Hello I'm here for the job interview

Hello I'm here for the job interview.

What do you need a job for here?

You could be a model.

I like your bowtie but your fetal alcohol syndrom is showing.

But there are no jobs in Spain.

just sit right there

what job this is spain you inbred retard

Why didn't he just have the artist make him look normal?

You look like you are born from incest, but... Well we need some spanish speaking diversity. And your have some connections. Welcome!

That is literally the best he could do.

>monarchcucks will defend this

just make it completely unrealistic, it's not like anyone would be able to tell in a hundred years

He looks pretty normal for royalty desu senpai.

I really feel sorry for Charles II, it's not his fault his ancestors were incestuous fucks.

Trust a fucking yid to make it about porn.

>for your emergency contact listed one person and for the relationship you specified it was your mother aunt and cousin. Care to elaborate?

He looks niggerish

uuuuuuhhhh.... we'll call you back if you've been hired!

Christ ! what a fuggin' fag!

Calm down Anglo it's just a casting couch,
people who are auditioning for a job sit on it.

>Austrian genetics

Get back in the oven, yid.

So does your president.


Too bad this deformed spawn of incest thought it was a good idea to give the Spanish throne to a bourbon after his death thus creating the downfall and weakening of the once mighty Spanish Empire.

Why the long face?

Fab as fuck

a) retard doesn't know he looks like shit. Will jail "artist" cause picture looks nothing like him.
b) drawing him with anything else than his glorious, impeccable visage will imply that it isn't perfect, needs to be changed. and then you get killed for saying king is ugly

Either way, looking at the glass half full in this election, at least that fucking nigger and family of monkeys will be out of presidency


damn nigga u is 1 ugly mufucka


