, with 1100 years of existence, dominated the world in commerce and military because their people were extremely educated in mathematics and similar subjects.

Byzantine engineers built the greatest limestone wall of the time, a wall sturdy yet flexible enough to survive earthquakes.
Byzantine capital housed the most people on Earth for a long time, and this was achieved thanks to marvel of engineering that was their aquaduct and water system.

Byzantium is just one example, there are much more like this.

That is too much of a 'what if'. It is too damn vague and undefined. How do you even go about proving this?

And to make tech you need human intelligence. Which is transferred genetically through reproduction. So we should strive for higher IQ by choosing higher IQ mates or find the intelligence gene and manipulate it.

Mixed kids show higher intelligence abilities.

im serious, and curious why some of you seem to think in this way

Yeah sure but the race argument is not consistent with reality. At least no race argument today or in the past.

Japs are highly intelligent, and so are the damn Jews. Not even to mention, you cant measure intelligence using race, without a huuuuge margin of error.
Very few nigs are intelligent, and some whites are extremely dumb, so judging solely by race is objectively and measurably wrong.

If we judged by tech ability however, we could wipe out 90% of the nigs, AND not be philosophically/politically/whatever-ically wrong. Just have to put the tech as a reason.

That's false, I dont want to make a post too long but this is simply not the case. I cant link the proofs in the next post proving otherwise.

what is your definition of "racist"?

>what is a bell curve?

I second this

I was in Ferguson the initial night of the chimp out. There is a thin line between order and chaos. When it becomes obvious the police do not have the force to deal with a situation, this happens

believing that another person is inferior to another one because of their race

inb4 we become the dicks in our sector
nothxbai, gaia is unlimited

Mixed kids indeed are smarter

It's about intelligence
Low IQ correlates with low income and more crime
Compared to high IQ which correlates with high income and less crime

I agree with eugenics. We got fatter pigs, faster racing horses, taller corn..... hell we even have objective, solid, measurable evidence it works on humans too.

It's just that if we make policies based solely on race and nothing alone, we would end up with shit tier white people shitting up the place and making everything worse for everyone, just because they are white.

Think about your average (f)arts degree college students. All white, yet half of them are caolburner feminists and have dreadlocks and so on.....

> Monopolizing industries was never good for the economy (decrease in competition leads to decrease in quality of production and product, increase in consumer cost).
> People run things. More accurately: Things run through people.
Adaptive systems always overrule their constituent subsystems in order to remain functional in any degree it is needed. Ex: millions of your cells die everyday, some of them are perfectly functional, just no longer needed (apoptosis), yet, you remain you. Same things happen at the level of companies. Global civilization is an entity, that does the same function that any lesser being evolved to do: Maximize entropy within the realms of it's ability to do so. That is the base rule of existance.

t. brainlet

it's not shocking when a black person mixes with a white person their kid will be smarter than the black person.

Higher iq higher economic crimes nigger higher iq doesnt make a person honest


Here, watch this fun little documentary, made by a 100% neutral guy (not a right wing extremist or a hyper ultra liberal either)

should be a mandatory watch on pol

I'm not sure what you're saying.
I think if we made it our mission to increase IQ of everyone, downstream from that is a high tech civilization

>Global civilization is an entity, that does the same function that any lesser being evolved to do: Maximize entropy within the realms of it's ability to do so. That is the base rule of existance.
Surely not minimize entropy? Entropy is undesirable, it's the lack of organization. Perfect entropy in terms of civilization would be total anarchy.

We would just go back to the same methods and tactics in order to increase general IQ, we'd need people with analytical skills, people who are formally trained in practical application of science.


technology is all that matters even though technology has stagnated in the past 7 years

dont worry when we recreate the universe you can float through purgatory forever

Im not being too much what if the premise of racial diffenreces manifesting in different culture proves this.

All constructions of metaphysics are by definition tautological so long as their axioms are internally consistent. Historical cultural divergence and racial expression is a metaphysical position.

In physics and more specifically thermodynamics, entropy is the second law and the reason first law is irreversible. Entropy isnt chaos. Entropy is just something we observed about the universe:
Closed systems seem to always want to get in the state from where the most events can happen.

Basically entropy is not chaos, also if white holes exist (and they might exist), our understanding of entropy and thermodynamics would be absolutely wrong. Even on the local scale.

tl;dr no

Op is100% marxist.
And I have a PhD with a thesis on Marx.

