>Must watch 6 minute entry level video

Other than that ask questions and never trust answers unless the logic/reason makes sense to you.

Also some jews were killed during "the holocaust" but it was a greatly exaggerated piece of zionist propaganda. The "6 million genocided by gas chambers" is a lie.

Other urls found in this thread:

Dumping some good quotes





best one:

Thanks for posting OP, there's been an absolute mountain of newfags lately.

I noticed the huge problem and realized

We just need a dump thread for them

Nice ID

Brings tears to my eyes, user.

This is what we lost, what we fought to destroy, and we are seeing the results of that grave mistake.

Hitler explains democracy

Hitler explains the plight of the Sudeten Germans










Patton on his regret that we fought the wrong enemy.

Here's a better quality friend


So, we have awaken KEK to defy Moloch´s NWO.


Can we empower other elder gods as well? A coalition of gods to defeat Moloch would be fine.

Oden mit uns.






i love this thing user had it saved for months, lots of info and great to send to someone who wants to know more at their own pace.

>implying I cant go on and on for an hour with things like this

>welcoming newfags

It's like you want more (((newfags))) to enter my echo chamber
Also gas the kikes race war NOW


To stop the jewish New World ORDER it must be challenged by the CHAOTIC frog god of humanity





(on nigger thinking)

Good pic



>Sluts and porn




something i made too , i think it's pretty good

yeah, except for the fact that today's media outlets are not government owned

first post shit post





There are private people that own the government retard

(((Capitalism))) and (((Communism))) are 2 sides to the same jewish coin

Id seems to flag you


more basic race stuff.

does anyone have the pic with the muslim or jew guy who ate pork for the first time and cried because it was that good?

I dont think we need to redpill people on blacks here in Cred Forums

BLM is doing a good job of that everywhere

anti nigger stuff


anti nigger lore is the most fun kind of lore though. Also, its the most basic, I learned these things like 4 years newfags.

We dont need anti-black here

Anyone on Cred Forums already knows about black people vs niggers

The more hidden stuff like how the jews manipulate the media and history is more valuable to dump like this

Go deeper

I dont want this to just turn into a cross burning KKK thread

lol niggers


>based blacks

such a thing does not exist, all blacks are niggers. Fuck off lefty.


Stop with the Black hate please. It's exactly what the divide/conquer jew wants.

if you prefer white cuckolds over Ben Carson

Kill yourself

lolno, these are facts. Blacks being shit is reality. Everything related to reality is the red pill.

How about some more nigger hate.

Fucking end yourself, jew.

I get it

Some black guy fucked your waifu

Move on

nigger hate.

You are like the definition of guy #3

No, I am just a race realist, while you are not. You are not a core user of this site. Seems like you have a lot of catching up to do.

Kek, you guys are like pic related.

So he's the guy who gobels prizes are named after?

They are the minority of our population and the majority of our crime and welfare.
The few high functioning people are denied by their own and called "white".
White has become a symbol of success and resentment from the lesser communities.

Can someone edit this to have Kekism as stage 6?

lets more nigger hate graphs!

I'll dump everything that I have.

more genetic nigger hatred, yesh!

This will take a long time. Apologies in advance for any double posts.

nigger classifications!



a classic and old nigger hatred thing!


how about some nigger in their homeland being shitty thing!



Kinda out of nigger hatred here, unloaded my full cannon of pure nigger hatred, so have some of this.



Man, I love george washington

oh just kidding, some more nigger hate now!


>implying nigger hatred is not one of our core values

I'll bump this for the Newfuggs





okay something else now.


How about some mudslime hate too?

I agree

12% of the populated commits 50%+ of the murders

It's just only like 1/3 of those 12%


some fat hatred as well.


don't forget - over 30% of rape and assault as well


Andrew Jackson had ads where he was hanging jews by the rope

cant leave out hatred upon women!


and on millennials!


Or just buy a gun and use legal free speech while we can

You'll never get arrested for "hatespeech" if you own a gun

or on ameridumbs, jesus, is there one group of people that I dont hate I wonder?@!


Oh thats right, I hate christians too@!


I should be inclusive and include faggot hatred too!

Unlike most people here I know black people and have been to the hood before

Unknown Niggers are not safe and you should have a gun nearby if you are forced to be around them

I'm not here to debate the content of what I post. I'm just here to dump it and be done.

>Among Syrian refugees there aren't many women

He is right. All I need to do is look out the window to see that its true. Fucking false metter my ass.








I am sure I forgot one group of people to hate upon.


some more fat hatred.

This is really good but why the fucking LLUMMINATY everywhere? pissing me off

Man, this graph is old.

