Other urls found in this thread:






We cannot let kek kill her yet. She has to die in February at least.

If she dies she will get a replacement with a cleaner history and better health, Trump will start losing support then. They won't care if it's too late to change the ballots in some states, they will postpone the election if they have to. At worst, Obama will bargain a third term somehow.

go away sideways icecream sandwich, bait on Cred Forums or post a decent bait

>wanting her to die
She's so fucking corrupt it's beautiful, Trump will annihilate her if an unbiased debate happens (it won't).

Reminder that Hillary's death before the election would undermine Trump's legitimacy as president.




Stroke softly, stroke chan!


is this from the market crash?


At 18:00 of your time.

Keep on rolling, Stroke-chan

Stoke softly, Stroke chan

If those doctors would have stopped fighting and treated her instead, she might have survived.

Who caresStroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!


Shit. I have epilepsy and all this meming with seizures is legit triggering me. Brb, popping another 500 mg Keppra and Vimpat.

Based Mariano, sad all of this is fake.

The god emperor weighs in.

What's the point?


Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

go on a ketogenic diet you faggot

Stroke softly, Stroke-chan

rip in peace hill dog

Stroke softly, stroke chan

Kek. No it wouldnt. Explain yourself.

>wanting stable government

You need to understand kek a bit more m8.

There are no brakes on this train.

Political anarchy and destruction of society go hand in hand

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Ok, this will work.

Stroke softly, stroke-Chan!
Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, Stroke-chan.


Media in a panic as Hillary Clinton is losing lead


Clinton Foundation CEO Admits To Pay-For-Play: "No Question" That "Courtesy Appointments" Were Made


Hillary Starts Birther Movement




Trump Visits Little Haiti In Florida - Reporters Flee The Scene When The Clintons Get Exposed!



Spain doensnt count, our president is just a retarded



Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!
Stroke softly, stroke chan!

peruvian humor

Kek is here.

Dude! Lmao whoa!

You sir deserve an upvote!

They're just as bad as leafs.

>the someone else meme
You do reaize that 2 months is not enough time for anyone in the world to relistically start a succesful campaign. If Lincoln came back from the dead and replaced her Trump would still win.
We have to let this meme die guys.


>Stroke softly, stroke chan!
>Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

stroke softly, stroke chan


Stroke softly, stroke-chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan.

Soon I shall draw a family painting of you, your father Nurgle, Ebola chan, Zika chan and Isha.

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

she's no allowed to die until the debate stage

you can't defeat hillary she is invisible

Stoke softly, Stroke chan

This. I really hope she wins and dies in office one month in. Trump is a danger to the EU and Europe.

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep one Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan

Keep on rolling, stroke chan

>leftists riot
>get shot

Stroke softly, stroke Chan!

Keep on rolling, stroke-chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep On Rolling, Stoke-Chan

Keep on rolling Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

We can use meme magic to evoke another "medical episode" but it's clear as day she won't make it through her first four years. Whats the point of electing a crooked, senile, deteriorating wench when she'll be gone before you know it?

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

damn I don't remember her being such a qt.

Stroke softly, stroke chan !

If she dies the game is over and I don't ever want it to end.

She cant die, we dont want her to die. Not yet, and not because Trump cant beat anyone else. She needs to be punished. She needs to be broken. She needs to see her dream crushed across the knee of a Golden God only for that same God to burn down her tower of lies and drag her through the town in shackles and chains etched with her litany of crimes. Only when her spirit is broken, her dream shattered, and her corrupt empire is burned to the ground should we allow her to die.

Death should not be a punishment for her, it should be her parole.

Stroke softly, stroke-chan!

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!


Well. Fucking. Said.



I so hope she will die.


>Trump is a danger to the EU and Europe

How fucking retarded can you be?

>The EU is actively working against the native populations by encouraging the destruction of traditions and bringing in millions of fighting age alpha men who look like sex gods compared to the emasculated European white males who piss while sitting down. Trump encourages Europeans to break away from the EU that seeks to extinguish the white European spirit.

>Somehow it's a danger if Trump gives Europe the incentive to finally start spending money on their own armies. European nations spend about 1% of their GDP on the military, meanwhile the USA spends 5% because Europe wants a socialist nanny state instead of a meritocracy with a strong military. Trump has said that NATO is useless if the USA is the only one doing any real spending, so European nations either start strengthening their militaries or they will succumb to Russian and Muslim imperialism.

Trump will be the best thing to happen to Europe.

Link???? This is too good to be true.

Do not go gently into that good night. Shake. Shake hard the dying of the light.

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, Stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

So, sir, do you. I can appreciate rare and subtle wit like yours! TWO upvotes for you, new friend!

