Can you guys give me some factual evidence as to why gun control doesn't work

Can you guys give me some factual evidence as to why gun control doesn't work.

Other urls found in this thread:

Niggers ignore gun laws.

Because any idiot with an internet connection can make a fully automatic weapon.

>make guns illegal
>law abiding citizens don't have them anymore
>criminals keep on buying guns illegally that are imported from mexico, as they always have
>nation as a whole is safer

i'd rather get shot then die a cuck

Is that a biker made gun? That shit is aesthetic as fuck.

the USAS 12, as much of a meme as it is, it turns out it's also extremely easy to make.


Yep, they have actual production lines for this shit. Some of the guns they make are arguably better than what you can buy legitimately.


>It's another one of these threads.

There's no need for evidence.

There are hundreds of millions of guns and over 100,000,000 gun owners.

Guns are here to stay and no protest, campaign, vote, executive order or even constitutional amendment will change that

Honduras isn't working. (Strict gun control).

Switzerland is working. (Lax gun control).

Here is all the evidence you need: Mexico.

And another one.

Just look at me m8

>That sweet full-auto m16a1
>Can tell its an early model by the lack of brass deflector

Is it wrong to have a boner right now?

And I recommend you watch the movie "Cartel Land".
It's on Netflix too.

Molyneux has a couple of videos on it that are pretty informative. The tl;dw is that the biggest indicating factor of gun crime is how many Blacks there are.

Terror attacks on France is plenty proof

I'm drunk right now, but I'll tell you right now the 2nd Amendment will btfo any argument you have
Me: 1
You: 0

I just want a little clarification. So if this girl owned a fire arm, would it have been loaded with one in the chamber ? Would it have been lying on the table in the place of the dildo? Would she have made it to the weapon in time ? This attacker shot her without any sign of immediate threat. Would he have hesitated if she manifested a weapon? I can almost see the point of " It would have been different if the cock was a glock" , but I think you actually inadvertently bring up some valid points on gun ownership. Before I continue, I want to state that I am a gun owner and that I have served nearly a decade in the USMC. So who was going to save this female from the homicidal criminal who only wanted to steal the television ? The protester? If only we had loaded firearms just sitting around just in case our homes are broken into. What would have been the scenario if the weapon was in a gun safe like a responsible gun owner ? Guns don't instil some magic protective power. They do not shield us from what could be an inevitable attack. Cops and military personnel are killed on a daily basis. Their weapons are wielded by trained and experienced hands. These weapons are of little use if these protectors of peace are at home with their wife and kids, their guns stored away in the home safe, and someone blind sides them. Time doesn't magically stop when bad people decide to do bad things. I have heard all too often lately "wait til they are in a situation when they need a weapon, or someone with a weapon....then they will see." Are we seriously sitting around waiting for violence? Killing? It almost seems to me that there is a horde of people out there that think this is all a game.

>drugs are illegal
>this magically makes drugs disappear
>never ever have a drug problem again
>let's try it with guns now!

That a loaded weapon is some mythical item that grants its owner the abilities of Dirty Harry or the Doom Slayer. You want safety? You want security? Let us do what Wyatt Earp did back in the day, and what many high schools are practising of late: Let us make public areas, such as colleges, a no carry zone. If we are that worried about security, let us have random bag searches, metal detectors, and trained armed campus security officers. And don't we think that the argument on gun control is a bit silly? We make individuals take tests to drive cars. They are to prove that they are proficient at driving a rolling killing machine, but we don't require an individual to prove their ability to own and operate a fire arm. Isn't that funny?

you will die a cuck

I've been increasing the number of guns in my house geometrically yet the number of people living in my house has increased exponentially

Can you explain why criminals would suddenly start following the law?

niggers have guns.

iraq 2006 like november

Mexico, Detroit, Australia, etc

This Leaf knows what is up

Anyone with a milling machine and a lathe could make a good gun, main problem is part interchangability but at the same time hand fitted parts can lead on higher reliability as long as nothing breaks or you throw a bunch of parts from the same line of guns in a bin and then try to reassemble with unmatched parts made in different shops.

Even then CNC and modern measuring devices could probably fix that if you get everyone working from the same specs.

Wait, are you anti-gun?
I may have made a mistake
Either way
Me: 1
You: 0

This is more confirming how the opposite *does* work than why gun control doesn't. but it's relevant


Btw, just for clarification; I'm not anti-gun, I just want some realistic statistics and stuff on this topic. Since every time I get into debates about it people seem to want to read every fucking article and study on it.

becuase shootings happen frequently in europe where there are very strict gun laws?