Most of my screencaps are Cred Forums content, some are not. I'm not reading every single one I post, so I apologize if anything making it through isn't related to the OP post or the thread subject.


my old lil folder.


Its a place holder term for (((those powerful elite manipulating the slightly less powerful elite)))

well done, brother

oooh, more fag hate.




Jews in University


/k/ related thing







We really did fight for the wrong side

Not even a nazi but I recognize abd understand what Hitler's real message was



more nigger hate


For all your other shitposting, guns is always a good subject to redpill people on.




You mad jew?

the only one being a shitposter is you dude. You are not one of us if you arent a race realist. Not only do I hate jews, I also hate all niggers.



Oh hai CTR

someone should edit that out, it only makes us look retarded


>one of us
>he thinks Cred Forums is his secret club
You are such a faggot

Keep posting if you want but I'm not reading most of it





other anons are though, and they will become race realists too, since what I post is the truth.

that pastebin on race I provided is the best thing ever for race things too.


Anyone who thinks black crime is just poverty is retarded

Even Malcolm X pushed the Back2Africa movement until jews had him killed for being anti-semitic.




That's the beauty of free speech

We all get to say whatever we want and the readers will sift through it on their own.


100% nigger hatred is one of our core values though, if you dont have nigger hatred you are not one of us. Nobody cares about your opinion otherwise. Talk with the better, older members and they all are race realists.

Your words just tell me that you are not one of us. Just a semi newfag.



>one of us
I'm going to disregard you everytime you try to turn Cred Forums into some secret club

Go make a page on jewbook if you want a movement

Cred Forums is for freedom of speech

>this smell of arrogance
>thinking you own the narrative

why dont you kill yourself fagget. Not one of us.




>one of us
Ok im laughing now at what a faggot you are being



lol cry about it faget.




This one has some bullshit to it but whatever

Feel free to read it




That's not an argument

The redpill just means you question what you are told

Understanding the jew is how you see the lies perpetuated in society




based munksan




this a fucking good clip.
I cant hold my tearsacks at the point where they show the Beauty of Europe and Hitlers speach of "Der wichtigste Besitz auf dieser Welt aber, ist das eigene Volk!", crying like a girl every fucking time.


Are you actually implying that a 10 MILLION PEOPLE STRONG nation is 100% committed to destroying everything good and holy in the world?




Is there one of these for psychological issues stemming from a father complex?




that one is pretty old and I think there was a part B on it, if you are lucky you could find it back though.


Get a gun

Get a woman

Leave the mainstream society and hold out for 5 years

Trump is coming

I like that Sigmund Freud quote but is there any information on how he reached that conclusion?



no clue to be honest lol.



Question: If Jews are filthy subhumans, then how have they managed to take control of the entire world and maintain it for centuries?

Not being pro-Jew, but genuinely curious.




Gun banning pussies need to evaluate their sanity and morality

they are subhumans. They are only good at evil things.

That's okay. I'll do my own research and reach my own conclusion.
Brb. Got some stuff to take care of.
This is a great thread please keep the redpills coming.






>I like that Sigmund Freud quote but is there any information on how he reached that conclusion?
It's a misattributed quote.

Fairly certain it's related to his "symbolism and sexuality" part of his psychoanalysis.
>Weapon is a representation of the penis..

The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:

Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW

The Council of the People’s Commissars:

Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW


Lies, greed and manipulation as core qualities to their people.

Usury and matriarchy eventually conquers the world as long as your women never get genocided and your wealth never gets reduced to 0

Members of the German Spartakusbund:

Karl Liebknecht German
Clara Zetkin JEW
Rosa Luxemburg JEW
Leo Jogiches JEW
Paul Levi JEW
Ernst Toller JEW
Eugene Levine JEW
Kurt Eisner JEW
Gustav Landauer JEW
Erich Muehsam JEW

>something something

really made me think

LOL this fucking picture is hilarious.

>points at watch
>standard date and time


>no marauding theives

Pretty sure giant government Detroit and Chicago have those. His town probably has like 2 cops.

>spelling and grammar cannot exist without daddy government
>there would be no clothes without daddy government
>there would be trade with China without daddy government

I've never seen such a deeply cucked meme before.

Yes, I am triggered.




Concept still applies to the private sector

and im out I think. Should be good enough.

