Fuck white people

Fuck white people.

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China will enslave these cunts too, so they better wise up.

Nobody cares about us. Not even leftists and were not as vocal as the blacks. Basically irrelevant.

Fuck you, shill.

No more gibsmedats from the white man

Early in the semester, I know senpai.

but that feminist basket weaving class work load will catch up with you quickly if you spend too much time dicking around on anime chan

Step it up dances with wolves


Don't be racist, OP, read an anti-racist book like this one:


kill all the other smelly races white power!

Clearly, learn from history or repeat it. Also, who will pay reparations without whites financing it.


Stop being cucks and get rid of it now!

We didn't immigrate. We conquered.

Where's that pic about holier-than-thou-art libcucks using maymays of native americans to make some self-righteous tirade while not even bothering to know what chief's pic they're using when you need it?

This is me not feeling bad. What other civilization besides european white people would of conquered you, cucked you, then give all of them tax free lives with casions and shit.

The fucking indians better be grateful the spaniards didnt take over or anyone else.

im so tired of all the ungrateful minorites.

why you want to fuck Poland? we didn't do anything!

Listen to this guy. Don't wind up like him, white man.

It'd be different if Indians were actually a civilization

America was a mistake.

I live around natives, they are literally terrible people, mostly white but claim native to get free shit and benefits, FUCK YOU from Oklahoma OP...

This is bait. Sage plebs

>tfw injuns care more about sovereignty than anyone else
We lost it and now most of our people are dindu tier, the last thing we want to see is more people move in and shit up what little we have that remains.

Boohoo, the white man stopped us from butchering human beings like the savages we are!

Natives were warring and killing each other. They had no infrastructure and welfare state for the Europeans, they had to work the land and build their own homes.

Most of the land was just there, uninhabited and unused.

Ask yourself;

is this an argument for or against immigration and defending your borders?

Don't worry about this referee, most natives are for having jobs not allowing people in illegally.

>We didn't immigrate. We conquered.

This. Colonisation was brutal but upon the ruins of their primitive civilisations we created better ones that their descendants are now reaping the benefits from just as much as we are.

>mfw cunts trying to argue white Australians are immigrants and should pay tribute to the natives

No we didn't immigrate to a better place to live a more comfortable and safe life. We came to a harsh undeveloped land and built a fucking great country.

>mfw I have to apologize for my ancestors making Australia great.

the vikings came to north america way before the injuns, thread /done

This is exactly WHY we should get tough on immigration. Why the hell would we want the same to happen to us as to the Natives?

They also massacred each other to get beaver fur to sell to get guns and alcohol to wage more war with other natives to kill to get more land to kill more beaver and so and and so forth then complain

you're Poland.

This is iS stupid and helps nothing, retard.

>Technologically superior advanced race supplants indigenous people as rightful rulers of their land
>Elevates those that survive with infrastructure
>Modern day immigrants
>Muzzies and shitskin barbarians trying to tear down the walls of civilization and rape and murder white citizens

False equivalency bro.

Then get off the internet.

>Native people living in North America
>Some EuroFag comes with better technology to destroy their asses cause they are years behind the European technology and suck
>Eurofags trade and kill some and get land
>500 years later america feels bad for nativeshit
>Free homes and money throughout the country for Nativefags desendents
>Basically get everything you want cause muh land was taken
>Still complaining after 500 years that something that wasn't yours in the first place was taken from you and still want more free stuff

Worse than fucking spics and a certain degree of blacks

butthurt much faggot

wow. really makes you think

>Believing this
Any native american knows you pussies used small pox to kill most of the native population because you were scared they would all band together. And for retards saying they had no infrastructure and just killed each other, the indians had trading routes going all the way to mexico, and they believed in peace and protecting and preserving the earth for the next 7 generations

underrated post

White people weren't immigrants. They were conquerors. The only reason there are any Indians left is because white people got tired of killing them and told them all to fuck off into the mountains.

lmao if white people deserve to be genocided because their ancestors conquered other people, than the natives themselves sure as hell deserved it.

dat edge

white people weren't immigrants, we were settlers. there was literally nothing here when we arrived, except indigenous flora and fauna.

