Anglo/pol/ - Eternal Edition

Anglo/pol/ - A place to discuss the past, present and future of the Anglosphere. All British, American, Canadian, Australian and Kiwi posters are welcome. No generic tri-colours allowed!

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When Europe collapses to the Muslim hordes, it will be our sacred duty to launch a 10th and final Crusade, to wipe Islam off the face of the Earth.

Prepare yourselves, brothers.

The absolute beadyman.



Beady and proud!

t. NJ/pol/

>tfw mainland Europe fell for the fascism and communism memes in the 40s but the Anglo nations who cherish liberty soldiered on.

Realistically, what would the Anglosphere look like?

I doubt we will see much more than free trade, communication and a general sense of goodwill between Canada, Australia, NZ and GB.

Hopefully the queen will get off her arse and bring back appreciation for the monarchy.

And maybe we get unified foriegn policy.

Am I not thinking big enough?

I was thinking pic related.

But in all seriousness, I would like to see closer ties between the Anglo countries. It's astounding to me how willing some of us appear to be about allowing our heritage to erode what with Trudeau claiming that Canada essentially has no identity so that he can project his own "vibrant" and "diverse" views onto it. That is dangerous and in my view, closer ties would help remind us all of our shared history and heritage. To what degree should we unite? Well that's difficult to say off the cuff, perhaps it is something we can debate about.

>Cecil Rhodes

Don't remind me lad :(

>Hopefully the queen will get off her arse and bring back appreciation for the monarchy.
Hopefully she will disolve parliment and keep you in eu. For the good of the combined anglo economy

In mourning of my spanish grandmother who died last week....

Kill them all, babies too


Can anyone recommend any good books on Anglo history? Pic related.

Checking in cunts. How we lookin'?

Have you read that book? Is it good?

Yep. I do recommend it. I would also recommend pic related. The author is a bit of a neo-con cuck but for all intents and purposes, it's a pretty good account of the empire.

Thanks senpai I'll check those out.

Are we even anglo anymore? I feel as though the krauts and wops robbed us

Child who has recently suffered from severe head trauma and is likely never going to think straight or be sane again checking in.

...did you just find out you were Canadian?

You're anglo in the sense that you are still a majority English speaking nation and you have an intense passion for liberty, the core tenant of Anglo politics. Pity you threw off the monarch though. We could have done great things together.

Child as in our nation being a colony, son of Britain.

Severe head trauma as in pushing Britain away, pursuing closer ties with America and adopting more left wing policies.

Apologies for my autism.

I hope we can unite and overcome the forces of racism.

Nothing lasts forever, some day this faggot's going to get voted out and it's going to be glorious.




fuck off with your unfunny forced meme shit





>It's a Kraut mad at the success of the Anglos episode

Aww Hans I know virtually every attempt at an empire you've made has been quashed by us but we can still be mates if you want :3

How do we make the Anglosphere great again?

Reestablish total Monarchy, and have all Commonwealth nations restored to Dominion status.



Not again... Its the Russian rape-baby.

>Anglo BLOOD shilling againt Aryans

what a surprise

Fuck off you socialist nigger cuck.

I want to move to the UK eventually. Are there any reform synagogues you can recommend?


Five Eyes baby, still waiting for when you MI6 boys decide to pull the empire back into play.

Why are you guys so consistently based?

Bill Clinton.

Rhodes Scholar.....

The Anglo will be the one to surive the fall of Western civilization.

>tfw you'll never be able to fight alongside lobsterbacks and Hessians against the dark hordes because they're too busy fighting each other

>Lets undermine British identity in the name of a post-modernist watery social democratic regressive liberal mildly Marxist institution which openly despises nation-states for some shekels.

Yeah, nah.

Low quality bait.

These are good.
Can i save for proliferation?

My grandma is Filipino. Can I be in?

Be my guest

The sun never sets anglos. Soon the great cleansing of our time will come and the true Empire will return to it's former glory.

>a fucking LEAF


Fuck off dad

Without us feeding your island locked asses the Krauts would have steamrolled you before you had the merchants trick the US into war.

I'm pretty sure America is like vast majority German ancestry.

UK itself is pretty mixed, Celtics mostly i think.

How is America anglo?


you arent wrong. but it depends where in america. most people just mix in and dont care that they have german ancestry.

I guess you did some stuff.

>nth for we don't know how lucky we are

>"UK pure Anglo"


Shhh mate. Someone will mention the Norman invasion next and they'll get triggered.

