Be saturday in Denmark

>Be saturday in Denmark
>Danish People's Party are doing their annual convention
>Blonde stands on the speakers chair
>Immigrants pollute, cheats, rapes and kills

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Immigrants pollute, cheats, rapes and kills"*

She's a spitting image of the street walking meth head a few blocks down that I'm surprised hasn't been busted for soliciting prostitution yet.
Spitting image.


t. jew

How are things in Denmark anyway? It's my understanding that the country is in a perpetual state of both cuckoldry and resistance.

We recently took transgendered/sexual people off the list of mentally ill people, but besides that, if it's immigration you think about, we are in resistance. Basically a mild version of Sweden, but with the resistance towards immigrants.

We might also see a parliamental election soon, which would mean, that the social-democrats would get the power supported by the social-liberals. Pls, kek doesn't will it...

>t. jew
He is right you know, she does actually look like like a meth head, nonetheless she speaks the truth.

Looks like an orc



damn should have clicked on the thumbnail

I guess they have to tune up their rhetoric considering De Nye Borgerlige and most likely an election within 6 months

Leave it to the Brit to find that attractive.

Called not being picky about one mistimed picture, moishe.

Implying your jewess women are attractive at all!

I'm assuming you meant "should never have" because that was exactly what I was about to post.

I got you one even better m8
I'm not Jewish
I'm Irish.

It's because only those who have nothing to lose would publicly admit that they vote for that party.

There are tons of cuties who vote DF, it's the second biggest party afterall, but the vast VAST majority of them keep it secret.

Sorry I'm just shit posting.
So being nationalistic is a no no for Danes?

Danes don't mind shitposting. Our upcoming queen was born in Australia.

There are two reasons that danes aren't openly nationalist:

1: Our media is globalist and leftist. So are our schools and entertainment industry.
Which means that being nationalist is kinda weird since it doesn't fit the world view that most danes have or the view that danes have of themselves.

2. Danes have a social code called 'law of jante', which means that danes are not supposed to stand out from the crowd and think that they are 'better than others' by proclaiming their opinion. Meaning that we don't have a ton of edgy people who go "Denmark, fuck yeah! I'm a NATIONALIST! Don't you dare take my fucking guns!".
The ones who do stand out usually don't have a lot to lose.

>'law of jante
Sounds a lot like the Japanese.
The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.

>muh heritage


>'law of jante

Looked it up - is Marxism in a candy wrap, basically. 1933? Good crop.

>"irish" American

Even worse.


>mah nigga

What do Danes think about Lithuanians? I want come study and was wondering if people will treat me with destain?