Or you could just buy a 3d printer. Defense Distributed have an AR-15 Lower Receiver Design, 100% Polymer, which they have test fired for a bit over 600 consecutive rounds before it failed.
For comparison, an all metal AR-15 with a standard receiver fired under the same conditions will usually fail after ~900 rounds due to heat stress.

Gun Control simply isn't possible anymore.


nah though your shitposting doesn't scare me. you're pow(d)erless

That's not just gun crime

basically and If someone wants a gun they can make one, this isn't rocket science it's a gun, we figured them out a long time ago.


zipguns take maybe 2 hours if you're tedious

all the guns in the world wont raise your standards of living to mine

Enjoy niggerville and beaner city

ill enjoy canada only letting in the cream of the crop from other countries, like technicians, engineers, doctors, and scientists

Also i have plenty of legal long barrel arms, thanks for trying tho.

Enjoy that destitute, fallen US of A

AR receivers take very little heat and stress compared to an AK the parts that require the most milling is the upper receivers, which is kind of funny given how that is the completely unregulated parts of a gun in the US

Prohibition never works. You can't dangle something over someone's head and tell them they can't have it. People love forbidden fruit.

Just ban everything goy, give full power to your mast- I mean, your government for a better life. Trust me !

Ban everything for a happy world !

more gun crimes and gun murders in US cities that have the strictest gun control laws. Game. Set. Match.

barely skimmed 2/10 i'm 9 beers down achmed

i've always wanted to make one just to do it but laziness and the fact that i have real guns always gets the best of me.

it's a pipe and shotgun shell, neat experiment.

potato guns are amazing, never a bad idea. just saturate with bonding so you don't get pvc cap in your dick at mach 6

Drug control

I don't know if they work or not because we've never had any serious ones but I really, really hate the argument that illegal guns are a problem that exists in a vacuum.

No gangbanger or school shooter is using a homemade gun. That gun was legal at some point and through negligence or purposeful maliciousness ended up in their hands. Let's stop pretending it's this magic black market in the U.S> where guns are being made specifically for criminals.

I say this as a vet and an owner of 3 handguns/1 long gun.

Here's the problem with your plan: Tyrone doesn't care that it's a no carry zone. He's carrying illegally anyway because he's a felon. Neither does crazy little Billy, who should be in a mental hospital.

You're plan might stop idiot Bobby Joe from trying to play cop and getting people killed with his ccw, but it's not going to do a single thing to stop actual gun criminals. This is the perennial problem with unenforceable gun control measures like gun free zones. Criminals just don't care about breaking one or two additional laws if they're already prepared to commit murder for your wallet. What we find is that when gun control laws become more numerous, gun criminals just get more charges tacked on to their sentences before Obama pardons them, rather than deciding not to be thugs.

Well no, but OP asked about guns. The truth is of course that the US doesn't have a gun problem or a crime problem, it has a Black problem.

montana gun crime vs ownership, stats don't care if you served or own

Alright, how about I give you a real life example. Both guns an ammunition are illegal in mexico. There is no precedent for any civilian to own them, transport them, or have them in the country. Now go Wikipedia Mexican gun crime and decide for yourself whether or not gun laws work.

Know where your coming from man but think of this, only reason they are not using them is because they dont need to. There is a huge surplus of arms and gangs are connected with buyers everywhere, They would do it if they had the opportunity and needed weapons which would only happen if supply ran out or guns were made illegal which would never happen.

More of those in USA im afraid.

>9 beers

enjoy the pisswater

Because Americans are constitutionally guaranteed the right to own firearms. There's pretty much nothing they can do without unreasonable violating that right. This is why gun control doesn't work there.

However you'll notice gun control is prominent in every other white country, which is why the nigs/mudslimes/spics get to own all the illegal guns and do whatever they want.

yeah pipe + shotgun shell + hammer is super simple but living in a suburb i don't feel like going somewhere where the cops wont get called to do it. I'll probably try making something whenever i get my own place and set up some kind of shop.

tell me are you free

So the crux of the pro gun argument...
is theres too many guns.
Check. Understood. Noted. Cheers.


Despite falling guncrime. Pic related.

the advantages of country life, no neighbors to judge your bonfire as you toss spraypant cans and improv a flamethrower

This is why gun control is a very dangerous thing


>Reminder that "Mass Shooting" is a term used to skew statistics
>It doesn't matter how many bodies are next to you when you die
>Overall Homicide Rate is what matters

The crux is, ban guns and you'll only disarm law abiding citizens, people who weren't using guns to commit crimes anyway. Criminals will get a hold of guns anyway.

