What did she mean by this?

Should we be scared Cred Forums?

Pretty sure she meant "I'll say anything for votes."

That smile is like the joker smile.

Super creepy.

What kind of spells can black girls cast?

Wait... what did she mean?

Which is stronger Cred Forums?

"Black girl magic"
Ancient frog deity of chaos


hillary is trying to steal our meme magick

do not let her Cred Forums!

Hillary, like all old baby boomer guilty white liberals, is a closet racist.

AIDS, weavero-mancy, can conjure up some crack potions with the help of their Negrolocks superiors

I know this is a meme but honestly can anyone explain what the fuck she is talking about?

KEK is. Not that black girl magic (thicc)isnt real too

As long as there's not a Haitian voodoo card, we're good.

The only nigger magic is them throwing bones, drinking fermented piss and using human body parts.

hillary got black voodoo witchcdoctors working 24/7 at secret location

>trying to present new forms of magic
>all it is is just another meme

It's obviously trying to start a new "meme magic".

I have bad news for you.


She knows. She is trying to counter meme magic by absorbing it and spewing it back as sjw causes. We must double our efforts

She meant that WE

Voodoo. I know nothing about voodoo but I can say that I do believe it is powerful.

In fact perhaps we should be more wary of it and try to fight it more. I think we've been being attacked by black female voodoo magic this whole time without realizing it.

They're a very sinister, powerful force. Hillary isn't just making this up, though she is certainly up to something.

By the way, I hate to say this, but I really don't think black people are an enemy. I consider them friends, if mostly distanced and separate... that's respectful however in my opinion. I really do not consider black people my enemy.

Magic takes the following form: subtle shifts in random outcomes that create synchronicities in the time line, that in turn influence reality. It is not as explicit as harry potter but it is a type of magic.

Simply put, there is little difference between a mental atom and a physical atom. As consciousness is a mirror of reality and vice versa. Ironically through memes we have created a psychic gestalt through manipulation of mental atoms on an enormous scale.

There is no doubt hillary will lose because of this. She has the entire weight of Cred Forums's psychic gestalt against her. The onslaught will make her fail, if not simply kill her outright.

"Black girl magic" is basically The Secret, so you figure it out.

pretty sure voodoo was invented in the 50s by hollywood.