Disenfranchised Men

This is by far one of the biggest and for whatever reason most overlooked problem of society today: men who are "dropping out".

Japan is the canary in the gold mine: independent.co.uk/news/world/japan-has-a-worrying-number-of-virgins-government-finds-a7312961.html

Why try to get a good job, compete for an attractive wife, and have children, when that dream is rendered almost 100% impossible because of the WACK economic environment we live in and "Chad culture" (i.e., your girl will get fucked by a dark triage male while you're dating as social media and shit like Tinder facilitates the "fuck and chuck" high-testosterone, bad-boy sexual dynamic like poetry).

This is reinforced to hell and back with new, highly addictive mediums of entertainment like video games and TV shows. Plus, with porn and weed, who needs women?

Men are getting a bad deal, and so they're opting out-BUT THIS UNFORTUNATELY COINCIDES WITH THE DEBASEMENT OF MASCULINITY AND THE ATTACK ON THE PATRIARCHY BY SJWS! This is a mother fucking conundrum, my friends.

Other urls found in this thread:


We've been a doomsday cult for years so why would we care?

no amount of porn or supplements and feelings of hope can overtake this feeling of lonliness.

you son of a bitch


Well first of you all, we should work anyway so that we can live independently. Even if that means going MGTOW.

I hate Chad culture too. I'm just glad my gf doesn't have a Facebook. But its very difficult to sustain trusting LTR's in today's dating climate

They have nothing to work for, that's why.

Like it or not, humans are creatures of incentive. When you remove the incentive for wanting to work and contribute to the world around you, naturally you will turn to a default state of self-directed hedonism.

"Work full time." For what reason? There's no loving wife to look after, no kids to provide for and help develop.

"Get off of the internet." For what reason? All of my entertainment desires are meant with a few simple clicks.

Society is supposed to make itself appealing, which in turn would cause people to put aside their own selfish desires, but society has failed to do that. As a result, people just don't care anymore and I can't blame them in the least.

And this mindset is growing more and more with each passing day. I shudder to think how the world will be in a decade's time if things do not turn around, but this is life now.

Western society is hard on men and worships women, and it also expects men to adhere to our gender roles and give women feminism and chivalry simultaneously while we are ALSO taking all the abuse and criticism the world wants to throw at us while building and maintaining civilization at the same time.

It's a sad, pathetic, degenerate, evil situation.

>blaming culture

No one is stopping you from

1) being celibrate or short term dating

2) marrying

Rightwingers constantly drone on about culture being the ultimate result of biology on the subject of IQ & the economy, but are unable to make the same connections with regard to human mating.

Honestly I'm much happier being single than I am with any woman.
I'm not really into the tinder shit either, I've fucked like 30 girls so I don't really give a shit when someone talks shit about me "not getting any pussy"
fucking random whores isn't the path to happiness

>44.2 percent of the women aged 18 to 34 are still virgins in Japan


Why should you work hard though
I'd live in a slightly bigger apartment maybe. But I'd still work (slightly harder), come home, get some food, fap and then play games/shitpost

A higher income/more prestige wouldn't change anything. I am content with leaving the important stuff to women now, they really seem to want it

>Games , weed and porn
>Men are getting a bad deal
Hey guy if you really like that, it means it is bad for you. See how hate my wife, thats the way things should be.
Yea fuck that, ill stick to my "bad" deal

. More than anything I would love to make over replacement rate number of children with a kind, caring wife who has strong maternal instincts .

I absolutely want this more than anything.I'd give up vidya forever for this .

However women aged 19-22 are not interested in this. My only options are sleep around. Thanks tinder culture and critical theory.

Without a family, without kids, there is really nothing to work for in life.

We'll see a gigantic suicide wave of washed out losers at 30, 50 and 70 for different reasons.

You can complain about the deck stacked against you, it is. But if the answer is just giving in to nihilism and navel gazing hedonism just buy that big heroin shot and go out in a blaze tonight. Why wait? If those are your values go to the logical end stage now.

A kurva anyádat.

You're just a weak cuck. A loser.

I run my own business and and made £30k loose change this year alone. I don't have a girl friend/wife because I despise women.

But that doesn't mean I'm some fucking beta cuck. Money is power. And financial freedom is true freedom.

Get free or die a slave to your government. Fucking parasite.

I have a girlfriend, but i've been playing some Japanese VN's and suddenly I want something more, something that I know is fantasy, but I still want it more than what I have now. If I could live in a world of fantasy I would choose it over the real world. I don't know how to explain it. I'm in the process of applying to law school, but still there is the temptation to drop out and live in a world of fantasy. I can't explain it.

I think that if you expect someone to actively remove the sources of gratification in their life without some guarantee there will be a payoff down the line you're wasting your time
Take for example
>I'd give up vidya forever for this
It's not that porn/ vidya/ escapism are better than settling down and marrying it's that one is a whole lot fucking easier and stopping it is only worth it if you'll definitely get the alternative
I don't know why there are constant articles and discussion on this topic when it's really very simple
One offer is better overall, when this changes behaviour will change accordingly


how can you call anyone a loser if you 'despise women' and dont have a gf?

enjoy not spreading your genes like a real man

>b-but i made moneys!

I don't get it, really. One man can make dozens of children. So just make it mandatory for every man to raise a child directly or indirectly. This way, everybody can have the sex they deserve, the single life they all want and you raise fertility rates at the same time.


No need to explain it. We know.


The temptation will only grow while studying Law user
trust me on that one

Its not as if you absolutely have to quit playing games after you marry or have a kid. I was pointing out what I would be willing to give up though.

The biggest issue for me is how much personal free time I have to give up to go scouting potential women to date. I have very little free time outside of lifting , studying, shopping, cooking and cleaning around my apartment, etc

To get into a relationship with a chick I'd need to do a lot of PUA tier plates spinning. Because there are so many girls out there that are chameleons and adapt to your personality and expertly hide their neuroses or emotional problems for as long as they can. And that means you have to do a lot of vetting so you don't get played. Which translates into time

Its all so tiresome. I'd rather focus on my studies and play vidya in what little free time I have


To get a wife nowadys, you have to:

>risk being jailed for alleged sexual assault
>not gain much because porn exists
>possibly get cucked by cheating wife
>have to sacrifice memes and vidya for the sake of a family
>gf sucks so much of your time and you have to pretend to like her dumb shit just to get laid

Basically, feminists made it normal for men to fake who they are, and we're getting sick of it because we have other options available.

All you gotta do is strive to be at harmony with the Dao. Some men shall ascend into a new age where we have sex with kids. If you aren't striving to be an immortal aryan patriarch then just...

Fuck if I care, I'm happy being alone and having all the time in the world to myself without the constant bickering of some wench or shitty kid.