What are you saying? guns are imperative for citizens to protect themselves.

more nothing than "a fucking LEAF"

Doesn't surprise me one bit.

USA, CuCked through and through

kill everyone

you can make a "gun" out of a hammer and nail.

you can buy a gun at a hardware store and easily modify it to shoot something instead of put nails in concrete.

a gun can be made from a 3d printer.

if you need a projectile, you can make a bow out of your local trees.

the point is that if you want something bad enough, you will get it.

ammo is another story.

Also, gun control does work, it will drop gun related crimes while simultaneously doing nothing about the average crime rate. taking one weapon away just makes the criminals grab another one.

Same reason drug control doesn't work.
Some of us, especially criminals, do not care what your laws say. We do what we want and you foot the bill.


>Can you guys give me some factual evidence as to why gun control doesn't work.




I'll shoot ya dead.

>ammo is another story.

Ammo is actually super easy if you can get ahold of primers, nitrocellulose, brass, and cheap lead to make bullets. The equipment is relatively spendy, but if you're a criminal what the fuck do you care? Shit you'd make a fortune reloading for the black market.

Nigger. Youre asking the wrong question.

With the 2A, is gun control even legal? Nope. Wait till we get a new supreme court justice.

Ima get me some full autos after they correct that shit.

>Can you guys give me some factual evidence as to why speech control doesn't work
>Can you guys give me some factual evidence as to why press control doesn't work
>Can you guys give me some factual evidence as to why religion control doesn't work
are you catching on faggot?

the fact that you even frame a question like this means you are already accepting the neoliberal premise that your rights are negotiable

there's nothing to "work." some people are criminals and commit crimes, some people use guns, and in a free society you fucking accept it. you make harsh penalties for the actual crime of using a gun against someone, and keep your rights separate

shall not be infringed

making black powder out of piss and grass left to dry

It doesn't look at. Brazil nigger we have very tight gun control

if i had a good internet country life would be fantastic. Unfortunately unless i get a job where i can work remotely (which isn't completely unreasonable in the computer science field) it's too much of a hassle. I'd love to sound-proof my basement and build a 25m lane for shooting in it.

you imported exactly a billion of them though, slightly ahead of the curve you must admit

You are likely to do both.

>A fucking leaf

my grandpa taught me how to shoot in his basement, trigger control and grouping with a bb gun at maybe 15m. everyone should understand the basics of squeezing

The sound of you on the couch as your wife gets filled with Jamal


Are you going to excise the knowledge of gun-smithing from all people and all forms of documentation?

if i were yellow i'd go down to cuckada and buy your whole street, leaf

sounds like a good time. I barely knew either of my grandfathers unfortunately, both were dead by the time i was 10.

my neighbor used to have two reloading stations in his garage, i've never seen so much brass in my life.

but from scratch? Idk where you would begin to make a bullet. would be a lot more work than just getting something that would fire one.

I can buy a house in detroit for 70 bux CAD

Works here -- nobody worries about getting shot. Sucks to be you.

Someone respond to me PLEASE

i can reply until you or i get tired, i'm just listening to music and enjoying a pseudo /k/ thread, hand in hand you and i

I am a cop in a big city in the United States. Gun control will never work. Ever. The people that do the shootings/killings/etc. never have a legal gun. Its always stolen from a legal homeowner or has come over the border at one point.

>The genie of basic chemistry with essentially free ingredients can be shoved back in the bottle.
You're a fucking moron.

Can you guys give me some factual evidence as to why drug control doesn't work

Because murder is against the law

Democrats want to make guns illegal but they are unwilling to change the constitution to do it because it's too difficult.

Scratch is too difficult.

Luckily there is metric fucktons of spent brass, stores of smokeless gun powder, and primers for just about every caliber.

You move to ban guns/ammo those get sold to the highest illegal bidder very quickly.

The massacre in the Paris night club is all the evidence you'll ever need.

You live in a tundra with hardly any niggers, a low population and nowhere near as many guns in circulation before your government made it illegal for you cucks to defend yourselves. I realize that you leafs are as dumb as niggers, but seriously stop and think about it. The government can't make the hundreds of millions of guns disappear. What you're retarded ass is saying is that only criminals should have guns. Take your pasty ass to Chicago and tell me that scribbles on paper will solve the problem.

they will do so incrementally. movements with momentum do not stop when you say when

>Swedes pretending they have an opinion as their country gets invaded
btw where's Obama leaf. I want to debate him

Unfortunately, gun control does work. This is a tactic that governments use to undermine the sovereignty of the people that they govern. Once guns are removed from the general populations, there is little that they can do to protect themselves. As a Canadian, you probably are already painfully aware of this.

