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Take a look at what people are actually majoring in and that will dispel this "educated liberal" myth pretty easily, especially considering most of the progressive education is actually training in how to resist thinking about forbidden things.

sounds like anti worker bourgeois propaganda.

>liberty and liberate!!!!
You're a nigger
Fuck off faggot.

>book smart people who are isolated in their ecochamber of liberal ideas are liberal

>people who are in the actual workforce and drive the economy are conservative

which ones have the most real world experience?

Not sure why the author felt the need to include the words white and male


classical liberalism is libeartarianism, and liberals hate it

>confirmation bias

What a liberal idiot

>outdated ideals

Its how pussies and cowards show they are spineless faggots.
There isn't any bravery or courage involved being racist towards whites.

You'll never lose a job, or be assaulted over it.
Cowards, all of them.

Yeah, and North Korea is a democratic people's republic.

so open minded your brain fell out

What is this "real" world you suppose to know m8

The drivel in OPs picture is satire, right?

But famalam, I am a liberal. I believe in minimal intervention in the lives and businesses of the people and a government that guarantees basic liberties.

I have no idea what to even call the abomination that calls itself modern liberalism.

The word he was looking for was "oxymoron".

That what you get for trying to use big words you don't quite know the meaning of in an attempt to sound smarter than you are.

Also, the smug self satisfaction wafting off of this faggot is palpable.

he had a point until he equated modern liberals with classical ones. 'Liberal idiot' indeed!


But I'm a progressive which is why I'm voting against Clinton

>you can't be liberal in the classic sense without a love for knowledge and a penchant for critical thinking
except modern day liberals aren't "classic" liberals. They never study philosophy or anything that requires critical thinking. They major in X studies which is just regurgitating whatever their professor said.

"We're right because we're smart snd smart because we're right"

Makes you think..


Opinion discarded. That's not the right word, you liberal idiot.

>modern liberals want to "liberate" us from our rights and hopes for the future
>They defend this by calling our ideals outdated, as if something coming from the past means it's necessary to replace it
Why are they so willing to destroy their civilization to pursue their mystical god, "progress", when in reality the west they are sacrificing has been the largest contributor to actual advancement? It's like their pagans offering their only cow to their god while they request that their god give them more meat so they won't starve.

That claim is true. The obvious retort is that modern 'liberals' aren't true liberals at all. As a libertarian, I'm a true liberal. These university Jews are run of the mill commies. They celebrate every tenant and core teaching of the communist party. They only call themselves liberals because communism has a deservedly bad reputation.

>My political beliefs are based in some form of philosophy
>This automatically makes me smart and learned
>This also does not apply to every other political belief that is based in philosophy

>liberal in the classical sense
pick one
current liberals are close to Cred Forums than they are to classical liberals. classical liberals believe in freedom, while both Cred Forums and liberals push for authoritarian policies
Cred Forums is in between the two

Kill all liberals only solution

Classical liberalism means to be concerned with liberty, private rights and private property. It has nothing to do with knowledge whatsoever and certainly has nothing to do with modern liberalism. In fact modern liberals demonstrate a lot by inanely using a name which they have no connection to or knowledge of.

Also conservatism is also a love of knowledge but a belief that man is fallible and collective knowledge through experience is greater than individual reason.

>uneducated white males

Not a coincidence at all. Liberal areas are, in general, much more densely inhabited than conservative ones - and so are places with universities.

>Implying current liberalism=Classical Liberalism
>Implying gender studies education= Science/Math education
Liberal Idiot

>Cred Forums being one person or even having a single coherent ideology

There are quite a few classical liberals here, as well as pretty much everything else.

Fuck off back to DCU ya bollix

Perfect timing

The Intellectual Yet Idiot
by Nassim Taleb

these self-described members of the “intelligenzia” can’t find a coconut in Coconut Island, meaning they aren’t intelligent enough to define intelligence hence fall into circularities—but their main skill is capacity to pass exams written by people like them.