I tried the relationship thing and its not for me, I can't stand being with someone for more than 3 days at a time.

This is what happens when you destroy family values and push pre-marital sex, contraception, divorce, etc. on the population. You can thank the Jews for all that.

Also, you have to remember that historically whenever you get a large number of unmarried and unemployed men, they start revolutions and form merc companies and the like. Unlike married men, who have to think of their families, single men have nothing to lose. The Jews realised this, that eventually the NEETs would rebel and restore the old order. That's why they pushed for welfare, porn, and the like. By doing that they managed to keep the NEETs occupied and weak. Instead of being strong, bored men like they were historically, NEETs became weak, emasculated loners who have anime, porn and video games to occupy them. Modern NEETs aren't gonna start any revolutions, and the Chads that are benefitting from this system won't either. Because of that, the Jews will be able to destroy white civilisation with no one to stop them until it's already too late.

You get it Jewbro. Here in Canada.

> enter Tinder/social media rife dating culture
> spend a lot of money finding a girl
> spend lots of money maintaining the relationship through dates
> women aren't even shamed for cheating
> move in/marry means risking 50% of your assets
> woman can at any time decide that she wants to leave
> for any reason

Men don't even have families here. Women can constantly look for an upgrade and once they find him ruin their current man financially/emotionally. The juice just isn't worth the squeeze.

Yeah. That sounds right.

>Modern NEETs aren't gonna start any revolutions

I meant a violent revolution. But the point still stands even for democratic revolutions. The real NEETs aren't even gonna bother voting, they'll just stay at their desks meming.

I can confirm. I've tried explaining to the retards on this board that my distaste for women comes from my experiences from them, especially when I dated them. I just haven't seen much good come from women during my lifetime. I'm not even angry at them, I blame western culture. But still, I have a distaste and distrust for them, naturally. I don't want a family, Cred Forums has tried and failed to change my mind about that.

I've decided that if I ever start a family it won't be in Canada or the west. But for now, fuck women, fuck responsibilities. I'm going to work just enough to fund my travels around the world, and no more. No reason to break our backs if we are just working for ourselves.

well fuck
that makes sense


What's really annoying is when you have 35 year olds who last dated during Bush's term, or a 20 year old who's still with the girl he started dating in junior high say
>dude dont just give up, the keepers are out there you just gotta look :^)

>mfw raised by single mom
>Socially akward throughout highschool
>Now in college
>Kind of improved but still autist around girls
I'm just getting so tired of being rejected. I'm not fat, I dress nice, keep clean and do club sports and other shit. But I just cannot project confidence. I overthink shit way too much, and in the end I'd rather just be passive and reserved.

Girls my age seem to expect so much, and they'll drop you for anything that's more interesting at the moment, why bother?

in many ways rome started from the unattached men of disparate nations

Become gay

unfortunately, the only way to live well in this world is by holding power. power usually comes in the form of wealth or status. If you have power, the world is a pretty comfy place.

quit being a loser

Economic outlooks and ''chad culture'' (whatever that is, have absolutely nothing to do with it. Just look at Africa they have both of that much more than in the west and they're shitting out babies.

What they do not have access to is internet! And with internet comes all kinds of sexual content that would otherwise not be there. If the sexual content on the internet is better than what real life has to offer it makes sense more people go towards the internet.

Also on top of this a difference that Africa has with more civilized societies is that Africa has no woman's rights agenda. This may or may not be linked to the decline of birth rates and increase of virgins.

It's not just men who don't have sex.

Women have literally nothing to offer me.

I had girlfriends in HS and a couple years after. I tried it and realized it is pointless.

I can spend 30 seconds jerking off or spend thousands of dollars, hundreds of hours and countless frustrating moments dealing with a female.

If I am lonely I can post on Cred Forums.

I would never bring children into this disgusting, jewified world.

No thanks ladies, have fun with your STD-ridden chad.

Yeah, and then those same women will sperg out online about "HURRR HOT WOMEN HAVE IT SO HARD BECAUSE GUYS DON'T APPROACH US ANYMORE HURRRRRRRR".

Ever since I've been going out more and more, my skills have sharpened, and one thing I've noticed is that pretty much ALL hot women walk around with a chip on their shoulder. Not sure why. Maybe it's the entitlement complex. They are all snobby cunts, no exceptions.


Fit and not bad looking
People ask me for my gf and my job
I'm a virgin neet
Thing is, I was depressed since a member of my family died and life kind of stop making sense to me
Other people have lost closer ones and they keep fighting
But I stop caring about everything
My parents have finally realized that I'll never graduate uni
When I was young people thought I was smart, that I would do things.
Some still do
But I just don't give a fuck
I just want to sleep all day
I went to the doctor, gave me some pills
But they aren't magic
Depression can't be cured by pills
You have to go out, get fit, get a job, a gf...
You can cure it that way.
But I won't find any job here nor I will find a gf
I don't have the money to atract one
I don't like to go out, get drunk and dance.
I only keep doing for my friends and family
They love me but I just don't feel like it
I think I will donate my semen, that way I'd acomplish something in life
Then I'll go to the military and shoot my head off.

I feel bad for you guys who talk like this. Have i been 100% not lonely? No. But honestly. How many straight guys don't do anything fun or shmekshi with their mates? Not many. Find a butch curious guy or some male friends. Maybe even a ghey. And I or them could cook for ya. Play vidya. Play with benises and not nag you. Take time to decide. Nobody wants kids but it's not like I couldn't use a surrogate. All the best

Africa is full of unmarried unintegrated men roaming the land and causing havoc though

That's pretty much the only cool thing about Africa. You can still live like a real warlord/condottiere/bandit

Delete this

What the fuck else is there? Giving up when it's about your life and future is retarded.

You fight against the odds to succeed. That's what life is. Evidently there are still women out there, some worth fighting for.

If bad odds scare you into making LESS effort instead of more just stay in your basement on government gibs for life.

man I get my head ripped off if I so much as make eye contact

Why does alimony even exist? Why does a man have to pay a woman for leaving him when the kids are over 18? Just this proves the system is rigged against males. Not to mention the cuckold media pushing girls to find themself a Jamal or Tyrone, cuz you know being an illiterate nigger that can't forma coherent sentence is cool and trendy.

burn your soul on the altar of change. Only the fires of your irrational will can motivate you from depths of reality. And it's not depression, its sadness, it would be weird if you acted normal

came here to post this

we know what is next, they know what is next

What benefits do you get from spreading genes besides a couple of unthankful spawn that will eat up your life?

Even if they get kids, I might not even be there anymore to see that. It seems like a shitty deal to me, to get kids.