Cuz I'll shoot your syrup sucking ass if you try to take mine.

I live in a pretty large city. There's nowhere I'm afraid to go in it, there aren't any guns around, nobody gets shot.

You guys must be literally retarded or something to think guns can solve any of your problems. Again, it sucks to be you.

I'm not tracking.

Is that a study/survey?

But that's why while I think abridging any amendment is foolish there are certain arguments I hear on both sides that are just foolish. It's like the entire "guns rights" vs "gun control" discussion is having two different, incoherent discussions.

They need to get back to the drawing table and figure out what is the common goal (i.e. increase safety, lower crime, protect freedom, w/e) and then figure out the problem statement from there. Then use actual facts to figure out a rational solution. This country just keeps on trudging down divides with out solutions.

Make a thread with "Obama confirmed worst president" "Obama forever BTFO" as the subject and some Obama picture.

I don't think he's on this late though.

>crimes per 100000
>US - 3246
>CA - 7518 (strict gun control)
>ME - 15000 (strict gun control)

I don't know what city you live in but Calgary has its fair share of guns in criminal hands. Asian gangs man, fug.

Fuck, my drunk power would blow him the fuck out right now

i don't care about rational solutions,or "increase safety, lower crime, protect freedom"

i only care about the rights afforded to me or my right to die telling (whoever, not you in particular) to fuck themselves

This is actually very interesting to read. Do you have the source?

Asian gangs? Get real. When was the last time you saw an "Asian gang" and were afraid? Never fucking ever.

well op, if you take a look at
>communist china
>communist russia
>nazi germany
you'll see that an unarmed population is a bad idea. if the alternative to tyrannical government is a couple people go crazy on guns a year i think it's worth it. thanks for posting.

>have guns
>niggers think twice before breaking the law
>ban guns
>niggers have nothing but defenseless targets
Really makes me think...

Australia and the UK are models for the effects of bans as well

they died to the bullet so that their children could one day die quiet and passive
truly, majestic

If you want some advice, make sure you stock up on a lot (30+) of images of graphs and news article screenshots showing how shit Obama is. This leafs autism is over 9000, he has hundreds of images he wins arguments by shock and awe.

Think about this.
If you take all rifle and shotgun homicide in Canada and compared it to all rifle homicide in the USA we actually have a higher homicide rate than they do and we have a mandatory course and daily background checks.
I understand that if we put American shotgun homicide in the comparison of course they'd get put a little farther ahead of us but you ask someone "Hey, are you scared of getting shot in Canada?" who would say yes?

You can have laws be as restrictive as possible but people will still commit crimes. Look at Mexico and look at how terrifyingly bad their cartel shit is.


Aye aye capitan

Yup. You are retarded and completely incapable of critical thought. Can you show me this magical gun disappearing device your retarded ass doesn't have?

1a. intraspecific violence is a thing in every animal species
1b. if this were a uniformly bad thing then evolution would have eliminated it in a hurry
1c. it is in the evolutionary interests of some individual animals, in some situations, to use violence against their own species
1d. thus violence and the potential for violence is a form of personal agency
2a. the rationale of gun control is to sacrifice individual agency for a collective good, yet
2b. the collective does not bear children, pairs of individuals do
2c. meaning the laws of evolution are working on lines of individuals, not just the aggregate mass
Summary: gun control is literally about compelling someone else to sacrifice their interests.

This is the bio-memetic argument against it, any way

>google 'crime per captia' (country)

Whats up with Aus fags not wanting to publish their total crime stats

dead people can't fuck, the post

Most of our mass shooting in the US are in gun free zones. Put yourself in the shooters shoes, would you go to an area that is gun free or a place anyone around you could possibly have a concealed gun to kill the most people?

Your rights are there for a reason. It's not chance or happenstance. The Founding Fathers didn't shake a bag of bones and pick out a prophecy.

You should at least care about that.

>No gangbanger
>That gun was legal

Cred Forums is going to be spread rumors about Hillary Clintons death tomorrow at 12pm. You are welcome to join in if you want

mass shooting
some would give it all away without fighting for an inch


Because governments will never give up their guns unless forcibly disarmed by a victorious enemy.



maybe we are agreeing then, but you referenced a common goal. i don't think it exists.