>Bragging about the "achievements" of a bunch of barbarians a thousand years ago which amounted to nothing less than the slaughter of innocent monks and townspeople.

Please, you're embarrassing yourself.

No i'm saying we took over most of your country and you likely descended from us

Virtually all of the east England's population is descended from those "barbarians". Almost anyone worth shit in Britain is either Norman, or from eastern parts of England. Science, arts, military, you name it.


Sure I'll concede some of us have a may have a bit of Danish in us, what's your point?

Guess all the uncucked Vikings came here and left you guys behind.

the only place you took over was some faggots in yorkshire, they still use old Norse words in slang to this day

My point is why are you not thanking us for improving your genetics?

>Conquered like 50% of the UK
>The only place you took over was some faggots in yorkshire

>tfw from the former Danelaw

"conquering" 50% is a very lose statement

the vikings never really established any kingdoms that survived apart from Yorkshire, all others quicky died out within 50 years

I'm sure we fucked our fill

It wasn't Norwegians here, it was Danes. Norwegians invaded Ireland.

Also Anglo-Saxons were from Denmark and North Germany to begin with, so it was pretty much cousin-rape if anything.

Rhodesia was a wonderful colony. Destroyed.

tfw you will never subjugate alien niggers in the quest for resources, so you can build more boats to kill Frenchman with. :(

Well establishing a 100% viking kingdom doesn't mean you don't have

We invaded Lindisfarne, upper pic isn't accurate at all. More Norwigeans invaded Lindisfarne then Ireland.

Do we have a dedicated Aussie Shitpost Hourâ„¢ considering timezones when everyone is asleep?

Failed to finish that sentence.
"Even though we didn't establish a pure 100% viking genetics kingdom doesn't you don't have same genetics as us.

Only one raid came from Norway but they went back home. Danes conquered it later on.

Well I mean all Aussies are shitposters until proven otherwise. I mean that in that most complimentary way possible. You Aussies have perfected it like a fine art.

Not true m9.


Id like au to remain under the queen more so with Brexit.

I'd like to see more focus on military and work research between au and britland

and id like to see more of our uk chums in general, but not the spotty pimply backpackers, the actual decent grown up, intelligent uk lads who realize their home is becoming infected with cancer and who want to resettle around white people.

please come here and don't forget sunscreen.

A book called anglo-saxon england from oxford university, cba to go get it and get the name etc of who wrote it.

Then what about leafposting?


Why are the scandies whose ancestors were left behind when their ancestors neigbhours decided to up-sticks and move to a better place, using the term "we" as if they were alive during the 700's.

- Yorkshireman

>implying sunscreen is enough to survive in australia
I'd need a full plate armour worn at all times there, mate


t. fellow Yorkshireman

Well it's wrong.

Norwegians went to conquer Paris & traveled between UK France, also wars in Wessex after Paris.

It's not like Denmark was a separate kingdom back then, they co-operated, and it later became a Danish territory.

And they didn't go back to Norway after Lindisfarne and never went back.

>never went back
So modern Norwegians have nothing to do with them basically if it was a one way trip.


No I meant your claim that that was the case is absurd and wrong.

Is Anglo/pol/ just a less autistic version of Brit/pol/?

perhaps, however most deaths under 30 are an hero, which says alot for survival rates and general health ( not mental health but that comes with the pressures of ((((((society))))) )


My claim was they went back to Norway. The only recorded raids after that were by Danes, then the Danish conquest later on.

Yeah that's absurdly wrong.

Dubs in the opening shots of the cleansing

Bit of interesting trivia about the etymology of the name "Australia":

"The name Australia derives from Latin australis meaning southern, and dates back to 2nd century legends of an "unknown southern land" (that is terra australis incognita). The explorer Matthew Flinders named the land Terra Australis, which was later abbreviated to the current form. Previously, when the Dutch explored the area they named it Nova Hollandicus or New Holland.

Flinders later renamed the land Australia in a chart compiled in 1804 whilst he was held prisoner by the French in Mauritius. When he returned to England and published his works in 1814 he was forced to change the name to Terra Australis by the British Admiralty. Governor Macquarie of New South Wales became aware of Flinders' preference for the name Australia and used it in his dispatches to England. In 1824 the British Admiralty finally accepted that the continent should be known officially as Australia. Aussie is a slang term used to refer to Australian people."