Common law

It's coal mine you fucking burger

when women say stuff like that they think about some Chad who didn't hit on them even though they wanted him to. They don't think about you or me



you got me good


> LARPing swede
I got bills to pay
I am an impoverished college student with an intense degree
I have little free time
Its fucking dumb for a older guy who never had to deal with tinder culture to "find the one"
Its fucking dumb for a guy who found his life partner when they were kids to tell me "look harder"

Its literally "let them eat cake" tier advice
You're so out of touch

I can't afford to take tons of women out on dates to vet them and make sure I'm not getting played

If you need this explained to you you obviously are insanely lucky in your youth or are part of the older generation

I know. But guys like me and you still get the fucking backlash for it. I've had enough. Women don't really have it hard in any way in western society. Women are not owed attention by me, you, Chad, or any other male. The way things are right now is an abomination. Men need to be uplifted, not knocked down 24/7.

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>shit job
>shit degree
>only a cheap Harley Davidson to my name
>no job prospects

But I have been in long term monogamous relationships and I am now getting married, that apparently means every woman wants me to cheat with them at every opportunity. Women literally screwed themselves over with feminism, they rejected exactly what they wanted from life.

You dont have to lie to kick it brother.

This board is way too into the whole chad thing. I'm a 5'6" manlet who's kinda autist sometimes and watches anime p regularly, I didn't even go to the gym regularly until like a month ago. Am not chad but am certainly not beta. learn how to have decent conversations with rando chicks, protip its literally just listening to what they have to say and asking follow up questions. Be polite but dont be stiff, the whole girls only like mean guys thing is mostly bs, they just dont like weak pandering beta cucks. Maybe tease them a little bit if you are comfortable with them/drinking whatever. Learn how to handle your liquor, 99% of the time i've gotten laid i've been drunk (helps with confidence/social skills), but noone likes the too drunk guy who cant handle his shit. Most importantly be funny, chicks love funny guys, this can be kind hard to master because different girls find different things funny and it can be hard to find where the line is for acceptable and unacceptable times/topics. Use your autism to your advantage, study other peoples faces and body language when they are talking to others, every person/friendgroup/city has different social subtleties. I've never read any self help books or anything and consider my social side to be a reactionary mechanism for the most part. If you have social anxiety don't smoke cigs, weed or drink caffeine all of these are proven to make it worse. Be good looking, obviously not everyones a model but being well groomed and dressed can make up for quite a bit, especially if you have a good personality, obviously you will have to put in more effort to get in the door than 6' good looking guy but thats the way of the road bub.

we are all gon make it anons

Women can't be trusted.
I woman is only yours when you are on top of her.
80% of women will fucking drop you
the risk of long term commitment is scary.
>i am 28-fucked hot bitches.
>fucked women abroad.
>got cheated on
>spent time with a real dark triad mother fucker.
>saw him totally destroy my concept of good girls
>I can't plan on a future that isn't treating women as a short term novelty.
> I want a wife and family and think a good wife can only be found abroad.

Rome fell because women had gained too much power and the men who kept Rome together began to find themselves detached from their own society, feeling no need to participate or defend it. They slid into decadence and the roman army ended up having to use foreigners to defend it's own borders because there was no motivation by the male populace to serve. Then the waves of Barbarians rushed in, and no defense could be mounted. They took and fucked all the Roman women, which was no big deal for them one cock was as good as another. Then the barbarians had babies and kept the land they seized with force and colonized.

Sound familiar? It should.

There will be a big war in Europe within our lifetime because society has been rigged to minimize white births while emphasizing those of the barbarian. And the barbarian will want land and treasure of their own

Where do you live m8? I'll fight you in real life.

Same here.

Last couple of girls I was getting close with dumped me faster than a prom baby for...fuck if I honestly know anymore. Having my confidence shaken up and working in a shitty neighborhood is really putting me on edge.

The welfare state is responsible.
Why create a secure family when the government will provide?

>that apparently means every woman wants me to cheat with them at every opportunity.
Story time? I want to hear about whores who lust after you, chap

i'm supposed to meet a nice girl, marry her, buy a house, have kids, work, etc

meanwhile i can't find a single fucking woman that isn't a slut, housing prices are going through the roof, taxes are going up, work is getting both harder to find and conditions are dropping (if you're a white male), and even wanting to have fun and meet new people is unacceptable unless you're doing it while shitfaced a club somewhere

so you know what? fuck you. i'm doing everything for myself, everyone else can go and get fucked.


You have swallowed a fucking pfizer supply truck of blue pills, women are like children, you need to hold their interest, they will get distracted if you let them and you need a firm hand.

I have no problem finding women, but they all turn out to be sluts

I just want a qt girl to marry and have kids with

How do I do it, Cred Forums?

I've been dosing and red pills since I was 20 bitch.

>video games and TV shows. Plus, with porn and weed, who needs women?
Whatever else you say, you cannot escape how compelling this argument is all by itself.

probably marry a foreigner. Feminism really is cancer.

Everyone knows if you drink and talk to random chicks at parties and clubs eventually you will get laid

You're not imparting any new info, user

The topic here is how to get a stable LTR with a chick who would be a good mother one day , so called "keepers"


>This is by far one of the biggest and for whatever reason most overlooked problem of society today: men who are "dropping out".

Cred Forums and /r9k/ have been have daily threads that might as well be /dropout/ general, "overlooked" my ass

you're probably just depressed. as a man, it's actually incredible easy to be on your own and remain happy.

Obviously not.

>keep blaming men for all women's problems
>keep blaming the majority (read : white) men for the problem of minorities
>push women to be self-sufficient, making husbands unnecessary
>increase working conditions and salaries for all except men who only get stagnation
>give away degrees and make woment and minorities a priority for selective schools and fields of work because muh quotas
>act surprized when they lose motivation
"b-but where have the men gone? why don't they want to marry? why aren't they ambitious anymore?"
You wanted equality for all, equity in the workplace, inclusivity everywhere. Well now you have it.
That's what happens when you want to have your cake and eat it.

>Why aren't people throwing their lives away and marrying and having kids like in my little perfect world fantasies :(

Have you found the holocaust that's right for you

>women gained too much power
Source? Genuinely curious. Last i checked it was due to a overreliance on foreign mercenaries who weren't loyal to the empire, and the men just stopped giving a shit because of distractions such as the colosseum and whatnot.

Did someone say gold mine?

>canary in the gold mine

Considering how badly the people we saved from the camps ended up fucking up our society from the inside, I'd say we are overdue for another

No stories to tell, I don't cheat and the moment I did these women probably wouldn't want me as the illusion of me being 'the perfect boyfriend' would be shattered, unless they were so arrogant to think they are too special to be cheated on.


That's really it. Everyone made excuses for it for so long that you were considered childish or wimpy for complaining.

Now there are alternatives to relationships that provide at least some of the satisfaction but for none of the draw backs. Now it's just market forces.

