New thread, last one was deleted for no reason

New thread, last one was deleted for no reason.

Thread topic is currently Psychic phenomenon, and the technological systems that have been made to manipulate and exploit them

Luckily, I saved the thread before it was deleted, so I have a record of everything.

Other urls found in this thread:

Continuing the discussion about classified telepathy, both natural and artificial, and how this is fucking up global politics.

In before the NSA/Shillary Ban.

By the way, the Federal Reserve System s sort of in control of a globe spanning AI that serves it's interests.

And it's keynesian, which means "Broken Windows" everywhere.

It's one of the things causing all of the riots.

So, anyays, this mind control system can control women's mate selection preferences...

Making them horny when they are around a male who is (((Chosen))) by the system.

It is a form of technological rape.

>So, anyays, this mind control system can control women's mate selection preferences...

>Making them horny when they are around a male who is (((Chosen))) by the system.

Pic related

So, anyways, if you guys are wondering how "Game" works...

It's a form of mind control.

Directed at your females from orbit.

Making them wet for men that makes the banks more money or power.

How does one get their hands on such a female mind control device....hmmmm

In case any of you were wondering, My Little Pony (the new one), contains subliminals designed to make the viewer open and accepting of beastiality.

I'm not even joking.

Watch the first three episodes, (I did) and see how many times they flash a BIG PONY ASS on the screen for no reason.

>How does one get their hands on such a female mind control device....hmmmm

You have to make one of your own, and I'm not going to teach you that, stupid.

Not like you have the money for it anyways.

>How does one get their hands on such a female mind control device....hmmmm

you guys want to see my proof of the mind control grid?

> you guys want to see my proof of the mind control grid?

I have to warn you before hand, It could ruin your life.

I'm not joking, I have a picture on my hard drive that could literally ruin your fucking life if you look at it.

And Remember it.


I'm not joking, reading this picture will straight up ruin your life.

Just a warning

If you look at this picture, you BETTER be inside of a faraday cage, and plan to NEVER FUCKING LEAVE IT.

Got it?


Okay, last chance....

If you don't want your life ruined, don't look at this picture while outside a faraday cage.

Fair warning has been given.


I warned you.

Don't click on this thumbnail if you want to live a normal life.

I'm warning you.


Israel did 9/11

Mossad did 9/11

Monsanto Terminator seeds

Rothschild global currency monopoly

Rockefeller global oil monopoly

Hollywood pedophiles ( Pedowood )

tell us something we haven't known for years.

G.A.T.E. Gifted and Talented Education

Tavistock - Tavistoc - Tavistok


you are fighting against something you can't possibly defeat. there's no way to win. nothing you do can change that.

accept defeat with grace and serve your masters with loyalty and you might have a place in the world going forward.

What is happening here

What is this?

Dat image

This picture explains how rothschild controls the entire planet through fiat currency.

This picture explains how hollywood uses subliminal messages to control people, pitting black against white in order to destroy America.

I have evidence that will lead to Hillary Clinton's arrest and indictment.

Picture I linked to is the proof.

Pic linked above is proof that George Soros is funding BLM

Here is proof that Relativity is bullshit, and Einstein was a plagiarist. Stealing his equations from Poincare.

I linked to it.

Mohammad was a pedophile, Pic I linked to is proof.

Pic related is proof that Israel is using Gangstalking tactics from the stasi's zersetzung playbook, to attack all high IQ goyim in America and Europe.

Don't click on the picture in the post I responded to unless you are ready to have your mind BLOWN.

Hillary is attempting to rig the election in her favor, she is trying to hack voting machines and all of that jazz...

Here is a link to a picture that explains it all:

That is the most autistic picture I've ever seen.