Is white pride becoming more socially acceptable?

Is white pride becoming more socially acceptable?

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lol no

Do you even watched Imperium m8

Nope. Any pride is acceptable besides white pride.

i know that, but iv seen a shift in my friends about race related issues. and it looks to me like white guilt is slipping and people are willing to be more open minded about why white countries are nicer. this all leads to white pride.

>absolutely...pretty soon we will be running around in our own parades just like the faggots.

When people try to jokingly degrade you for your race.
Say "I'm out of guilt"
They'll know what you mean.
Say it once then don't say anything.

faggot whites

Discussion of it is becoming mainstream because of Donald Trump and it will likely gain some form of legitimacy if he wins.

Native Pride = Perfectly fine

Black Pride = Perfectly fine

White Pride = RACIST

remember how american history X "backfired" on the creators?

same thing

If you don't understand the differences you may be literally autistic.

Why the fuck would you think that? Have you been living under a rock for the past hundred years?

>he doesn't get it
No, we get it.

Why can any person, except a white person, be proud of themself? It's fucked up logic that makes no sense.

Not really, i hate beaner day and nigger month, cannwe just chill with the race shit and vote trump anyway?

More Socially Acceptable?
More Widespread

>Especially across EU member states. (Vote Leave)

>If you don't understand the differences
Either you can differentiate between races freely, or you can't.
You can't do both.
No race can have pride, or all race can have pride.

You're beyond retarded if you don't understand this.

That's another pet peeve of mine in general.

>Everything needs awareness so let's devote a certain period of time to it.

Yes. Its always been acceptable if presented properly. Its becoming more popular because people want to have pride in themselves.

Live near HB biggest amount of neo nazi's outside of cologne Germany less neo nazis than ever used to see people with swastika tattoos almost everyday but it isn't too common now

>"Mexican pride" activists call for the forcible taking of most of the SE united States through force and genocide
>Perfectly fine
>"White pride" activists want to be left alone and not import the scum of the third world

This is why so many people are taking the red pill.

Maybe not white pride, but the people are becomming more and more redpilled, or worried by the state of things.

Pic related was on 9gag today, argueably the most normie site on the web. People are scared.

White people built the greatest empires and countries in history. My country was built by white criminals and outcasts, and it is one of the most peaceful countries in the world.

We have every reason to be proud. Fuck off niggers. Sure there are plenty of fine black men who aren't like this, but as a whole, the race is a parasite.

no but white shame/guilt is becoming less effective.

Exactly. The only people who don't have pride in themselves are self-loathing.

It's a bit like if the special needs kid in class keeps going on about how great he is then you pat him on the head and say "yes you're very clever", but if the guy at the top of the class says the same thing he just seems like an arrogant dick.

I like you

Also Phil anselmos concert speech on having pride as a white man.

It's coming