It was a completely minor part, but with a lot of men either working in the distant provinces of the empire or being in the army, women were at points left to manage the house and the affairs and business left in Rome or close.

You're mostly correct. Women still get feminism and chivalry, equality and special treatment. It's just not as strong as it once was, because men like me are stepping back now.

Total equality is not possible. Yes, women got what they "wanted", but they always wanted to be "equal" yet get special treatment. They now have it, but the signs show that the foundation is shaking, and so they are panicking, and forcing this "HURR MAN UP AND BE A REAL MAN" meme onto guys on the internet.

All guys need to do at this point is not be doormats and women will panic even more.

> have girlfriend
> she wants me to buy her shit and eat out all the time
> wants to to spend all
My time all the time with her and gets mad when I wanna hangout with the dudes
>when no gf I have tons of money and I can buy shit I want and do what I want and I won't get birches at for irrelevant shit
Like, pussy is cool but it's not really worth it because it comes with way to much hassle

You are just in puberty. Once the hormones leave your body you'll be able to think straight. OP needs to stop being a retarded cunt. We need to make a society together as white males that is stable. We will perfect test tube babies and make men who are happy and healthy. Then we will isolate ourselves and let the world do it's thing but obviously we need to make measures to ensure they don't destroy the planet.

rome was founded by believers in women's suffrage, now their gender politics weren't exactly 21st century, but still

I second this. I heard Rome went in decline when women were allowed in universities but I can't find any source that says they did

It's overlooked by people in general. Cred Forums and /r9k/ aren't representative of the general population. Barely anyone in the real world's talking about this, besides Japan.

it is hard to get worked up about much when there isn't much they'll let u do

Women will soon be replaced by artificial wombs, so why bother with them or the society that caters to them until that's the case?

Once our effort is worth it, men will become active again naturally.

I just want stories of you rejecting roasties fam8

>calculating nihilist
>banging 40+ year old moms I meet on dating sites
>one of them offered to introduce me to her daughter while I was on a date with her
>currently dating said daughter
>she's smart, average looks-wise, I guess good wife material
>feel nothing when with her
>mfw my entire life

I'm another guy, but seriously, all you are talking about is aimed at western girls. Screw them, but there are other cultures that are civilized but poor and compatible with western men.


This. We will then really get started on science and the arts. And make amazing video games and anime. Somehow start a cycle with each iteration being unique and new or something.

maybe not hard enough.

I ain't blue pill one shit though. Maybe I have some beta tendencies.

i've had some pretty big wins.

Do a mother daughter 3-way then change your phone number

This is why I only fuck nice Jewish girls.

>want a wife and kids
>would only want to have sex for the purposes of procreation, so only a few times for the rest of my life
>not into cuck shit
there goes that

Genetic modification, Motherless children. Traditional relationships are dying and they are never coming back.

Stop sacrificing 20 years of your life and hundred of thousands of dollars in order to role play some 1950s meme lifestyle or pass on your soon to be irrelevant genes.

I work full time so I can be independent.

No gf though so I can at least die in this apartment alone with dignity and not in my parents basement surrounded by Mountain Dew bottles

canary in the gold mine?

fuck off, idiot

The top 20% of men are getting all the desirable women with very little effort, leaving bread crumbs for everyone else. So why try? Why even go for a high paying job when you're single with no kids? You don't need that extra stress. For what, a slightly nicer place to live and a nicer car (to drive to work in?). I said fuck it. I'm content with internet, fapping, weed/beer, hitting the gym hard. If a girl comes my way I'll go for it but at 26 it just doesn't seem possible. I just keep working part time low end jobs to scrape by and smoking my weed.

that was fast

We're starting to see bullshit blog articles and other online publication seeing that feminism is backfiring.
If you dig a bit, you can now find a bunch of feminists telling you that they are disappointed by their jobs because guess what? Corporate culture is dreadful, your 9-to-5 is boring and exhausting, you don't have time for yourself anymore. But you strived for that, yo uwanted that precious equality and now you're starting to see why men have been a sad bunch for a while : because it sucks to be a provider, even just for yourself.
Tough shit.

See lad, I hope this shit is true for you but then again you are a nihilist so whats the point?

Where would I find one of those fabled women?

>spent my life in countryside
>non existant dad
>mom afraid I could go outside

Overlooked, in that it's a major problem society doesn't give a shit about or blames men for even though they didn't cause

I didn't bang the mom. She told me she wanted to meet up with me just out of curiosity.

The daughter is my first girlfriend ever, and so far it's been extremely tiresome and my wallet's is getting shoahed on every date.

The point is to leave offspring, literally your only job as an organism. Can't go against the natural order.



and as the economy gets worse this will spiral downwards towards the inevitable change

east asia and parts of central and eastern europe i would assume

broke loser detected. fucking parasite, you're no better than a nigger.

>make hostile increasingly more hostile for men over a 50+ year campaign
>wonder why men don't want to roleplay a 1950s family except without any of the power, respect, security, or incentive

Really stimulates the grey matter huh?

I wish I could into little indulgent stuff like that. I just can't get interested in video games anymore. It's suffering, man.

The fall of rome from feminists


Married a girl who is hot, hates kids, loves the anime, shows, music i like and introduces me to new stuff i probably would miss. I work a decent job, she sells stuff online and maintains the house. We play vidya, bang, get fucked up, watch movies and shit when im not working. Life is not so bad imo.

are you going to scarborough fair?

the supreme gentleman begs to differ

i didnt realise we had such a mgtow jews in the UK

Artificial wombs are a major false hope meme. The illuminati have that shit and clones but are still degenerate as fuck and failing because they can't clone souls.

The real masculine backlash and revival is going to be total hedonistic pedophile sex orgies, pedagogy, pumping loli cunts full of sperm and milking cowsluts.

Gonna feel real good living like Ancient Greece 2.0

>No gf though so I can at least die in this apartment alone with dignity and not in my parents basement surrounded by Mountain Dew bottles

That's the spirit!

I don't understand why you guys don't just become Chads. You're always whining about how Chads get all the girls. Be confident and forward with women, workout, eat healthily, and be masculine. If you a face that isn't butt ugly and you aren't a total manlet and you do all of those things, you should find yourself in the top 20% of men.

We always talk about the downfall of men in western civilisation and how too many are pussies. The advantage of men being pathetic is that it isn't hard to get into the top 20%. Stop wasting your life, particularly your youth.

Extremely underrated post.

You literally spoke my mind user, I cannot find a single reason why I should work full time when it leads to nothing. I still live with my family at 25 and my dad keeps telling me to get a full time job somewhere that'll pay maybe $11 an hour... but for what?

Just so I can live all alone in a little studio apartment? Day in -- Day out live style of no meaning. I don't have a religion because God is a man made construct, and women today are more whorish than ever before. There just isn't any hope left for men out there except for a small handful.