We should buy bunch of these frog masks and follow her around to give her a heart attack. Just stand at distance looking at her. Maybe saying "kek" over and over again.

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep On Rolling, Stoke-Chan

Kaine 2018!!!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan

Dow 15 k. Lol

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-chan

stroke my cock stroke chan!


We can't let her die until after the election. If she dies beforehand, then they could throw someone likeable instead.

As it stands, Hillary vs Trump is a guaranteed victory for the God Emperor. She's a sick old lady who spends what little time she has out of her hospital bed chasing after cartoon frogs. We need her to stay.

Best case scenario is that she keeps getting sick and she keeps acting like a senile old cat lady, but hangs on to life. She can die on November 9th.

Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly,stroke chan
Keep on rolling, stroke chan
Trips if kek agrees

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!



we don't actually want her to die yet man. we're making memes to convince leftists she's dead for the keks out of those who actually believe it without factchecking.

Stroke softly, Stroke-chan!
Keep on rolling, Stroke-chan!

Keep on rolling, Stroke-Chan!

come on man.


Too bad Mariano doesnt know english

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke Chan!

Stroke softly and effectively stroke chan

Stroke softly, stroke Chan


Please, not until she experiences crushing defeat at the hands of The Donald. I'd be satisfied if she was crushed in the last debate and before leaving the stage, a lawman presents her with a warrant for her arrest. Then she's free to perish.

Stroke Softly, Stroke-Chan.
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan.

>Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, Stroke-Chan

that is an excellent idea. we need robes coated in digits too. and a staff with a frog head atop it.

Stroke softly, stroke Chan!

Dddddddamn checked
Keep on Rollin, stroke chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan! And keep on rolling, stroke chan!

Attack Hillary, Stroke Chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke-chan.

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep on rolling, Stroke-chan.

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep on rolling, Stroke-chan

>Trump will be the best thing to happen to Europe.

This. Trump won't just save America, he'll save the rest of the Western World too.


>Trump is a danger to the EU and Europe.
The EU is a danger to the white race / indigenous people of Europe. The Eu's final goal is federalism. In other words , no more nation states or sovereignty or identity....


"Stroke softly, stroke chan!"

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan

>not Spain is pain

Keep on rollin', stroke-chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

During the debates.

Stroke softly, stroke chan.

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stoke softly, stroke chan!

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan.

Keep on rolling, Stroke-chan.

Stroke softly, stroke chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan.

Keep on rolling, Stroke-chan.

Stroke softly, stroke-chan.

Keep on rolling, Stroke-chan.

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

stroke softly, stroke chan!
keep on rolling, stroke-chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Speak for yourself, I hope she shits herself and collapses during the debate.


Gas Rajoy tbf

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep on rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stoke softly, Stroke chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

stroke softly, stroke-chan

keep on rolling, stroke-chan

There is no way in hell Clinton Pneumonia and can recover that quickly, by any chance does she have any thyroid disorders? Might possibly be why she is wearing glasses because bulging eyes are often a symptom of either a tumour behind the eye or brain or her thyroid could be fucked.

Keep her alive for the treason conviction and public hanging.

Keep on rolling, Stroke-Chan

stroke softly, stroke chan!
keep on rolling, stroke chan!

collective minds can do great things

Bro, that's some dark meme magic

Sex me, sexy me now

Stroke softly, stroke chan.

Stroke softly stroke chan


Is that really one of Hillary's homes? What's the address? I want to know for research purposes.

>Stroke softly, stroke chan!
>Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

stroke softly stroke chan
keep on rolling stroke chan

Hillary will shit herself live on tv

Check 'em faggots

>stroke softly, stroke-chan

keep on rolling, stroke-chan

Stroke softly, stroke-chan. Keep on rolling, stroke-chan

I really hope your mothers die instead of Hillary, You fucking pieces of shit, you have no redeeming qualities i can only hope for a nigger to rape you all specially to that cat eating Op, fuck him and his shit country.


Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep on rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly,stroke chan!
Keep on rolling,stroke-chan!


Bill doesn't stick his silly in just anyone

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep On Rolling Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

I dont think this is a smart move on our part lads, cmon use some tact. We're already in the public eye you know so we shouldn't fall for Jewish schemes to delegitimitize us

Stroke softly, stroke-chan!

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan.

Stroke softlt, stroke chan.

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

we want trump to win first., then when she sees his inaugural speech and her campaign is in ashes, then she has my permission to die.

Only through the oldest and most powerfull meme magic will kek grant us our request

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

she wuz clone n shieet
googles says

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

o my...

With that much meme magic, I give her up until the second debate... tops

keep on rolling stroke chan!