>We should have an eugenics program where everyone who cant find a job or is technologically illiterate is euthanized.
Cuting ballz will be far enough

>What differentiates humans from subhumans is not technology, but the ability to be civilized and build lasting civilizations.

Civilization is a technology.

OP doesnt even know what Marx is.
t. op

I dont care about class struggles or taking means of production or whatever.. I'd rather create the means of production for myself by myself.

In fact I said we'd be better off creating a new aristocracy basically and the working class + "intellectuals" being subjugated, like a total opposite of liberation or whatever.

Then describe in your own words what entropy is.

I've always been under impression entropy is a measure of disorder.

Jesus Christ, a noble heart, and a strong work ethic is the reason why whites have succeeded in the past

technology is a false god, and every god requires you to make a sacrifice

Kikes provided some of the best scientists ever.

Race is not based on ethnical criteria.

Over 130 IQ is master race, we're going to cut your ballz, no matter your skin color or religion.


Btw: you, sir, is a communist.

>One would think, yes. However: Organization requires systems - parts interacting in an orderly manner.
> Interaction is always energy-redistribution between parts.
> Energy is never distributed perfectly - some parts of it is always lost as energy forms, that is not usable in that system (mainly heat).
> A system to remain functional (adaptive), always requires outer sources of energy.
> For that, the adaptive system have to change itself (mainly by creating new subsystems), in order to connect to new sources of energy.
> Complex systems doesn't reinvent themselves, they change as little as needed to adapt to the new environment (evolution)
> The constant adding of complexity increases until no new source of energy can be tapped
> Humankind overstepped biological evolution (all energy gained by inner digestion) and uses technology (energy comes from outside sources), mainly oxidazation (fire)
> Energy sources used by technology currently mainly non-replenishing
> All of our infrastructure and lifestyle based on non-renewing and not likely to be convertible to low-gain systems again (evolutionary inertia) without a collapse

You're IQ is clearly under 120.

Well most physics lectures like to describe it as two balloons filled with gas, connected, one full, other empty. Over time, there tends to be equal amount of gas particles in both balloons.

That's entropy. Now there are important things to understand about this:
this is not disorder, but this is the greatest amount of combinations.
Entropy is about the universe always wanting to increase the number of combinations. Not chaos. When there are equal number of gas particles in both balloons, there is the greatest amount of combinations possible.

Or imagine 2 dice. You know, the ones that go from 1 to 6.
Well getting 2 has the lowest amount of combinations, both dice have to be 1. While 7 has the greatest number of combinations, 1+6, 2+5, 3+4, 4+3, 5+2, 6+1.

So if you threw 2 dice like infinite amount of times, you'd get 7 most of the time, even tho all combinations have the same % of happening.

You seem deeply autistical, did the turks bully you in school or something?

If you think niggers and abos are equal to whites then kill yourself, painfully. You are a disgrace to your people.

Do you like your ballz? Cause we're going to cut them.

Maybe for you autistic Germans. Your civilization is literally based on building machinery.

If you think a 80IQ white boy is superior to Niel De Grasse, we're going to cut your ballz.

Thanks for confirming that you are deeply autistical

I'm not german.
I'm 170IQ, the world is mine.

I am.
And will cut your ballz.

I wouldn't go to that extreme, but I do think a tier 1 society would have more parallels to communism than capitalism, but largely in part due to an over abundance of resources and a willingness to distribute them accordingly.

In today's or a near future society communism will continue to fail.

well, what these normal distributions of iq tests capture are the results from diffren ethneticies. The problems of this statistic are:
>who got tested (is the stand of education, wealth and intentions comprehensible)
>under which criteria were the probands selected
>how many individuals got tested, and why do the thest results end up iin this exect bell courve- looks like something i could create with an time effort of less than 5 minutes
>last but not least: where does is come from? whats the source? who made it?
do you even reasearch /pol?

Got a maths degree
Queue 4 years of working places where I am going between insurance companies and bookies because they treated us like calculators by the end of them 4 years I was making 37'000. Go back do Finance degree for 2 years , offered graduate program for 32'000 straight out of college. With STEM either you make something yourself or you get bossed around by people with intelligence several orders of magnitude lower than yours and human resources degrees. It's shit but that's how the real world works. First day of college is it?

