Friendly reminder that Conservashits always vote against their economic interests


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>Tfw fiscally liberal and socially conservative

It's a lie. Unemployment has raised 40% in Seattle since April 2016 -- the month the wage hike started.

The US average jobless rate has dropped in the last few months, but Seattle's has skyrocketed.

cus less illegal alien immigrants come to seattle, too fuckin expensive for spicks and wetbacks.

Have you not seen tent city and all the homeless?

But has rent gone up? If it hasn't yet it will. Landlords know the money supply is bigger so they will raise prices accordingly. Washington needs to limit inflation on rent prices if it expects Seattle to remain a fair place to rent.

>representative of the entire US
Wew lad


Sacrificng the future in exchange for a year or two of growth. Liberals.

>Washington needs to limit inflation on rent prices
jesus christ
price controls never work

Seattle doesn't even release its numbers for unemployment for September until October 19th.

They don't release August's numbers until tomorrow.

The PRELIMINARY report shows it at 4.4%

August's numbers LAST YEAR showed it at 3.5%

>Be in worst recession since the great depression
>Hit rock bottom
>Have nowhere to go but up
>Brags about going up
Congratulations, you made it back to pre recession unemployment. Unfortunately, there are less people working

>friendly reminder that leftists vote against their long term economic interests

>thinks there aren't thousands of factors countering minimum wage damage
>seattle is literally one of the fastest growing places on the planet

Im conservative and I vote to raise the minimum wage. Wallstreet and corporate profits are up 800% while the average wage has gone up 8%. We are being looted. Only the most retarded conservatives dont see it. They are the conservative equivalent of Hillary shills, mindless drones that can only spam Kek.


Can't you think up a better moniker? That one just sounds so stupid, and makes you look stupid, too :)

You dumb fuck, the reason minwage gets raised is to provide government with more tax revenue.

Just make everything free. Money has no meaning anyway.

Like that one episode of Recess where they trade stickers and after TJ amasses an enormous fortune the currency on the playground switches the next day to something else.

If we stop pretending US dollars have value and start pretending something else does instead, everyone would be immediately equalized. The trillionaires would have nothing.

That's because of outsourcing and unfettered immigration you dumbfuck

arbitrarily raising the "minimum wage" doesn't change the status of the job market, which is currently fucking over low and middle class workers

If you want to genuinely fix this problem, cut immigration levels and increase tariffs and penalties for corporations that outsource

the United States is their consumer base anyway so they owe it to this country to produce here

Holy fuck dude that is thumb-sucking tier thinking.

Do libtards have meme generators that allows them to just plug in fantasy stats?

Nah it's pretty acurate moniker . Conservashits are deplorable people with horrible economic values they only benefit those that are already rich

Stay triggered tho

>fired people move out
>only the employed stay
>hey guys it seems people have been hired more

Because cities with people who have lots of money can do fine with 15 dollar minimum wage, but if you force that shit on Bumfuck, North Dakota it'll only put people out of business.

A....B-basket of Deplorables?

Dumb faggot. You have no idea what you are talking about, Hill.

Conservashits don't need statistics because they have common sense.

Thats what people keep saying yet there is never a mass insurgence of bankruptcies when its raised. I wonder why what you all say never happens? Ohh perhaps because its bullshit?

>not realizing unemployment figures are just based off of who is on unemployment benefits.

If you've ever been to seattle, you will realize that the homelessness and "rats" (aka street people) are at an all time high.

>I have the best idea so why don'5 I go post it on four chan dot org!

there there pouty child . No need to resort to ad Homs now

You're just jealous you didn't think of it first.

When my doctrine is put to paper and propagated throughout mankind, my name will go down in the annals of history along side other great economists like Keynes and Friedman.

Goose / gander faggot. Back to logic 101 numbskull

>If you've ever been to seattle, you will realize that the homelessness and "rats" (aka street people) are at an all time high.

It's the same in Portland too. They're literally everywhere. Dropping their shit and sleeping in doorways. The entire downtown area smells like a fucking outhouse now.

The more pathetic you are, the more a "libtard" will love you. And vice versa. Hence, they treat bums that shit in doorways like special snowflakes when they should be ejected out of the city center.

It's part of their ressentiment against anything that succeeds.

>count part time jobs the same as full time jobs
>$15 an hour means more jobs become part time
>more people have to work multiple jobs

Net increase in job count while income stays the same.

Tariffs and the like would merely move their profit margin more towards staying here

The same effect can be achieved by lowering corporate taxation

Businesses merely do a cost benefit analysis, they aren't maliciously motivated

The latter solution starves the beast as well for an added bonus

Keynes and friedman are flashes in the pan with no longterm relevance

Surplus spending existed before keynes, and nu (socialist) classical economics existed before friedman

These two are only cited to as examples and that use will dry up eventually.

At best keynes will remain as a footnote alongside Hayek when speaking about the roaring 20s and great depression

Friedman is like the Neil degrasse Tyson of economics

Fake and gay

Even extreme left wing outlets like Mother Jones admit results are mixed and employment is down.

>income stays the same
AND the prices of everything rise.

>Talking about their ideologies on public policy and ignoring their economic models.
They weren't politicians, they were economists. They did mostly academic research that's too technical for the layman, but to those educated their influence is apparent.

Like Krugman. He's batshit retarded in the media. He says some of the dumbest shit on topics he has barley studied. However, his work in international trade and currency is truly groundbreaking stuff that even his harshest political opponents have to respect

Seattle fag here. The cost of living has gone way up, theres more homeless than ever, and getting hired is more difficult than ever.

The full 15 hasnt even kicked in yet. We have like 10.50 right now


Source ?

I live here. Source is experience

>occupy democrats
this account literally just makes these things up off the top of his head on a regular basis, im gonna need a source before i believe anything he says.

> MUH anecdotes


Crummy local data, highly sampled. And the surrounding region that didn't increase its minimum wage saw the same trend.

>Unemployment is at an all-time low because no one is looking for work anymore because no one can find any jobs


Who needs sources when you have feelings? :^)

Correlation =/= causation
I recently went to France and I fell sick today.
Did going to France make me sick and as such everyone who goes to France will get sick? No.

Implying I make less than $15 an hour