Thank you pizza

Dark triad male here. As you can see I am shit posting on Cred Forums.

I've never had gf, never held hands kissed etc. I've become attuned to the loneliness and it genuinely doesn't bother me in the slightest anymore.

Whilst others have been going out and engaging in Chad mode I go to library and shitpost. It means my grades are exceptional, I've got about $40k in bank (I'm only 22) and because I don't need money to pay rent, go out, buy clothes I.e. spend money to attract girls, it means in the holidays I can do internships for free, so I also have good work experience.

I may get a gf when I land a graduate job, but there's no way I'm getting a girl that has been fucked by many many Chads.

That either means I go young (age 18 or 19), go Asian (if she's shy and not degenerate like western women) or stay single and just go massages and brothels (legal in Aus).

>The advantage of men being pathetic is that it isn't hard to get into the top 20%.
Pretty much this desu

get out of your parents' hair you moron

not a psychological option for many, others have other constraints

>(1 KB, 16x125)

I don't care if Chad gets all the women. It's just a fact. I've gotten women before. I am more concerned about the direction of western culture and civilization as a whole. It's not sustainable. Why do people always demand that males change to serve society? Why can't society change to serve us? The only responses I get back when I ask this are cliche "HURR BE A REAL MAN" replies that mean nothing. It disturbs me how western society favors women and hates men.

>bro just radically alter your personality on a fundamental level
>haha m8 just suddenly find yourself brimming with self-confidence, something that you haven't had your entire adolescent to adult life
>lmfao bruv, just pretend to be someone else entirely, then get into a relationship on false pretenses
>oi m8 it's clearly the best course of action, it's not as if the relationship would fall apart after your false sense of confidence wears off

agree with this.

this is the right attitude.

However, maintain that most women are shit for putting up with for more than a short while

This, problem is 99% of women are still whores

hes a jew, cant stop thinking about gold

I went that route about 3 years ago. Became bitter over women's hypocrisy and their lack of interest in a man with decent behavior, so I acted like the ass they wanted. This worked insanely well and meant I fucked over 10 girls in 2 years and denied at least 5 more.

The catch to this whole social experiment of mine is that I didn't gain what I set out to achieve. sex isn't the goal, having a loving partner is. So now I have sunk even deeper into the nihilistic realization that there is literally no winning with the modern female.

>inb4 fuck a church slut

Extremely good plan.

browse a Cred Forums self improvement thread some time my friend

good poast

they always could clone ginggers as they have no soul

(please ignore flag)
The problem is that no one can do anything about it, so no one talks about it. The core issue is that too many productive males are unable to find feasible sexual/emotional exchanges for their value to society from women. The only way to counter this is to look women in the eye and tell them to lower their standards, which are biologically conceived so it just won't happen. It's likely that this is nature's antibody to the excessive left-brain dominance of the current sociological paradigm.

Even if your story is true, have you considered that you can't find a loving partner because you're still insecure deep down and don't know what you want from life?

A life that revolves around chasing pussy and acting in a particular way in order to achieve that is no life at all.

What you are asking for is for people to contribute to declining standards when they lambast it here daily. Is this not hypocritical?

>the same fat neet faggot fuck making this same thread all the time

stop nobody gives a fuck in the real world or online that you are a loser.

stop hanging around with the machines that are 1%, and can perform wizardy on women, they will fuck up your perspective

Why is this guy using his lap top right in front of him if hes wearing le space goggles

I hear the japanese population is stabilizing and there was no muzzies or refugees needed to help them.

nah, these would just tell me to gass myself because since I'm not "aryan", I'm not white
Cred Forums is the worst place one could go to for self-help
it's the opposite of a hugbox, it is the internet's foremost hurtbox

Are KS generals still running?

>I don't have a religion because God is a man made construct, and women today are more whorish than ever before. There just isn't any hope left for men out there except for a small handful.

Our purpose over the coming century is to reconquer, slaughtering hordes of xenos and retaking our governments, homelands, Southern Africa and ultimately Constantinople. We have a task ahead of us to construct the new Imperium before we are racially exterminated and our degraded degenerate societies collapse into the sea. It will be done or else we face oblivion.

>They took and fucked all the Roman women, which was no big deal for them one cock was as good as another

fucking this, look how these white whores are being raped by ackmed, then either cover it up, or blame white men, its fucking true man, human nature is brutally ugly

Maybe in the UK that works, but in the US you cannot become "chad". Chad is chad because of genetics. Usually 6'1 - 6'3, extremely wide shoulders, handsome chiseled face, perfect hairline etc. Its all genetic. You can work to become the best version of yourself, but if you don't have the genetics it just doesn't work.

No amount of confidence, working out, haircuts, clothes will beat genetics. Not in the USA at least.

Rome was the cause for the fall of Rome.
The Roman Empire was garbage and relied almost exclusively on Roman Republic everything from tactics, to culture, to city planning. There was only so long they could copy and they started taking shit from lesser cultures and said multiculturalism burned their empire to the ground
Roman Empire a shit

fucking this right here.

All my gf's broke up with me because they constantly want to be impressed with fancy dinners, going out and travelling which is expensive as fuck.

I've realized I never want to date again and at this point probably won't even get married. Goodbye spreading my white genes, hello dying alone. The funny thing is I don't even give a fuck any more. I'm sure people will call me the ultimate cuck but at this point you can't insult someone with is apathetic.

Just find something else.

Remember-you are a MAN. You are capable of actually enjoying things even if there's no superficial social payoff at the end. You don't need petty social badges to have an enjoyable hobby.

i never understand this line of reasoning.
>clearly the problem is your own issues, it's not as if young women in modern society are totally averse to long term relationships, which would cause issues in any man who wanted a stable, loving relationship
it's like "have you considered wet roads cause rain?"

backwards logic

>wonder why men don't want to roleplay a 1950s family except without any of the power, respect, security, or incentive

damn that really sums it up

the only other point I would make is that by phrasing it "roleplay a 1950s family" you make is seem petty and pointless

when men roleplay a 1950s family, they form powerful stable, prosperous, and strong societies WHERE WOMEN AND MEN ARE ULTIMATELY FAR HAPPIER

>acted like the ass
how ?? girls have hated me even more when i acted rude

I just hate how you know that the girl you're texting is simultaneously texting 10 other guys. I've given up on actively seeking a relationship, even going to clubs is fucking boring now. I don't know why I spent so many hours and so much money on drinks, just to get laid with some slut. All I do now is focus on my education and I'm doing fine desu

The story is true, and unfortunately I find myself back to the drawing board so to speak. I have a great career in engineering, have two houses, and am saving for retirement. The issue is finding what I want out of a woman, namely a companion to love and protect, who in turn supports me as we build a life together.