Communism is bullshit because modern economy does not work on illiterate mouth breathing manual laborers. If communism was right, China and India would be dominant economies, and people wouldnt starve to death or give up their lives trying to escape from Soviet union.

Communism is just bullshit where you have main producers who are forced to give up their produce.

Fucking this. Cred Forums needs to understand that nothing is fucking black and white. And i will keep advocating for this every fucking moment.
I dont even think you need 1 race like the kikes want it. Just a much better application of moral and just pricipales to many races. The culture and especially the mentality needs to be homogenized. Right now we think way to primitivly to be able to live in peace.

Well I always felt that math degree is too.. theoretical. Dont get me wrong, I fully realize just how many applications mathematics have, it's just about the degree, I dont know what math degree people study but to me it seems like they are proving theorems and examining axioms that are just too disconnected from the applied stuff.

If you have a math degree and if you are smart, why not start your own business or join up in one of the better paying industries or do research for a military or I dont know.

It's pretty retarded working for someone in the finance with a math degree. Trade stocks on your own or start a business yourself, why do highschool math at a bank for a shit pay??

I agree entirely. But throw in automation and a homogenous society free of welfare and I can see certain aspects of socialism/communism as beneficial.

OP, don't take it the wrong way, but you're an uneducated fool.

The universe does not reward technology. Civilization has not always been based on high tech, and it will not last much longer. We can't just afford it ressource-wise for much longer.
As someone else said: "the ultimate form of intelligence is finding out how you can not do something and still have things going your way".
The most adapted people, not seemingly right now, but over history, are primitive people (besides abo because niggers) who do not rely on anything but themselves and a little ressources, which they can easily find. They have the higher quality of life and do the less effort for it.

Also, time is not linear, it is cyclical. We do not go from a supposed beginning of history to a hypothetical infinite progress with us conquering space and shit like that. This is just bullshit. I won't elaborate on that subject, just read. Guénon would be a good start.

Communism is possible for the few engineers that actually build all the automatization. Not for the masses. And absolutely not for the entire 'class' of millions of people.

For what reason would someone bust their balls and make automatization for themselves, and than just share with everyone who did absolutely nothing?

Precious resources arent all that precious at all. There are asteroids floating nearby, that we can reach today, full of the 'precious' resources.
Everything else you said is a [source needed] tier, from time being cyclical, to primitive people being somehow good.

And according to Maxwell's equations and Einstein's work, time is simply relative to different observers, its not cyclical or whatever bullshit you just said.

This. Technology comes as a result of comfy existence but also is part of the cycle of dependence that ultimately leads to complete downfall. Adaptability is secured survival of whatever comes along. Requires high tier function on mental and physical levels. All else is trappings.

>technology comes from comfy existence

Most of the modern day technology is developed by Europeans, who were developing it in the first place because their environment was exterminating them during the ice age, and because they were exterminating each other later.

Better snares, better clothing for snow, better tools, better shelters... later on better weapons for war.
Meanwhile niggers and shitskin races lived in 100% comfy environments, that's why Europe blew them out of existence when they met.

You don't know a lick about archeology or history, do you?

I'm looking into investiture, to make real money though you need real capital, so I'm currently saving, never borrow money for stocks. I was just trying to get across the point that while techy people are doing the intellectual heavy lifting they're not really benefiting from it proportional for every Mark Zuckerberg you have a million guys with compsci degrees working in dingy offices teaching people how to use excel. It's usually retarded schmoozers or entrepreneurs who make it to the top, very rarely is it the really competent guy from the bottom rung.

Oh the ol' "Only Way This'll Work is if We KILL EVERYONE" gag. That's a classic.

Also known as the "Ain't Enough Room in This Town for the Two of Us" theory.

The universe seems pretty big. Can't you just get on your space ships and leave with your big brains so we can be simple farmers again?

We can make what we already have, we're doing ok. Some nutty mechanic kid will make us a newer better engine. Go away nerdfags.

Only realistic peace is peace trough strength. On what authority would you ask for peace? Why would anyone in a superior position offer you peace if he can just enslave you or take your stuff?

Weird that some from the United States, a place that dropped more bombs and started more wars than any other in such short history, would have such pacifist outlook.

Basically meritocracy based on technology as a virtue. Exactly what our society needs. We need to go Aktion T-4 on the weak, survive, preserve the civilization, keep the gene pool strong.


