
Page 12 of this pdf explains it better, OP:


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Good luck Venezuelan bro.

Maybe the great colombia is birthing again?

I don't give a shit about your disgusting country

who cares?

Sorry Vene bro, but at least your country will serve as an example as to the failure of socialism.

If you're having food problems, I feel bad for you son.
Fuck off. We're full.

Nothing we can do about it buddy, we're also being fucked by socialism


we will free you from communist oppression brother

I feel ya. Keep fighting Venezuelabro.
Meanwhile this shithole has massive problems of its own.

Latin America is a portrait of your future, burgerbro.

Well if it makes you feel any better, virtually every western country is slowly collapsing too.

Sounds like the direction America is headed.
Stay safe.

The reality is that you only have your fellow countrymen to blame. Someone in your family. Or in your neighborhood. Or in your group of friends. Those are the people you should look to. They are your boogeymen.

You're a nigger, dude.

You guys come here onto pol and try to act tough and project your insecurities onto everyone else. You're sellouts.

Maybe you should try keeping mexicans in and try to fix it rather than spread your shit to the US.

Unite with Colombia.

Make Simon Boliviar Proud!

Sure. And let our idealistic guerrilleros govern the annexed lands. In a legal way now.

Just let it burn, man. There's nothing there.

>no food, has access to the 4chins


dam if only the yanks didnt ruin south america you guys might be ok

Fuck no. If the trash wants to leave, we'll let them.

You deal with them.

They're shit the moment they cross the border to shit up some other place instead of fixing their home.

Also, you're sure one to talk, with me soon being able to easily waltz into your home with minimal restrictions.

if only you did coup chavez venzuela might actually have gun control


that's part of the plan my friend

let the communists get a temporary victory and when everyone is pissed off by their failure, we rile the people up against them and towards a fascist revolution like pinochet, franco, mussolini did back in the day

this is our time, brother

Says the nigger attempting to coyly shift his insecurities by way of double standardized projection.

>being so invested in niggerdom that people who want out of it are considered sellouts

OP's movie was scary but Juri Lina's movie about the Communist revolution in Russia was even more frightening, go 3 minutes in to this YouTube clip:


I didn't vote for the cuck.

Blame tumblrinas, house wives and "dude weed lmao" spouting retards.

Still, at least my country ain't verging on Mad Max.

I'm sorry Venezuela bro. Your country has to crash to remove the corrupt communist influence. At this point foreign intervention would only play into your governments narrative so the revolution has to come from within.

Are the right wing death squads forming yet?

Who will protect Ecuador then?

An nobody gives a shit about the white genocide.

>verge of collapse
youve been on the verge of collapse for months

when are you going to collapse for good? at what point can you be considered to be collapsed?

Yeah, America forced the Spanish to impose a race-caste society with no middle class, two centuries before we were even a colony.

IIRC some people have enough money to live, but there's a huge food shortage
the fact that only the government is allowed to import food probably isn't helping

It was a very visceral disgust when I heard about all the "free love" in communist Russia, and what it did.

How anyone can support that shit afterwards is beyond me.

Save the venezuelan flag while you can laddies!

>"Yes these are the gates to the slave nation of FEMA USA."


>Like...we were divided into red and blue.

What's that even supposed to mean?

>Still, at least my country ain't verging on Mad Max.

Yet. The whole West is collapsing and you can't/won't do anything to stop it.

Also, stop believing believing the media's memes.

I see kek approves

your will shall be, god of chaos

>*sigh* now we are going to have to deal with your lot, and annex Venezuela.

Better start learning portuguese, Pablo.

Thanks Lula, I guess.

Okay, Chico. Tell me, how is the media lying to me about mexico?

praise him nigger

We are going to take our Venezuela back, it´s all part of the master plan, let the commies ruin that shithole just a little bit more

Get a load of these edgelords
>yanks ruined south america
They did that to themselves m8. But clearly you're not interested in facts, just a salty 'let's blame america for everything' type cunt aren't you.
Sorry for what you're going through. I hope your government and your people shape up.

Praaaise Him!

they aren't
the problem is the media only tells you the bad things about our countries because the good things aren't as interesting

>Venezuela collapses
>Free market capitalism for a while
>Politician pops up promising everyone more gibsmedat
>Socialism re-instituted

Cycle continues

Quads confirm. Fascist Venezuela when?

What the fuck happend to Venezuela ?

