A message for those with the ears to hear and the capacity to understand

A message for those with the ears to hear and the capacity to understand.

A couple of years ago Christianity planted a flag in the virtual plane that Cred Forums inhabits. It wasn't evangelical and it wasn't traditional either. It was a voice that sought to ground the regulars to Reality. The unchallenged hatred, bigotry and scapegoating by the cowards spewing hatred from a 'safe space' retreated a little. The pain of neo-Nazis was expressed in the tone of posts plaintively asking for Christian threads to be removed. Demands that they should be banished to /x/ were ignored. Gradually a character began to be carved out of Cred Forums's vile face that gave some real hope. Jesus began to be memed albeit in a very unconventional and irreverent way.
The expression of this reverence for God and Christianity was like a pulse. It relaxed and surged, waxed and waned, rose and fell but like a breast rising and falling with breath, it never abandoned this profane virtual insane asylum. Despite being attacked relentlessly by the big mouthes and small minds, occasionally, Christianity made this place Shine. Now we can see the ultimate expression of frustrated human desires being brought to life by those same empty voices, desperate for the nightmare of War, the application of blame and the profane sanctity of shedding responsibility.


The effervescent joy and enthusiasm with which Pepe is being embraced is Idolatry. The frightening speed it has been promoted, tacitly, by the mainstream media is a mistake. If the mainstream media fails to notice and mention the presence here of God's light it will be complicit in accelerating the growth of this Idolatry and will have failed utterly in it's responsibility *and* a chance to discredit it.

I'm not holding my breath.


Thus it comes to pass, that in idolatry all crimes are detected, and in all crimes idolatry.


God is a Nigger and ur flag sux

xd k

Thanks for letting me know.

>A message for those with the ears to hear and the capacity to understand.

Aren't you supposed to 'hear' god through your 'heart' and be retarded enough to believe it?

>Jesus began to be memed

Cred Forums was never majority christian. It was majority atheist, and is now majority kekist. You christcucks are all fucking newfags who came here after hearing about Cred Forums on the news.

If I do everything Jesus commanded except for I don't "believe in" him, will I go to heaven or hell when I die?

daily reminder kek is a false god

Aren't you supposed to 'hear' god through your 'heart' and be retarded enough to believe it?

You clearly did not read the bible , you will do good in the eternal fire

Trump is Jesus
Proof: peep these numbers

faith is a Basic Law in the sky if you're going to think it does not do not you come to him and the father

>muh moonman will save us when we die
this is why your people are getting killed in britain
also Joseph was a cuckold, Mary was a slut & Jesus was a kike with cuckold values.
get over your 2000 year old kike book.

Rhymes with great
Great again
Make america great again

Satan plz

Can't go to hell if I don't believe in it.



you have been warned, Cred Forums

doest not matter if you believe in this place or not you dont have any power about your soul when your dead.

better be afraid of him because he can throw your soul away and punish you because god is love and perfection there cant be a single sinner in his presence.

thats why we need jesus as "brdige" to him he cleans us

Kek came from World of Warcraft. When a horde player says lol, the alliance faction reads the word kek. Kek has and always will be a meme from an mmorpg.

Gnostic master race here.

>taking orders from humans
>not making a direct conection with God to ask personaly.

You sheep cucks aren't ready to praise kek ,
Follow the Crist for freedom!
Praise kek for joys and happenings!

What happens to people who never heard about Jesus or died before he was born?

>What happens to people who never heard about Jesus or died before he was born?

your reightenouss will be judged based on your works which is not a good place to be unless you are Enoch or a child "that doesnt know the difference between good and evil"

explain how come guy who fucked our country good are doing so well?

Mówcie, jeśli wola czyja,
Jezus Maryja.
Nim uwierzę, że nam sprzyja
Jezus Maryja:
Niech wprzód łotrów powybija
Jezus Maryja.

Tam car jak dzika bestyja,
Jezus Maryja!
Tu Nowosilcow jak źmija,
Jezus Maryja!

Póki cała carska szyja,
Jezus Maryja,
Póki Nowosilcow pija,
Jezus Maryja,
Nie uwierzę, że nam sprzyja
Jezus Maryja.


>your reightenouss will be judged based on your works
But isn't faith without works dead?

Jesus said if you had faith as big as a mustard seed you could command mountains and trees to do your bidding. If faith is so necessary, how much faith must a person have to get into heaven? Who decides when a person has faith or not, how do you measure it?

>Who decides when a person has faith

Know thy *Self*


What is this heresy!?

Cred Forums is a Kek board. Get out christcuck! REEEEEEEEEE-

>But isn't faith without works dead?

it is - in the eyes of the non believers.but reightneoussness before God is based EXCLUSIVLY on faith in Jesus.

> If faith is so necessary, how much faith must a person have to get into heaven?

just enought to believe in Jesus and get saved.

>how do you measure it?

this one is tricky. you can never know for sure about other people, for instance, Judas never had faith, and only Jesus knew about it (John 6 64 However, there are some of you who do not believe.” (For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray Him), yet Judas performed miracles together with other disciples...