OP is mad white girls won't date him



more like europeans brought diseases that fucked them. Really had nothing to do with better tech

kek save us

Do leftists not realize that this argument is self sabotaging?

>Fuck white people.
Fuck you too and get the fuck out of my country shitskin

Excuse me? No, it's tough, for us. It was utterly overwhelming for you, so here we are.

They killed each other faster than the white man could. Plenty more were killed by diseases that they had no antibodies for.

>dat pic

No, just prefer the more logical, evidence based theories. They actually do more for the species/race shit.

The Vikings didn't exist when prehistoric humans "first" got to the Americas.

Herp derp the Spanish called them conquistadors.

The people who came to colonize the new world weren't immigrants they were coming to take the land and they did. Cry me a fucking river. You lost to a superior civilization. Maybe if the Indians fought harder and didn't get cucked they would have still had control of their land.

Oh man, you've really opened my eyes. "Native" Americans totally didn't migrate from Siberia.

Get real, faggot. Our ancestors conquered this land so we could have a better life. Here's an idea: Let's start small with returning lands to indigenous peoples - let's give Mexico and the rest of South America back to the descendants of those indigenous people first. If there are any still alive. Oh wait, that's right...the conquistadors did a much better job at exterminating them than my American ancestors did to the Indians.

You can blame the chinks bringing diseases to them in the 800's and killing their dank empire

Not again!

sidewalk painted to honor drunk knife wielding indian shot by a cop when stumbling in and out of the street and refusing to drop his weapon when asked

t. seattle

>durr, you conquered us with relative ease
>you should lay down and let yourselves be conquered

>since you beat me in a boxing match you should let the next guy beat you because my feelings are hurt


Leftists are playing a dangerous game when they justify REVENGE as a motivation.

They eliminated the concept of shame and that helped create the Alt Right. If they establish the tone that revenge is valid they're in for a world of hurt.



>Posted on the internet from a computer

I'd apologize to the Indians if I had ever actually done anything to them.

It was a bit before my time, you see.

>continues to make treaties with the White man in order to continue archaic way of life rather than assimilate
>Gets mad when modernity runs them over.

But in all seriousness we raw dogged the natives pretty good.

Anglo bro, we don't have to apologize for shit.

The same ragged cunts who claim we can't claim connection to our ancestors achievements are the same ragged, fucked cunts who claim we are guilty for the """bad""" that occurred.

Reality is people want to come to our countries because theirs are nothing like ours.

>Before the arrival of the white man

There was nothing. Lazy abos did fuck all
America was simply a wasteland

Are white people the most degenerate race?
From the near eradication of Native Americans to slavery to Donald Trump.

>near eradication
They were eradicating themselves. See "tribal warfare".
Their ancestors sold them into slavery. Natives also loved to own slaves.
>Donald Trump
What, the next President of the United States?
He's a blessing from God Almighty to help save us from degenerates like yourself.

>white man comes to murkah
>injuns give them handouts so they survive winter
A few moments later...
>injun lives on rez
>white government gives them handouts so they can survive unemployment
Everything comes full circle.

You strayans have a completely different race living there
>live in beautiful country
>burn it to the ground
>now it's a wasteland
>oh look whitey
>enjoy the whiteman's sniff

Whereas Native Americans were
>live off land like any redpilled man should
>have rich culture, take care of land, no jews
>healthy amount of warfare and slavery so we don't get weak and womenlike
>fug everyone is dying because of some plague spreading from first contact
>remaining people have lost a significant amount of our culture
>white man mops the floor with us because we all hate each other too much to team up
>adding insult to injury, whiteman doesn't finish us off, he just puts us in reserves where we descend into degeneracy

Heed my words whitey, you will suffer our fate if you don't pull your head out of your ass and stop inviting every chinaman with a wad of cash and every brown person with a sob story. It only takes a few generations.