Reason is the enemy of man

Reminder that the true enemy of the West is the glorification of reason. All problems in the world are the result of humans thinking they know better than society and religion.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Subscribing to Marxist ideas

Get off my board, Tyrone.

trust a burger to make such a retarded statement


>this is an American idea

The image you attached has Hitler saying there's no such thing as "truth"- which is right as 99% of the time is described in a subjective manner

But then you go on about "reason", which is an entirely different affair.

holy shit, he really did say that

>Reason is the enemy of man
>Bill, use your reason to solve this problem!
>NO NO NO NO NO... I won't fall for that one again! I'll use my madness
You fucking kuk tards

>The dissmisal of Objective Truth is one od the core tenents of The Frankfurt School
>He unironically shills for it and thinks it's a good idea without realizing that it works against him

Your mind has been corrupted by dirty merchants, boy.

Have a cute Bertie to purify you.


The Nazis were explicitly anti-reason.

As an extension of this, truth can only really be subjective as the "truth" of something is someone's opinion on the "correct" interpretation of something; otherwise they wouldn't associate it with "truth" and the more powerful connotations it has

>The intellect

Subjective opinion, probably implying the "Age of Reason" as other countries who may criticise germany at the time

The roots of the Frankfurt School's philosophy were quintessentially German. The primary philosopher that popularized the dismissal of objective truth in both the moral and scientific sense was Immanuel Kant, who was German. His primary goal in writing "Critique of Pure Reason" was to abolish reason to make room for faith. Look it up.

He inspired both the national socialists and the international communists.

>was to abolish reason to make room for faith

Well in objective terms, that sounds immeasurably retarded and abusable by those in power

>Subjective opinion, probably implying the "Age of Reason" as other countries who may criticise germany at the time
No, the Nazis were very explicitly against the notion that man's mind had any role in his actions. They were unapologetic determinists.

With that as a base for thinking, you can shill anything(as (((((they))))) do), if you claim that truth is completely subjective then it ceases to be truth. These "truths" are nothing more than slander and misinformed opinion that now thanks to you can be labeled "truths" and must be treated as such.

I'm dissapointed that you think the tool used to push degeneracy is a solid way of thought, you have gone full circle and are proudly declaring that "Truth is just a social construct" like the other SJWs.

god dammit. Hitler, wtf man

It sounds almost like you're saying that the Nazis were just another brand of SJW.

>The roots of the Frankfurt school are German, but Jews using it to undermine and destroy the West is nothing wrong

You are a complete idiot, you actively shill fo a concept which logically dooms civilizations.

You are a living representation of Horseshoe theory.

If you are willing to be delusional so you can stay happy, then you are sheltered cuck.

If being a Nazi means thinking there is objective good and wrong, truth and false, is incorrect.
Then being a Nazi is as dumb as being a SJW.Now that I think about it, they ran the Goverment more like a fucking book club, handing titles for fun and who ever was close Hitler and other shenanigans.

And the roots of Kant go back even further, even though German philosophers were largely responsible for systematizing and secularizing moral and epistemic subjectivism (Kant, Hegel, Marx).

The West has been dealing with nihilists since the days of Heraclitus.


Glorious, isn't it? Just imagine a world in when no one tries to use "reason." Reason is a deluded myth promulgated by Jews.

Do you consider Nihilism a good thing?
Nihilism is by and far an enabler of all negative behaviour, even Atheism is morally sound to Nihilism.

To accept Nihilism means accepting that there is no "degenerate behaviour", there is nothing wrong with "White Genocide", there is nothing wrong with "Race mixing" and all other things most of Cred Forumsstands for.

That is fucking insane.

+1 OP

OP you're a spenglerian correct?

I think OP is taking the piss. But he is right that Nazis weren't pro-reason. They loved thinkers like Heidegger.

I thought he was a /lit/ shitposter but after he replied, he seems to be really believing it.

I don't think hes trying to be provocative, but the wording has clearly triggered some people

OP is right, you idiots. Reason is just a tool. Reason by itself is useless, blind, impotent.

First you need passion, faith, ideals. Then you have reason which helps you to reach and fulfill these ideals.

The emphasis on reason alone is the true cause why the West is so fucked today. We need ideals. Religion gave us such ideals. National Socialism gave us such ideals.

The Universe itself is IRRATIONAL. Why does anything exist at all. Does it make any "sense"? No, you need to BELIEVE. Think about it.

For books that support OPs argument I recommend the following:

Decline of the West by Spengler
Imperium by Yockey

You've missed the point entirely.

Rational thought greatly inhibits one's understanding of the cosmos.

This election is cast-iron proof that no human is rational. Like everything else, it is all a storm of contradicting insanity, and people cannot help but be drawn into it. At the center of this all-consuming hurricane sits us, both amused and bemused that everyone fails to see their own insanity and ensuring that the storm will forever grow stronger.

Insanity, on average, is just a matter of perspective; reality, on average, is just a matter of perspective.

>*tips fedora*

The emphasis on reason alone is the true cause of why the West is so fucked today. We need ideals. Feminism gave us such ideals. Socialism/Communism gave us such ideals.

The Universe itself is irrational(or a social construct). Why does anything exist at all. Does it make any "sense"?
No, you need to BELIEVE. Think about it.

Really made me think/10

>shitposting albanian completely derails thread

I expected a leaf to do this desu

Correct. Human reason has no capability to understand the universe. One must first have faith that the universe even exists. The basic tenets of epistemology--such as there even being a universe to begin with--are totally faith-based. No one can prove that anything exists.

"A is A" is a mystical concept rooted in our genes, not our minds.