All of the women I've been with have had decent prospects, however ~40% break down eventually and expose deep issues because they were"raped", a handful start spouting retarded SJW taking points, and most still have guy orbiters.

Believe me, it's not from lack of vision or effort that it's failing. Or maybe it is, who knows. All I know is finding a decent woman is damn near impossible within my age group (24)

A lack of confidence isn't a personality trait. It doesn't have to be who you are. I used to have bad social anxiety. I was able to break out of it, but not before I wasted most of my teenage years living like a hermit. I'll always regret that I didn't try to overcome it sooner, but at least I got over it. I can give advice for social anxiety to anyone who wants it.

same. i suggest looking into magic, alchemy, etc
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

Same in Australia.

to be honest, you should probably kill yourself if you aren't white or asian

>she's smart, average looks-wise
doesnt sound good to me, but oh well, what you gonna do

>I don't understand why you guys don't just become Chads
Chads are basically fuckbois who can fake being a desirable guy. These days they don't have to stick around long enough for the ruse to be rustled.

A lot of us on here don't want to join the cock carousel, we want stable relationships that will lead to marriage and families.

Not this endless free for all.

Now we can focus on ourselves, on being the best men we can be, but if no woman out there actually wants to get married and stick with it, then there's only so far we can go.

>they start revolutions and form merc companies and the like.


i am confident in my decisions in day to day life
i'm not a beta pushover
but i am not chad tier " self-""""confident"""" " aka narcissistic and lacking any self awareness or self-doubt i.e. the personality type that women love

The trick is to treat them with disdain, but playfully. Act aloof and indifferent, be reserved, then fuck them better than they've ever been fucked.

Welcome to the hurt locker.

Governments are about to implement a Basic Universal Income for their citizens. It's all part of the grand plan.

After the past 2 decades of making people desperate from inflation and societial turmoil people will have no choice but to accept a monthly check with basic housing.


That reminds me of how people go off on rants about how easy and great it is to be a man. Just because we're naturally superior to women, it's irrelevant. The world is harder on us because we are superior. I just needed to get these thoughts out.

What else can I enjoy? I don't even really like music anymore.

Tell the guy on the left to "just become a chad"

Staying single allows me to stay in an extremely small, cheap apartment. In another 2 years I will be able to buy an apartment like this. Then it is another 10-15 years of saving up money until I can retire at 35-40.

Come home beta males to the singularity and human augmentation and evolution

Only pointless in this day and age because of the reasons I listed

Obviously it is the best framework for society but today's society does not allow for it therefore therefore trying to simulate in current year is fruitless

the emu isnt 190cm tall on average

Women feel like they've got it all, but no one respects them, jobs hire them because they know women are inferior, I'm flattered, but it is annoying.

TL:DR Men still have a good heads on their shoulders at the end of the day.

mine is internet, games, fapping, fapping, fapping, cocaine and gym each and every day. its good man, its good, let the world burn for all i care

I get "depressed" too but the sensation goes away when I'm with friends or a girl flirts with me (I'm KHV so not trying to brag) or something. It's just crippling loneliness, user.

>Western society is hard on men

No, you'll notice that there are 4 points of hatred here, and Western society is hard on them all:

>1. Straight

>2. White

>3. Christian

>4. Able-bodied

>5. Men

The entire thing is designed only to attack one group of people, or any admixture of them depending on how the factors apply to them. Ultimately the point is to demoralize, deconstruct, disaffect, divest, and disincentivize only one group of people.... those who built the West and keeps its system of values intact.

>a good heads
a good head* so much for being smart.

Ya need to plug the Oculus into a PC ya dummy.

That laptop would be running extremely hot in such a case. His thigh would be burning.

Sounds like usa too
Latino soldiers won't fight against mexico

no, there is always a planet to glass for change at least, I'd rather see it burn than stand

fuckkkkkkkk and dubs

Women reaffirm why I choose to only like cock.

Ive only got 1 female friend i would consider dating. We quite close but mutual friendzone.
She's a bit lazy and her family is afghani

Crazy ass afghani parents. Giving curfew for a 22 year old

White men have it the hardest, but going through the different mixtures, I do see how atheist males and some decent minority men have it hard too. Women are exalted in western culture on a level never before seen in human existence.

>100% can be part of the top 20% by working hard


good way to attract r-selected daughters of single mothers so you can be shocked when a woman you got with dishonest disrespectful tactics is dishonest and disrespectful to you and gives you chlamydia from jamal

woah underrated post and nice dubs

I said if you have a face that isn't butt ugly and aren't a total manlet. That's probably 60%

I cant read that shit
What do the websites look like in canadian?

are there any good books about goebells?

any titles?

The inferior races need homelands too. Marry a fellow nig. Or, better yet, fuck only Jews.

Yeah, exactly. It's a huge myth that you can become Chad. You're either born a Chad or you aren't. They have facial aesthetics of 8/10 and greater. Anyone between 6/10 and that facially could still get plenty girls if they work out and are confident enough. But if you're 5/10 and lower, you'll be lucky to get even the scraps. Even the fat whores think they're above you, and no amount of muscle or confidence will fix that.

hello me.

I think is way more true than you will ever believe. Chad in the UK and Chad in the US are on totally different orders of magnitude. The bar is set so low for being a Chad in the UK. To be considered outgoing across the pond, all you have to do is strike up a conversation. To be considered outgoing over here is totally different.

>But if the answer is just giving in to nihilism and navel gazing hedonism

These are symptoms, not causes. You can't look at a patient suffering from an infection and then blame his poor state on his symptoms.

There has been a systematic attempt whose goal has been to cause this very situation, and it has succeeded. It is fucking retarded just to look at the symptoms and just expect guys to "man up," because that is what men are "supposed to do." People do not operate that way. There HAS to be some sense of duty, some sense of identity, some sense of honor, some sense of obligation, and SOME incentive to cause men to sacrifice for their societies. You cannot remove these things and just be astonished that men do not give a fuck anymore. Everything is stacked against them, and that is the WHOLE POINT.

Men are not robots.

If you are a social exclusionary early in your life and then become successful (not billionaire successful but just steady job decent house etc) you have a moral imperative not to cuck yourself to a chick that's been fucked by Chads.

You can break life down into two modes: easy and hard.

Easy mode is going out, having good time, not studying etc.

Hard mode is spending your nights alone, at gym, at library etc.

Girls that have spent their teens and twenties partying and getting fucked by Chad have been living easy mode, and because of their lack of study/work SHOULD be destined to spend their middle years in shitty economic condition.

If you step in, and gf her, and give her access to a bf with steady job decent house, you are essentially enabling this chick to sidestep all the upcoming negative shit heading their way.

They see you (us) as a get out free jail card. Nothing more.