Those "America has been at war for 99.9948572% of its existence" stats weight all the various Indian Wars, the 19th century anti-piracy interventions, CIA actions in the Cold War (interventions in Latin America/Afghanistan etc), and so on, equally with, like, full-on invasions of major countries. Those aren't nothing, and all that definitely tells you something about us, yeah, but you really have to put that information in context if you're trying to answer "which country is the most warlike?"

I realize most of you Americans have a pretty Best Korean outlook (nobody there owns a passport but still you all think you are the best), but basically the rest of the globe sees you like this:

Imagine a guy, arming himself exponentially, a guy just arming and arming and arming himself, casually telling everyone else 'you guys should really disarm, seriously not being armed is a way to go, you should all just disarm yourselves trust me on that one'.
That's how the world sees Americans. A state that wants to teach everyone else about pacifism while calibrating its supersonic nuclear gun bases all over the globe.


>I pretend to be more intelligent than Cred Forums without understanding epigenetics and reading dozens of studies on race and intelligence
This is a nice reddit-tier thread.
The actual truth is two-fold. You're not going to have a successful society with a low IQ population. A successful civilization requires an population already environmentally selected for higher intelligence, which is why Europe advanced lightning quick (and especially northern Europe) relative to other civilizations. Seriously, your ideas are something you're going to hear in a TED talk.

Technological capacity is the only non-meme way to measure intelligence anyway.

Haven't heard from a zealous reddit technocrat for a long time. Aren't you guys all on chill pills so you can deal with reality now days?

People who make technology =/= people who control technology

Thanks, I appreciate you delivering this completely new information to me that I have never once encountered before.

Let me be clear: I'm not shocked by what you're saying, I'm disagreeing with it. Yes, the US is pretty militaristic (and excessively so in my opinion); we're also the current global hegemon. It's not appropriate to compare our military spending and foreign policy etc to, e.g., you guys since you lost your empire, or to any European country except for perhaps Russia right now. It is appropriate to compare it to other great powers during their periods of regional or global dominance, e.g. the European imperialist powers, Japan in East Asia in the 20s-40s, the USSR for most of its history, and so on.


One of the biggest blue pills I've ever read desu

is it because you said so, or..?

The men who designed and built the nuke didn't decide when or where to use it, the men who design and build drones don't decide when and where to use them, etc.

Here's the issue with what you're saying.

If you are part of a culture (talking about the philosophical parts of it - views on life and death, etc, not muh music) and mentality, then obviously you consider it right or you would be actively changing it. You might even be professing active disgust at it while doing nothing to stop it and even revelling in the comfort of it; thus in reality it is what you consider right and would object change to.

If your culture and mentality is right, then it is only logical that all other cultures and mentalities are wrong and must be homogenized towards your mentality/culture.

There should be no compromise. If we are right then compromising to achieve the wrong for a peace that can be achieved as much by being patient and slowly bringing others to our mentality is not the right thing to do.

Nah, IQ is highly correlated with financial and economic success.

The reason African people were behind is because of no easy access to food.
While in the rest of the world we had wheat, rice, corn etc. in Africa they had nothing that could be farmed that easily. We also had animals much more easily tameable. Animals that are neurologically wired to live in pacts and bigger flocks. Therefore much easier to tame and cultivate on a larger scale. Sheep, cows, goats, etc. This was also very lacking in Africa.
Once we got our dietary needs fulfilled we had more time to focus on scientific and practical innovation. Meanwhile in Africa they were still struggling to get food to survive.
There's more to it but this is a large part of why black people couldn't keep up with the rest of the world.
It's not racism, simply a well believed theory on the matter.

>be dumb
>inherit money
>put it in a hedge fun

Nah.. its more likely that people are simply going to lose their trust in money. They will start avoiding the money altogether rather than having to work with or do business with absolute retards who won the lottery. They are going to start trading in goods and services directly and cut the money out all together.

Africa had the lowest evolutionary pressure, it is the easiest place on Earth to find food, and before white man's medical science, there was less than a million of them or some shit. It is because of how easy it is to live there, people never had any need to develop any tools or intellect.

They also never had the ice age which propelled white people even further evolutionary. They starve today because they breed like retards and thanks to penicillin the nature isnt taking its course trough diseases.