OP, if you really want to achieve an understanding of the bullshit you are spewing, then go read 'Rationalism in Politics' by Michael Oakeshott.

It's about how the ideals of liberalism and communism are wrong because they are based on people trying to reason. Whereas nationalists are right because they don't use thoughts as proof of their theory, they instead uses empiricism, which is objective, independent of human thought process, rather than subjective.

Also lurk moar tripfag you can't even >

Incidentally, Bosch Fawstin is one of my favorite Albanians.

>Implying I wanted to greentext

I just rewrote what he wrote.

Humans are under a single mass delusion: the delusion that you need hardware to run software. You need a creator to produce a universe, or a beginning point from which everything emerged. You need a brain to process the world, to be aware and analyze things. You need physical hardware to manipulate information, to run software. All of these beliefs are mere fantasy --- they are magical thinking, and, despite the fact that science tells us this is an undeniable truth, most scientists cannot let go of this magical thinking, and struggle to cling on to the false paradigm that 'reality' is concrete in some sense or another --- not contaminated by our feelings, desires and thoughts.

>hey instead uses empiricism, which is objective, independent of human thought process, rather than subjective.
I didn't realize that humans could interpret empirical data without the rational faculty. No, the true motivator of human action is pure genetics. The illusion of reason is our most severe inhibitor as a species.

>Not being retarded is shitposting

Wtf I hate common sense now

In [re]discovering and spreading the concept of the meme, Richard Dawkins unleashed a virus – both literally and figuratively.

I find it somewhat ironic that Dawkins, de facto leader of most atheists, of all people, will be ultimately responsible for leading people back to their divine roots. However, this doesn’t come as a complete surprise to me; it’s just more proof of the counterintuitive and paradoxical nature of nature.

Aaaand OP confirmed for Objectivist troll.

I like your style though.

hahahah always knew goering was a cuck

wtf i hate reasoning now

Never heard of him until you posted this.

Seems like a solid guy.

Spengler has some interesting ideas but he was wrong in the same way that Hegel was wrong. History is the result of the actions of individual humans, and individuals take action based on their ideas.

Read pic related. It blows Spengler and Diamond out of the water.

Pepe Maddow approved thread

Ignorance is strength.

>Seems like a solid guy.
He is. The Daily Show did a spoof on him a while back, which was hilarious, but painted him pretty unfairly.

He's a self-described "recovered Muslim" who has some pretty awesome artwork. Pic related.

>noobs will actually take this kike's bait

I fucking called it. +1 Internets OP. I like seeing other objectivists lurking around.


Read the original German. Also point out why all of the other anti-reason quotes are false.

thats not Maddow

>editing ben garison's artwork
You filthy Jew

The enemy of the west is the white race. That will always be the case.

Yidman is the true savior of the West.


Wtf I hate dilbertman now

Nice memes. But what are your thoughts on restricting the freedom of speech? National socialists promote that, but it would run contrary to the whole culture that made the Internet great.

Fake and gay quote

The entire natsoc ideology is pure cuckoldry.

>there is no truth
>"there is no truth" is true
>my sides

It's more or so "Might makes right" materialistic idiocy.

Aurel Konai, "The War Against the West," 1939, p 59. Rauschning,"The Voice of Destruction," 1966, pp 188-89.

so what are you trying to say with these quotes?
are you talking specifically about hitler or about national socialism as a whole?

No speech that violates the tenets of the nation should be permitted. The "freedom of speech" is a Jewish idea that allows them to promote degeneracy and subvert the West.

Literally 1984-tier. Gas yourself in your Cheetos farts you fat basement-dwelling autistic worm.

It is obviously written by someone who speaks English as their second language. You should wait for an English speaker to write it

>The "freedom of speech" is a Jewish idea that allows them to promote degeneracy and subvert the West.
"I can't think for myself. It's the Jews."

b-but reason is pretty cool, my man

But might does make right in the real world

Unless you're using might irrationally, in contradiction of reality.

If I tie you up and let rats eat you, does that mean the rats are objectively better than you?

>Reason is the enemy of man
no you're just fucking stupid

Jesus christ, how radical can you be? A system needs room to breath and improve upon itself. What you are advocating would end all advances and progress itself.

No it means you're better than he is. Your might allowed you to do that to him. You then tell everyone else that he was a pedophile, rapist, and murderer, and voila, your might has made you right in doing so.

You mean like the system the Nazis actually created?

The problem is that using force arbitrarily is detrimental to human life. If someone is harming you, it makes sense to use force against them. They initiated it. Take Muslim immigrants for example. They invade our countries, rape women and children, and openly advocate instituting Shariah Law. That is grounds for declaring war and wiping them out.

But relying on force as a principle for human interaction is pretty fucking backwards. It's far more beneficial for humans to find mutually beneficial solutions to their problems.

It has made me right in the eyes of my community but it has not made me univerally right.

I didn't kill a threat, I killed a potential ally/inventor/worker etc.

It was an idea against British persecution, but w/e you want to think conspiracyfag.

Modern logic and reason is the most useful tool ever discovered. Abandoning it now would be a ticket to extinction.
>glorification of reason
This is a real problem however. The ape mind was not built to see the world as a logic puzzle but intuitively grasp it as sort of metaphors. By always trusting simple logic often with wrong axioms over intuition we are denying our nature and dismissing a huge resource.

Religion is the only thing we have found so far to provide a metaphorical worldview that fits our nature and that even an american can understand. We need to reform modern religion or create something new to take its place.

Each bag of apples weighs 1.25 kgs
2 bags + 2 bags = 5 kgs
2 + 2 = 5

The unit centric math you were taught is a deluded myth promulgated by Jews.