We have enough for every man's need but never enough for every man's greed.

whoa slow your roll on this one, I'm a lefty but I stop at around T2. I believe everyone is equal not because they actually are but that they should be treated that way. The equal rights for gays shit is just because i dont give a fuck if people want dicks in their ass. cosmopolitanism is bullshit, some cultures are clearly superior, gender is biological and if you are a man that thinks he is a she then he's got mental problems. and Humans are superior to other earthly animals because we are the only sapient creatures on the planet. the "if you dont like any you dont like all of it" thing is absolutist bullshit. I bet you think the world is clearly black and white.

You would still load your gun when around unknown blacks though correct?

Oh my god, this image perfectly sums up what I've been trying to explain to myself for a while.

I always roll my eyes when people talk about 'other cultures' and just show some food and some outfit they wore in the 1800s or something.

I wanted a word for what the CULTURE actually implies beyond fluff.

fuck you we ain't poor. we got healthy food and drive golf 2. thats plenty more than others.

I disagree with the majority of Freud's theories. But still, some of them can be used as effective tactics against opponents in a debate.

I don't think jews are inherently better or worse genetically. They are just different. They do not identify as white Christian. We look back at Western civilisation and see glory, honour and beauty. They look back and see persecution from white Christians. Their psychology is based on a persecution complex. This is what leads to their sense of ressentiment ( It is ressentiment that defines them as untermenschen according to Nietzsche's philosophy, not some innate hand-rubbing jewishness. They perceive whites as a threat and whenever they gain wealth and power act on their survival instinct and against whites. Of course, #notalljews. But name me one rich and/or powerful jew that has ever fought for white nationalism or Western civilisation. Even the little jews. When do you ever hear one say, Europe should be for Europeans and Western culture is objectively superior.

No, if i was in a high crime area yes, but not because of color, because poverty is the root cause of most crime. If i was walking down suburbia and there was a nignog i wouldn't think a second thought about it, he probably has suburban cultural beliefs too.

if you want a big red pill, read this on niggers.

>only race that hasnt really developed a written language

Do you even know what kind of implications that has to them? Also, if you scroll up and go to my pastebin, you could also find literal dietary things.

the most prominent ones are

>lactose tolerance in europeans
>seaweed digestion in asians
>possibly hypersensitivity to dietary cholesterol in everyone but europeans

>What followed was the most complex episode in Roth’s life, the one that brought him the most rejection, and the one wherein his degraded status as a pirate and pornographer most unhinged him. Written under the pressures of bankruptcy, and the advantage taken of that by colleagues in the underground economy of erotica publishing, this example of ethnic self-hatred is a terrified response to insecurity and a substitute for self-examination.

oh and I forgot to paste a huge red pill on homosexuality...or rather just how fetishes may come into being.

pretty mindboggling stuff

since I am also /fit/ I could share my latest work, the thing that I am pursuing right now.

though it has little to do with politically uncorrect things

based Hiro

Again. I'm not here to debate what I post as I am not the creator of any of these things. So please don't try to fit me into a biased, derogatory stereotype. I'm just here to post information and allow the people who read this stuff reach their own conclusions.

I understand where you are coming from though and I do respect your position.

in that pic *descent


A lot of his developmental stuff (importance of masculine influence, long lasting psychological trauma resulting from poor childhood/early adolescent environment, etc) is tried and true.

But I agree that he did go overboard at times.

I'd say he would've had much more success if not for the limitations of his time.

Confirmed for never actually hanging around black people

Some are good men

But around unknowns, it's like driving your car on the freeway with your seatbelt off and sunglasses on at night just in the name of "IM NOT A RACIST GUYS"

>But name me one rich and/or powerful jew that has ever fought for white nationalism

Why would they? Even if most white nationalists didn't find themselves at odds with Jews at best, fighting for white nationalism would go directly against their self-interest. It's like asking why blacks or asians would fight for white nationalism.


thank you

holy shit is there a source on that?

There were limitations stemming from his own development and conforming to social norms of the time yes, but some of his research does accurately describe the human condition and human psychology.

Any time. Please don't feel like everyone on this board is conforming to a hivemind that's out to get you.

NOBODY™ videos remind me that we live in a distopian hellscape. At the same time, I'm left with a sense that there is a way out.

This one is my "favorite":

nah dude, my roomate last year is black. he was actually born in Liberia. And with having a black roomate lots of black people come round, some weren't savory but the unsavory ones were almost all the poor ones, I'd honestly say it would be the same around whites, some are good men, but some are unknowns.

Then you are not an egalitarian. Do you believe black people are our equals? Then why would they need affirmative action.
Basically your fucking retarded.


Probably, but I have many pictures of which the source is long lost. Just google the text or something.


Statistically untrue.

this thread makes me happy. we need to have more redpill threads. if anons want to try to be useful in public debates because were probably heading to that point we should probably try to be able to recite the best of our arguments. keep on trucking op...

>I believe everyone is equal not because they actually are but that they should be treated that way.
Why? Why should we? Doing unto others does not imply everyone should be treated equally. So what is the basis of your belief. A belief that will ensure our race and culture dies and is replaced with mongrels and a degenerate culture of mediocrity.

I always wonder how legit that test is though. Did the scientists have anything to gain by overestimating Koko's IQ?

Go to the inner city and relax around blacks

You have to get to know them before you can safely trust them

You are evolutionarily broken if you think otherwise and I hope you get mugged before you get killed



Proved they deserved more funding

Jewry and greed are a cancer on society


It comes down to black culture, Its clearly not as good as standard American culture as it promotes crime and a lack of intelligence. But its not because of their race.


The Complete David Cole and Mark Weber on the Montel Williams Show

The Myth of Gas Chambers at Auschwitz

More than Taboo (2013)


I also have these somewhat unused pastebins, but personally I did not go through that much.

this is much more potent I think.

GLR is based



Being the poorest in a group doesn't mean you're poor or bad.
Who's the poorest multi-millionaire? etc

Equality in the eyes of the law, you fucking bellend.

And I don't support affirmative action. Positive discrimination is still discrimination.

Their race is succeptible to shit cultures, manipulation and slavery because they GENETICALLY ARE BETTER AT SPORTS BUT DUMBER AT IQ


Its really just the starter belief that will eventually lead him down the road to believing the only reason blacks are so poor is because of racism rather then ever looking to see that maybe niggers are poor because they are niggers.




That's because you are a girl user you need to start transitioning.


>shitposting is actually good

Because were all humans, because were all the same biological machines that get shaped by culture as we grow-up. I don't want our culture to be replaced with an inferior one, but treating people equally dosent automatically mean their culture is replacing us. It s not like I think their should be unlimited immigration, in fact it would be a good idea to replace their culture with ours. But we all have the same core, had I been born black it would suck but it would suck even more to not be able to change yourself to something better because others prevent you.

bump for kek
you're doing his work, OP
Certain situations call for manly tears



Image limit reached everybody. I can't post my entire folder.

I do hope that what has been posted in this thread has been informative and helps people learn and grow as adults in this startling and strange century.

Great thread everyone. Should we create another for continuation?


I try to direct Cred Forums away from intentional distractions, jewish disinfo and trashposting

Fucking nice bro 83 post, almost like the good old days of red pill threads all day every day

That's my point though. When they act in politics, their efforts are directed almost 100% of the time towards subverting the white nations that host them. That's what makes them untermenschen. Untermenschen are defined by morality, slave morality, not being weaker or stupider or less successful. Plus jews' relative success does not exempt them from untermensch status within Neitzsche's morality, because it is precisely the untermenschen ganging up to overcome the ubermensch that he was criticising against. Which is exactly what you see jews do, totally nepotistic. People hear subhuman and draw the wrong conclusions. They should read Nietzsche, especially Genealogy of Morality.

Compare that to, say, Tom Cruise in Last Samurai. He fights for a different tribe and culture free from resentment even though they don't fully accept him. And the daimyo and romantic interest are free from resentment against him even though he killed one of them. They follow their hearts and natures. Compare that to, say, the revenge obsession of Shylock in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. You can instinctively sense that the Last Samurai is a superior morality to jewish ressentiment, even if just on an aesthetic level.

Are half, quarter, eighth Jews bad?

I gtg but i give you permission to host the next one

Then why are blacks criminals all around the world? They are always the ones with the highest crime rates. Do all blacks world wide have the same culture? Why are there crime rates so similear to that of people in Africa. While you're at it tell me why Asian Americans have the same crime rates as Asians in Asia. Is it because of their culture? In reality all you have is excuses that you can use to excuse niggers behavior.

Fuck I won't even get 60

I might just get a Cred Forums gold pass

Scientifically untrue, its black culture not black genes, the biggest difference between us is facial shape and skin color. They're so genetically similar to whites that they aren't even a different subspecies of human

Depends, Bobby (((Fischer))) was better than most gentiles

I am not even specialized in this sort of thing, its just my spare folder that I keep for myself. There are anons, old anons like me who have been here for over ten years who perhaps may have even more. On double the best chan perhaps. two times 4 chan that is, not the pl version the .net

Damn, how many pictures do you have in your folder?

only 200ish. Are oldfags like me really rare these days I wonder?

Ya would speed it up 60 is a fucking good dump to bro

I love these threads. Let's make these redpill threads appear on a regular basis from now on.