Kill thy self my dude

You heathen, KEK is the true God.

"panstwo polskie praktycznie nie istnieje"


shit house

Life happens over a cycle and Poland has been on an especially, very difficult cycle.

Polands economy has grown 20% since 2004 and is still growing at a similar rate. The problems of the past will take a long time to solve but time can only move forward so it's all looking very promising. You're just a person so like a person you want it NOW but it can't happen like that.

>claim atheists are euphoric

>do nothing but post pretentious nonsense and assert yourselves as better than the rest of us constantly

>just enought to believe in Jesus
What does "believe in" mean? Believe he existed?

>Believe he existed?

>a good start

muslims believe he existed but was a false prophet
are they suddenly christians???

the simplest definition of faith i.e to have faith in, means to place your trust in


eat dix m8

>are they suddenly christians???

nah, there's a bit mroe to it than that but also, they don't believe he was a false prophet. Jesus is mentioned in the koran more than Mohammed is.

fuck off CTR we need the power of kek to defeat the moloch of the zionists

Yeah, fuck off with your dying faggotry. It is your fault anyway we are this deep in ashit.

>making your bed

But what am I putting my trust in? Is it a magical cosmic force? Is it the concept of humanity's saviour? Am I meant to see Jesus as a personal figure standing beside me at all times?

How does a person "trust in" Jesus?

Muslims believe he existed and is the second most important prophet. But they also believe he was only a human being, trinity is idolatry to them. Islam is more or less one of the many early Christian heresies. One that succeeded.

Talmudic Jews think he existed but was a false prophet, a bastard and that he's now sucking cocks in Hell.

>sucking cocks in Hell.
sounds hot. where do I join?

I had a toothache once, pretty bad.

I was sitting in my flat playing Operation Flashpoint when the phone rang. it was a local dentist looking for a previous tenant who was a patient of theirs. I made an appointment and got a gold tooth out of it.

Seemed like a blessing then and still does.

This flag you speak of is a man at the 5 minutes to midnight spot of a ethereal clock yes?

>How does a person "trust in" Jesus?

You could start by believing the things he said and taught to be truth.

Pretty sure you being on this board is enough for talmudic Jews to sentence you to it.

>love your neighbour as yourself
if Western people were loving their "neighbours" as they love themselves, they would be treating them like shit.

>literally the main historical force combating jews
>Europe's history for the last 2000 years
>in the last few decades people become atheists and everything goes to shit from jew meddling
>it's Christianity especially fault

That blue pill

>believing the things he said and taught to be truth.
I do, I agree with everything Jesus said and more or less try to live my life by it.

The problem I have is understanding the concept of "believing in" Jesus and "having faith in Jesus".

If you're doing what he commanded you believe in him regardless of whether or not you want to admit it.

But what if someone does what he commanded without actually having heard of him? For example, what if some precolumbian native American loved his neighbour, helped the needy and did what Jesus said people should do. Would this man go to hell because he didn't hear the name Jesus Christ and his message?

Don't you think you are being a little hypocritical?
As this picture clearly demonstrates.

There is only one God.


Reported for spam.

Take this shit to

nie wiem czy Bóg istnieje ale wy jesteście oszustami którzy sprzedali kraj w niewolę i biologiczne wyniszczenie

gdzie encykliki JP2 o uczciwym wynagrodzeniu? gdzie kazania Popoieluszki? wszystko to był żart

Obecnie przyrost naturalny jest mniejszy niż za komuny a wy boicie sie pisnać dwa słowa

Neighbour mean folk, not sand niggers inhabiting the other extremity of the earth.

Except when asked "who is my neighbour" Jesus said a good Samaritan (a foreigner) was more of a neighbour towards a Israelite than a priest and a levite.

please go kill yourself and use proxy next time so you dont fuck up our country good name

>secular normies dont think
>religious normies do


bo dzieci smierdza i nikt nie chce ich robic. pozdro.

The point was that if you're a self-hating cuck, your kindness is not really kindness but weakness.

Satan beliefs he existed is satan now a christian ? hur durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

No there are 2 resurrections . the first of the people who died in christ , they just fly up in heaven. Then the people who did not belief in jesus gets resurrected and judged by their works not by their faith

Catholic church has been a scam since Nicea, go fuck yourselves and the demons you worship

>not reading what i responded to

>he can throw your soul away and punish you because god is love and perfection

YOUR god is a dick,no wonder this world is so fucked up.

gdzie za komunizmu byly dzieci w beczkach, pochody gejow, rozwody, ogolne zbydlecenie?

mielismy nawrocic Europe Zachodnia a sami stalismy sie degeneratami

wiem byla bieda, a mala grupa ludzi miala dobrze - dokladnie jak teraz

i co kradna, klamia i zyje im sie dobrze a ja wyje w kosciele i nie dzieje sie NIC, czuje sie nabrany i oszukany, i nie, nie wierze ze przez 25 lat nic nie da sie zrobic

a teraz trzeba bedzie przyjac islamistow i patrzec jak wszystko niszcza, czy my wszyscy zwariowalismy?