The IYI pathologizes others for doing things he doesn’t understand without ever realizing it is his understanding that may be limited. He thinks people should act according to their best interests and he knows their interests, particularly if they are “red necks” or English non-crisp-vowel class who voted for Brexit. When Plebeians do something that makes sense to them, but not to him, the IYI uses the term “uneducated”. What we generally call participation in the political process, he calls by two distinct designations: “democracy” when it fits the IYI, and “populism” when the plebeians dare voting in a way that contradicts his preferences.


>start arguing any time

How come you never here about all the niggers without a college degree voting for Clinton

we waz liberals

but nowadays what we do is to pray love and close our eyes in front of problems, because that's the smart thing to do

funnily enough the saying "don't be so open minded your brain falls out" really stuck with me when I first heard it, and was the first red pill which helped wake me up from being a liberal cuck idiot

Liberals don't do math they do myth... Liberal arts subjects don't require anything beyond basic math skills... Liberal arts, is about art, not science... It's about telling convincing stories without the need to prove anything... When your theories can't even be tested, they can't be proven wrong... That's pseudo intellectualism, and that's almost entirely on the left... Questioning the veracity of liberal pseudo intellectualism, isn't anti-intellectualism at all.
Take for example 2+2. An engineer will always say it's =4. when an engineer gets creative with numbers, people die.
An artist will say it is 22. Take 2 put another 2 next to it, it reads 22... The artist has to be free to be creative, and think outside the limits of what we know. A liberal arts educated person may have interesting things to say about the human condition, but I wouldn't put that guy in charge of making life and death calculations... His kind of "math" will get us all killed

>love for knowledge

What is the worst performing academic demographic? What side do they vote on?

I'm a young male, I'm college eductaed and I have actually spent a lot of time reading Marx and Engels, as well as many German idealist philosophers. They all have lots of really thorough, interesting thoughts and in fact, I tend to agree with historical materialism and moral relativism.

However, none of them had to live around dirty niggers, muslims or gypsies. They wrote for an audience of white people and cultured non-whites. None of them saw the mass migration of third world surplus population to their home and the myriad of socioeconomic problems that arise from it, leading to the ultimate destruction of the social fabric.

So, fuck you op, you cuck.

>when a leftist with a social science degree tells me to ''do the math''

Literally a semantic argument.

I have been to university. I have seen leftists attempt to prove that all white male philosophers are evil white supremacists and that all of their work should be thrown out and ignored because of it.

Go fuck yourself you bogtrotting mick fuck

>>book smart people who are isolated in their ecochamber of liberal ideas are liberal

Most university graduates are not even book smart. The academics are (grad student and above, if they're white at least), but this just enables their mental gymnastics.

Liberals don't know what the hell they are talking about, especially hillary supporters.

Like there are any classical liberals on the left at this point.

Come on now. Just capitulate. Liberals lost. Give it up with dignity.

Modern liberals have hijacked the word and use it to force their own form of fascism and call it progressive.

I prefer to just use the term "Leftist". It avoids the whole "Classical Liberalism isn't American Liberalism isn't European Liberalism" problem, it lacks the positive connotations of "Progress" in "Progressive", and it more directly ties them to Communism (i.e. 100+ million global death-toll in 80 years)

Note: Classical Liberalism is roughly "Libertarian" in the pre-Johnson sense; American Liberalism is Globalist Social Democracy; European Liberalism is Globalist Neoliberalism

Does he not understand that liberal used to mean Liberty, but has since changed definition?

Funny how all the genuinely intelligent people go for STEM or medicine, and not the liberal arts, where all the middling retards go. STEM and medicine actually requires high intelligence. If you don't have it, you fail. The liberal arts don't require shit, other than a liberal mindset and basic rote memorization.
Not to mention that the highly conservative Asians are crushing the liberal west as far as education is concerned.

JS Mill in On Liberty explains why open discourse is an essential part of discovering truth and censorship of writing is unacceptable to Liberals. Therefore no swj is a Liberal because nigger.
Game over

I studied Philosophy and this is bullshit. Philosophy is a rational process and has almost nothing to do with hard science.