It seems to work in most countries that aren't the US.

It's not gun control. It's population control. If America was 90%+ white like most European countries we would have the same violent crime statistics as them. a joke, right?

Yes, that's the concise way of putting it

1d. is also the basis of all political power, no matter how you dress it up. This is the specific reason Ameriga :DDDD has a constitutional proscription against gun banning - to keep latent political power in the people, balancing them against the government just like our 3 branches are balanced against each other.

Because niggers

>but Europe!

Whites only

>but Japan!

Completely different culture and standards

Ban assault niggers.


what countries are like the usa, i'm curious where you're drawing your comparison

>Be Chicago brothers
>"We must be more of a liberal shithole, but how?"
>"Oh I know, lets have some of the nations toughest gun control laws"
>"Oh yea, great idea, now lets suck each other off now brother, because we live in a liberal shithole and incest is totally ok"
>"mmm yea that's great now shit in my mouth"

>years later

>"Hey brother, hows the gun control thing working?"
>"Well turns out it didn't work and we have some of the highest gun crime in the nation, but that's because of republicans"

I think we all have a belief in why each amendment is important to us. Why we cherish them as inherent rights.

agreed. well my inherent right derives from my record of not being a nigger criminal, and the government will not disarm me for another american's feelings before i die.

How the fuck are you gonna get guns from patriotic Americans without using armed police? And this is coming from the country that just criticized Duterte.

Shall not be abridged

In all honesty, I believe gun control is effective. In countries with more restrictions on firearms, there are, obviously, far fewer gun-related crimes. Albeit, this typically leads to an increase in crimes committed with other weapons, but whether that nullifies the effects of gun control is debatable.

I don't buy into the typical arguments I hear against gun-control. Most of them are just factually incorrect.

Firstly, "gun control means guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, while criminals keep theirs". I'd say it's a good arguments if it wasn't for the fact that nearly ALL guns used in crime are only illegal because they are A. Stolen from law-abiding citizens, B. Purchased by friends and given to the criminal, or C. Sold by corrupt licensers to criminals. All of those sources would be removed if higher regulations were in place. There is no "black market" that street thugs get their guns from.

Second, "Look at Chicago/Detroit/Etc., they have high gun regulations and they are still full of crime". True, but again, it doesn't take much to drive one county over and get a gun. There are no borders stopping them, like their would be with statewide/nationwide regulations.

Lastly, "Well, most gangs get their guns smuggled in from Mexico". FALSE. Drugs get smuggled IN to America, guns get smuggled OUT. We are the largest manufacturers of guns with the most lax laws regarding ownership in the entire world, its foolish to think we would be doing anything other than supplying cartels in Mexico with guns.

On top of all of this, arguing they are necessary for protection is pretty baseless, seeing as the chance of accidental death/suicide/homicide skyrockets with a gun in the home.


That being said, I'm not a fucking pussy, and I won't give up my rights just because other people can't handle their shit. I'm just admitting the facts, I don't like suppressing the truth. But still, freedom over comfort, and all that.

Jesus you're lazy. Go look it up.

>nearly ALL guns used in crime are only illegal because they are A. Stolen from law-abiding citizens, B. Purchased by friends and given to the criminal, or C. Sold by corrupt licensers to criminals. All of those sources would be removed if higher regulations were in place.

war on drugs

>Look at Chicago/Detroit/Etc., they have high gun regulations and they are still full of crime". True, but again, it doesn't take much to drive one county over and get a gun.

so national regulation would prevent this how?
>There are no borders stopping them, like their would be with statewide/nationwide regulations.

strong argument founded in nothing, nowhere, ever

>Well, most gangs get their guns smuggled in from Mexico...We are the largest manufacturers of guns with the most lax laws regarding ownership in the entire world, its foolish to think we would be doing anything other than supplying cartels in Mexico with guns.

i'm not a fucking mexican

>I won't give up my rights just because other people can't handle their shit. I'm just admitting the facts, I don't like suppressing the truth. But still, freedom over comfort, and all that.

you wouldn't fight for anything. the center accommodates


Chicago, LA, New York, Detroit. All are areas with the most gun restrictive laws you'll find in the USA, which border on almost complete ban. They're also the areas with the highest amount of crime, murders, and general ills.

Needs to be updated to include MO as green as well.