I'm vaguely interested in that Haiti shit, but not enough to sit through like 10min of thick accents.

Stroke softly, stroke chan!


Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

>Wanting Clinton dead before the day of the election
Don't do this, we need her to be alive a little bit longer so the dems can't pull some Bullshit


Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

literally who?


Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

Stoke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!


Stroke softly, stroke chan.

And keep on rollin' ;^)

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

"Stroke softly, stroke chan!"

"Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!"

be wary of these digits, you'd never know what they're up to

Stroke softly, Stroke chan!

>Stroke softly, stroke chan!
>Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan !
Keep on rolling, stroke-chan

Her pick of vice president would take over, idiot.

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

fuck you strokes I aint afraid of you

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

that's a rare and hilarious one,
me gusta.

Stroke Softly, Stroke Chan
Keep on rolling!

The woman Bill cheated on Hillary with.

Stroke softly stroke Chan
Keep on Rolling stroke chan

Stroke softly, Stroke chan. Glad to see this became something, I remember the thread where it was thought up.

keep on rolling, Stroke-Chan

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

stroke softly, stroke

Has anyone famous bitten the bait yet.

Has Hillary appeared in public since last Sunday's incident? I know that she cancelled a California trip early in the week, but I haven't kept up with this story since.

Stroke softly stroke chan
Keep on rolling stroke chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

>tfw had to google since this shitpost was actually believable

dont get my hopes up like that breh

As evil as she is, she's just a puppet. If her VP takes over nothing will change.

Stroke softly, stroke-chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan


Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!


Stroke softly, Stroke-chan!
Keep on rolling, Stroke-chan!

whats the matter cant swim?

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke Chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep on rolling, stroke chan

Damn she still looks good as hell

Stroke softy, stroke chan!

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Storke softly, stroke chan! Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep on rolling, stroke chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

Something will happen to hillary, soon.

Stroke softly stroke chan
Ken wills it

Sttoke softly, stroke chan!
Keep on rolling, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Hillary will have a massive seizure and pass out in the middle of the first debate

the media will go into damage control/shilling mode you have never witnessed before, and they will forever lose the trust of the people

"Stroke softly, stroke chan!"
"Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan"

Who is this? She seem familiar, but I can't remember who this was

Stroke softly stroke Chan
Keep on Rolling stroke chan

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, Stroke-chan!

kek wills it

Keep on rolling, stroke-chan

Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


>Stroke softly, stroke chan!
>Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan


Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan.

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

stroke softly, stroke-chan
keep on rolling, stroke-chan


It's Rose, the British chemist (iirc).

Stroke softly stroke chan

keep on rolling stroke chan


idk man clinton looked sick as fuck.

Stroke softly, stroke Chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-chan

No. let it play out naturally, don't give ammo to the media

stroke softly, stroke chan

keep on rolling, stroke chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke-Chan!
Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

do you will this, kek?

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan


Stroke softly stroke chan and keep on rolling stroke chan

Keep on rolling, stroke-chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!

Stroke softly stroke chan, I add to you my meme magic. Keep on rolling.

>Monica will never give you a blow job while you stick cigars in her orifices

keep on rolling, stroke-chan

>mfw I realize the League of Shadows is right

stroke softly, stroke-chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly stroke Chan
Keep on Rolling stroke chan

stroke softly, stroke chan!

Keep on rolling, stroke chan!

Stroke softly, Stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Best idea ever. Too bad i don't live in murrica

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep on Rolling, Stroke-Chan.

Stroke softly stroke chan

Stroke softly. Stroke chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep on rolling, stroke-chan

Stroke softly, Stroke-Chan!

KEK talks through the repeating digits

>Trump is a danger to the EU and Europe.
the fuck

Stroke softly, stroke-chan!

Keep on rolling, stroke-chan

stroke softly, stroke chan!
keep on rolling, stroke-chan!

kek wills it

Here, have some (You)'s.

Doubles do nothing but confirm.

More (You)'s.

Stroke softly,stroke chan!
Keep on rolling, stroke chan

Even moar (You)'s.

Stroke softly, stroke Chan!


Thanks for the (You). Have one from me, friend.

Well you laugh but its something that has been annoying me. In some of her past pictures and even present ones, she looks completely different from her head shape to her hair to the placement of her eyes.

Its been in the back of my mind since I started working on the Clinton Foundation.

Stroke softly, Stroke-Chan!


Hey I thought it was just a rumour but Hilldawg truly might be bisexual.
Which would give some more truthfulness to all the rumours about her sexually abusing interns as much as Bill Clinton.

Stroke softly Stroke chan.Keep on rolling over Armenians.

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

stroke softly, Stroke Chan
Keep on Rolling, Stroke Chan

Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan!