Religious thread

Where did the big bang come from?
Checkmate Atheists.

Other urls found in this thread:, sep26.pdf


you're a big bang


if you leave something (singularity) alone for a long time eventually it explodes.
you can test this yourself by putting a beer in your freezer

Theoretical physicists have no fucking idea what they're talking about.

They claim time and space couldn't exist before the big bang but yet quantum fluctuations existed to cause the big bang? that's fucking stupid.

A one-in-a-really-large-fucking-number quantum fluctuation of space-time

no really

no, quantum flucations of space time which already existed brought about the big bang

theoretically after the heat death of the universe when everything is reduced to decaying photons scattered across an immense amount of space, another quantum fluctuation similar to the one that brought about the big bang will occur and another universe will be born

But where did the first quantum fluctuations come from you r-tard

For you

>Where did the big bang come from?

critical meme overload

praise kek


if doubles, there is god
if tripples, krishna is god
if quads, I am god


So where did the come from you dumb fuck

Thats their way of saying its Turtles all the way down.

It came from my Jew god, obviously
Atheists irrevocably and eternally BTFO

Yes of course, that's a load of shit. Adam and Eve is much more plausible. Fuck science and its anti-God agenda.

From your mom's ass

ITT: people who don't understand quantum physics argue quantum physics

Physics is a fucking religion where the newest god is the god particle.

Honestly what solid evidence is there to back up the Big Bang and how do so many fucking people believe that shit?
There was nothing at all and suddenly all the nothing fucking exploded (which according to chemistry would definitely not be possible) and then formed everything, and then everything else in life just started to happen?

Heat death is actually not the probable way our universe will die. Our universe is actually expanding faster than ever before, and is only increasing speed. Our universe will perish via the Great Freeze

It was born from one of my toinails from the future that accidently quantum tunnelled back to pre big bang times and which popped the knackered beachball all the universe stuff was in. Checkmate theists, you exist because of my toenails.

Well then explain how quantum phenomenon takes place outside of a space-time continuum?

If quantum fluctuations exist outside of the space-time "medium" then they must exist in some other "medium" and if another medium exists outside of space-time then what created that medium?


Atheists are so stupid for not knowing what happened before the big bang, amirite? Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Jew to worship.


Muh big bang
Muh evolution
Muh ''''intellectualism''''

>jew to worship
this one?

the same place as god

So you are a pantheist?

for anyone denying this saying


There is no life before there is life so therefor there is a creator. Science will NEVER prove there is no God by testing a big bang or claiming its particles because particles don't just come from nowhere.

Its a question of Physics user. God of the gaps.
Lurk more science faggot

maybe the universe is some sord of living thing. a big human/animal, and the rapid expansion is growth..

also, dying due to cold would make sense. bodies get cold once they die.

also, everything in nature is a fractal pattern and bibble says "aS ABOVE, SO BELOw"

Where did God come from?

Croatia needs better education programs.

>more people denying the inarguable truth of the bible and pretending christians actually believe in the young earth theory.

for you

dont target the arguments, target the person.. thats ad hominem and doesnt contribute to discussion.

us need better dieting programs, but do I annoy you with it? nope, i dont give a fuck about you.

So where did god come from then?

This is about an astrophycisist who converted to christianity after reading The Bible and he realized how perfect genesis creation account of The Universe is if you read is correctly.
God exists by necessity. The effects of dark energy proved The Universe couldn't exist by necessity.

You could have simplified that by simply typing "I am retarded".

Very nice argument.

Why do you assume the big bang theory has anything to do with the origin of the universe?

Honestly any book by Hugh Ross is simply the best.

How about we conclude that we don't know these things so we just go on with the experience of life and make it the best one you can? All you can do.

Thinking about it is an endless paradox.

Quantum effects like tunneling

Also could have been what gave rise to God in the first place, look up Boltzman Brain

>" If not, then there is an infinite regress of causes, with no first link in the great cosmic chain."

I would go with this, universe is infinite fractal pattern. There are infinite amounts of universes that are bigger than ours and infinite amount that are smaller than ours.

And since space time is interwoven, the passage of time seems constant from the relative point of view

How could the cycle start. For every effect there is a cause, and without any cause there is no effect.

Where did Yahweh come from?
Checkmate Judeo-christians.

Honestly the only acceptable answer to the first cause would be that the first cause of force isn't conscious.

How about you read the thread next time, faggot.

Bigbang comes from the jewish scriptures

The word "Yahweh" is also a expression of ancient volcano god Thus was also a ancient expression of "release of energy" (Eruption). It also can be traced to the ancient egypt god "Atum"
myth of creation through "masturbation".

In another words, it's just a mystification of the "conception of the universe" through the sex act.

It's all folks: Greatest lie ever told.

I honestly don't understand how you could live in this world and be an atheist

Yeah nigga time and the fabric of space just popped into existence and shit and then like stuff was just like lol ok ive got the dez rules now i need 2 obey and then human b an like shit mane dat was lucky

>How about you read the thread next time, faggot.
Never got answered, faggot.

>what caused the uncaused cause?
great question

could be the supernova which formed our own black hole

>Presupposing uncaused cause
>The phrase 'uncaused caused' makes sense somehow
Amazing logic.

atheists actually believe a universe with humans exploded into existence by itself

but they won't buy lottery tickets because the chances of winning are "stupidly improbable"

its infinite.. I mean, mathemathics accepts infinity (although it doesnt make sence, but we still do calculations with it)

als, take for example PI.. it doesnt make sense that a number has infinite amounts of digits, but it does.

but I'm just guessing, I'm confused as well. I have no fucking clue, my brain runs in circles

God exists by necessity. There must be an outside force that exists by necessity, and creates stuff like time and The Universe. As a christian I believe this force is conscious.

You can't say who created God is actually an argument at all because you can then apply that logic to anything, and with your previously accepted logic all matter is impossible because what created the creation of that matter.

Fucking fedoras man. How can any one group be so retarded.

They would if they had an infinite amount of time like the universe had.

>God exists by necessity.
What is this "God" you're talking about?

Honestly it may just seem that way. Just like it seemed reasonable that the universe was geocentric.

Lack of imagination + inflated sense of importance.

>God exists by necessity.
>There must be an outside force that exists by necessity, and creates stuff like time and The Universe
>You can't say who created God is actually an argument at all because you can then apply that logic to anything
If you apply it to everything else, there is an eventual answer that can be proven. Not in the case of god.
>and with your previously accepted logic all matter is impossible because what created the creation of that matter.
Presupposing that matter is created or needs to be created.
>How can any one group be so retarded.
You tell me. You have the experience in that field.

The infinity that you speak of was created. Infinite past and infinite further back-spanning creation is completely different from infinite created effects because with the created effects we accept that something started the chain.

The Universe was not infinite. It has a clear beginning.
This books explains why complex life is unimaginably hard to create, and says we are probably the only life in the entire universe.

>The phrase 'uncaused caused' makes sense somehow
how does it not?
there's nothing mutually exclusive about these two words.

Its a bearded man in the sky you ignorant slovenac.

Thanks for correcting the record you informative hrvoje.


If everything that happens has a cause, then nothing can be 'uncaused', and something that hasn't happened can't cause anything else to happen.

>the universe had an infinite amount of time being nothing so the big bang happened even though time started with the big bang and the universe didn't exist before it

>If you apply it to everything else, there is an eventual answer that can be proven. Not in the case of god.
Prove that shit. dickhead. Have you been so indoctrinated into cultural marxism you believe that God is inherently seperate from everything. Like Gravity God is just force.

You do realize your precious atheists do believe that The Universe was created by a force that exists by necessity.

but even if we accept an uncreated eternal being, that doesnt make much more sense to my brain either.

Many religions claim that, but my brain cannot compute it.

It's the same thing with those weird mathematicians who claim that 0 is the biggest number (it contains all negative and all positive numbers in it, but they cancel each other out, so you get 0).. That doesnt help me much to understand anything.

There was no such thing as "first". It's not the nature of the universe.

>If everything that happens has a cause, then nothing can be 'uncaused',
shit logic, there could be something that was never caused, a final cause, that kicks everything into motion.
the beginning of the existence of this final cause wouldn't "happen" because it always was.

>The Universe was not infinite. It has a clear beginning.
I'm talking about the infinity that preceded the ordered universe.

>This books explains why complex life is unimaginably hard to create, and says we are probably the only life in the entire universe.
Silly book, complex life isn't that complex, it only takes a massive amount of time to develop.

The universe wasn't "nothing" before the big bang, it was a singularity. And whatever preceded time and space necessarily has to be infinite because it has no beginning and no end.

Call it God if you will, but that won't ever be more than a personification of nature.

what if consciousness evolved out of chaos as an information system

Tell me where God came from and I'll tell you where the big bang came from.

>being this stupid.
The Universe had a clear beginning.

The being isn't uncreated. God exists, but he, according to The Bible, created this Universe and time itself.

Despite what most of the theists here are saying I can accept the quantum fluctuations as an answer because with that theory the quantum fluctuations would be the force that exists by necessity.

>Silly book, complex life isn't that complex, it only takes a massive amount of time to develop.
>Brazillian education
No, read the fucking book. Life is insanely hard to create. Every scientist knows this.

Some neckbeard was sitting at a computer using some shit program that runs in terminal and it prompted
>Location of matter?
>Random single point
>99999999999999999...(then he holds down 9)

Then he giggles to himself and takes a bite of his hot pocket and watches a meh explosion

>The universe didn't exist until god created it for no reason, and he existed outside of time and the universe before he created it, which is impossible but it makes sense to me so fuck logic
What does cultural Marxism have anything to science and the universe? Really funny when a religifag unironically says I'm the indoctrinated one.
>The Universe was created by a force that exists by necessity.
Shit reply. There is no such thing as a final cause in the universe, and calling the first thing that happened the 'final cause' is even more retarded.

Reality was dreamt up by the void. We are just a dream.

I think it's finally time to get lucid wit it.

the universe was a singularity that existed in nothing just because

>athiesm isn't a religion

>The universe didn't exist until god created it for no reason
who says God created it for no reason?
> and he existed outside of time and the universe before he created it
obviously whatever caused space/time would have to be causally "before" and/or "outside" time in order to cause it into being.
>fuck logic
i wish you'd stop doing this.

>Life is insanely hard to create
It's only insanely hard because we don't have the resources, which is mostly time.

But abiogenesis is a very simple theory, since we know all the components of life. There's no mystery or higher complexity to the emergence of organic matter on the planet.

>just because
More like "we don't know and so we won't speculate like religion is"

>atheists don't speculate

>Shit reply. There is no such thing as a final cause in the universe, and calling the first thing that happened the 'final cause' is even more retarded.
Where did I even talk about a final cause, bitch nigger?

We don't know "where" it existed, we just know that it preceded space. Sorry if you're to dense to understand that.

Well, according to bhagavad gita, God is unborn/unmanifested and unchanging.

And when Krishna showed Arjun his God Form, it was an unimaginable being that probably tries to get you the idea across that God is everything at the same time.

Intuitively doesnt seem possible to me. But I have no arguments against it.

I've always wondered why us jews are the only intelligent species on earth while the rest are just animals.

God exists by necessity. He exists outside of time.

God didn't just suddenly decide to create The Universe. That is our time-dependent minds telling us to think in a manner of time.

One of cultural marxism's main goals was to promote atheism. You've been indoctrinated into believing religion was the indoctrinating force.
I used to be a fedora until I read some of Hugh Ross' books.

Read the book you idiot. Life is quite literally virtually impossible to create.

Why can't God be the one that "precedes" space. Precede in quotes because Time wouldn't exist.

That's exactly what heat death refers to. Expansion forces will eventually tear apart galaxies, stars, and planets and gravity will be too weak to cause the formation of new structures

Only the retarded atheists say that shit. Real atheists just say "if you can't prove god to me I won't believe in him because the burden of evidence lies on those making claims"

Don't know. What now?

>Read the book you idiot. Life is quite literally virtually impossible to create.
No, it isn't, dumb shit.

>Why can't God be the one that "precedes" space. Precede in quotes because Time wouldn't exist.
It can.

Good luck defining "God" though. You'll end up with a dead kike on a stick or a fat guy with the head of an elephant.

You guys aren't even allowed to type god , you fags remove the o. Who's retarded now?

“The man who sees me in everything
and everything within me
will not be lost to me, nor
will I ever be lost to him.

He who is rooted in oneness
realizes that I am
in every being; wherever
he goes, he remains in me.

When he sees all being as equal
in suffering or in joy
because they are like himself,
that man has grown perfect in yoga.”
― Anonymous, The Bhagavad Gita

>No, it isn't, dumb shit.
I can see you are just engaging in willful ignorance. There is no point in arguing with a disgusting mind like yours.

Many quantum scientists are religious/spiritual too
Just because we can't understand certain things doesn't mean we never will OR that we will
be able to simply disprove god someday
There's no point in these atheism vs deism arguments since they can only be fed by brainwashed idiots

I'm not the one denying something so well established as the idea of organic matter emerging from inorganic matter.

>ameridiot education

Heat death refers to the theoretical "great crunch" where the universe rebounds like an elastic, and everything in the universe is brought closer together, eventually colliding and raising temperatures massively.

Great freeze is much more likely. The universe expands, atoms move further and further away from each other. In roughly a billion years individuals in this galaxy will have no idea that there are other galaxies out there, because they will have been pushed away by "dark matter" (the only force we know can do this, although we have no idea how it functions, or really anything else about it)

>How dare you question religion and its teachings you goys!

>virtually impossible

So you're saying there's a chance?

Quantum mechanics. Not declared in the bible or other religious papers.

>im not the only one here who believes in this more than the bible
feels nice

I'm not religious
But as is, we just can't disprove the idea of an intelligent design of some sort

I mean yeah. The guy who wrote my linked book about who improbable life is was an atheist.

how improbable*

but we cant even think of a concept which would make logical sense.

>God created everything (makes no sense, who created God, what is God)

>its all random (no sense either, what is random, who created those elements that are random)

>its an infinite fractal pattern (no sense either)

Buddhist claim there is no objective truth about the universe. It's all subjective according to them.

Somehow that seems the best strategy to think about it. Just give up and dont even try to understand it.


I hate to say it but considering how mind boggingly complex life is you can't rule it out.

When you find a hut and a canoe in a forest you assume something intelligent made it, not assume that the impossible circumstances of nature that would put something looking exactly like a hut and canoe there did.

Life on earth is the hut in the jungle.

Improbable events happen all the time.

>God created everything (makes no sense, who created God, what is God)
God always exists. It's like the atheists that believe the quantum information always exists, and spews out universes.


Ah now we are getting somewhere. Yes, life is improbable. It's possibly the most improbable thing imaginable. Don't walk around spewing the word "impossible" if that's not what you mean, though. What's your argument? That because Life evolving on it's own from minerals is improbable, so God must have done it? Which God? The one from your bible?

I know, the improbability of life is in no way an absolute proof of intelligent design.

The amount of tipping is the thread is amazing.

That's the problem with unfalsifiable ideas.

>God always exists
How do you know that? Was that statement ever proven?

It's impossible to disprove a blind watchmaker because its existence is indistinguishable from its nonexistence.

God finally blew his load.

That's clearly what happened. How can you be so fucking stupid.

When are Canadians going to get range banned?

We know something always exists. How else could the cause and effect chain start.

Because everything that can happen will happen.

Yea, the people that study the universe, have no idea what they are talking about, because a random on Cred Forums thinks their idea is stupid. Not because he don't understand it you know, but because he has found a gigantic hole in an idea he has spent a few minutes on the internet researching.

[citation needed]

there are many edgy aut.. i mean atheists in croatia though. I was one too ffs, until I noticed it makes not much sense to be atheist either, since you cant disprove God.

I understand what you are saying, but it still makes not much sense. We are not really surrounded with things that "always exist".

I doubt that Hillary will win in any of the parallel universes that split out of this point in time.

ITT: atheists concede that God exists but decide to call Him "quantum information" instead because quantum information doesn't care if you masturbate

>The God Delusion is his gospel
>not based The Selfish Gene
fuckhead needs to be blinded by the light of memetics

Not to denigrate The God Delusion, but The Selfish Gene was a watershed in evolutionary biology.


>It's possibly the most improbable thing imaginable
It really isn't. After you accept the possibility of an ordered universe, life becomes just another consequence.

This aura of miracle that theists love to bestow upon life is one of the first things that modern science debunked. In fact, life might much more common in the universe than we believe it to be.

see:I used to believe in the whole chance thing until I read the books of Hugh Ross, an astrophysicist who converted to christianity after reading The Bible.

These are his best works

What made them able to happen.

All this that you said is as absurd and fantastic as a fiction book.
You sound like a zealot.


Why da fuq you crackaz talkin shit on my boy jeezus, mane? I won't stand fo dis shit, finna put a beatdown on that whyte ass, maybe bus a cap innit, too, sheeeeeiiiittt

>an astrophysicist who converted to christianity after reading The Bible
Top kek

A fucking leaf said something intelligent.

You doubt the will of people to not be ruled by an orange moron?
google it

>What made them able to happen.

its just fashionable nonsense
this quantum fluctuation particle collisions exploding singularity - fancy nonsense, all of it, by people who try as hard as they can to avoid god and it's easy to see that they are. Everything under the sun but god is acceptable for them. Why they cornered themselves like this is the question since scientists in the past - scientists with more stature if I may say so - did not feel the need to do this. They were content doing their business - part of which is simply describing the natural world its phenomena and the behaviour of things in it

>orange moron
yeah, doubt you can get to be a moron and be that rich until now.

Also, I'm not surprised a pseudo- intellectual Zlovenac on his high horse would be a freaking. Don't come to our coast on vacations anymore, we dont want you here.


>black skin christian
>still act like a disgusting ghetto ape

why even have religion if it doesnt manipulate the violent retards to act in a more acceptable manner? fucking preachers taking this grace thing too far.

>Scientists created science because they are mad at God

>these people live and breathe and post on this board alongside us, they even breed and vote

that was not intelligent, since he writes God with capital G, i would think he talkes about the Christian god. You can't just say that what ever is at the beginning is god, as most people think about a god., and you can absolutely not say that it is the god of any of the religions. the comment made me laugh tho.

What created the change. I'm pretty sure the book you linked is saying that the quantum information is the force that exists by necessity. You are contradicting yourself.

I would say read the books, but I know how you are with willful ignorance. The Bible did say people will look straight into the truth but reject if because they are scared of it.

>Our universe will perish via the Great Freeze
Which is one specific way of arriving at Heat Death

>would be a freaking
.. Hillary supporter.

>doubt you can get to be a moron and be that rich until now.
He was bankrupted how many times? Even slepa kokoš zrno najde sooner or later.

created the chance*

Your mom's gaping vag

retard, everything including protons has a radioactive half life and eventually everything will be reduced to photons

it is the ONLY way the universe can go out assuming no Great Crunch

>He was bankrupted how many times?
0 times, he bankrupted 4 of his companies because it made economical sense to do so.

It would be stupid to pay of debt and loose money when the government provides you the institution of bankruptcy, dont you think?


>that was not intelligent, since he writes God with capital G
He is refering to a personal god so using God would be the correct option.
>You can't just say that what ever is at the beginning is god
That's actually more of an opinion.
> and you can absolutely not say that it is the god of any of the religions
Once again he was referring to a personal God.

Because the africans did this and never even invented the wheel.

God is a concept tainted by human vanity. Even if there is a supreme intelligence behind everything, referring to any natural phenomena that can't currently be explained by science is nothing but hubris.

What if this quantum fluctuation is just another aspect of creation, and theists, in their eagerness to find a definitive proof of God, are just worshiping the creation instead of the creator? That would be blasphemy, wouldn't it?

>The Bible did say people will look straight into the truth but reject if because they are scared of it.
What makes you think I care about what some Jews wrote thousands of years ago? If they could prove their claims we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place.

kek gonna use this to inflame some militants next time

Where did God come from?
Checkmate Christians

>referring to any natural phenomena that can't currently be explained by science is nothing but hubris.
I believe everything can be explained by science, but God is an infinitely complex being that exists outside of The universe's laws.

Did you even red the thread. We're currently debating the nature of the force that exists by necessity.

Atheists think it was quantum information, and theists think it was God.

>God is an infinitely complex being that exists outside of The universe's laws.

and he doesn't want you to masturbate. How could you possibly know that such a being exists at all, if he is so infinitely complex? You as an individual would have never come up with this stupid little theory if you hadn't heard it from some other monkey first.

>sensationalist pop-sci

Having read one of Brian Cox's book before, I can almost guarantee that he is exaggerating a theoretical concept with that title.

Tell me which pages he explains this specific topic.

>This aura of miracle that theists love to bestow upon life is one of the first things that modern science debunked.
Disagree. Darwinian theory assumes a previous life-form and describes what happens to their descendants over succeeding generations. It doesn't tell you what the Ur-Life was. It doesn't tell you where the dividing line between non-living replicators and living replicators lies. We basically have had only shotgun-approach hypotheses for the origin of life until the last few years. The sunny warm pond scenario, the space chemicals scenario, the black smoker scenario, the deep groundwater scenario.

All of these options faced the bootstrapping problem, how do you create a neg-entropy generating system without an already created chunk of neg-entropy to spend?

The new white smoker scenario claims to get around this problem, but I do not know it well enough to explain why.

Easy, pic related. Stupid goy.

jewish physics, jewish religions

Basically, science doesn't care about anyone's aura of miracle.

> How could you possibly know that such a being exists at all, if he is so infinitely complex?
We understand a part of him, but not all of him. It's why people could "see" God, but God says none may see his true form.

> You as an individual would have never come up with this stupid little theory if you hadn't heard it from some other monkey first.
Legit the worst argument I've ever heard on this subject. How could the first the first individual come up with the theory if you need to be taught the theory. With your logic God exists because he was the one who would have had to implant the idea since no individual could create the idea. Honestly you're retarded, and it shows in your arguments.

Same reason why math exist.

Life is improbable only in the sense that the complex conditions needed for it to evolve are so small the only word I can use to describe it is "improbable". Of course when you have almost infinite configurations of heat and distance and everything needed for Life, one or two are going to click. That's all I mean by "improbable". Not how you think I mean.

I don't give a shit nigga
Just because the big bang might not have happened, doesn't mean God exists

>Presupposing that matter is created or needs to be created

Commonly known as causality. The very process we know to observe to discern patterns and relations in the world. All of this rests on the presupposition that reality exists necessarily. A faith based belief.

If causality is not fixed. There is god because without a perfectly atomized material deterministic universe, god cannot be successfully denied.

If causality is fixed, god must exist as the uncaused cause.

Why god? Because such a force would have had to will the world into existence and only a sentient being can have will. Lets say it were inevitable that it were put into existence. But if it were inevitable, then by what force? what caused that? ect. It must come down to choice of a being or some circular logic based on faith.

The choice of a being is exponentially simpler and easier to understand. It also helps explain the very notions of free will which we are imbibed with that IS NOT physical despite the correlates.

Long story short, all atheists are deluded or diseased. Deluded by relativism or some garbage marxist secular culture. Or diseased in that they just cannot come to terms with god in heart or spirit.

>"We" understand a part of him

Who is we? Who are these people who "saw" God? Jews living in the middle east 2000 years ago?

>Same reason why math exist.
God is idea, you cannot kill ideas.

*tips his edgy hat*

On the same page that is discussed in the Quran. Go read something before you discard it you pedophile worshipper.

>how do you create a neg-entropy generating system without an already created chunk of neg-entropy to spend?
I'm not sure if I understand of point here. Earth already has negative entropy because it's not a closed system.

Any of the cases you mentioned above are still possible though, we just don't have a time machine to know if it was the case on this planet in particular.

It doesn't need to care, it debunks unscientific claims simply by doing what it does.

If you're talking about intelligent life then you could make a case for improbability. Simple lifeforms such extremophiles seem to be really resilient and could emerge under almost any conditions.

Reminder to all you fucks that pic related first put forth the notion of the Big Bang theory of universal genesis.

>God exists by necessity.

And apparently appears out of nothing, because he can. The universe can't, but God can. Checkmate atheists.

And there's no morality without God, another logical argument for him to exist. You can't be nice to people if there isn't a bearded skydaddy giving you candies in afterlife. If you didn't get candy in afterlife you would just rape and murder everybody, including your own family and your pet dog, Spot.

Why do atheists even bother? How fucking retarded can people be?

>understand your point*

>Who is we

>Who are these people who "saw" God?
israelites, which are different from modern day jews .The Bible says that the isrealite race will one day become corrupted, and form "The synagogue of satan," which means they will abandon God, and become corrupted.
Your arguments are literally becoming less and less relevant and more and more "hey fuck you man."

>The Israelites saw God

Because they say so in the book they wrote?

>we don't have enough information about x topic to be 100% certain about it.
>it must be a bearded wizard in the sky!

yeah, I don't think so

>Where did the big bang come from?

Your mum's fat cunt.

Oh I see, you haven't read the book yourself. You just get your scientific knowledge from the misleading titles of pop-sci books.

>How fucking retarded can people be?
Retarded enough to think pedophile who rode a flying donkey is an ideal man and zombies existed 2000 yrs ago.

>apparently appears out of nothing
no one believes this

>And there's no morality without God, another logical argument for him to exist.
that's wrong though, it's not that "there's no morality without God," it's:

P1: If God does not exist, OBJECTIVE moral values and duties do not exist.
P2: Objective moral values and duties do exist.
C: Therefore, God exists.

A conscious force is just as good as any theory. God would be a force so he wouldn't be some magician.
God doesn't have a physical form, so he isn't some man.
Heaven is a completely seperate realm so he isn't in the sky.
The Bible says all of this shit.

Read Hugh Ross' books.

I don't know, there are some popular hypothesis about where it came from. I'm OK with waiting till someone does the hard work to figure it out, I'd rather be patient as opposed to shoving a God into that gap.

maybe God is like one of those particles in super-state. He exists and doesnt exist at the same time..

>Earth already has negative entropy because it's not a closed system.
Which depends on precisely setting the defined boundaries of your system, relegating everything else to an externality. Reality doesn't have externalities.

>He exists and doesnt exist at the same time
schrodinger pls leave.

The proper phrase would be isolate system.


how is his theory any less relevant than yours?
you can't prove that god is in a superposition so fuck off.

It was a joke >->

Yeah, science claims stupid bullshit they cant explain all the time (like quantum physics). How about atheist first explain the simpler things, like how a particle can be at 2 places at the same time..

Maybe then they can take on God.

>Reality doesn't have externalities
Well, organisms do, it's how DNA came to be.

>Reality doesn't have externalities.
How could we know that.

I believe in logic

except it was suspended during the formation of the universe =^]

"we don't know how it works" is good enough for me.. but oh you not knowing how to prove gods existence makes you dumb =^]

Extremely bad reasoning, I'll give you a minute to btfo your own statement.

Good point, but following that nihilist path leads to no new discoveries and no new questions

You shouldn't do this. It is wrong in every christian way.

Every man has the right to decide for themselves what they want to be, what way in life they want to go and MOST of all have the unquestionable right to decide for THEMSELVES what they wish to believe. Whether a man wants be a NAZI, an ATHEIST or a FUNDAMENTALIST, NO MAN has the right to decide FOR YOU what YOU have to believe.

A forced religion will only cause the opposite effect of the very religion it propegates. By forcing a man to believe in the Christian God will not make that man a Christian.

Even God himself did not force anyone to believe in him when he was walking among the most hated people of the earth. He told them what He came to do and they were told to make a choice. You were either WITH Him or Without Him. And when you decided NOT to follow him, he gave you the liberty to do so.

A man cannot be convinced by another man to become a Christian, but only by his own mind. A man wants to be seduced in a religion, and NOT being forced or misled.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Therefore, where there is liberty, there is the Spirit of the Lord working on the minds and hearts of the people who need him. Give those people space to make a decision, instead of quelling them with unsustained ´checkmate´ questions.

Yet even fucking chimpanzees know what's fair treatment and what isn't. They also knows how their pack's hierarchy works and it's rules. It must be their God telling them.

You people are insane.

>believing in magic and the supernatural
kill yourselves

Oh gosh, on both counts i feel sorry for you. To explain the 0 thing is the same as explaining the importance of universal morality just different logical contexts.

0 is called the additive identity. We can only show relations between random symbols like 1 and 2 by comparing it to a base number (called zero). Without 0 we can only give rough ideas of how much of something we have. A bunch vs a bigger bunch.

To make the logical leap to arithmetic requires a "conversion point" If A-A=0 and 0+A=A then we can form logical relations enough to give all numbers (abstract symbols) meaning and count to "infinity" via these theoretic but precise logical relations. Without 0 there is nothing to "connect" 1 to 2. The idea of 1 is easy to understand because it is tangible with the object identified as 1 object. But the idea of 0 is what makes objects countable.

Universal absolute morality works in a similar fashion.

God is what makes reality more than just random facts or meaningless information. All information is compared to god to obtain its place. Since god made man like him, we can use our 'selves' as a limited interpretative context (which is why all this new age shit focuses on the 'self as god' and buddhism is so meditation and anti-bias intensive). We are imperfect after all. God also perfectly bridges the material and transcendental (will or mind) and overarchs it across reality.

The physical world cannot explain god just like 1 cannot explain 0. But without a point of reference, reality becomes totally arbitrary. Since reality is overwhelmingly patterned and not-arbitrary (it positively exists) it is seemingly purposeful (causality exists) and logical in relations (causality is limited) .

It is unlikely that its origin is also not logical or purposeful. The very nature of reality is incomprehensible without these basic things. But these basic things necessitate a logical explanation which they cannot have if god does not exist.

>Extremely bad reasoning, I'll give you a minute to btfo your own statement.
I'd rather see you redefine "externality" to suit your own argument.

you are insane*

>not realizing that God is just a force like gravity, and not magical at all.
>Not realizing the supernatural is nothing more than the forces that exist outside of our universe, which atheists do believe stuff exists outside of our universe

You are one sad child.

>Where did the big bang come from? Checkmate Atheists.
You don't have to theist to doubt it.
"Universe grew larger after big bang..." - Larger compared to what? Universe is always the size of 1 universe (precisely).
"Expansion of the universe accelerated ...." - Compared to what? Higher density of mass means time flows slower EVERYWHERE in the universe, there is no external clock outside the universe measuring that acceleration.

>it's a "Cred Forums pretends to know anything about cosmology and quantum physics" episode

Srs guys r u srs r u srsposting in a fun thread

Actually your logic is flawed there. The Universe is infinite, but it sort of is stretching out infinitely. It;s complicated, but both scientists and christians know this to be the case. (The Bible says The Universe is being stretched out multiple times.)

Nice screening.

lol pseudointellectuals are hilarious.

>Intuitively doesnt seem possible to me. But I have no arguments against it.
I can understand why, its a silly claim that posts "evolution" as an ordered mechanism within chaos. If chaos was chaos, nothing could evolve.

Therefore the cause of said evolution must be ordered. Its just a different kind of argument but its basically refuted by the ontological argument.

There is no reason to believe the physics of the universe exists in magnificent constancy for its own sake. Physical laws (including those that must lead to evolution) must be caused.

Kek does not approve

>Tell me where God came from and I'll tell you where the big bang came from

>if an scientifical thing cant be an always existing thing, this means a magical one also can't

There was no big bang, there's only KEK

>ebola chan
>meme magic
>Lightning felling a crane at mecca and killing dozens after ISIS destroys a temple to Ba'al

You must be new here.

you have no idea what you're talking about and you'd rather blindly believe your scientist authority even though it's a logical fallacy to do so than think for yourself.

why do atheists always strawman the bible as something all theists believe?

It betrays how much resentment you hold towards your daddy.

>god doesn't exist because of these words we made up to explain that which is both unexplainable and not capable of being understood

because that is the implied origin of the universe for over a hundred years. Why pretend it's not?

have a (You), you deserved it. I dont really have anything to argue with you, but you provided me a new point of view...

>With knowledge in my artillery

He doesn't know the difference between arsenal and artillery

Oh haha I just noticed he used the word artillery.
What a fag.

Kek can check my 3

I'm a mathematician and these cracks trigger my autism more than anything else

>I understand what you are saying, but it still makes not much sense. We are not really surrounded with things that "always exist".
All physical laws and the very concept of energy always exists by necessity. But energy is unexplained (its considered a fundamental for this very reason)

can mods just starting banning these religion/anti-religion threads?

This triggers the unscientific cuck.

holy shit how have you fags not died yet
something outside any set of axioms need not be bounded by them

god is the spiritual idea that there is a force beyond our comprehension that is responsible for all of creation, and is intelligent.

It's literally the same idea that Nietzsche had with the force of the universe being subjectively described as Will.

The Bible utilized this concept that is innate in humans to manipulate people, that doesn't in any way deter from the concept itself.

you actually can't trust logic if you are an atheist. So your argument makes no sense, because if you're an atheist then you can't use logic.

>I'm a mathematician
I bet you don't even know how many sexy primes exist and what makes them so sexy.

>you actually can't trust logic if you are an atheist. So your argument makes no sense, because if you're an atheist then you can't use logic.

i just love that the majority of threads here are slide and or shitbait

just wonderful

>It's literally the same idea that Nietzsche had with the force of the universe being subjectively described as Will
That was Schopenhauer. Nietzsche only talks about a will to power that exists permeates a chaotic nature (Chaos sive Natura in contrast with Spinoza's Deus sive Natura).

I think he suggest that logic is part of thinking and therefore cannot be a factual something. Atheists are factual, logical thinking cannot exist in their mind, because religious people think in logic also.

>because particles don't just come from nowhere.

Well, they might be able to. You don't know till you observe it.

What are they sliding, faggot?

this, what is getting slided? the US attack on Syria?

You do realize without the god concept society does not exist beyond the 150-300 person tribe right?

The very identity that connects the will to do good and trust in others is belief in god. Even atheists do not trust other atheists in dictator games. FOH

It came from a religion some apes on 1 of probably many habitable planets just in our own galaxy invented.

>The very identity that connects the will to do good and trust in others is belief in god
Maybe that's why Christians and Muslims have been killing each other for centuries, so that their brothers could go to heaven sooner.

>implying anyone is going to convince these autists to become spiritual

it's not going to happen. Autists feel themselves superior, despite the fact that everyone they know out-fucking skills them at understanding social situations which implies perhaps that your autistic brain is only good at categorizing knowledge and can't synthesize it into understanding in any way.

Spirituality is a result of imagination/ creativity/ understanding being placed before knowledge, which, by the way, is something every creative genius in history has done. Something autists will never understand. They will just keep picturing themselves as some materialist genius, despite the fact that they are not, in fact, enlightened by their own autistic intellectual euphoria.

Are you autistic? This is a voluntary thread. Everything you said is moot in recognition of this.

>in our own galaxy invented.

I'm pretty sure atheistic dictators hold records in number of killings and deaths caused.

correct me if i'm wrong. Sure the universe was created at some point. You would be naive to think there could not be a higher power beyond this universe having power over us.

When we die if the multiverse concept is correct, that means there's several universes that would transfer our consciousness to their universe if every possibility is possible.


I don't know. But that I don't know something doesn't prove god ofc.

That's probably because atheists are more efficient.

I mean, they don't have to find excuses to kill people first.

so, you are the dude who believes that we basically died many times until now in this lifetime, but every time our consciousness transfers to an universe in which we survived.

well, that would take away much of the risk when you decide to join ISIS or rob a bank.

I'm saying 2 things
1: Logic is not the highest principle. It is the highest manifest principle that can be shared amongst more than one person. For example, logically you cannot justify why your own existence has value, or any existence. You cannot rationally justify why you would save your own loved ones instead of 2 complete strangers. You can say it's because of 'evolutionary bio-chemical reactions that cause emotion' but please not:

>not a reason. This is how it happens. like all of science, it is a HOW you have confused with a WHY. A real reason would be YOUR OWN reason. Which is purely irrational, yet still principled. A higher principle, in fact, than logic, but only subjectively.

2 to be an atheist and think about it in any meaningful way, you have to think 'how did universe start.' You want to explain it logic, which it is assumed is your reason for not believing in god. In order for logic to work, there has to be cause and effect. So in your theory of the universe, you necessarily either A. Think that cause and effect, and thus logic, was temporarily suspended. By believing logic was temporarily suspended, you have already broken down your reasoning for not believing in higher power or B. You have to claim that 'it has a rational explanation, except I don't know it' which also breaks down your reasoning for not believing in higher power.

Natural law exists. There are 'rules' to the way the universe functions. in hindsight all of these rules, of COURSE, must exist, because without them existing we wouldn't be here to be discussing them. When it comes down to it, spirituality is faith. But we can say that having faith is pragmatically beneficial, considering the phenomena of the placebo effect (which is simply scientific jargon that implies a hypothetical error, but in reality shows that faith itself is empowering).

It is the highest fallacy of atheists to think that one must either choose between faith and logic.

no i believe that we're lucky if there's an afterlife. Otherwise there's just a cold void.

I quite like Chinese Folk Religion.

>or B. You have to claim that 'it has a rational explanation, except I don't know it' which also breaks down your reasoning for not believing in higher power.
So basically the "I don't know, therefore God did it" argument?

Where did God come from?
Checkmate, theists

>no i believe that we're lucky if there's an afterlife.

I dont know, it is hard for me to believe that this is the first and only time I'll get to be born in an infinite/infinite reoccurring universe.

But even if it was, no big deal. You wouldn't be conscious of your nonexistence. You could view it as nirvana.

Otherside of the black hole that ate the last universe.




Conservative law of matter.
Can't I clame the same of matter with your logic? I thought atheists believe in whatever has the most scientific backing?

Look it up, the only truly atheistic society is an African tribe no greater than 300 people. All the other "modern" ones were Marxist and forced. All of which failed due to violent unrest and poverty. (and the insistence on determinism in some form)

Islam is fucked but i cannot deny they got to that size because their idea of god unified them. If anything they are a massive proof to the power of the god concept to unify people. Even if it is for a political purpose.

Its a simple idea. IF the law holds man accountable by force. Then god holds man accountable by guilt. So the god loving man has both guilt and force to hold him but the godless only has force. This implies atheists will be less trusted than theists and this is observed readily and consistently even with atheists.

Yes social mores make this a muddy relationship. But just like the herd immunity effect, atheists are protected by their own destructive beliefs from just living in a society that promotes religious values.

Religions but most importantly god, establishes trust and a rationale for good behavior. Man can always oppose the will of another man. But if the will of god is perfect, then man can only learn to accept it. If it is good, then man will be delighted and fulfilled in this acceptance.

That religions affect trust is proof of the power of this acceptance. That religious people are more often more fulfilled and happy than atheists (mediated by economic prosperity) is proof that it is good.

no, basically 'i don't know' makes your argument no more credible than any.

You believe in something you don't know, yet criticize those who believe in something they don't know, for semantic reasons.

I actually don't believe 'god did it' in the sense of creating the big bang. I believe that the universe is simply an expression of polarity; that it equals 0, but we experience the +1 and the -1

But again, understanding is best expressed in these sort of aphorisms, as Francis Bacon would say. Why? because scientific language is void of any understanding. People should realize that. They always try to portray cold observation as if this itself is meaning. Which it's not. Observation is not meaning.

Aphorisms are better to explain things to people because they require the person to reach the meaning on their own, and spirituality is pure meaning.

Atheists just don't believe in gods,Buddhists are atheists for example.(and they have myths and supernatural stuff) Sorry I don't understand your question about logic.

>jew on tv show mentions god
>everyone stops to look into the samera and tell you how stupid of a goy you are

>comedian mentions god
>he stops to tell you how stupid of a goy you are for believing in god

>atheists strawman christianity
>they then revel in how awesome every other culture was, every single one of which is spiritual

you have that completely backwards. You'd have to be an idiot if you think the media doesn't actively try to remove spirituality (and meaning) from our lives

so that you can be a consumerist automoton

which you are.

no, that's agnostics

atheists believe that there IS NO gods

There's a difference. One is lack of belief, one is belief to the contrary.

I have a hard time understanding the concept of mental consciousness transformation. If you got an exact copy of yourself would you share the same mind or soul?

Where did God come from?

the yin yang is a fucking torus.

How would being spiritual make you easier to control from the jews than being atheist. You literally just said da joos, and expected us to be like ok I see what you mean.

>buddhism is atheist

God is the concept of the spiritual state of nature, God didn't 'come' from anywhere because that language implies time. And god is outside of time.

god must be the end and the beginning in a concept where the was nothing there must have been something to balance the concept of nothing.


atheists are so annoying.

They can't even udnerstand that they are relying on language as if the word IS the thing, and as if using an atheistic word changes the state of the thing itself

Pic Related is perfect because it describes the aspect of the higher power

>If you got an exact copy of yourself would you share the same mind or soul?
no, I was thinking my consciousness would be reincarnated.

But, to be honest with you, I believe my consciousness is God, and it will get reincarnated no matter what.

I AM THAT I AM, is the name of God according to shekel collectors. Many other religions (like for example Hinduism) claim that the sense of "I am", our soul or you could call it conciousness is god/or part of god. depending on the riligion

The irony of that image is that the Catholic church created the Jew.

>Islam is fucked but i cannot deny they got to that size because their idea of god unified them
Muslims were already beheading themselves literally five minutes after Mohammed died. And they are still fighting today. No religion has achieved perfect unification because no religion is true.

>Religions but most importantly god, establishes trust and a rationale for good behavior. Man can always oppose the will of another man. But if the will of god is perfect, then man can only learn to accept it. If it is good, then man will be delighted and fulfilled in this acceptance.
Those are lots of ifs and history doesn't really support your argument. Men will always fight each other over their own interpretations of what the will of god really means.

>That religious people are more often more fulfilled and happy than atheists (mediated by economic prosperity) is proof that it is good.
Ignorance is bliss.

That's not what says. And I also use the word atheist as meaning the lack of belief in gods. But if you want to call me an agnostic that's fine by me.(to be honest I think agnostic is a bit of cop-out so that people in religious areas don't think they are worshiping the devil or something.)

People arguing over whether or not gods exist when either viewpoint can be countered with
>no proof

Well, most western societies aren't truly religious either. And why do you need god to feel guilt? Why people trust each other is biological it is most beneficial for most of us(, no god needed.

Yeah, for real. Like the whole "who created the creator" is a reasonable argument, because you then end up with infinity again (for hypothetical purposes of course) so, this post is actually the retarded argument.

well, whatever it says, what you're describing is agnostic, because not believing is not the same thing as believing there is no higher power.

I like to use higher power, because the word god has been misconstrued.

for example, if we had a religion and we conquered catholic christians, we would assume that they had multiple gods, because of the saints on the stained glass. And some people basically do see saints as that, some catholics see saints as basically the lower pantheon, kind of like god is odin and the saints are the asguardians.

I believe in a higher power; so I would say that I am spiritual, but I don't think that any mortal book can be 'true' when it comes to god

I think many atheists are simply atheists ebcause they assume that they must have a religion in order to be theists. In my opinon spirituality is a wholly subjective experience; you can't explain it to any other. Just like you can't logically explain your higher principles to someone and it make sense. You can justify your beliefs, but you can't logically convince someone else of your principles unless they hold similar principles already.

No, the reason why is because it would not be an "exact" copy.

Due to the difference in physical space, there is an immediate difference in perspective and consciousness, however tiny, that constitutes a real difference.

Confusion for sure, but same mind or soul? nope. The soul is in part bound to the consciousness and consciousness is bound to the body, even if the soul is not physical. This implies an extension of consciousness outside the physical (where it interacts with the soul and keeps the soul anchored to the body).

Long story short, it really just means two really similar but individual people. Choices will be mostly the same but will diverge with time and economic pulls.

Real life twins are a good example. They split when the zygote is just a cell or two big. All the same genetics but two totally separate individuals that often develop very differently due to social pressures.

Interesting food for thought, but since with most identical twins the second twin is born from parthenogenesis. Technically the older brother is the father to the younger brother.

i farded :-DDDDDDD


also, what I hate is that

western societies take christian morality even further than christians, despite being secular societies.

There is absolutely no reason for us to be christian. We have no reason to care about anyone else.

George lemetre

>Why people trust each other is biological it is most beneficial for most of us
I believed that for some time. It is such a depressive point of view. I basically didnt believe in love (it was all chemical impulses) and viewed women as evolved monkeys who only go for social status and men with power (which is true to a certain degree though).

Needless to say, I was not very happy.

you should read/ listen to the Kybalion

>Why people trust each other is biological it is most beneficial for most of us

that's not a reason, that's how it works in our brains.

Ah I see, I have believed in the supernatural before and entertain the idea sometimes.

>No religion has achieved perfect unification because no religion is true.
Aside from the fact that religion and god are different. I would argue that Catholicism is true simply because it occupies the best position in relation to truth of all world religions (by holding a position of universal objective morality, and positing that no truth can contradict it, essentially implying a necessary cooperation with science)

>Men will always fight each other over their own interpretations of what the will of god really means.
Consider the global decline in violence. Consider that the only cases of increased atheism resulted in massive increases in violence or that non-god governmental agencies or political powers armed with greed (not god) dealt the vast majority of these evils (around 90%).

Yes, people will always fight, men are violent. But having god is a more successful strategy than abandoning him. Especially if that god actually cares about you. Recent AND ancient history attests to this.

>Ignorance is bliss.
The reason marx called religion the opiate of the masses was because it did lead to satisfaction and happiness in the poor. When you are rich, you can fill your life with meaningless but stimulating shit so religion feels less important. Economics mediates the relationship between religion and happiness but there is no doubt that religion does bring people happiness (especially the elderly).

No, it's the other way around. Because it's most beneficial life with the trait passes it on. They don't have to consciously think that it's most beneficial they just need the desire/drive.(we don't do immoral things because they feel bad and we feel guilt.)

*we instead of they in last sentence.

>Why people trust each other is biological it is most beneficial for most of us(, no god needed.

Except there is no historical evidence for this and all evidence shows that as the god concept becomes more complex, society grows and becomes more complex. In order to trust that "guy 151" does not rape your wife, you need some basis for trust that is impersonal but connected to the personal. sep26.pdf

If anything what you are saying is a proof for religion. Do not forget that culture influences what our "genes" are exposed to (and religion is cultural). Survival in a city is vastly different to survival in a jungle.

yes, but there are exceptions which one cannot explain, which in turn made me believe there is some other power besides brain patterns and hormones which affects our decisions.

oh man, this is that libre recording?? It would probably sound better if I got the book in txt format and set the computer voice software to read it. Most of those volunteers are really bad readers, anyways, whats the TLDR there?


You had an existential crisis.
Just because it's chemicals doesn't mean it's any less important.

>some catholics see saints as basically the lower pantheon
Not an argument when the faith has fiat dogma from a centralized authority.

All the texts on the church would completely reveal its complex nature. Especially the multitude that deny your above statements.

Chemical impulses is the reason for love, that does not mean love doesn't exist love is still the same. I don't get why this is depressive to you. We share an ancestor with monkeys sure, but status and power are not the only desirable traits. Genetic compatibility, shared interests, devotion, are also things women go for.(and probably even more things I don't know)

Will I be punished in the next life for mowing my lawn? I feel as though I am doing constant harm to nature.

it's the nature of logic for their to be a first
consider the following
>time extends infinitely in both directions from now
>a time exists that is infinitely far away from "now" in the past
>from that time we'd never reach "now"
>"now" therefore could never happen
>therefore you don't exist because "now" doesn't exist
>since you don't exist, your argument was never made
>since your argument was never made there is no existing rebuttal to "where did the first quantum fluctuation come form?"
Conclusion: your argument disproves your argument's capability as an existing argument
From this evidence we see here that there is no conceivable way you could be more stupid

your words are wise. But it does it mean my consciousness is not just a mechanical outcome from my brain? How am i to know my life isn't pointless? Why shouldn't i commit suicide? I might as well when it's just like sleeping. In the greater scheme of things my life will have meant nothing.

>also, what I hate is that
>western societies take christian morality even further than Christians, despite being secular societies.
>There is absolutely no reason for us to be christian. We have no reason to care about anyone else.

Except that the rise of Marxism or paganism is directly correlated with this decrease in christianity. You should look into how the catholic church created the western civilization.
Here is a good (but basic) video by steven molneux:

Also secular society does not take christian morality further than christians. It rewards virtue signaling instead of actual virtue and panders to the lowest moral denominator in its ever consuming quest for "accepting others".

It bastardizes christianity and manipulates the good will of people.

Abortion is the ultimate evil and yet it literally only exists in societies where god is less important. How are you so brainwashed?

g-d bless

>You had an existential crisis.
whatever it was, I came out of it after reading Bhagavad Gita and accepting the existence of God again.

So if your wife found someone who has genes who are more compatible than yours, who has more power and gives her better chemical impulses, it would be best if she left you according to your theory of the universe.

Look at all the degeneracy happening in the world, people have more yet are less happy. How do you explain that??

"That understanding which considers irreligion to be religion and religion to be irreligion, under the spell of illusion and darkness, and strives always in the wrong direction, O Pārtha, is in the mode of ignorance."

What is historical evidence? And what kind of historical facts would you view as evidence for this.(I guess biological evidence is not enough). What do you mean with a basis for trust that is impersonal but connected to the personal? I don't understand. I just trust the people around me don't have malign intentions and that it probably due to information from the environment(I don't live in a distrustful environment) and the fact that most people are genetically inclined to be social.

yea it is, it's pretty good

the TL;DR is basically this, but explained out beautifully.

it doesn't matter what the doctrinal peculiarities are. That's not what I was talking about. i was talking about most of the followers, are polytheists. Even if you have a text that explicitly says 'we are not polytheists, if it gives rise to people who are polytheists, than it could be interpreted as such.

nothing that you just said disproved anything I said hahahahahaa

>the church built western civilization

literal retardation.

the western man built western civilization.

why would nature need consciousness. I'm pretty sure we'll soon create AI's which can outperform us in everything, but wont have consciousness.

If they do have consciousness, that will be said and I'll commit sudoku right away.

>a time exists that is infinitely far away from "now" in the past
Time only goes back to the big bang though. At least according to many common interpretations of the big bang theory.

Best for who? For me no of course not, I lose my wife. For her maybe, if she really loves him more. I don't believe people are less happy around the world and it's not like there is more degeneracy. Also I don't really get your quote.

Ah, but if it explodes by itself after a finite time, it can't exist forever, therefore there must be something before it too

Why would nature need anything? Nature is always about the good enough. As long as it survives, it survives and there is nature.

Yes it does actually. Without a metaphysics, there is no means to connect the 'important' to the meaningless physicality of it.

Therefore there is a direct contradiction between a pure atheism and the acceptance of meaning in life. His "existential crisis" was the experience of this contradiction. Which is quite beautiful. Most people experiencing this fuck around and distract themselves or don't understand the implications of it in a greater reality.

It is my believe that all existential crises are just moments your mind is breaking open into a bigger layer of reality by moving beyond unnecessarily limiting or untruthfully limiting axioms.

yes, but i believe consciousness is just a mechanical thread of relativity. Like how we feel we need to get laid, but in reality we don't. From a individual standpoint and it's all superficial.

With your logic two atheists can never trust each other, because at any given moment the other might just kill him. Even if they've been friends from childhood and known for decades.

Also following that same thought, religious people can do harm. Yet history proves this wrong as does reality, every day.

Your arguments are filled with holes that you refuse to see.

>can do NO harm

Meh, typos.

Where did "God" come from? Checkmate religion

I never really understood the need for meaning in some people.

therefore there is a "first" quantum fluctuation which caused the big bang
back to the argument of "where did the first quantum fluctuation come from"