What the embittered virgins fail to realize is that fucking copious amounts of anonymous pussy won't make you a happy man.

Once climax has been reached and the hormonal haze wears off you'll just look at the girl lying on the bed thinking that you couldn't care any less about whether she lived or died.

>They have nothing to work for, that's why.


>They have nothing to work for, that's why.


>They have nothing to work for, that's why.

To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!

Men are dropping our because they are cucks and it happens only in very rich nations with spoiled populations. Even if things get really bad you can get through the day with some drink. No excuse to be a recluse.

sadness is normal, you might not be worth living. Your life is an endless slog, but uphill to the burning rising sun

>user gets tricked tw(...).jpg
pretty good mane

Fuck you

This is great.

More Jap QTs for me!

WMJF all the way!!!


Oh hey a scientist did this test. The test where he put all the rats in a little box to see what happens with overpopulation. Most rats tore each other to shreds but the pretty rats stayed in places away from others and just groomed themselves constantly.

I have got you covered

>tfw every girl I take out likes me for my money, what materialistic things I can do for them and doesn't really care about me as a person.

It's disheartening anons, the only solace I find is within myself.

There is no sun at the top of my hill. It's just a lonely walk back.

i thought muslims just raped at will, what the hell man

The evolution of a dick.

Treat women with mistake, get fucked over, continue with the fantasy that women are good somewhere else. Continue until the illusion is shattered and anger/frustration take over.

I feel the correct action is to withdraw completely as both fighting the illusion and believing in it are equally flawed

here's the (you) you deserve, fucker


>No excuse to be a recluse.
I'm a recluse because nobody wants to do anything unless there's drink involved, and I don't drink. And socializing doesn't interest me.

...what the fuck?

Don't you have plastic surgery over there?

Society in the past 5 years has gone from

>"Men are pussies nowadays and need to man up"


>"Yeah we're basically fucked, no wonder why we can't man up, the system has turned against us and now there's just no hope left. Sigh... oh well, back to masturbating to hentai porn and enter the VR simulations to feel a sense of love".

Only good woman is woman who act like man but look like woman.

Good luck finding one of those though

38, single, haven't been on a date since 2003. I work for an engineering firm as a military contractor. over 100k in the bank drive a nice car, used to be a gym rat before I took in this job. Don't see the point in dating, because I see nothing but single moms, and local single women have nothing to offer. I hate my boss, and where I live. I'd like to quit my job and work a different lesser paying contract in Colorado. Parents don't support my decision, because I think they want to cash in on the chance I could die at my job. Dad tells me I need to keep working my job until the government no longer supports my contract. I don't see a reason to remain loyal if I have to find a new job in 2018.

There is a sun, it is no friend. Only heat, and your goal


Don't even complain if you're depressed and unable to enjoy things if you don't have those three dialed in to near perfection.

I can tolerate being single for these years, it's not the end of the world. But eventually when I do become successful and all the late nights pay off, what options do I really have? That's the kicker. It's not like only some young women are doing the partying thing, it's almost all of them.

>missing the point
Last time I checked, Cred Forums's definition of white excluded anyone who doesn't look like they jumped straight out of a nazi propaganda poster, complete with square jawline, blond hair and blue eyes
I'm just a regular dude from central France with no distinctive features because central France is a featureless blend of ethnicities (iberian, celtic, norman, germanic and italian/mediteranean all converge in bumfuck-nowhere and that's what you get)
But again, we're talking Cred Forums-white

Yeah, spend $50k only to look like a fucking alien.


That's why culture was important for constraining the natural behaviors of men and women for the benefit of society. These productive, but boring beta males would have made great provider/husbands in the past. His children would legally belong to him, and his wife couldn't just divorce him for cash and prizes because she was bored.

Can anyone seriously say these nerdy guys would turn into wife beaters, or start banging Stacy's on the side? No they'd be loyal husbands and fathers, but their wives would find them boring and pine for Chad. But the culture prevented her form acting on that instinct.

Now those constraints are removed and women can engage in their worst natural behaviors, while men are still expected to suppress theirs.

The truth is, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to this idea save for the fact that we have seen what this does when it is implemented in low IQ populations (Afro-Americans). It creates chaos. It would be one thing if you had swaths of the population living off of GBI and creating art and living bohemian lifestyles that while gross to the upper class weren't violent and destructive. However it's another thing when you have a population relying on basically unlimited gibsmedats that turns into Mad Max.

GBI would work a lot better in ethnically homogeneous societies like in Europe (well, what Europe used to be like anyway). In the US you'd usher a lot more people into the Church of Dindiuism

I was in a very bad depression for years, I beat it this year. No depression here. Hard to explain. I think about things, don't really get sad or depressed. Disturbed, vexed, yes. But not sad or depressed.

quit vidya
minimize porn to once a week max
treat women like shit
chase personal improvement and money
pick up tony robbins to aid with all the above

there i just solved it for you braindead neets, you are he end result of thousands of generations of successful males, you are a disgrace to your male ancestors

Canada you guys are amazing. Really giving Australia a run for it's money. Woman definitely aren't exalted they're objectified which is wrong but females are just an unfortunate evolutionary stepping stone anyway.

People like you are the reason I don't even go to college. Look at how miserable you are with 100K in the bank.

Your life sounds like it sucks just as much as mine, except you get to buy fancy things that you'll get bored of after a week... such a meaningless existence.

>preferring coal


well, I do appreciate your writing style, my good Swede, if it means anything

That's why the government will be implementing security forces, drones, cameras, and a full on surveillance system to ensure the population doesn't implode on itself.

Either we accept a UBI or we starve out by the technocratic overlords who control the machines that take our jobs away.

No shitposting here, this thread is for serious discussion and also some camaraderie among ourselves. They are absolutely exalted, and they want to be exalted. Women do want "equal rights", but also special treatment along with those equal rights. Women want to be pedestalized by the male population and objectified by good looking men.

>treat women like shit
holy shit this, scratch everything you said but this, because niggers don't have cash, but they treat women like shit and it works. I even didn't get to fuck a girl until I was 19 when I had given up on them and focused on working and had the attitude that i really didn't care about them, they might all be masochists, idk.

Monster hunter memes

Alternatively, you can just be /comfy/ whilst scientists produce various STD vaccines.

Then you can take sex trips to Thailand and Germany and have no regrets.

>literally paying for sex


>lumping Germany with Thailand

I like it

Even if everyone worked hard, that would simply raise the bar for the top 20%, and those guys would still live in a pussy paradise.

We need to return to a forced monogamy culture. Where Chads are shamed into sticking to just one girl at a time, and women are pushed into dating men at their own level, not going for ONS with men above their rank.