Things worked pretty well, not great i admit, but decent ( poverty )when Chavez was alive.

What changed ?

they had some oil money to bun on dumb communist policies
it has run out now


what a shithole 2bh

nothing to do with socialism, everything to do with oil prices.

they were though crony as fuck but provided the prices were high you could be crony-socialist-capitalist etc regardless

>cuts relations with israel because muh palestine
>famine starts

with jews you win

Like anywhere else in the world, if you have money and avoid shitty corners of the country, you won't deal with any "Mad Max"-like stuff.

Loopholes in our statistics are unreported crimes. Still, it is a reality that homicide has gone up, but all other crimes have gone down, and even then it's mostly small-time gang members, lower class citizens, drug cartel members and protesters/activists.

You may even consider it as cleaning house.

The coutry was already socialist when Chavez was alive.

Makes sense. Chavez fucked up by not developing others aspects of economy.

Don't drug cartels basically run shit down there?

u coup chavez back in 03 and that we know publicly who knows what you faggots do behind the scenes

Prior to the cartel's civil war, the dominant topic regarding Mexico was out of control violent crime that did not respect class or geographical boundaries, especially kidnapping.

on the verge? I thought you guys are like Stalker/Mad Max levels already, or 2min away from it at the least

>A socialist
>develop and economy


hello friend, I think I found the solution to your problems


Islam takes over in the chaos and they obtain even more oil.

Yes, and they don't mess with the general population. Rape, extortion, and kidnappings are generally small gang crimes. Cartels kill these niggers because they attract unwanted attention. Some sectors of the government are bought off by cartels, obviously.

Y'all know they have oil, right?

You're damn right, Mexi bro.

Everyone. Lets move to venezuela with foodz n seeds N shit. It'll be the easiest takeover ever.

Why doesn't everyone just grow their own garden in Venezuela?

Why don't masses of people just quit doing what they're doing and realize their country is so in crisis that they need to farm and learn to farm?

When your people are starving, how are people not going out, searching for land and creating a farm?

why are all latin american countries such shitholes? Like Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world

Corrupt populists

Shouldn't have been socialists knowing the kind of people you are. Grow a garden or something.

Because they are shit people and allow shit people to lead entire countries.

Populists and CIA, and USSR

This bring tears to my eyes man, i am starting to see a lot of Venezuelan people around where live and they always talk about their country almost crying
Fuck you all with your "hurr durr i don't care about a spic country" shit


>and they came up to my mom and they put a gun to her head
>and I was already thinking, what am I going to do with my life?

Don't take the loans.

>just leave the huge gangs alone because they'll hurt you

They're not actively seeking to mess with me, why provoke them? It's the government's job to keep the law.

Which your Prime Minister will ignore with great determination.

>“a Jewish legislator was publicly attacked by the President of the Chamber of the State of Miranda (a member of Chavez’s inner circle) with the claim that Jews had killed Jesus Christ and thus deserved to be slaughtered by Hitler. Shortly after that, the monthly newsletter for Docencia Participativa, a government-affiliated educational institute, began publishing cartoons with grotesquely stereotypical caricatures of Jews, most of them charging the world Jewish community with an agenda of global domination.”

It isnt shocking for me that those behind it are infact the satanist kikes in america.



It took a long ass time for them to run out of other peoples' money to spend, thanks to all that oil wealth, but the abyss of socialism can expand infinitely to consume any amount of wealth.

How is this the fault of socialism?
Venezuelan government relied only on oil money, they didn't put money in to building their own factories and farms and depended on imports bought with their oil money. Socialism would have encouraged more people to work on production of goods and they wouldn't have this crisis.

Socialism definition:
>A socialist economic system is characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production, which may mean autonomous cooperatives or direct public ownership; wherein production is carried out directly for use.

exactly my thoughts

Why didn't more people to work on production of goods and they wouldn't have this crisis?


They are starving because they have no farming or production industries. Their consumption is massively out of touch with their production.

And nothing of value was lost.

OK lad. You try growing things on your island rock and then down there.

[spoilers]It's a political game[/spoilers]

>try growing things on your island rock

Britain has a farming industry, I can buy local goods from my town. I could live off local produce. The Venazuelans cannot.

I don't understand the point you are trying to make.

You'd better keep it that way.

Yeah, so guess socialism didn't pan out again huh? It's crazy, keep doing the same thing but expecting different results!

they had saved the best for later, they are just a couple of months from going full mad max