Who else ultimately quite proud of the US? I mean they get a very bad rap in general, for their foreign policy and internal affairs, but really I'm glad it's them running the show at the moment and not anyone else. They suck up to Israel way too much and sometimes they really just fuck things up geopolitically, but would you rather anyone else be the number one superpower? (Besides UK, obviously)

Not too concerned with spiders, snakes and we wuz kangaroos and shit

These fiends however are a nightmare

the only emu ive ever seen was serving time in a zoo, i can only assume he was the last of the traitors

>Implying all of them stayed

Move the entire anglo-sphere into western Canada in the mountains, build a great nordic based nation. The landscape is amazing, tons of water for future centuries, easily defendable due to the mountains, cold keeps out the niggers, an ocean between us and the rest of the world. Come on over.

Wee poll lads:

It should be a mix of empire 2.0 and britain being in charge.

We then annex all former African colonies and India and Ireland.

Just watching old music videos on you tube.
This of Trafalgar Sq in 1966 is v. depressing. It looked like a heave back then.

Here is the vid

Rhodesia needed nuclear weapons. Then they could have genocided Mugabe.

You've got to be joking

Wow not a darkie in sight? It must be CGI.

>tfw you don't know how lucky you are

I don't understand why it's called Anglo sphere when none of these countries have majority Anglo.

I dont even think UK has a higher Anglo population than Germany.

Every current day country looks like shit compared to Nazi Germany


I'd happily die at 22 if I could live in Nazi Germany for 9 glorious years.

This implies that the Angolsphere ISN'T great.

I can remember going to London in the late 80's & most areas were all white still. You just had to avoid places like Brixton.

You & me both, bruv

Lad if you want to go LARP and reminisce about the days when some autistic Austrian ruined nationalism you can make your way to /natsoc/.

What do we do about the canada problem?

To think, we are actually the same species.

It will sort itself out.

Naxi Germany was essentially a massive cult, there's plenty of others around you can join

Either Trudeau has sent them down an inescapable rabbit hole of liberalism that it will take a long time to recover or they will see him for the pandering nonce that he his and swiftly give him the boot next election and from what I hear the latter sounds more likely.

>Being loved by your people because you uncucked your country and made it the greatest most beautiful civilization thus far in human history = cult

I'd join the fuck out of this cult.

You have done nothing but subvert and undermine this thread, just what exactly is your problem? Now I know Norwegian politics are so boring and banal that it doesn't warrant a thread but please, let the big boys talk.

if the conservatives elect Gary Johnson: Quebecois edition, I have faith he'll lose the next election. He's a celebrity, not a statesman and people are quickly realising that.

Dude's only popular because he has the "youth advisory council" which consists of 16-24 year old bitching at him about what they think is good and bad about the country.

There's also a Trudeametre, so you can see literally everything he does and hasn't done.

>13 years old
underaged b&

Excuse my ignorance but how exactly did he get there in the first place? Was Harper really that awful of an alternative?

aussies explain this to me

Harper ran the country to everybody's dissatisfaction for 10 years, it didn't matter who the liberal party ran, he wasn't getting in for another term.

Harper passed laws prohibiting scientific researchers from publishing their findings.

He gutted the fishing industry on the east coast which is just about all we had.

Harper won the vote with 35% of the electorate.

He destroyed public records, ran a hugely opaque government and people weren't keen on that as you might imagine.

spent 40 million on 9 million fighter jets, that was a big deal for the libtards.

supported the Iraq war, people didn't like that he did whatever Bush told him to do basically.

appointed an underqualified supreme court official to push laws in favour of his party.

his income splitting plan only helped the wealthy and not the middle class like he claimed.

cut veterans affairs payouts

prohibited MPs and other conservative candidates from talking to the media.

The list goes on.

Can we join?


Ah I see so he was essentially a neo-con of sorts. Comparable to Blair perhaps?

Sounds about right. I think what the country needs right now is a big win, someone who can instigate some real change. We can't decide if we want to be Europe or America, and somebody needs to come along and push us in a direction.

Personally I hope it's America, and I really hope Bernier wins the conservative election, I think for right now a libertarian Canada is the best we can hope for, I can't see us getting the "total war" candidate I'd like to see, but Bernier will have to do.

>the Anglosphere

La honte...

alright easy

>turnbull on tv talking about budget, usual buisness

>everyone thinks they know politics

>highlights the abusive wives in bogan families

>main thing is magpies, those cunts swoop at ya like no tomorrow

further reading :

>there will never be an empire that outdoes the anglo empire
feels good man

Coming from the country effectively run by by trade unions drunk on government handouts. Are you going to embarrass yourself in front of everyone here just like the Norwegian poster earlier?

Don't worry mom, you're still famalam.