It's just not going to happen until the system collapses and the old ways are brought back by whoever rebuilds society.

some people have been blessed by circumstance to never know this place, and live in the light. It is your lot to see the outlines painted by shadow. stagger home or drag yourself up it makes no difference to me, the shadow following behind you, or the one rising to greet you. there are some vistas you'd never believe along the trip, and maybe you'll find a new path. But the striving is the only decent choice, the other is a short ending, even if it is only on content. one way or the other it ends

It's not that hard to get shitfaced and make friends.

I'd rather see more scientists working on domestic cat-girls and niggers die from their STDs.

Cred Forums and pretty much everyone else cannot comprehend this. Everyone thinks men should change for women and society, almost nobody thinks society should change for men. You are pitching ideas to a brick wall.

That's why christianity worked so well. Being a slut sent you to HELL, you were supposed to save yourself for marriage, cheating on your spouse sent you to hell. Christianity was an anti-chad device.

You can buy land cheap enough or even get a mobile home. I've seen land for a few grand. With utilities. All you have to do is look up local codes and build a small home that can be expanded if you ever start a family. I just worked on such a house maybe 2 days ago.

speak for yourself

>falling for the sex can be free meme

Sex always cost money. Whether it's the drinks + club entrance fee + taxi fee you pay, or whether it's the $100 for 30mins.

This is false this person is a dumb nigger. Everyone is unique and has the capacity to create joy for those around them. Not only tall handsome men get by, also intelligent short ugly ones.

if you dont do the other things then women wont fawn over you, they will just think you are an asshole

you need to be a COMPLETE asshole, ripped, well off, high test, no fucking carpal tunnel from pixels.

trust me the other stuff is JUST as import if not more

everyone pays for sex, in either time or money, directly or indirectly, unless you are literally sports star mega millionaire

Well you are quite far from ideal aren't you?

>Banged 45+ tinderslut last week
>She said she loved it
>I don't even like her
>She was on her period and the condom broke
>She has actually gone through dozens or hundreds of cocks
>Mildly worried about aids and herpes
>I'd like to date but I've never met a woman my age whom I truly like
>I'd like to have a family but the game is rigged
>Gender roles
>Fucking everything is going to hell

Eestibro, do you think there's hope for any of us?

>Everyone is unique and has the capacity to create joy for those around them.

lol, kill yourself

Except chad, chad gets pussy handed to him on a silver platter. You have to be around these types to really understand how easy they have it.

Men and women no longer have complimentary roles in society.
Fuck it, I'll stick with my escapism while it all burns.

Every day is a struggle.

yeh but now you have all the neckbeard mladying atheists and christianity is pretty much fucken dead.

societys problems all stem from secularism

I know you need more to drown in pussy, but being "assholish" like playfully messing with them, making fun of them, cracking rude jokes, they live for that shit.

you are extremely pathetic, some of the guys I know that are very successful with women aren't classically good looking at all. if you don't want women that's fine, but thinking you can't get them because if your appearance is fucking stupid.

But are those types good? Are they really that impressive? Do they really bring something new to the table?

Women will fail at everything they do and once society is destroyed men can rebuild it. Crashing this plane was the plan after all.

>some of the guys I know that are very successful with women aren't classically good looking at all

I hear this all the time on the internet, yet when I go out I never see it. Most couples are roughly looks matched. When I go to a bar or a club, its the same generic 6'2 jock looking specimen getting all the attention. I know the truth hurts.

Wow I never thought I'd hear the "muh genetics" excuse outside of /fit/


I'm pretty okay with just whacking off and pursuing my hobbies desu

forward hope and momentum is a creed. don't count on happiness as your guide

Sophistry never changes.

Fuck off.

Lifting will fix an ugly face, weak jawline, bad hairline, being under 6ft? Really?

All the chads that come into my shop are always paired with a hambeast or a fetal-alcohol chick.

If that's the best that chad can do, then the average male is absolutely fucked.

Wow. Really? After about a week most girls want to date me or some shit.

you have never seen a very attractive girl with a below average man and been ultra jelly?

I thought we have all done this.

No but it will build confidence and you'll have a better chance of not spilling your spaghetti all over when a woman even hints at walking your direction (if you can overcome leaving the house)

This hits too close to home.

they are natives to it, anglo aussies arent

The best part I love about these threads is how obvious the different levels of thinking become. You always have the "lol fuck it, get bitches and don't care crowd" who have obviously given into he Jew machine of letting society crash into the ground, the perma-virgins, the jaded "want a relationship but any standards are too many standards for today's women" crowd, and the lucky fucks that are the 1% that actually made it work.

I think on a certain level a lot of us are just going to have to admit that we're never going to get what we want. That the idea of a traditional family with 2.5 to 4 kids and a decent house, and ok job that lets you buy the wife and kids things just isn't going to happen for our generation. I mean if one of you guys has a realistic way of fixing this problem, I'd love to hear it, but I really don't see how it's salvageable anymore.

>inb4 chruchgrill
Seriously that's not the miracle solution you think it is.

Yes, they are above 3k now

>tfw no animal girl utopia

I'm not sure what you mean in relation to what I said. I don't go to bars or clubs, I was just talking about the public in general and how hot women come across. It is probably even worse in bars and clubs.


goddammit dutch-bro.
i was winning this thinly-veiled yryl thread until that pic
here's your pic related

Hot women are still being fucked by Chad, he just doesn't want to commit to them.

But still, I'm not sure why so many hot women are bitter these days. They have life HANDED to them on a platinum platter.

I literally haven't, ever. And I spent my entire life in 2 major US cities.

Gym doesn't really give you confidence, /fit/ is the biggest virgin board on this website. Lifting weights doesn't magically give you social skills either, its a loner hobby.


It's a stock photo, the woman is a model for photos like this, of course she won't hold the iron properly
not because she is a woman, but because models of both sex are usually vapid and dumb as bricks

Irving is the closest you'll get to the truth

They're bitter because they were promised the world when they found out they were hot. Then they found out that acting like a glorified child with no care for how their current actions would affect their future life came to the crashing realization that they fucked up. That most people don't want to marry a slut, or have kids with an emotionally damaged woman who has been conditioned to be unhappy by the society she lives in.

It's the same reason why a lot of women get to be middle aged and are extremely jaded and bitter. They realize now that they're a little bit older that all of these pro feminism, "women's rights", and hedonistic behavior they championed as a youth fucked up their shot at lasting happiness as a mature adult.

Substance-induced friendships go away when the substances go away.

Over and over and over again.

>Gym doesn't really give you confidence

It does make you smarter though.


Probably not much smarter, but I'll take what I can get.

You seem to not be familiar with the tensions in commiefornia between the americanized hispanics and the illegals / traditional southern hispanics

Adopt one, then raise her, then marry her like Woody Allen.

whatever you gotta keep telling yourself to keep you out of your full potential lad