Q: Does Donald trump owe the President an apology?

You know what to do Cred Forums

This is a live poll you vote ever few seconds. Lets bring down the average. The show the results live on air.

Other urls found in this thread:

fucking link
also, can non-burgers help?

thanks. bump

we can

Yes. I need one of my script bros to cook up another script like always.

Pic related

var no=0;(function kek(){setTimeout(function(){console.log('KeK No ['+ ++no+']!');document.querySelector('#pulse-responses > li:nth-child(1) > a').click(); kek()},5777 - Math.random() * 1945);})()

Here fags.

>inspect element

Bump for the hell of it


I was busy. What did trump say?

>Trump instead has top forensic experts sign a pledge that Obama's bullshit birth certificate was 100% forged and fake

He won't but that would be cool B)

That Obama was born in America.

Obama took a lot of offense at the outright blatant lie, and wants an apology

Nothing. He killed it on Fallon so Hillary's coven is freaking out, saying he needs to apologize for being a RACIST BIRTHER because it was racist to question where Obama was born, racist.

Nice work here


What does this do?

Votes for you so you dont have to click every 5 seconds.

Does the tab have to be the one open or does it automatically do it if I'm on another tab?

Remember, pick major democrat demographics


Lets go

You slap it in each tab

When will Obongo apologize to the people he has wronged?

You can do it in each tab. Chrome freezes tabs after some time however. so you will occasionally have to visit each on like once every 5 minutes or so.

what a shitty method of polling

this really just measures who's the most autistic voting block


Make sure you right click inspect the [No] buttin

>this really just measures who's the most autistic voting block

This is why we win.

Thanks, user.


Dirt nig prez$ will burn for eternity

thats why we have an auto voter string

>var no=0;(function kek(){setTimeout(function(){console.log('KeK No ['+ ++no+']!');document.querySelector('#pulse-responses > li:nth-child(1) > a').click(); kek()},5777 - Math.random() * 1945);})()


The birth certificate is a red herring, obama is an illegitimate president because both parents are required to be citizens.

var no=0;(function kek(){setTimeout(function(){console.log('KeK No ['+ ++no+']!');document.querySelector('#pulse-responses > li:nth-child(3) > a').click(); kek()},5777 - Math.random() * 1945);})()

// fixed it

CTR pls go

that selects yes

That Votes Yes

>li:nth-child(1) > a').

> li:nth-child(3)

I'm not sure what it changes, though

What a waste of triple dubs


remember to inspect the downvote button

just now

Cred Forums cross thread operation?

It was just on the channel

>var no=0;(function kek(){setTimeout(function(){console.log('KeK No ['+ ++no+']!');document.querySelector('#pulse-responses > li:nth-child(3) > a').click(); kek()},5777 - Math.random() * 1945);})()
No it's the right one, gtfo CTR shill

>here's your 2 sheckles


The link below is to the memo Mark Penn who was a Clinton strategist in '08 sent describing Obama as "lack of American roots." and "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values."

Pic is entire 8 pages of Mark Penn 2008 Memo

remember to vote as females


here was the alternate from the string create

setInterval(function(){document.querySelector('#pulse-responses > li:nth-child(1) > a').click()},5500);

child is 1


We dropped it down to 80%


WE BROKE 47% Last time!

fucking shit! This is why there are so many yes votes!

Use the top code
var no=0;(function kek(){setTimeout(function(){console.log('KeK No ['+ ++no+']!');document.querySelector('#pulse-responses > li:nth-child(1) > a').click(); kek()},5777 - Math.random() * 1945);})()

Child 1 is NO!


var no=0;(function kek(){setTimeout(function(){console.log('KeK No ['+ ++no+']!');document.querySelector('#pulse-responses > li:nth-child(3) > a').click(); kek()},5777 - Math.random() * 1945);})()

This is correct code. Don't listen to that shill, can't even code. Prob has a liberal arts degree.

no, MSNBC dumps a bunch of yeses at the beginning of their pulse and when they see a critical point they bot it

youre such a faggot.

they've even placed them in correct order
Child(1) is no, (2) is neutral, (3) is FUCK OFF

Bump, 25-34 democrat female here. No apology needed IMO.


Original thread with the same string inside


Firing up the meme Maschine

>here's your $0.22 for correcting the record

worst bot voting ever.
There's no way they are legitimately getting all those yes votes,
Retarded CTR probably copied and modified code

Who else here Democrat woman 18-24?

>This MSNBC shill thinks he can spout our shekel memes all on his own

im Female Dem 35-54

is this the switcharoo?

On a west coast VPN as well

they wouldn't have to if they control the Pulse, but yea this guy is trying to sabotage our string.

Uh how about no Independent

>50% processor
>6,4/7,9GB RAM
>30 tabs
the meme machine is whirring like crazy

btw, do you have to separate tabs or you can just leave them in the same window?

It's finally staying under 50%

I'm voting as an 18-24 female independent and you should, too.

That'll turn it around.

I have seperate tabs that i click through every 5 min

many people are using multi tabs in multi windows

you just have to add the string manually in every page you have opened

>make sure to inspect the (No) button to make sure it works

If you have more than one tab open, click through the demographic show it shows "all voters" or "voters of all ages find "No" at the bottom

notice how the annotations always stop when the vote dips into the side that disagrees

ypu can just hit up on your keyboard then enter, saves you having to copy paste it everytime



Jesus, this poll has so many bots trying to get Trump to apologize.

Why don't Hillary apologize first cause she started it?

Bamp. Doing yods work anons. Dont use the shill script. The first one in the thread is right. Make sure to look at the button and see that no is being pressed. Got 18 tabs open thats all my laptop can handle.

Bump. Do this in multiple tabs.

as many tabs as you can, 22 here.
correct script is:
var no=0;(function kek(){setTimeout(function(){console.log('KeK No ['+ ++no+']!');document.querySelector('#pulse-responses > li:nth-child(1) > a').click(); kek()},5777 - Math.random() * 1945);})()

Repubs want an apology and Dems are on Trump's side. Bots are literally the only things that are voting

The hilarious thing is Hillary fucking created the birther movement during her 2008 run.

Doing my part (25 for 'no'), but I doubt (((they))) will accept it in the long run.

We come to it at last, the great bot war of our time

Who would have believed that an online Nazi Hentai Stamp collecting forum would be the last bastion of freedom and justice in a degenerate world. The worst of humanity are influencing world leaders, and turning the tide in elections. God (and Kek) bless you Cred Forums


Rubio's revenge

both sides are shillling. Hilllary's shoe-in demo is NO

Trump's shoe-in demo is YES

When you get into shill war with Cred Forums, youre gonna have a hard time.

I have plebbit voting republican. We will even the score soon.

down to 69 now

Im hoping those fucking donkeys know how to run scripts in browsers

They're all trending towards 'No" now. Kek

His will be done. PRAISE KEK

More females believe he doesn't owe an apology. Funny. What sort of awful "men" participate in these msnbc polls?

The non-botting kind.

They shut it down.

We ended at 67.

The battle is won, the war is far from over.

Clearly keks work is being done. Thank you acolyte

100 tabs doing kek's work ^_^


Whats up with "5777 - Math.random() * 1945"?
is it random so the site cant detect that your spamming them? for maximum efficiency this whole thing should be 0.

It's over, major victory for alt-right forces.