Races that are going extinct (or are extinct)

Native Americans, Polynesians, the Bushman of Cape coast, the Ainu of Japan, the Australian aborigines, the Papuans and the Veddas of Sri Lanka (and formerly Southern India) are all some human races that are close to being extinct. Caucasoids dominate Europe, Americas, Australia and the Middle East and India. Mongoloids dominate China, Japan, Southeast Asia and Korea. Negroids dominate Africa and parts of the Americas. There used to be nearly a dozen different races in the world. They're all nearly gone now and only three major races remain: white, asian and black. Do you find this sad, Cred Forums?

Aren't all the brown hispanics genetically the same as Native Americans? They ceretainly aren't real Americans but they are brown due to their Indian genes.

Natives aren't going instinct, they're just eating tacos

They have substantial (usually 55-65%) southern european (spanish) admixture. Latinos are closer to white than native to be honest (although depends on the person).

Well there are different types of native american.
The ones in canada and usa are now less than 2 millions
The ones in the caribbean went exctinct cause european diseases
And the rest of got mixed with conquistadors and black slaves.
There was no mandated genocided in spanish america, unfit people just died like the ones that died with the black plague in Europe.

>Caucasoids dominate Europe
Nah, white genocide is real. Can confirm.
I can go through a whole day doing various things in my native Copenhagen and not meet a single white person.

you can always look in the mirror

The middle eastern people who make up the minority groups in northern europe are white as well. There's really no difference between sandpeople and southern europeans.

t. fucking leaf
Go prep the moose, your girlfrend is leaking syrup already.

>southern europeans


Lets be honest, Spain. If you grew a beard and wrapped a scarf around your head you might as well be an arab.

Mediterraneans are white, just because they don't have blond hair and blue eyes like Western Euros, doesn't mean that they're not caucasian.

You'll be more arab in 20 years that we were in a thousand

Nah, certainly most of spaniards doesn't look white but neither like arabs.

That's no spanish dude

he's portuguese, you guys look the same.

Native Americans aren't going extinct retard, they out breed whites like crazy

I don't get the hate for arabs. Most arabs look nothing like non-whites. Arabs overlap with people from Spain/Italy/Greece/Portugal. Any sane person can tell you that. Genetics show sandniggers to be whitey anyhow.

Maybe in bumfuck, Manitoba. Go to Toronto, Vancouver or Calgary, you'll go for days without running into a redskin.

That dude's eyes kind of look Japanese/Chinese. You sure he doesn't have native or mongoloid blood?

1. they stink
2. they have those eyebrows that make them look like bandits
3. islam
4. those from peninsula are really brown

>Native Americans
We're called "Native Immigrants", stop appropriating our history, America.

How about Jews? There are only 14 million, lost are brown too.

Maybe they know they're close to extinction and want to take out whites along with them.

He's not portuguese either that's a mongrel

Yeah I agree with you there Spain, he def has some Native or Mongoloid blood in him. Probably mestizo or Huezilian.

>Do you find this sad, Cred Forums?

What's more striking is that liberals can be talking about how horrible it is that native americans died off and are outbred as to disappear, they'll go on about all native or "endangered" peoples, as long as it's some kind of token minority.

But raise the very notion that white cultures and races are worth preserving and they go into their canned OMG I CAN'T EVEN U RAYCIS NAZI.

Really makes no sense.

I'm native.

They arent going extinct. Their genes have been assimilated into new generations through cross breeding.

Reproduction is only there to pass on genes, and if your genes are assimilated into a new more successful group, you cant be said to have gone extinct.

from a biological perspective your group has succeeded.


Caucasian = white
White is a subset of Caucasian like slaves and anglos are a sub set of whites.
Doon coons are not white.

>50 years until robotic avatars
if someone really wants to genocide the white race they must make haste as race itself will be meaningless in no time

you forgot spics.

What did you call yourselves then? Oh right, you weren't civilized enough to even understand genetics.

you gotta be kidding me

Uh huh because Poland has all the authority to say who's white and who isn't

u wot

Proof jews are arabs