Merkel isn't so sure anymore that "We can do it!"

One day before the upcoming election in Berlin Merkel tells the Wirtschaftswoche for the first time that she wouldn't say here infamous phase "Wir schaffen das!" (we can do it) anymore because it is devoid of meaning nowadays. Merkel's party CDU is unlikely to continue the governance in Berlin after tomorrow.


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wait wait wait

germany's elections are tomorrow? how have i missed this?

Only state elections

what are the predictions? is merkel going to cop it?

AfD is predicted to get 10-15% which would be absolutely glorious in a communist shithole like Berlin.

And the green party might get kicked out, just like in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern a few weeks ago.
I don't know about Merkels party though, heavy losses i guess.

In Berlin Merkel's Party will most likely be in the Opposition in the future

thank god

that old which deserves whats coming to her

I think it's more important for CDU and Green cucks have huge loses.

>And the green party might get kicked out
nah. Sorry mate but this is Berlin. AfD might get more votes then the greens tho

In the last state elections, Merkels party was only the 3rd largest.
People are sick and tired of her.

>And the green party might get kicked out,

Literally no poll has the Greens under 10% and they will more than likely be in front of the AFD.

Right now the CDU is only the Junior Partner in the coalition in Berlin anyways.

Greens are about 15% according to polls though. However, I agree that it is a glorious sight to have AfD gaining up to 15% in Berlin of all places. "They will disappear into irrelevance" my ass.

what the fuck is state elections

>In the last state elections,

Mecklenburg is basically a non-state though - says Horst Seehofer author of "Identifying German States".

Just let me dream ok?


Germany is federal that means that additional to the (more important) election there are also elections in every federal state (like in Berlin tomorrow)

I don't understand your retarded government -

Is there any way that the results of these elections can halt Germany's outrageous influx of immigrants?

Just like the USA has 50 states, we have 16.

Daily reminder that AfD is controlled opposition, encouraged by leftists to split the right vote.


Wow, it's fucking nothing.

Yes, they already influence the actions of the Government.

Nope, the NPD is controlled opposition.

No. We have to hang Merkel.

Its huge in Berlin

The AfD is new as fuck. They haven't been in the Berlin Parliament before.

Also, Berlin is liberal / leftist central of Germany.


Refugee policy is not made by the states.
Voting AFD in state elections because you are pissed off at refugees is retarded as fuck.

However even most Germans are unaware of this.

Greater GDP than the Saarland or Bremen though.

>Also, Berlin is liberal / leftist central of Germany.

Stop with this fucking nonsense already.

Berlin is by far the most based of the major cities in Germany (which doesn't mean much, I will admit).

If you want to see the central of leftists and cucks in Germany go and visit Hamburg.

>implying Mutti isn't backpedaling after mecklemburg vorpommern

> Saarland or Bremen

Really scrapping at the bottom of the barrel here are you?

I mean I'm not hating on Mecklenburg. I really like visiting the sea - however it is a "Nicht-Bundesland".

does germany have a party that people generally vote for because everyone else does it? Like Like the socialist party in sweden?

Berlin is second only to Bremen when it comes to leftism.

I'm from Berlin and I've been to Hamburg a lot.
Regarding delusional leftists they're nearly identic.

>Berlin is by far the most based of the major cities

lol what nigga? Dresden is far more based than Berlin.

Yeah back in the days it was the SPD (socialists) but i don't know if its still the case.

Yeah basically the SPD.

Haven't done shit for the actual workers in decades but just still live off their old legacy.

>Horst Seehofer

I like Hofer, those 12 mini pizzas are good

> Australia

Okay, I will answer you anyways.

Dresden is not a "major city" you fucking moron.

Why is Germany so late to have an actual anti-immigration party? Even we've had one in parliament since 2010 ffs.

>caring what words a puppet politician says

Shes going to keep fucking the german people till theyre dead

No, they really suffer because of the "Wer hat uns verraten?" (Who betrayed us? the social Demokrats!) connotation.

Not quite. What you have here are "Stammwähler". Basically a bunch of old people who still remember the good 50s when the economy was going up all thanks to the CDU. Then you also have those eternal plebs who will vote for SPD because that's what even their grandfathers always did since it was the big workers' party. Old farts (and Germany has lots of them) will always vote for the same party no matter what policies they have or who candidates for it simply because they have always voted for that one exact party. Only recently the conditioning is starting to crumble among those oldtimers.