> Honduras full of Latinos
> Switzerland full of Europeans
Really makes you think.

woah racist. we're discussing gun crime in america you nazi, nothing to do with race or culture

>war on drugs
What about it?

>strong arguments founded on nothing, nowhere, ever
It's founded on the fact that countries like the UK, Japan, etc., have pretty restrictive gun regulations, and extremely low numbers of gun-related crime. The argument that a single city in the US has high rates of crime does nothing for me, because driving 15 minutes out of the city to buy a gun is a lot different than trying to smuggle weapons through a border.

>you wouldn't fight for anything. the center accommodates
Weak post, try again.

wow correlation = causation
makes you think

Then why do gun laws in France work when it doesn't in Honduras?

how do mean what about the war on drugs
drugs use seems to exist despite illegality, with no signs of slowing

uk japan etc are not america. they don't possess the population of america, they bin knives for fucks sake, and they are different cultures without massive black communities that disproportionately represent violent crime

i thought it was just good enough to fire your neurons nigger


name an argument for gun control that doesn't attempt exactly that

If you're going to call me out on my comparison between the USA and other countries, then I'm going to call you out on your comparison to drugs and guns.

compare hobbit holes to kiwi birds

It does work if the amount of guns in circulation was low to begin with.

>chance of accidental death/suicide/homicide skyrockets with a gun in the home
That argument rests on unstated premises, don't you think? The gun in the home argument depends on safety being the determiner of what it right or wrong. I used the word agency before. Pro-gunners are probably mostly people that value agency more than safety.

how do you imply that the comparison is not relevant? i'd argue it's easier to move guns over controlled points, as drugs are detectable by chemical trace and sniffer dogs. show me how you make that conclusion...
>All of those sources would be removed if higher regulations were in place. There is no "black market" that street thugs get their guns from.

i'm curious and eager (for you)

>high crime
Unless you mean money laundering and identity theft, your perceptions are inaccurate. Los Angeles is downright safe everywhere except South Central and downtown.

Chiraq, I mean Chicago

pre-emptive reply: you would not fight for anything, accept your cuckdom

>most valid point in the thread
>no replies
>a fucking leaf

Truthfully, I agree, but it's still a statistically evident fact. Again, I am definitely pro-gun, I'll just admit when something is statistically apparent. Bill Burr did a joke on this statistic that stood out to me, something along the lines of saying he knows he's not stupid enough to accidentally shoot himself so he doesn't have to worry about it, when someone tells him not to get a gun because of the aformentioned statistic. I liked that one.

Again, you can't say my comparison is faulty, while doing exactly the same thing. You're arguing hypothetical scenarios.

Majority of firearms used by criminals come from those three sources. All of those sources are legal in one way or another. Higher regulations on guns means:

1. Criminals can no longer steal from law-abiding citizens.

2. Friends of criminals can no longer purchase a gun for said criminal.

3. Corrupt sellers can no longer sell to criminals.

Do you honestly think petty niggers that stand on the corner selling drugs, that don't even have two brain cells to rub together, are managing to smuggle in guns through the border from some black market (which again, is retarded in itself, since the US makes the fucking guns that get smuggle everywhere else)?

what gun laws solve your problems without fucking with me man? i don't commit crime, i don't want to be catalogued because i'm not a criminal nigger, drug laws have done absolutely zero. do you think i want to be checked against some record, fingerprinted, blood analysis, and filed away as "fit for fucking ownership." yeah, keep pushing the middle and watch us comply peacefully to unconstitutional intrusions

i'm not in favor of gun control
but that doesn't give excuse to use non evidence like that, makes the argument look bad

Communist Purges?

Damn what a wasted get.

Ay senpai, I never said I wanted gun control implemented in the USA. I fucking dont. OP asked if gun control works, and all I did was point out that it does work, at least in countries its already implemented in

You had some decent points though, and I actually agree that nothing is going to stop niggers from ripping each other apart, i was just playing devils advocate

kek doesnt want gun control

fair enough

they will use mass shootings to justify x, and how long until y. cold dead hands, fuck the uk, fuck the eu. they are not americans. do not relent, give them no inch. young men died for less.

Because ur a fagt

Good luck collecting the 350 million guns already in America. I'm sure criminals will be the first to turn theirs in. No one will certainly 3D print gun parts to get around a gun ban. That's just crazy.

We cant uninvent guns

gun control stops honest citizens from owning guns

making something a crime doesn't stop criminals


>replying to yourself
You forgot to change proxies, leaf faggot.

That also assumes you have near no niggers and spics.