>Literally smells like piss everywhere and is full of antifas pissing on everything

I only visited for a week, granted, but if that's the least leftist you have, holee-fuggen-shiiieeeeet

nazi stigma.

Germans are the Troyan Horse of Europe. Enemies of personalistic civilizations, this is why throughout history they hated Poland so much. Poland is a moral, principled country that respects human dignity and freedom, and Germans have long ago abandoned the view of moral monism in favor of moral dualism and positivism. Nobody has expected those violent creatures to erupt with such destruction, but history is full of sad surprises! Germans consistently instrumentalize human persons and treat them as raw material and as people are cynical and nihilist. No wonder deep down they hate moral nations and are motivated enough to dedicate their resources to pointless destruction and causing misery! Germany =/= Europe!

we did it !

You really have to ask for a state that was designed by the kikes to not allow for anything even remotely right-wing unless it defends Israel?

Nice projection Marek! There are people here willing to fight with (you). Not that you care anyways. But it will happen.

Greeks fuck up


Germany fucks up


Sometimes it's ironic how unself-aware German politics is.

>capital of Saxony
>not a major city

Huehuehuehuehuehue. You must be a Berlin fag.

German politics of today is totally out of touch. Even with their own people.

Difference is that Greeks don't care they fucked up and will continue to fuck up in sheer spite.

>split the right vote.
Between what? The AfD and?

I will never vote for CDU and FDP. The AfD is the only hope.

>Germany fucked up

Excuse me, but do we border the Med? Are we on the Balkan route?

All of these rapefugees belong to the countries they passed through and can be sent back there. There's no war there.

> respond to Australia TWICE

I really should know better than this..

Dresden is not even the most populated city in Saxony.. no it isn't a major city at all lmao

>The AfD is the only hope.

That's where you're wrong though.

Now change that ranking according to population of actual Germans in those cities...

Was zahlt Mutti denn so pro Shillpost?

what it lacks in population it makes up for in reputation, courtesy of Mr Kurt Vonnegut.

The CDU is neither a Union, Democratic, or Christian. They betrayed their base. They betrayed the nation. To vote for them is to reward and encourage further betrayal.

Until there are serious party wide changes and Merkel is put into prison for what she did, the AfD is the only safe choice if you are German and care at all about staying alive.

SJW on Patrol detected.

>we have to hang Merkel
Do it Anonymous. Do it for your country.

>Merkel tells the Wirtschaftswoche for the first time that she wouldn't say here infamous phase "Wir schaffen das!" (we can do it) anymore because it is devoid of meaning nowadays
but it never had an actual meaning, it was a marketing slogan like "Stronger together" or "Support the troops"

Klar natürlich bezahlt mich Mutter Merkel.

Kann ja nicht sein dass es hier Leute gibt die eine Meinung haben die vom Rechten Mainstream abweicht.

Aber wähl du ruhig AFD, Rot/Rot/Grün im Bund - oder was auch immer die anstellen um ne Regierung zu formen - wird aufjedenfall richtig geil!

and it failed. People really hate that slogan.

Leader of my party just went on national tv and proclaimed "They have to go back!" but sure, I'm a SJW.

>Leader of my party
and that is: ?

Last time we actually stooped them they literally fled to Germany. To be fair some fled to Sweden...

Welche andere Partei kann denn bitteschön realistisch irgendetwas zum besseren ändern hier? Oder bist du son neolibertärer Vogel, der meint, er bliebe nur durchs Nichtwählen 'frei', weil er ja seine Stimme sonst 'abgibt'?

The eternal FDP shill...


>> CSU

No I'm not economically illiterate and actually care about the Civil liberties of Germans.

>The eternal FDP shill...

I like that name desu

ah it's the FDP shill again. It's ok, I kinda like you. I hope that your party won't be in the Berlin Parliament anyways.

>voting for FDP
>getting SPD-Grüne-FDP

FDP, not even once!

>I hope that your party won't be in the Berlin Parliament anyways.


see you in the thread tomorrow.

Go to read up on what her body language means and this fucking spooked me.

The first picture on the page is one of Merkel...

>> The perfect Kanzler Kandidat does not exi...


Anyway I'm pretty sure that hand sign is associated with megalomania.

Fucking hell man, too fucking soon.


desu this just confirms a suspicion I had for some months already.

>Merkel and Bundesregierung cucks realized quite some time ago that they fucked up big time
>they can't just do a 180 because they would look like total morons in front of their voters
>instead they keep mostly quiet and stay in the background
>let based countries like Hungary and Austria do the dirty work first
>act upset in the public while enabling them offstage
>at this point even every green cuck has realized that all of Europe starts hating us
>Germany is starting to turn anti-refugee and government retards can save face while changing major political positions
>"we tried but I guess people weren't ready yet"

>implying Riga straße shit would go down anywhere but berlin.

It goes in Hamburg

Right when leftists occupy buildings in Hamburg the police does not even show up anymore..

>let based countries like Hungary and Austria do the dirty work first

don't know. Cucks try to go in pretty dry with Orban...

That's correct.

I mean the week long riots. Polizei did fuck all while leftists burned down cars and all sorts of shit.

Just go in there and shoot the lot of them, that's how the RCMP do shit. We get shit done.

Kek literally the same as the "yes we can" Obamashit

And the only reason she invited them in the first place, was because moronic SPD, Grüne, and Die Linke were trying to win votes with the crying girl that was to be deported story, and the Aylan The Dead Terrorist story.

Merkel thought she could outmaneuver the cucks by stealing their open border policies.

>We get shit done.
> Canada

I know someone who knows a big shot german journalist

this is what he said

>Merkel is preparing her escape from Germany
>Her hubby is already in USA waiting for her
>She's a US puppet
>She fucked up Germany and did it under US guidance

Anyone remember the video from a few years back: Merkel and Obama sharing a dinner. all of a sudden the bitch starts screaming: "What should I do, should I kill myself?" with terror on her face.

Really makes you think...

>Anyone remember the video from a few years back: Merkel and Obama sharing a dinner. all of a sudden the bitch starts screaming: "What should I do, should I kill myself?" with terror on her face.

I would love to see that.

Obama demanded white genocide as an offering to the Elohim

>implying she would be safe in the US

this is not 1945 where the Political elite could just jump ship. People will be angry, and they will find her in whichever hole she hides.

fuck I can't find it. only an article:

can't find the video but its real

Ok, thanks Bro

I don't know man, they can hide her in a remote Montana town or whatever.
A new hair color, contact lenses and she looks like any other babybooming slut

> the state of Cred Forums in 2016

>can't find the video but its real


saw it with my own two eyes I don't give a rats ass if you believe me.

> I don't give a rats ass if you believe me

Then stop fucking posting about it if you can't prove shit.

ok lets get it from another angle.

She pretty much singlehandedly fucked over the Eurozone, i'm pretty sure your Country, Poland, Serbia, Greece want her head, and its no big deal for your intelligence agencies to find her.

She would be marked for death if she jumped ship like that.

Oh no. Oh fuck no. We will send that bitch back to you in chains. Keep your communist filth where it spawned.

And I saw the flying Spaghetti Monster fucking with Shrek last night.

Thats a Goatse she's making with her hands. Merkel is signalling her intentions for Germany.

Kek wills it. If Meekel tries to escape to the US she will do so at the cost of her life.

Check Em.

It was in the paper here that the one-week-worth-of-rations thing the germans were suggesting to their populace (and which Vienna followed) wasnt in case of war, but in case the EU gets dropped. It should then take about a week for business relations to work around new (old, actually) borders. All predictions and hypotheses of course.

Funny thing, the idea of EU collapsing coming from Germany of all places. Im sure the situation with Deutche Bank had nothing to do with it....

I have been to this building

Merkel. God damn auto correct. Auto correct will not stop Merkels death if she leaves for the US. Keks will shall not be denied.

>Deutche Bank
US shill using Austrian proxy detected.

Hamburg is the fucking worst.

> Difference is ...
>... they fucked up and will continue to fuck up in sheer spite
Come on now Germany, take a look at "yourself"

Anyway you shouldn't be taking this proud attitude towards Germany.


No, this is Detroit

>that hand signal
Really? I wonder if she is aware what that means.